…Hound foretells seeing a hound . In a dream that you will take care of the happiness of the poor, the innocent and the needy, and from here you will feel happy as it foretells the growth of many friendships with many people . If the hound was in a dream in good health and well, then fortune and wealth will accompany you, and vice versa, i.e. if the dog was lean and ugly, then misfortune will accompany you . If you dreamed of hunting dogs on a hunting trip, this means upcoming delights and pleasant changes . If a woman dreams of hunting dogs, she will fall in love with a man of lower class . If you dream that hounds are following her, you will have many fans, but no one will feel true love for her ….

…And some of the expressions said : A vision of the black dog barking spells a fever, because I tried that repeatedly ….

The milk of the dog is a great fear

…If he sees his head as the head of a dog, he begins to treat him with foolishness and meanness ….

…And whoever sees that a dog bites him, it indicates the occurrence of pain, blame, chest tightness and hardship from his enemy ….

…If he sees that his head has become like the head of a dog, donkey, horse, or other cattle, then it becomes toil, fatigue and servitude ….

Dog barking, remorse from wrongdoing ….

…Murder If you see a murder in a dream, this foretells that you will suffer a lot from your friends’ mistakes . Lukewarm work . You will see a death incident . If you dream that you are committing a murder, this foretells that you will get involved in an dishonorable adventure that will contaminate your name and reputation . If you dreamed that someone killed you, this foretells that the enemies are planning to overthrow you . If a woman dreamed that she witnessed or had a relationship in any way with a murder, this foretells that she will experience panic for fear of her name being linked to a scandal . If you dreamed that you committed a murder, then this foretells that you will suffer great anguish due to the indifference of others, and that the gloom of the atmosphere surrounding you will cause confusing anxiety to those close to you . If you dream that your friend committed suicide, you will find it difficult to resolve a very important matter . If you dreamed that you were killing an unarmed man, this foretells of sadness and failure in business affairs . If you kill a person in defense or kill a crushing monster then that means victory and rise in the center ….

…** The vision of Ibn Abbas in killing Hussein . Ibn Abbas – may Allah be pleased with them – said : I saw the Prophet peace be upon him in a dream half a day with him Ostos Ogbr flask in which blood traces or picked something where he said : I said : O Messenger of God , what is this ? He said : (The blood of Hussein and his companions, I have not followed him since today .) Ammar, one of the narrators of the hadith, said : We memorized that day and found him killed that day ….

…The vision of Juhaim ibn al-Salt in the killing of the leaders of Quraysh 57 – Ibn Ishaq mentioned that when Quraysha descended al-Juhafah, Juhaim ibn al-Lit ibn Mukhramah ibn al-Talab bin Abd Manaf saw a vision and said : I saw what the sleeper saw, and that I was among the sleeper and the awake, as I looked at a man who had come to me until a horse He stood with a camel for him and then said : He killed Utbah bin Rabi’a, Shaiba bin Rabi’a, Abu Al-Hakam bin Hisham, Umayah bin Khalaf, so-and-so, and so-and-so. Many men who were killed on the day of Badr from the nobles of Quraish, and then I saw him struck in the core of his camel and then sent him into the military, so what remains is nothing left of the army’s hideout except of his blood perfusion injury, he said : reaching the father of ignorance , he said : this is also the last prophet of the children demand will teach tomorrow from the deceased if we met (1). * In the novel (2): The Krisha walked even pitched handsome Nzloha dinner Atruon of water, including a man from Bani Muttalib ibn Abd Manaf said to him Juhaym bin Salt bin openwork he put Juhaym his head Vogfe then panic , he said to his companions : Have you seen the knight who stood on the above? So they said : No, you are crazy, so he said : A knight had previously stood at me, and said : Abu Jahl, Utbah, Shaybah, Zumah, Abu Al-Bakhri, and Umayya bin Khalaf were killed, so he counted nobles among the infidels of Quraish, so his companions said to him : The devil played with you . And the hadith of Juhaim was raised to Abu Jahl and he said : You have cursed us. Bani al-Muttalib lies, with the lie of Bani Hashem. You will see tomorrow who is killed . The vision of Juhaim bin Salt was fulfilled, as everyone who saw them died in a dream ….

…Uthman bin Affan’s vision that he was killed on the authority of Umm Hilal, Bint Wakea, on the authority of the woman of Uthman who said : Uthman fell asleep. When he woke up, he said : The people are killing me. I said: No, Commander of the Faithful. He said : I saw the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, and Abu Bakr and Umar said : They said : They said : (He broke the fast with us tonight. ) or said : ( You break the fast we have tonight ). And in a narration from the hadith of Ibn Umar that Othman – may God be pleased with him – started talking to people, he said : I saw the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, tonight in a dream, and he said : ( O Uthman, break the fast with us . ) So he became fasting and killed from his day….

…Type I : Revelation abhorred They have the devil to do , and reciting self , which is called Bodgat dreams, which is due to the cunning of Satan and his deception and his hostility to humans . (1) An example of this kind is narrated in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Jabir may Allah be pleased with him from the Messenger God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that he told a Bedouin who came to him and said : I dreamed that my head was cut off, so we are following him, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, rebuked him and said : “ Do not tell that Satan is playing with you in a dream .” (2) In other Raaah Jaber said : I heard the Prophet peace be upon him Tkd giving a speech , he said : to Aihdtn one of you Btalb the devil in his sleep . ~ Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saleh Al – Uthaymeen said God ‘s mercy : The pipe dreams , it confused disorganized , and often that Tartuffe hated Satan Almighty said : ~ to pack those who Ouamno not Bdharhm nothing but God willing ~ ( argument : 10). (3) and this kind of visions he Adab six : first : to seek refuge with Allah from its evil , and this accusation is clear , Valastaazh legitimate all it is hated . second : to seek refuge with Allah from Satan . to talk : ~ if you saw a vision of hate Fletholh and spit on his left three times and ask God of goodness and seek refuge with Allah from the evil ~ narrated by Ibn Majah from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah marfoo and Narrated by Muslim , too . ~ (4) According to the novel in a Muslim from Jabir also : ~ Olistaz Allah from Satan ‘s three ~ came in a novel Muslim also : ~ Afilipsq left three times ~ that I will outline in : Third : to spit while paying attention from his sleep left three times . Any spit his left three times Besqa light ~ and the secret of this God knows ~ abomination to what he saw and contempt for the demon that I see that vision on the right is real , ~ singled out the left because it is the dirt , and triangulation in the previous novel Muslim confirmation ~ has responded with three words : Altfet be without saliva ~ and bagasse be with him saliva gentle . spitting and be with him saliva and most of bagasse . fourth : to change the side on which he was when he saw it , to his side with the second? the reason for this : optimistic about converting it and move perhaps there is another reason which edgewise place the devil , and so that vision turns from abomination to the beloved and moving from harmful to the good . fifth : not to mention it to one already , it has stated that a number of conversations correct them what Bukhari God ‘s mercy via Abu Sa’eed al – Radhi Ath with him and he said , ~ and reminds her of a it does not harm him ~(5). as provided us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor him ~ or on the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna what is appointed by them and what benefits him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – for now updated by , perhaps explained by the apparent harmed its image . And be a potential ~ falls estimation of God Almighty ~ and indicates that the hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man of a bird that had not crossed ~ If crossed signed ~, and talk good . (6) meaning : that vision if possible two – sided ~ crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that such a man lifting leg he is waiting for Matthew puts it . Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and so Taught us the Messenger of Allah that is not the lack thereof , but a mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly , but no doubt that it is restricted to whether the expression which tolerate vision , even on the face , and not an error purely , otherwise it is not the effect of him then , and I know God ~, has pointed out that the meaning of Imam Bukhari in the book expression of his Saheeh by saying : ( door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt ). evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ a poured some and missed some , ~ The Prophet peace be upon him did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be upon him is the second and the first to be approved, but it turned out wrong this . so do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views by Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ do not Tqsoa vision only scientist or mentor ~ in the novel :~ not only on Iqsa Wade, tightening signifier of an actor name friendliness . Narrated by Tirmidhi said Sheikh Albani : S His call is authentic according to the conditions of the two sheikhs, and the meaning of the previous hadith ~The vision is upon a man who is flying ~ means that it does not settle unless it crosses , as if it was on a flying man . ~ So it fell and fell where it crossed, just as the thing that is on the foot of the bird falls with the slightest movement, and this is a representative analogy. The fast flying bird has an object that falls with the slightest movement on its leg . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps and also provides us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor to him , or the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna What helps him and what is useful to him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – because the updated them , perhaps interpreted harmed on the visible image – and this is a potential , falls estimation of God , and shows that this hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man bird is not crossed , If crossed Signed , ~the hadith is good . Meaning : that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that what came from Abdul Razak said : vision lies on what crosses like Zllk like a man lifted his leg when he is waiting for places . (7) said Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and that taught us the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him that is not the lack thereof , but the mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly ,, but which does not There is no doubt that this is restricted to whether the expression is something that the vision can endure even in a way , and is not a pure error , or it has no effect at that time and God knows best (8), and Imam Bukhari referred to this meaning in the book of expression from his Sahih by saying : ( Chapter of the one who did not see The vision of the first transient if not hurt ). Evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ A poured some and missed some ,~ and the Prophet peace be upon him , did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be His peace is the second and the first to be approved, but this turned out to be wrong . (9) Therefore, do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views : Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ Do not Tqsoa vision only to the world or mentor ~ (10) , in the novel : ~ Iqsa only on Wade and ~ tighten the signifier actor friendliness name , Tirmidhi narrated Shaykh al – Albaani : attributed correctly on the two sheikhs condition (11) , and the meaning of the former modern ~ vision of a man bird ~ it does not settle down unless express , It is as if it was on a flying leg, and it fell and fell where it crossed, as the thing that is on the man of the bird falls with the slightest movement. This is an analogy analogy, where the vision was likened to a fast-flying bird, and something was hung on its leg that fell with the slightest movement . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps in his Sunan in the book of Revelation bond Hassan Suleiman bin left Aisha , wife of the Prophet peace be upon him , said : A woman from the people of the city has a husband dealer, Tri was the vision of the more absent her husband, and rarely miss only left pregnant, comes the Messenger of All peace be upon him , says : My husband is a merchant came out Fterkny pregnant, and I saw as seen sleeping to force my house was broken and I was born a boy eyed , said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : ~ good , because your husband On you, God Almighty wills, a righteous one, and give birth to a boy with righteousness . You see were two or Tuesdays all that comes the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , says that her , goes back her husband and give birth to a boy . . Came a day as it was Tonah , and the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him absent , it has seen that vision , I said to her : uncle you will be questioned the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , O nation of God? And she said : a vision I saw it came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ask him about , he says : ~ good , shall be said, and I said : Tell me what? She said : Even the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him come and him, Voardha him as you introduce . Said Aisha : I swear that I left even told me, I said : God , that charity your vision to Imutn your husband , and bring forth a boy Vajra !! I stayed crying and said : Mali yen offered you my vision ?? entered the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, crying said to her : ( doomed O Aisha ? ) So I told him the news and what was interpreted to her, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : “ What, O Aisha, if you cross over to the Muslim a vision, then pass it on for good, then the vision will follow what its owner crosses . ” Aisha said : So by God, her husband died, and I do not see her but she gave birth to a child who is a loner (12) . Conclusion that come out of this , that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity . so Jacob ‘s son Joseph forbade Iqss his vision to his brothers for fear of guile and envy him , stone son said : the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him That a vision occurs except for one who loves because he may interpret it to him in a way that he does not like, either with hatred or envy , it may fall from that quality , or hasten to Himself from that grieved and bothered , so he ordered to leave an update for those who do not like because of that . (13) VI : which asks when bad dream will also : prayer , and is indicated by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him : ~ If he saw . SOLE what he hates , So let Vlaisal happen not by people .~ (14) and the wisdom of God and I know : that the prayer of every recourse is acting as slave fears that it is making about Almkarh . According to some scholars , it is a reading Seventh State of the chair but does not guide him, even if he read any of this chair in his prayers have achieved two things together, pray and read the state of the chair . And if he confines himself to doing some of what he mentioned, it will be sufficient to ward off its harm, God willing, as the hadiths stated . But it is better for him to do it all to combine the narrations . Ibn Qayyim said in Zaad : and when it did not harm him , but this vision Almkorhh drives evil . Al- Nawawi said : God made no mention of the reason for the safety impact of the Abomination vision also made charity and protection for money . . . And making supplication in it a response and payment of calamity and alms pay off the death of bad all this by the decree of God and ability . (15) _________________________________________________ (1 ) Mohamed Abdelaziz Halawi – a reference earlier – p . 5 . (2 ) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh , as explained in the nuclear (27 \ 15 ) • op .. (3 ) say useful book on monotheism – Explanation of Sheikh : Mohammed bin Saleh Almosaman c 2 (4 ) Narrated prizes in the book of Revelation expression 0 door saw a vision of hate – op – Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /17 ) – op •. (5 ) See the opening (12 /369 ) , the book of Revelation from the door of the expression of God – op . (6 ) Modern classed ruling and Sundh Hassan , was narrated by Abu Dawood in the book of literature , the door of what came in a vision – a previous reference – and Rawa Tirmidhi in the Book of Revelation the door of what came in the expression of vision – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of the expression of Revelation chapter of Revelation If passed and signed not Iqsa only on the valley – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the first datum civilians interview with Abu Razin Oqaili foundling Ben Amer Muntafiq – op ~ and narrated recaps in the book of Revelation chapter of Revelation does not fall unless they reflect 0 published Library scientific – Beirut . (7 ) see : Fath al – Bari Ibn Hajar – op – (12 /432 ). (8 ) series of conversations correct , c 1, p . 28, i 2 , the information Office 1399 of . (9 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt , as in Fath al – Bari (12 /431 ), and Muslim in the book of Revelation , as in the nuclear explanation (15 /29 ), – Reference former -, and will come talk by stating in p 101 . (10 ) Narrated by Tirmidhi in the book of Revelation chapter in the interpretation of Revelation what is recommended and hates them – op – and directed recaps in the book of Revelation that the door of hatred vision reflects only the world Or mentor – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of Revelation expression crossed the door of vision if not signed Iqsa only on the valley – a previous reference . (11 ) correct chatter series – op (1 /26 ) .. (12 ) , the narrators of the drama in his Sunan – op – (2 /131 ). (13 ) expansion See : awn Reni – op – (1 /176 ). And Ibn Hajar – previous reference (631/12). (14 ) Narrated by Imam Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /21 ) – Weighted ex – Abu Dawood in the book of literature at the door of what came in a vision – op -, and prizes in the book of Revelation expression of the door of Revelation three – a reference earlier . And Ahmad included it in his Musnad in the rest of the Musnad of the many – a previous reference – and the Darami in the Book of the Revelation Chapter of the Vision Three – a previous reference – and al – Tirmidhi in the Book of the Revelation chapter of what came in the vision of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the scale and the bucket – previous reference -. (15 ) expansion See : Explanation of triplets of Imam Ahmed Saffarini (1 /177 ) – op – and explain Muslim – Nawawi (15 /18 ) – op – and Zad al-Ma’ad Ibn Jawziyyah , achieving Shoaib Abdul Kader Aloriaaat , spread the message organization , Al – Manar Library Islamic , i 13, the date of 1406 of (2 /459 ). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi ….

Al-Kirmani said, ~Whoever sees that someone killed him, he will get good and benefit from him .~…

And whoever sees that he deliberately kills a believer, then he intentionally breaks the fast during Ramadan ….

Abu Saeed, the preacher, said, ~Whoever saw as if he had killed the Devil, he won a victory and a good reputation .~…

Whoever sees that he kills himself will do well and repent sincerely, for God Almighty says : “ Repent to your righteous, and kill yourselves . ” The verse . And whoever sees that he is killed, he will extend his life . And whoever sees it as if he has killed a person without being slaughtered, the slain will be blessed with good . The basic principle is that slaughtering when it is not permissible to slaughter it is unjust . If he sees that he has slaughtered a slaughter, then condemn the slaughterer to wrong the slaughtered in his religion, or committing a disobedience to him . As for whoever kills or names a murderer and knows his killer, he will receive good, singing, money and power . This may be affected by the killer or his partner, because God Almighty says : “ And whoever kills a wrongdoer has made us a ruler for his ruler .” Although not known murderer, it is a man Cavour being Hamlet on the ability, either Kafr El – Din or Kafr grace, the verse : ~ man killed Okfarh ~ and saw his throat cut does not know of slaughter, it is man who has invented a heresy or imitated his neck false testimony and the government and spend . As for the one who slaughters his father, mother, or son, he must prevent him and transgress against him . As for the one who slaughters a woman, he must interchange her . Likewise, if a female animal is slaughtered, and he has intercourse with a woman or spoiled a firstborn, and whoever slaughters a male animal behind it, he slaughters, and if he sees that he slaughtered a child and grilled a child and did not cook, then the injustice in that is to his father and mother . If the boy is a subject of darkness, then he is wronged in his right, and it is called ugly, just as the fire got from his flesh and it was not cooked, and if it was what is said about it, the barbecue would be done . If the boy is not in what is said about it and is wronged by it, then that is for his parents, for they are oppressed and they throw a lie, and people abound in them, and all of this is invalid as long as the fire does not cook . If he sees the boy slaughtered with barbecues, that is when the boy reaches the level of men . If his family ate from his flesh, he would gain them from his goodness and favor . If he sees that a sultan slaughters a man and puts him on the neck of the person of the vision without a head, then the sultan oppresses a person and asks him for what he is unable to do, and this bearer demands that demand, and asks him for his money that is heavy with the weight of the slaughtered, if he knows him, then he is himself, and if he does not know him and he was an old man, then he takes him with a friend And he is required to pay a fine based on his weight and lightness . And if he was a young man, he took an enemy and was in love . If the head of the slaughtered person is with him, then he is given the call to prayer, and he is not fined, and the fine is on the owner, but it will give him an illusory burden . If the king sees that his master killed him, then he will set him free . And a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw a woman slain in the middle of her house, disturbed on her bed . Ibn Sirin said to him : This woman should have had a marriage on her bed that night . The man was a brother and her husband was absent, so the man rose from Ibn Sirin while he was angry at his sister with a hidden evil, so he came to his house and found his sister’s slave-girl and she brought him a gift and said : My master came yesterday from the journey . So the man rejoiced, and he removed his anger . And a woman Ibn Sirin came and said : I saw as if I killed my husband with a people . He said to her : You carried your husband into sin, so fear God, may He be glorified and exalted . She believed . And another came to him and said : I saw as if I had killed a boy and brought him to life . He said that you would wrong this boy by calling him to something forbidden and that he would obey you ….

…What are the most important directives for those who wanted to be expressive? I see the desire to join the ranks of the commentators from many members and members, and this pleased me, and as you notice, we opened the way for the members to respond to your visions, and those who want to join them should write to me on the private mail, so that we consider his request, whether it is accepted or rejected . And I advise those who want to learn with knowledge first and express a vision; A science that depends a lot on your impression of the person of the vision through your devouring of his words, and knowing through it the essence of his personality, in order to reach the true meaning of his vision, God willing . Therefore, I hope that you will examine his words, get to know him through the symbols of his vision, and do not hurry, and ask yourself how Ibn Sirin, may God have mercy on him, distinguished between two men who saw one vision, so he said about one of them a thief, and said about the other that he will perform Hajj? The answer is that he saw them, and the characteristic of one of them was good, so he explained to him that he was performing Hajj, and the other’s characteristic was other than that, so he accused him of theft . And you, my brother, the crossing, do not see this one who writes the vision for you in this forum, so be careful of urgency, and do not pass the vision unless it is clear to you the details of its owners, which I did not ask arbitrarily, but rather after long experience and suffering, with the visions and their owners . Contemplate the words, there is a difference between the words of the world and others, and there is a difference between the words of the student and the employee, the prince, the rich and the poor, and each one of them has a meaning that suits him when you make the expression, so can you notice this and contemplate it, O God, take care of you ! I used to see and still do not express the written visions, except that the demand for the expression of this type is high, and the difficulty of hearing sometimes, but it is impossible for many of the questioners. He made me withdraw from this restriction, and express the written visions, although I say and I still say that the accuracy in them is much less than the visions that express hearing and this is a higher degree, or face to face, and this is the highest of degrees . And to know that the time at which you saw the vision is very important; What are the visions of winter, different from the visions of summer ,,,, because the fire in the first is commendable, and in the second it is reprehensible, so do not give up on knowing the time of the vision . And the last of these directions, for the narrator, his vision, is to know that the vision is a mass, and it often has one meaning, so do not divide it, and remember a part and leave parts that you may think have no significance, while it is very important to those who express it. The visions that indicate the present are often their expression for him. It is related to the visionary present, so if you are confused about it, and the meanings of its symbols are numerous, and this happens a lot, then you do not have to ask its owner about the subject that occupies him at the time, as it may open the horizons for you to decipher the vision, and the questioner has to be true with the crossing, and how many people have told me about his circumstances in which he lives. In the expression of his vision, he was saved from a financial, family, or process crisis, and this happens a lot, and this thing is not insulted at the crossing, but rather indicates his honesty and his eagerness to serve the questioner, and my brother is noticed that the expressers today are less than those who express inspiration. He is the one who fulfills the truth on his tongue, and its owner is called the inspiration, who were successful in delving into the meaning that occupies the mind of the questioner at the time, and they did not need to ask the questioner, but where are we and these, and God has mercy on a person who knew his own destiny ,,,,,, God knows best…

…Does my skill in interpreting the visions and dreams of my family make me representative? There is a man or woman who reads in the science of interpretation of visions and dreams, and his love for this science develops to try to interpret his dreams, and this may develop for interpretation to those around him, especially for those close to him, and he may succeed in interpreting some or many of them, according to his ingenuity, possession and culture . A girl may succeed when she hears several visions from her mother and in which the symbol of rain is repeated, and this is, for example, but not limited to, knowing what is correct in determining its meaning in seeing her mother in particular, and this is possible, but my question is : Will she succeed when she sits in front of many women and may Does she not know them knowing the meaning of the symbol itself and expecting it to its appropriate meaning for everyone who asks her? One of them may succeed in expressing seeing his colleague once by analogy, for example, on the expression of a vision through which someone skilled in this art, but he will not be able to express similar visions to other than his friend. Because of the difference between his friend and other askers, and this is very similar to someone who gives his son medicine to relieve heat, but he is not able and may even be considered a perpetrator if he dispensed another medicine to him in another illness, the issue is very serious, as the visions are not measured against each other in expression and here Difficulty; Therefore, the criterion is not in the ingenuity of so-and-so, his success in interpretation is not only for his family and his family, but the standard is broader and more comprehensive than this, and so I said what I said previously. Whoever wants to be a successful expresser, he must practice and this is in the expression of visions for many samples without deep knowledge of them, and the rhythm of the vision according to the correct intended meaning, detailing it according to the size of its owner . The success of a person in expressing the visions of his colleagues, and the success of a person in expressing the visions of his family is not sufficient to give him the title [ expressive ] , and what is presented from time to time on this topic of stories for some in their success in the expression of visions or dreams of family or friends falls under this section, please pay attention. For that difference…

…The vision of a thin girl my father a summer thing Balastsaga for openwork ibn Nawfal – may Allah be pleased with him – from his mother thin girl dad summer son Hashim Lydda was Abdul Muttalib said : Successive the Quraish years Jdbh Oqahlt skin and shed the bone , she said : While I’m lying Oh God , or Mhomh if I With a famous phone shouting in a sahl voice saying : Oh, Quraysh, this prophet was sent from you, and this is during his departure, so he lives in goodness and fertility . Do not see from you a tall, white-bone man who smacks of two eyes , has pride on him and a year dedicated to him , but let him save him and his son and turn to him from every belly a man , not Fliscnoa of water and harmed from the good and to receive the corner , and then carefully chosen House seven times to live up father FBIs Felictsag man and believes in the people , not including the pure and good for itself , not Vgshm if you like and you live . She said : So the knowledge of God became a frightened woman. My skin and his mind stood up. My vision was cut short, so I slept in the rivers of Makkah . So, the sanctity and the forbidden, if he remains with it , is abtahi unless he says this is the shaybah of praise , this is a shaybah , and the Quraysh are complete with him . And broke him all the belly of a man staging and Speak and received roaring and then ascended the father Qubais and punched people buried around him once realize their quest until poverty peaked Vacetknoa Jnabiah and with them the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , which that day Ghulam may Oaf or anguish arose , Abdul Muttalib said : Oh God prevailed Alkhalp The detector Courba you the world is a teacher and administrator is Mboukl and Hola Abdaak and Amaak Badhirat Ahramk complain to you their year that may Oqahlt cloven slippers , Vasaman God and Amatarn Geetha terrible Mgdakka , what Eu even went off the sky Pmaiha Okz valley Bhgejeh Velsmat Sheikhan Quraish , she says Abdul Muttalib : Congratulations to you, Aba Al-Bathaa , Hanaa , that is , for you lived the people of Batha, and in that it says Raqifa : Bashisa Al-Hamd, may God water our town. We lost the life and the underlined water. So the waters and trees lived in a torrent from God with the auspicious. There is nothing in the people of justice or danger, and in this hadith it is strange that we explain it briefly , saying : Abd al-Muttalib’s mother is a Sunni deed . And replaced Epast . And thinning the bone made him weak from effort . And hypnosis first sleep and dawn time . Hala inspired word acceleration . And Hia – limited – rain and fertile , no sooner Otakm rain and fertility . And the bones by joining the eye are louder than the great . Some are thin in complexion . And the high snort . And saying : He has a pride that grieves him, he must hide and not be proud of . The Sunnah is the way . And guide him , that is , people show it . Let them shine , with the Sein and the Shin , that is , let them pour , meaning , then let them wash . Then sin, any relief and relief . And any Fasht and Shaybah Al-Hamad has grown the title of Abdul Muttalib . And she completed it , that is , they all came . And the time limit for his silence and saying : anguish, that is, proximity . The trait is needed . And the courtyards excuses . And the year of drought and distress . And he means the shafts and the slippers of sheep and camels . And spoiled a lot . No crowded . And the noise is very runny water . And Sheikh Sheikhs . And Aljzl any late and Jouni black clouds . His saying : in the voice of Sahl, meaning in it with a sweet . And his saying : A man is tall, meaning he is tall, and if he is excessively tall, it is said that he is long with emphasis . And he said : Let him go , the delif is the slow walking, it is said : he walks when he walks and the stepping boat . And she said : and in them pure and good for joy – means the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him – and saying : Mviodh , Mufiod is the one who injured his heart – a heart – pain of . Panic, annexation, fear and panic . And he said : My skin stood, meaning the clenching, and it was said : She wanted to stop my hair, so he rose from panic . And God wandered the mind and bewildered by the severity of emotion . And her saying : So is the sanctity and the forbidden , this is from swearing by something other than God and it is shirk , and that happened from it during the time of ignorance, and if that is polytheism . And her saying : They buried around it, that is, they walk on the path of Lena . And the auspicious plane is a plane, and the best one for which it preached is harmful is the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. It is not unlikely that the Quraish’s relief is due to the fact that he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is one of those seeking help from among them ….

…And his author said the anecdotes and the benefits are so many that they are explained long and I summarized and put in this section what is appropriate for the course of speech in the meaning and the appropriate. Whoever sees something of that, let him consider the chapters and what is appropriate in each chapter and find it, and if I did not mention in the top of many chapters what is lengthy in its export because it is The meaning corresponds to the meaning. If the seeker considers the export of the doors and does not find what he saw and did not know with which one is appropriate, then look at the sentence of the appropriate section, and I apologized that if the passers relied on books of expression, especially, they would be unable to do many things, but the crossing needs to be aware of the origins of expression and express what it appears to him of the meaning. He wrote a book about that and I called it The Enlightening Planet in the Principles of Expression. I have compiled in this book a separate sentence in places that are appropriate to mention, and the clever expressive understands its mention, and the knowledge of the principles is understood by the people of expression ….

…The third type of visions : which is inspired by All the slave , and recorded some scholars visions saying : when clearing up himself , and get rid of his secrets of ideas bad , and respect to his heart , the remembrance of Allah , do not see the only really honest , and that is the true vision that Described as being part of Prophethood (1). The Holy Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says in the agreed upon hadith which is with Ahmad in his Musnad also from the narration of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him : “The vision of the believer is part of the forty-six parts of the prophethood ” (2). Crown when this talk pause lengthy because it involves some of the issues important : I say : This hadith narrated from a group of companions different verbally , narrated Anas this sheikhs , and narrated by Imam Ahmad and sheikhs like Bin silent worship , as well as Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi , and narrated by Imam Ahmad And the two sheikhs and Ibn Majah from the hadith of Abu Hurairah . For the number of parts : several novels came or mow limited to only the witness as stated in the explanation of Sahih Muslim – Nawawi detailed : it came in Bukhari and Muslim : ~ dreams are part ~ of the forty – six parts of the prophecy ~ as previously (3). According to the Muslim ~ of forty – five part ~, also stating : ~ seventy part .~ According to Tabaraani : ~ part of the seventy – six part ~ . to Ibn’Abd al-Barr ‘s novel : ~ twenty – six part .~ when Imam Ahmad ~ part of the fifty part .~ According to al – Tirmidhi : ~ part of the forty – part ~ . when Tabari : ~ part of the forty – nine part ~, and has also : ~ of forty – four .~ He also came from Ibn Abbas : ~ part forty part . ~ We are here in front of several novels and least part of the twenty – six and the most part of the seventy – six , Nawawi said in explaining the true Muslim (4): this difference refer to the case of the seer difference , the believer is good to be Rev. Weah part of the forty – six parts and the reprobate part of seventy parts , The difference of people love mattresses and whenever I said the portions were the vision closer to the truth , and it was said to be that of which the hidden part of the seventy , and obviously part of the forty – six . Sheikh said Muhammad bin Uthaimin, may God have mercy on him : The fact that the number is part of forty-six parts corresponds to reality in relation to the revelation that was revealed to me, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, because the first revelation was the righteous vision from Rabi ‘al-Awwal to Ramadan, and this is six months , then God revealed to him after this in awakening For the rest of his life , if you attribute this to the rest of the era of revelation, it was part of forty-six parts : because the revelation was twenty-three years and six months. ~(5) The fact that the vision was part of the prophethood has become problematic even though the prophethood was interrupted by the death of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and I will mention some of what was said in clarifying this . He said the meaning of the verse being a part of the prophecy : that the Muslim sincere good, fits the case if the prophets, which see the unseen, unlike the infidel and reprobate and blended, and track this to say Imam Muhammad Safaareeni by saying : ( but similar to the case of the prophets in the health of vision and clarity of his mind and touch his soul If he slept in the realm of the kingdom ). This is true not only knows the unseen is the Almighty said some scientists : the meaning of being part of the prophecy parts of a metaphor , which it comes to the approval of prophecy ; This is because it is part of the prophethood . It was said : meaning : it is part of her knowledge, because it was cut off and that prophecy Flmha remains . And it was said : The meaning of being part of the parts of the prophethood is similar to it in the truthfulness of news about the unseen ; The news of the unseen is one of the fruits of prophethood . Conclusion of this offer : that the vision of the infidel are not originally from parts of the prophecy , and after reprobate , which like the infidel , some of them mentioned that the vision of the reprobate is one of the maximum parts remains a good Muslim believer who vision of this kind says majesty Suyuti God ‘s mercy and is concerned about this talk : ( this talk me of similar conversations in which we believe and NCL means to be a writer peace be upon him and not go into this interpretation of the part of this number and wisdom, especially varied novels in the amount of number also provides God knows Balemrad what is meant by that ) a . E (6). The vision of the good of the sections of Revelation , may be the cause of the laws of some of the provisions and that the vision of Abraham peace be upon him , was Abraham was a vow that God ‘s living son of Sarah to slaughter a sacrifice , he saw in a dream : that Off your vow (7) , and an interview with the parasite brother Aisha , her mother About saying what God wills and Muhammad wills, and the Messenger then instructed them to say : What God wills alone , or what God wills and then Muhammad , and not say : What God wills and Muhammad (8), and Abdullah bin Zaid’s vision in the call to prayer and the legislation of the call to prayer after it has been proven. God be upon him and grant him peace that he said about it : It is a true vision . Abu Bakr , may Allah also (9) around the shield robbed him after his death and recovery of this vision and the implementation of the commandment by and grab the shield of those who are in his hand out , but Abu Bakr is the first caliphs Waller Ashden , a Among those who remembered the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his diligence in this and the Companions ’acceptance of this ijtihad in the presence of the Qur’an indicating truthfulness is acceptable , and there are many evidences for such in the books of jurisprudence , but today the implementation of a will or matter related to the law through visions is not permissible, neither reason nor Sharia as no secret to anyone with the heart . This good vision came from this great companion to assure us of the existence of a righteous man , as the scientists acknowledged this art modern building on the Prophet peace be upon him , and he said : ~.. And Asedkkm vision of a newly Asedkkm …~ And he will reply, God willing . And saying peace be upon him : ~ the vision of the believer is part of ….~ Modern , includes a righteous believing woman as well , has Bukhari titled in his Saheeh : the door of seeing women , cited by Ibn Hajar : what Ibn Battaal agreed that the vision of the righteous believing included in saying peace be upon him : ~ the vision of the believer good part of the prophecy ,~ there is no difference between men and women in terms of visions , but there may be a difference in terms of Altobeirh Valmabron say : that if a woman saw what Esth his people of the E he is her husband , And they said : Likewise, the child has his visions most often for his parents , and God knows (10). I go back to the story of Thabit bin Qais bin Shammas, and it was one of the companions’s choice, may God be pleased with them , and it has been proven that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him : “ O Thabit, do you not accept to live a good man and kill a martyr and enter Heaven? ” Said Malik bin Anas, who is one of the narrators of the hadith. : fixed bin Qais was killed on the dove martyr (11). Fixed and the story that mentioned the son of values (12) said : On the day of al – Yamamah , a war against the apostates , fixed with Khalid bin Walid came out to fight Musaylimah when they met and Tkhvoa constant , said Salim Mawla Abu Hudhayfah : Behold , so we were fighting with the Messenger of Allah On him and granting peace , then each one dug a pit, so he stood and fought until they were killed. On that day, a shield with precious stones came to him, and a Muslim man passed by and took her , while a Muslim man was asleep as he came to him in his sleep . Any fixed – he said to him : I advise you to beware testamentary says this is a dream Vtadhaah , I passed what killed me a man of Muslims took Deri , Venslh in the far people at his tent mare – Westin – which merely cheerfully activity . The palm of the shield screw any amount of stones – and above Twine left – which is placed on the back of an animal for the ride ‘ Bring the eternal is once to send out to Deri takes it , and if the city provided the Khalifa Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him means Abu Bakr , tell him : The Ali is of such-and-such religion and so-and-so from my old class , so the man comes to eternity , and tells him , so he sent to the shield, and he came and found it as he told them in the vision under the twine, and then the Persians as he , and Abu Bakr approved the rest of his will . Abu Omar bin Abd al – Barr said , and other senior , as well as Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saleh Al – Uthaymeen recently God ‘s mercy on them : passed Abu Bakr and whoop for the existence of evidence that show sincerity, Abu Omar bin Abd al – Barr said : We do not know anyone approved , his will after his death is a constant Bin Qais, may God have mercy on him, a . E (13). If you also note : agreed Khalid bin Walid and Abu Bakr and his companions with him to work in this vision , and the implementation of what came in . _________________________________________________ (1 ) Mohammad HLA Wei – op – p . 5 . (2 ) discharged : Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (12 /373 , 383, 404 ) – op -, and as a Muslim in the nuclear (15 /22 , 23 ) – op -, and al – Tirmidhi In the Book of Revelation the chapter that the vision of the believer is part of forty-six parts of the prophethood – a previous reference – and in the chapter of what came in the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the scale and the dowel narrated by Abu Dawud in the Book of Literature, chapter of what came in the vision – previous reference -, and Ibn Majah in They are placed in the book of the expression of the vision, the chapter on the righteous vision that a Muslim sees or sees to him, and the door of the truest people of a vision that has been attributed to them recently – a previous reference – and Ahmed in the rest of the Musnad of the many in the Musnad of Abu Hurairah and in the Musnad of Anas bin Malik – a previous reference -, and the Darami in the book of the vision is a chapter in the Muslim’s vision Part of the forty-six part of the prophethood – previous reference -. (3 ) See ibid . (4 ) Sahih Muslim nuclear explanation (15 /21 ) – a reference earlier . (5 ) Muhammad’Uthaymeen, say useful book on monotheism (2 /348 ) – op . (6 ) expansion See : Mohammed Safaareeni – op – (1 /808 ). (7 ) enlighten the size of the interpretation of Ibn Abbas Abu Taher Turquoise Abadi – Dar thought – Beirut ( p . 377 ) 0 and Ibn Hajar – op (12 /377 ). (8 ) Narrated by Imam Ibn Majah in the book Alkavarat door forbidding what to say , God willing , and you want – op -. (9) Ibn ‘ – op – (1 /349 ). (10) op – (12 /392 ). (11 ) This hadeeth was narrated by Ibn Hajar in al- Fath said this strong reference transmitter narrated by Ibn Saad Maan bin Isa for his owner . Narrated , Daaraqutni in the wacky by Ismail bin Abi Uys for the owner as well . (12 ) Spirit . Son of values fatawa , Arab Book House – achieve : d . Mr. Jumaili , i 1412 (13 ) See : Ibn fatawa values – op – p . 43 . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…Expressions and expressions apply the word ( expression ) to the interpretation of the vision in particular . The expression is : the passage from apparent vision to its interior . This is Ragheb’s opinion . It was said : the consideration of the thing is considered some of it even gets some understanding of this is narrated by al – Azhari . The origin of the expression is derived from : lessons , which is overtaking from the event to event , and teams of linguists between water and non – water bypass, they said : the water exceeds a swim or a ship or other so- called : transit . They said : mind the lesson is the case that reaches out from the viewer to know what is not the scenes . It said : crossed any mitigation interpreted the vision . And : crossed by stressing the exaggeration in it . In the download : ~ If ye pass over to the vision of ~ (1) which you pray to an end and you will remember her money . The crossing : the name of an actor from the act through , said : through the vision and crossed any words interpreted . Abu Bakr was may Allah be pleased with him of the most prominent companions renowned interpretation of visions and expression , and how does his teacher is the Messenger of Allah , the teacher of the nation all , has been described as one of the Companions , as in the ~ conquest ~ (2): ~ One of the express people ‘s vision after the Messenger of Allah upon him ~ . It is also notorious for their words , visions of Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Sirin Ansari Basri loyalty , born in 33 of the deceased in 110 of and attributed to him a book ( expression of vision ) , a printed and mentioned by Ibn al – Nadim in the index , which is the book rolling between his people on behalf of : ( team talk in the interpretation of dreams ), and see the flags button total (25 \ 7 ) find adequate translation pursuant to a mighty Zrcelli and ended in which the proportion of non – validity of the books of Ibn Sirin . Another world is : Abdul Ghani bin Ismail Nabulsi , one of the Sufis , and has many publications including : ( perfuming creatures in the expression of a dream ) contains things and perceptions and the names of women and women may not occur only rarely as it may be impossible to see some of the afterlife and this and that it was the Sufis is It is true that it is said that it has been fulfilled and increased in this field , and many writers have praised his work, such as Professor Muhammad Qutb , then I say : In this part I will talk about the methodologies of the expressers and the necessary matters that must be provided in the crossing , and before this I point out that there are many modern and old expressers , I am not looking for this in their names, but I will talk about the approach that many of them follow through my follow-up on this topic . . I say : Mabro visions recently divided into three sections : 1 – Section I : The owners of this section does not reflect only a little shy away from the expression and closes the door of learning expression , and that he was told a question about the expression and quality replied : that insight breed with one and prevents learning , and destination this matter we’ve heard from some old Mchaikhana esteemed God have mercy on those who died , and bless us in the present age . B – Section II : The Hola Unlike the first section , expanding the expression , and the rhetoric of the question of visions in each council , Palmchaffhh, transportation , and even by writing to the owner or others , and some of Hola find tells you challenged through construing and how the interpretation of the vision responsible for them . C – Section III : section between Hola and Hola crosses but Palmchaffhh only , and requires that the owner of the vision is fluid and prevents the transfer only narrowly , and Hola , so much uninhibited expression : and tell you about how the interpretation sometimes . Perhaps the indulgence in the expression of visions , and open the door at each board and a lecture something accident in these days , and here I am not against the expression of visions as a science , but against leniency in the expression of visions , and open the door at all the board and lecture anything accident in these days and here I am not against the expression Visions as a science, but against indulgence in expression, not investigating, not asking about the state of the visionary, and asking about the vision, its wording, and its time. These are things that are required for the crossing to enable the optimal expression , and therefore you find among the expressers who tolerate hearing visions stating that the degree of correctness in his expression by reading it does not exceed fifty in Cent !! I do not say that only Almtsahlain are to blame , but that the first section as well as the owners are wrong – in my humble opinion – The term visions not only discernment , but discernment and learn and practice the skill of gaining and develop and mastered , they differ from one person to another ; Yes , it is discernment when Joseph son of Jacob them peace and blessings of the Almighty said ~ Ijetbik as your Lord and teach you the interpretation of conversations and the grace of you and all of Jacob , as completed by the parent by Abraham and Isaac that your Lord is Knowing , Wise ~ ( Yusuf : 6 ). Ibn Abbas said in his interpretation ( and teach you the interpretation of conversations ) any of the expression of vision , and teach you as well as knowing what people interpret him talk (3)). Yes , it is discernment when Jacob , and when Abraham and Daniel and Muhammad upon them that prophets and peace , as well as companions when Abu Bakr , may Allah be pleased with him and Omar ibn al – Khattab and Othman bin Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Abbas and Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al – Aas and Anas bin Malik Salman Al-Farsi, Huzaifa bin Al-Yaman, Aisha bint Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with them all , and others . But when others do not . . . , Not all of it is a firaasa , but it contains firaasa , inspiration , and deduction from the Qur’an, Sunnah, language , proverbs , and other things that are known to anyone interested in this art . Came in the right agreed to talk about Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him said : I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him say : ~ not only prophecy left of the missionaries ~ , they said : What missionaries? He said : “The Righteous Vision ” (4) and this is Bukhari’s wording . The datum of Imam Ahmad peace be upon him , he said : ~ dreams are seen by the Muslim or see him ~ (5). Meaning : that the revelation interrupted by his death peace be upon him and remains what it teaches him what will be only the vision seen by the believer , as well as inspiration, the the news as it will be located not prophets also told the Prophet peace be upon him at the age of the saying has been in the United Nations before you Mahdthon – any visionary and it was said : are right and Bukhari said : being right on their tongues . It was not in my nation , including one of the Omar bin al – Khattab were ~ agreed upon (6). He told many of the saints about Omowo absent , were also told this inspiration , we might ask , what inspiration and why say today? I say : Imam Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fath : The secret was in the cycle of inspiration in his time, may God bless him and grant him peace and its abundance after him , the predominance of revelation to him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who was awake and wanted to show miracles from him , so it was appropriate that nothing happened to him in his time , and when the revelation was interrupted by his death the inspiration fell For whom God has singled out for security from confusion in that .. and in denying that this happened despite its abundance and his fame is arrogance of those who deny it . Ibn Hajar detailed in al-Fath the difference between inspiration and vision and mentioned that inspiration is : what moves the heart to a science that he is tempted to act upon without inference. Abizaid Dabbousi of the imams of the tap , said that the public that it is not permissible to act only when it has all of the arguments in the door is permissible , and said words last Shinar . he was the Prophet peace be upon him sometimes cut vision companions Viabbarha one it either on his words , And this is from the matter of education from him, may God bless him and grant him peace, and what is narrated about this is what was reported by Ibn Sh Wahab said : saw the Prophet peace be upon him a vision Vqsa to Abu Bakr said : ~ O Abu Bakr , I saw as if I preceded you and I Vsbaktk degree Bmrqotin and a half ~ and hemostats : class . Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of Allah , Allah Iqdk to His mercy and forgiveness , and I live after you two years and a half . This hadith was mentioned by al-Suyuti in the major characteristics and attributed it to Ibn Saad, but it is mursal (7). This is a firaasa from Abu Bakr . Ibn al- Qayyim said his book ( runways ) (8): ~ The physiognomy was and will remain the status of homes :~ Beware of worship and you are we ~(9) , and that only because it is the light of God hurls in the heart of his servant differentiates him between right and wrong and the current unemployed and sincere and false . the current unemployed and saying : the current is adorned and analysis, the unemployed against him , said : women disrupted any empty ornaments are unemployed , and meaning that he differentiates between one thing and against him , and this physiognomy according to the power of faith on , it was stronger faith it is one of discernment . Ibn Masood may Allah have said about him : Avars people three : Aziz Yousef , where he said to his wife : ( he said that he bought from Egypt to his wife Akrami resting place may be Infna or our son ) ( Yusuf : 21 ). the daughter of Shoaib when she said : ~ Astijrh ~( stories : 36). Abu Bakr in Umar , may Allah be pleased when Astkhalafh . it was a lot of companions , God bless them Athlon them , and the friend may Allah be pleased with him in the forefront of it is the greatest nation discernment and after Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , it is what he said to something : I think as well , but he also said , and enough in Frasth OK Te Rabbo in positions known – which is not the field of our conversation (10), and as I also said : discernment companions believe physiognomy , and out of this kind of physiognomy of life and light , which Ahbhma God for whom He wills of His slaves , and live heart so and enlightened can hardly Frasth wrong , this confirms the verse : ~ I believe it was dead Vohieddinah and made him Nora walks in people like him in the darkness is not outside of them as well as Zain for the unbelievers what they were doing ~ ( Anaam : 122 ). If the expression of visions Balfrash there is a lot when Ancestors does not mean that it refrains when others , but I have the difference in terms of the few and the multitude only , there may be in this age of God grants him physiognomy , was Jah in the talk : ~ Fear the insight of the believer , it is seen by the light of God (11). According to the divine hadith narrated via Abu Hurayrah said Abu Hurayrah said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : that God said : It is unusual to me and Leah was Aznth war , and closer to my servant , something I like to than assumed by him , and still Abdi draw near to Balnoavl until I love him , if I loved you heard that he hears , and his sight with which he sees , his hand with which he strikes , and his foot with which he walks , and asked me to Oattiynh , and while my seeks refuge to Oaivnh . What I hesitated about something I am an actor hesitation about the same believer hates death and I hate Madsth ~(12), and to be that it makes him benefit from what they hear from science, wisdom and preaching the good experiences useful and makes it also sees the light of God is in the heavens and the earth from the states of standing , his faith and his belief . He said mark Mnari in his book , commenting on the talk that preceded : ~ fear the insight of the believer .~ physiognomy : the inference bodies of human and forms , and colors and his words , on his morals and virtues , and vices , God has Tepe on sincerity , saying : ~ if the verses of Mtosameen ~ ( stone : 75 ), and said : ~ you know Besimhm ( Baqarah : 277 ), which is the derivative of saying the mare seven language ewe , and called on the seven he preys distances in keeping , was physiognomy embezzlement of Arif consider , for example , the person and identify the case , which is of two types : The first : A type that occurs to a person from a mind that he does not know its cause – and it is a kind of inspiration, which is called the updated owner, as in the news : “ If there is a modernist in this nation, then it is Omar. ” (13) This inspiration may be in a state of waking or dreaming , this is the first type And its truth is that it is : a thought that attacks the heart and bounces upon it like a leap The lion is on its prey, and this firaasa is according to the strength of faith . Second : be industry educated , which is to know what the colors, shapes and between temperaments and ethics , natural acts , and knew it was a constant understanding , strong on physiognomy (14). . . The conclusion I Come to it after all this talk . . . There is someone who crosses the vision with inspiration, there are those who cross it with inspiration, and there are those who cross it with industry and education, but it must be pointed out here that it is better for a person not to say about himself that his expression comes under the heading of physiognomy or inspiration, because this is the purification of the soul, and God Almighty says : “ Do not purify yourself. you know is warded ~( star : 32 ). The term visions is not based only on physiognomy but it is based, and on the other inspiration, and ingenuity in the science – based expression on the knowledge of the Koran and the Sunna and knowledge of the origins of this art of interpretation in the sense or the derivation of the names and an example of this is narrated in Saheeh Muslim from Anas ibn Malik He said : The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “ One night I saw the sleepers as if I was in the garrison of Uqba ibn Rafi, and we came to Rutab from Rattab Ibn Tabab – a man from the people of Medina attributed to him this kind of good wet – He said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : So I turned greatness for us in this world and the consequence for us in the afterlife, and that our merry ~(15) , which is fulfilled and settled its provisions . Messenger peace be upon him the first hurdle : a consequence, Rafie : seniority, and merry : the stability of religion and the completion of its provisions . Something other than hermeneutics Balostakkak : interpretation which hit the proverbial and likeness : narrated by Bukhari in his Saheeh from Abdullah ibn Umar that the Prophet , peace be upon him , said : ~ I saw as if the rebel head , a black woman came out of the city – until the Bmhaah was said : Mhaah Of great weight, which is al – Juhfa – which are the names of places in the city – so I stated that the city’s plague was transferred to it ”(16). Muhallab said : This vision of the Department of vision expressive . It was hit by the ideals, and the face of representation that is derived from the name of the ( black ) , two words : bad, and the disease if installed two words with each other to the left word to you : black, Valrcol holy peace be upon him exit , including A collection of her name, and the eruption of her poetry also interpreted, that what stirs up evil comes out of the city . She noted here that not all the blackness frowned upon in a dream as the visions as I told you : you should consider several things, including the time of Revelation, and the city was that time land infested, so proven Aisha , may Allah be pleased , said : ~ We made the city a Oba land God ~(17) . The Prophet called holy peace be upon him to convey God Abaha to the handsome said :~ Oh dear to us , the city and move protected by the handsome ~(18), so you may see behind the vision and the color of black , thus expressed his derived from Sovereignty is not from bad , and so what is important here is the diversity of expression and its methods , and the diversity of the expression of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for visions, and the Messenger of God was with his companions who would express the vision and tell them the reason for his expression as the previous example . . . Take this example also : On the authority of Abu Musa on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said : I saw in a dream that I was migrating from Mecca to a land with palm trees, so he and I went to the point that it was Al-Yamamah or Hajar. So if Madinah is smacking, and I saw in my vision that I shook a sword, then his chest was cut off. He was injured by the believers on a Sunday, then another shook him, and he returned the best that was. So, it is what God brought with him from the conquest and the gathering of the believers, and I also saw in it a cow, and God is good. So if they are a group of believers on a Sunday, and if goodness is what God has brought with it after the reward of honesty that God has brought to us after the day of Badr ~ . this is the text of a Muslim (19). Valmlahz here that the Prophet peace be upon him tell companions the vision and he put it , and this education from it , and which is also narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad narrated from Anas that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , he said : ~ I saw while sleeping see if I Mirdif ram was Zbh my sword broken , has been placing I kill the owner of the battalion , and a man of the people of my house kills ~ (20). , killing the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Talha bin Abi Talha owner of the banner of the infidels , and killed Hamza bin Abdul demand may Allah be pleased with him . Al- Nawawi said in explaining the true Muslim Commenting on the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas : that the Messenger of Allah was making me Saying to his companions : “ Whoever among you sees a vision, let him tell it, pass it to him . . . ~ Etc. (21), the judge said : the meaning of the term they often do as well, as if he said : would . In modern induction aware of the vision , and the question about the interpretation, the scientists said : a laptop and ask that God bless him and teach them interpret the virtue and include According to what God Almighty wills of informing the unseen, and it came in the authentic hadith of Al-Bukhari. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : While I was asleep, I came with a cup of milk, and I drank it so that I could see the water . ”(22) The hadith has already been mentioned and it was the first of the Messenger, may God’s prayers be upon him. He gave the milk to the knowledge , and it is important to us here when we are talking about the legality of teaching the vision and asking about it what came from the narration of Abu Bakr bin Salem that God’s prayers and peace be upon him. He said to them : “ Give it. ” They said , O Messenger of God, this is knowledge that God gave you , so He filled you with grace , so I preferred a bounty and I gave it Omar He said : “You were injured. ” Here , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, from the Companions ’news of lending visions to their questioning of them . He, may God bless him and grant him peace, as Ibn Hajar says in Al-Fath : He was fluent in the expression of the vision, and he had a participant in that among them because the multiplicity of this saying is not issued to those who trained in it and trusted with a woman . Commenting on the hadith, he said : In the hadith, the legitimacy of the scholar to question questions and test his companions in their interpretation . He said in another place : the virtue of expression of vision , what it involves access to some of the unseen and the secrets of organisms (23). The crossing also needs to be familiar parables in the Koran and its meanings , and to consider the notification and proverbs and derivation of the language and their meanings and be a world of what is happening on the tongues of the people , and it needs the crossing as well as to learn a lot about the state of the seer , there is no defect to ask him about his work or his job , age , social status and all What he deems necessary is what is evidenced by the knowledge of his issue or his vision , and the crossing here is like a doctor. If the patient withholds information about his illness, he may make a mistake in the diagnosis and may prescribe a wrong medicine for him, and it is necessary to not rush to the questioner and the responsible, and it was reported from Ibn Sirin, may God have mercy on him, that he was If there is a mechanism of a vision issue in which he stayed full of the day, he asks its owner about himself, his industry and his people, and this of course may happen to the able crossing and it is not a shame for him to quench such a time, and there is no doubt that most of what was narrated on the authority of Ibn Sirin does not need a long time when expressing it and contemplating it. But I mentioned him because the presence of this from him despite his scarcity and his skill in expression is evidence of the importance of narration, and narration is useful for verifying the narrator’s words and getting to know his condition in terms of righteousness, truthfulness, justice, and the time of vision . . And other things that may be needed by the crossing, and should not be bored or angry questions crossing – especially – when you do not know any way liquid as much falls in this age as a result of telephone calls from people – male or female – do not know them the crossing, it needs to question His questions about them may be rejected by some of the questioners and interpreted by interfering with his privacy . As well as the question of an important religion of the crossing, and the administrator must honesty in the answer Vslah man or evildoers, with a strong relationship , art said : to eat honey for a Muslim interpretation sweetness of the Koran and the male in his heart, which is the infidel sweetness of the world and the Gnimetha, Valray contrasting by religion, creeds and countries must – when transferring vision – proficiency transferred to the crossing, and to tell him about its owner , male or female, his social age . . . Etc., and all what he sees as the crossing is necessary to express the vision transmitted was mentioned by Ibn Hajar interest on the words of the Prophet peace be upon him : ~ From the vision of Vliqsa Oabbarha him ~ (24) verse said : ~ Vliqsa ~ to remind her story and follows the fractions until nothing left of them Cut the effect if you follow it . The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked and inquired, and he is the Messenger of God . It came in the hadith : A man named Muti’a ibn al-Aswad saw in his dream that he gave him a pouch of dates , so he mentioned that to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he said : “ Has any of your daughters been pregnant? ” He said. : Yes, with a woman from my son . Laith . . She is the mother of Abdullah. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , said : “ She will give birth to a boy. ” And she bore a boy , so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, called him Abdullah and Hanakah with a date and called him blessing . . This hadith was mentioned by al-Haythami in Majma ‘al-Zawaid (25) and attributed to al-Tabarani, and it was not included in one of the nine books . 77 ________________________________ (1) Yusuf : 43 (2) Ibn Hajar . Op – (434 \ 12) (3) Elvir and Zabadi – interpretation of Ibn Abbas . Op . Cit . P . 193 (4 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression door missionaries , see the opening (12 \ 375 ) – op – narrated by 0 Ahmad in Musnad Abu Hurayrah – a reference earlier . (5 )) Narrated by Muslim in the prayer book door is forbidden to read the Koran in the bowing and prostration as in the nuclear (4 /196 ) – op -. (6 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the Book of Virtues of the Companions door of the virtues of Umar ibn al – Khattab , as in the opening (7/42 ) – op -, and Muslim in the book of the virtues of the Companions door of the virtues of Umar ibn al – Khattab , as in the nuclear (15 /166 ) – previous reference -. (7 ) Jalaluddin Suyuti – Major characteristics – (2 /115 ). (8 ) runways between the homes beware of worship and Thine aid we seek to Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr Ayoub Zorai – Arab Book House – Beirut , i 2, in (1393 – 1973 ) to achieve : Mohammed al – Feki . ( P . 115 ). (9 ) light : 5 . ‏ ( 10 ‏ ) جاء في الحديث الصحيح الذي أخرجه مسلم من طريق ابن عمر عن عمر قال : قال : عمر : ( وافقت ربي في ثلاث : في مقام إبراهيم وفي الحجاب وفي اسارى بدر ) انظر : النووي شرح صحيح مسلم ( 167\15 ‏ ) , ولا شك في فضله رضي الله عنه كما قال حين احتج نساء النبي عليه في الغيرة : عسى ربه إذ طلقكن أن يبدله أزواجأ خيرا منكن فنزلت الاية بذلك , وجاء في الحديث الذي ذكره مسلم أيضأ موافقته في منع الصلاة على المنافقين ونزول الأية بذلك ( 167\15 ‏ ) وجاءت أيضأ موافقته في تحريم الخمر , قال النووي : فهذه ست وليس في لفظ الحديث السابق ما ينفي زيادة الموافقة , والله أعلم . ‏ ( 11 ‏ ) رواه الترمذي في كتاب تفسير القران باب تفسير سورة الحجر . ورواه الطبراني والبخاري في التاريخ , ‏ وحكم عليه الألباني بالضعف . ‏ ( 12 ‏ ) أخرجه البخاري في كتاب الرقاق باب التواضع ( 11 ‏ / 341 ‏ ) كما في الفتح – مرجع سابق – . ‏ ( 13 ‏ ) يشير إلى الحديث الذي سبق ذكره في فضل عمر وسبق تخريجه ص 58 ‏ .(14 ) Mohammad Razi Almsthr Bouktaib illiterate – physiognomy guide to the knowledge of the ethics of the people and their natures as if they were an open book – the achievement of Mustafa Ashour – published the Koran r Library 21-22. (15 ) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh in the Book of Revelation , as in the nuclear (15 / 31 ) – op -. (16 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression if the door saw that thing out of Keh and live here last subject (12 /425 ) and in the door : black women (12 /426 ) – op -. (17 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of the virtues of the city gate of hatred of the Prophet peace be upon him that the city naked conquest (99/4 ) – op – Muslim in the Book of Hajj and the door of the city favored the carrot in a residential city to explain nuclear (9 /0 15 ) – op -. (18 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of the virtues of the city , the door of the hatred of the Prophet peace be upon him that the city was uncovered as in the conquest – the previous reference . (4 /99 ), as explained in the nuclear true Muslim . Previous reference . In the book of Hajj and the door of the city favored the carrot in a residential city (150 \ 9 ). (19 ) Agreed and pronunciation of Muslim See : Fath Bari , a book in the virtues of prophecy talk of signs (627 \ 6 ) – op -. And to explain nuclear Muslim in the book of Revelation (31 \ 15 ) • op .. (20 ) Narrated by Ahmad in the rest of the palm Almktherin in the palm of Anas bin Malik . (21 ) Narrated by Muslim in the Book of Revelation , as in the nuclear (30 \ 15 ) – op -. (22 ) while I was sleeping , I came Bakdh milk and drank from it until I see irrigation . . Offers discharged p . 30 . (23 ) Ibn Hajar Fath al – op – (440 437 394 \ 12) 0 (24) provides alumna, p . 65 . (25) Al -Haythami – previous reference – (7/184) ** Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…What is the reason for so many expressions urging to know the names of those who respond in the vision? This is an important question, and it has to do with the questioner as well. Because some of the questioners may be embarrassed when asking about names, and I do not know why this embarrassment and the issue is nothing more than a dream? In terms of the reason, the reason for the question from the expressors is relevant to the relationship of the answer to the expression, as the names have a relationship and affect negatively or positively with the expression of the vision, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, liked optimism about the significance of some names in reality, but he ordered some names to be changed to others with better meaning and meaning, and this was mentioned from Authentic ways from him, may God bless him and grant him peace, and in terms of expression, he, peace and blessings be upon him, reported a weak chain of narration in the Sunnah of Ibn Majah with his chain of transmission on the authority of Anas ibn Malik said : He , peace and blessings be upon him, said : ((They considered them by their names, and they made them by their meaning, and the vision for the first transient )) Ibn Majah narrated it in the book “The Vision of the Vision” chapter on what the vision expresses and what is meant by saying : They are considered by their names, that is to derive their interpretation from the names mentioned in the vision. Tired, then he begins to get tired, or he sees a West, then he considers the immoral man to name him in the hadeeth and so on . What is meant by saying : (( Kanawha Pkinaha )) , which brought her an example if through Tamoha, is derived from the saying : Knyt about it and Knut him if a write about someone else , and this hadith mentioned scholar Shaykh al – Albaani Almighty God ‘s mercy in a weak Sunan Ibn Majah [ r 315_ h 849 ] And he symbolized it by saying : Weak, and Sheikh Muhammad Fu’ad Abd al-Baqi – Muhaqqiq of Sunan Ibn Majah – after he gave it to Ibn Majah’s chain of transmission, in Zuaid : In his chain of transmission is Yazid ibn Aban al-Raqashi, and he is weak, and in any case we have no luck in our discussion of examples of some Among the visions that the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, crossed over some visions, using the indication of names in some visions, which confirms the correctness of the approach of some of the expressers if they asked about names sometimes, and from that hadith : Anas bin Malik said : The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said : (( I saw one night when the sleeper sees as if I am in the house of Uqba ibn Rafi ). We missed Ratab Ibn Tab – a man from Madinah – and I mentioned the text of the hadith and his graduation in ( p. 50), and I explained that the Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him, is the first obstacle to the punishment and lifted the elevation , And it is from the derivation of the names as it is between ….

…What is the opinion that the author adopts regarding the one who invokes and then has a vision? In view of the large number of questioners about these topics , especially girls who are approached by proposers , and they ask God for their sake and ask God to show them a vision that helps them to know whether this applicant is good for them, and some of them may make the visions generated under these circumstances a basis for response or acceptance This suitor !!! And for those who are surprised at the women’s actions, I add to it and say that there are some fathers who approach him and address his daughter, and he writes to me and asks me, after Istikharah, about dreams that he saw, and they may be visions, while he is confused before her. Does he spend the sermon or respond to the suitor? I have several pauses here. I hope to contemplate and reflect on it for whomever falls under the previous description : 1 / Whoever proposes a suitor to her, she must follow the path of knowledge, not dream !! 2 / To the one who presented to her, address the question about his religion, character, and faithfulness, and this is usually done by the guardian, from a father, brother or similar, and after the question he takes the path of Istikharah and there is no objection to repeating it, and after that he looks at the opinion of the girl, and after the legal vision it is decided and decided Her order, and so her decision is informed and wise, and not about dreams or visions . 3 / I noticed a lot of women who write to me, especially women, that they greatly over-accept those who apply for her early, and invoke illogical arguments, including : study, young age, somewhat old age of the fiancé, lack of financial, employment or pedigree, and some These girls refuse for no reason, but because she did not find anyone advising her or urging her to accept, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said about the virgin : and her ears are her silence … as evidence of modesty, or the inability to declare approval, so those around her think that she is rejecting. This invites me to say that the guardian has a great task in managing the marriage and signing it, or hindering it – if you will . 4 / The guardian of a woman or a girl must not include dreams or visions in his decision-making, either with or without consent, and most of the dreams that are seen and generated in such circumstances are like the frustrations that are from the talk of the soul . 5 / Girls should not give up their first age, and to know that the sooner the age of marriage, the better for them, and with love, companionship, compromise and understanding with the husband, she can discuss any topic. To study, complete her studies, or work …. etc. 6 / The experience has indicated that a woman prefers marriage, or pregnancy and childbearing, more than studying or working, and therefore I do not see a reason why a girl would delay her marriage under the pretext of completing her studies, and what she does That someone will apply for it? And how do you know that the speech will continue to knock on her door? Ask a lot of those who missed marriage, or missed the golden age of marriage, and their refusal was due to work, self-formation, or study, and you will find that most of them, and most of them, wish that they are married and have a family, and children . 7 / It is not a requirement that whoever invokes God’s daughters, or fathers or mothers, sees a good vision, and what if he saw such a good vision; It is not a requirement that he know her correct interpretation, or be informed of it from the crossing. The expression may be contrary to the situation, or absent from the truth – and this is possible from the expressors – they are human beings who make mistakes and suffer, and there is no infallibility except for a Prophet . 8 / Most of the dreams that were seen after Istikharah have little, if not non-existent, scope for honesty. So whoever invokes it, or who is asking for something, then thinking is focused on it, in the state of waking up, and before sleeping, and this makes the person who is seeking istikhaarah may see something related to the subject of his Istikharah, and it is because of thinking about it, while its owner thinks that it is a sincere vision, and it must be expressed. And taking a decision based on its light, but what I see is a pipe dream . 9 / The abstraction may see a vision in which there are no direct symbols of the subject invoked for its sake, for here it may have a meaning in his vision that can have a significance for the extractive, and all this is according to the expression of the one who expresses the vision . 10 / There may be some type of vision that has a strong significance for the extractive; And that is if the seer was a person far from the sought-after, and he did not know about his news that was renewed and was reclaimed for its sake, and then he saw a vision that is directly related to this is sought, and what he invoked for his sake, and this is returned and happens very much, and in this type of vision there is a great degree of truthfulness, Especially if the seer is known for his honesty and righteousness . 11 / Perhaps one of the funny things about what is said here is what is said about the ancient Indians, that they used to say : The night brings us advice, and that is that they discover through their dreams an indication of their good or bad luck, and this meaning is present in the meaning of a good vision and the legitimacy of seeking it out, informing it and awaiting its realization ….

…Murder Whoever sees that he is killing himself repents sincerely . And whoever sees that he kills a person, he commits a grave sin, and the one killed will suffer good . But slaughter is wrong . And if he sees that he killed a soul, then he will be saved from distress, because God Almighty says : (And you killed a soul, we will save you from grief ). And if the servant sees that his master killed him, then he shall set him free . And whoever sees that he was killed, and does not know who killed him, then he is a person who is neglecting the Sharia . Whoever deliberately kills a soul is disobedient . And whoever confesses to killing a soul, he will be granted guardianship, because God Almighty said : (He said : Lord, I killed a soul from them, so I fear that they will be killed ). And it was said : Whoever saw that he was killed has denied prayer or neglected it . And whoever saw that he killed his son, he would have a livelihood . Whoever saw that he was killed in the cause of God indicates profit, trade, and the fulfillment of the promise . See also Slaughtering ….

…And whoever sees the sparks eating what came to him, then it is speech and evil and a quarrel or war between a people and harm them, and the vision of smoke is a great horror and fierce fighting and war, and if with that smoke there is a flame, then it is a severe killing that affects people, and if it is without flame, then it is combined without war and sedition without killing ….

…Murder Whoever sees that he is killing himself repents sincerely . And whoever sees that he kills a person, he commits a grave sin, and the one killed will suffer good . But slaughter is wrong . And if he sees that he killed a soul, then he will be saved from distress, because God Almighty says : (And you killed a soul, we will save you from grief ). And if the servant sees that his master killed him, then he shall set him free . And whoever sees that he was killed, and does not know who killed him, then he is a person who is neglecting the Sharia . Whoever deliberately kills a soul is disobedient . And whoever confesses to killing a soul, he will be granted guardianship, because God Almighty said : (He said : Lord, I killed a soul from them, so I fear that they will be killed ). And it was said : Whoever saw that he was killed has denied prayer or neglected it . And whoever saw that he killed his son, he would have a livelihood . Whoever saw that he was killed in the cause of God indicates profit, trade, and the fulfillment of the promise . See also Slaughtering ….

…Blasphemy is in a dream a wealth or a disease from which the owner cannot escape and no medicine helps him, and disbelief is injustice . And it was said : disbelief is denial of the truth. The Almighty said : ( killing a person does not disbelieve him ). I disobey him . Perhaps infidelity indicates the health of the sick after their close supervision . And infidelity may indicate sedition in religion, and self-killing ….

…A lion in a dream is a strong, oppressive, brutal, authoritarian ruler because of his daring . And perhaps it indicated death because it was a matter of saving lives . And his vision may indicate the health of the patient . And the lioness is a wicked, cruel woman, dear to the boy . Seeing the lion indicates ignorance, vanity, wonder, obstinacy, wandering, and pampering . And it was said : The lion in a dream is a domineering enemy . And whoever sees the lion from where he does not see it, the seer will be saved from what he fears and will gain wisdom and knowledge . And whoever sees the lion approaching him, they will attain authority, and then he will escape from him . And whoever sees the lion killing it and not killing it, then he will have a constant fever, that the fever does not leave him, or that he is imprisoned, and that fever is a prison for God Almighty . And whoever sees that he is fighting a lion is sick because it is a disease that destroys the flesh, and whoever fights a lion spoils his flesh . And whoever saw that he took something from the flesh of a lion, its bone, or its hair, it would receive money from a ruler or an enemy . And whoever rides the seven while he is afraid of him will be exposed to a calamity that he cannot act towards, and if he is not afraid then he is an enemy that will defeat him . And whoever sees that he has slept with the lion while not being afraid of him is safe from disease . And whoever sees the seven, he goes into a house and there is a sick person, then he will die . If there was no patient there, it indicated fear of the Sultan . And whoever sees that he is afraid of a lion and does not see it, then he is safe from his enemy . And whoever sees that he has seen the lion and sees him with him without mixing with him, then he will be frightened by Sultan, and this will not harm him, and perhaps seeing that indicates death and the near term . And whoever sees the lion in his house, he will strike power and a long life . And whoever sees the lion swearing something from him, he will gain it from an enemy who is so dominant . And whoever sees that he fought a lion, he is fighting a dominated enemy . And whoever sees that he marries a lioness, then he will escape from many adversities, gain victory for his enemy, and take his command higher, and be famous among the people . And whoever sees that he eats the meat of a lion, then he will be hit by money and riches from a ruler, or he will gain victory over his enemy . And whoever sees that he ate the head of a lion, he will strike a great power and a lot of money, and whoever sees that he eats any of the lion’s members, he will hit the money of an enemy who is in power as much as that member . Whoever sees that he has struck from the skin of a lion or from his hair, then he pours the money of a dominant enemy, and it may be an inheritance . And the lion denotes the warrior, the thief or the unjust worker, the chief of the police or the student, and as for the lion entering the city, it is a plague, distress, or a mighty power or an enemy that enters them, unless he enters the mosque and rises to the pulpit, for he is a power that oppresses the people, and gets them from him a calamity. And scary . A lion puppy is born . And it was said : He who saw as if he had killed a lion escaped all the sorrows . Whoever turns a lion becomes unjust according to his condition . And it was said : the lioness is the daughter of a king ….

…Severe . And if it is twenty-nine, it indicates goodness, relief and pleasure . And if he heard thunder in a dream, and the vision was on nine days of May, it indicated the death of the noble ones with the dove, and death occurred in the Turks, and likewise in the sheep, and there would be much rain, and the best of the orchards abounded . If it is in the middle ten, severe diseases occur . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in June, up to ten days from it, then it indicates the death of scholars and the most honorable in the land of Egypt, prices are cheap, money grows, and land and sea fishing increases . And if thunder is heard and the vision is in July to six days of it, then the rain will occur in the month of December, and the planting will advance and grow, and the great people of the Romans will die, and the price falls in Yemen, and war falls in the land of the Persians and there is evil in the land of Egypt on the side of the king, and they fall into captivity in Children, and a king comes from the East to carry them as prisoners to his land . And if the thunder is at the end or seven remains of it, then it indicates safety in all the land, and the price is cheap in the land of Basra and the land of Abyssinia, and the land is blackened to the blackness of the Euphrates, and some fruits such as palm and bananas get scourges, and wheat abounds . And if at the end of the year people are afraid of killing their king . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in the month of August, then it is a good sign for the people of Levant and the people of Gorgan and Azerbaijan. The locusts are reduced and the king of the Khazars and the king of Gog and Magog will die, and the fighting falls between them . And if at the end of it there is thunder, then it will be fertile in the land of Egypt and its overflowing, and the prices are cheap in it after barrenness, high prices and death . If thunder is heard in a dream and the vision is in the month of September in the second days of it, then the rain will be a lot, and droughts occur at the beginning of the year, and fertile at the end, and the locusts will be in the land of Kufa and the Tabahs of Basra, and people fall into great hunger, and Muslims open fortresses, and between the Romans and the Turks Fight for a long time, fertilize the sham and receive its fruits and grains . And if it was on the tenth, it indicated the lack of rain in that year in the Maghreb, and God Almighty knows best and His absence is wiser .. And if it is twenty-nine it indicates goodness, relief and pleasure . And if he heard thunder in a dream, and the vision was in nine days of May, it indicated the death of the noble ones with the dove, and death occurred in the Turks, and likewise in the sheep, and there would be much rain, and the good of the orchards abounded . If it is in the middle ten, severe diseases occur . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in June, up to ten days from it, then it indicates the death of scholars and the most honorable in the land of Egypt, prices are cheap, money grows, and land and sea fishing increases . And if thunder is heard and the vision is in July to six days of it, then the rain will occur in the month of December, and the planting will advance and grow, and the great people of the Romans will die, and the price falls in Yemen, and war falls in the land of the Persians and there is evil in the land of Egypt on the side of the king, and they fall into captivity in Children, and a king comes from the East to carry them to his land as prisoners . And if the thunder is at the end or seven remains of it, then it indicates safety in all the land, and the price is cheap in the land of Basra and the land of Abyssinia, and the land is blackened to the blackness of the Euphrates, and some fruits such as palm and bananas get scourges, and wheat abounds . And if at the end of the year people are afraid of killing their king . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in the month of August, then it is a good sign for the people of Levant and the people of Gorgan and Azerbaijan. The locusts are reduced and the king of the Khazars and the king of Gog and Magog will die, and the fighting falls between them . And if at the end of it there is thunder, then it will be fertile in the land of Egypt and its Nile floods and prices are cheap in it after barrenness, high prices and death . If thunder is heard in a dream and the vision is in the month of September in the second days of it, then the rain will be a lot, and there will be droughts at the beginning of the year, and fertile at the end, and the locusts will be in the land of Kufa and the Tabahs of Basra, and people fall into great hunger, and Muslims open fortresses, and between the Romans and the Turks Fight for a long time, fertilize the sham and receive its fruits and grains . And if it was on the tenth, it indicates the lack of rain in that year in Morocco, and God Almighty knows best, and His absence is wiser ….