…And whoever thinks that some things have come out from the deceased, such as urine, faeces, pus, blood, sputum, sputum, and the like, then it is in two ways. It was said that it was not interpreted because it could not be issued from it, and it was said that everything of that is interpreted from the meaning of the above and comes on its heels, and it may be in a kind. Other than that which the expressers see fiercely about the meaning, and others have said otherwise, and it is advanced that if he sees something that cannot happen to the deceased from it, it is expressed by analogy, toxicity, consequence, and so on ….

…Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said Al-Sawsan indicates two ways for the people of righteousness, a good praise, and for the people of corruption, a burden on the apparent meaning of his name, because the first part is bad, and they sang in the meaning : Susanna I gave to me and what … I used to give me a good one, the first of which is bad and not to mention … what remains of the name is the bad age….

…Aspects that must be taken into account when expressing visions : The following drawing illustrates in a simple way the aspects of the vision expression : the Qur’an side / the hadith aspect / the Arabic language side / the symbol side at the time of the vision / the vision What is it? When narrating the vision to it, the person expressing it looks at various aspects that I explained in the previous drawing and notes that the upper sections are related to the pronunciation, and the sections at the bottom are related to the person of the words or the person of the vision and the time in which the vision was seen . Let us give an example here of what Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih : On the authority of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, he said : The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : (( While I was sleeping I saw people displaying a t-shirt on them, some of which reached the breasts, and some of them reached the breasts below that, and Umar ibn al-Khattab passed by with a shirt on him. He dragged it )) , they said : What did you give that, O Messenger of God? He said : (( Religion )) Fath Al-Bari 12/413 _ Al- Nawawi 15/159 The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him here, crossed the shirt with religion, and he was asked to say : Why did the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, express the shirt here with religion? If we look at the Qur’an, we still have this question. The Almighty said : {And the clothing of godliness, that is better. } [Al- A’raf : 26] Therefore, the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, expressed it here with religion, as there is a relationship in terms of meaning. And away from her all bad . So, the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, here, by examining him with a vision, interpreted it from the strongest aspect of it, which is the Holy Qur’an, and examples of this are many, including : the expression of the ship as deliverance, wood with hypocrites, stones with the cruelty of the heart, eating a man’s flesh in his absence, sleepiness with security … and others . He cites other examples of the possibility of deciphering the visions through the purified Sunnah, so seeing a palm tree may cross the believer to compare the Messenger to a Muslim man with a palm tree, and to talk about Ibn Omar, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : (( One of the trees is a tree whose leaves do not fall, and it is the likeness of a Muslim, so talk to me. What is it? Then the people fell into the trees of the valley, Abdullah said : So he fell into my mind that it was the palm tree, and I was alive . Then they said, “Tell us what it is, O Messenger of God . ” He said : It is the date . [ Fath al-Bari 1/145] _ And seeing a bottle of water pass by the woman to the words of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, as proven in al-Sahih (( Compassionate, O injesha with flasks )) [ Fath al-Bari 10/538 ] , _ and seeing a garment cross the religion as the Messenger, may God bless him, said He handed over the garment that he saw to Omar while he was dragging it with religion . So from here I can clarify to the noble reader [the stages of the expression of the vision ]. In the following form : the vision is considered and its aspects are contemplated in terms of : A – Symbols and expressions of the vision Do they have anything to do with : the Holy Qur’an – the Sunnah of the Prophet – the Arabic language and its derivations, then b – The visionary in terms of : his social status, gender and function, and then c – the time of the vision / whether Is it modern or old , summer or winter . . . And another example is what Muslim narrated in his Sahih in the Book of Revelation : On the authority of Anas bin Malik, he said : The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : (( I saw one night while the sleeper saw it as if we were in the house of Uqba ibn Rafi, so we came to Bettab Ibn Tabab, and I transferred the lift to us in this world and the consequence. We have in the hereafter, and that our religion has been good . ” Notice that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, expressed this vision, and you find it expressed it from the language side and its derivations without linking the expression to the aspect of the Qur’an, and the Sunnah for example, and this we notice through your contemplation of the expression . The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is the first obstacle to a vision : with a good outcome in reality and this is in the Hereafter, and the first loftier in the vision : by elevation and victory, and this in this world, and the first of al-Rutab from Ratab Ibn Tabab : with the stability of religion and the perfection of its rulings. For this, and God knows best, the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, expressed it to the stability and perfection of religion and the end of its rulings . And he took from the word good meaning stability as well . And if we ask about the reason for its expression from the Holy Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, from its linguistic and etymological aspect, then the answer is : Because he is stronger in this vision than in other aspects , and the expresser and here is the Messenger of God from his insight and knowledge, which is from God’s knowledge, so he does not utter the desires he expressed from this Side . Therefore, when telling the vision to them, the passers look for the stronger side or the good side of the vision through which they prey on this vision. It is not clear to the noble reader that their predation for the vision is to know its expression through looking and contemplating it ….

…Q : Is seeing the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, possible? Did the one who saw the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, on any page, had he seen it as in the truth? Yes , and perhaps the most important examples of good vision , the vision of the Prophet peace be upon him was directed by Imam Bukhari and Muslim word from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : ~ from Rani in a dream has Rani, the devil is not to me ~ ( 1). In his novel , ~ from Rani in a dream Vsarani awake or as if Rani vigilance is not to the devil me . In the novel , he said peace be upon him :~ from Rani was the opinion of the right , ~ Ibn Sirin said : If Rah in his image (2 ). the fact that scientists have differed in the meaning of peace be upon him : from Rani in a dream she saw me … ~ Ibn Albaqlani said : means that his vision is correct not Bodgat nor similes the devil , and supported as saying the novel ~ was the opinion of the right ~ sigh vision is correct , and it was Ibn Sirin if cut by a man that he saw the Prophet peace be upon him , said : row me that I saw If he described an attribute he did not know, he said : You did not see him . Ibn Hajar said and his chain of transmission is authentic (3). Others said : but modern phenomenon meant that he had seen it catches do not mind prevents it . Others said : likely to be saying peace be upon him : ~ lost Rani or the right saw the devil is in the Picture ~ to be done if the opinion of the described known him in his life, the behind the dispute was a vision interpretation of Araaa fact , and it is true that he sees A fact, whether it was on his known or other capacity . Some scholars said : singled Nabih God Almighty that people see him correct all sincerity and prevent the devil imagine in created lest lying on his tongue in sleep as a breach of God the habit of the prophets peace be upon them a miracle , and as impossible that the devil imagined in his image in the vigilance , if signed suspected the truth with falsehood and did not Aathag what he brought fear of this perception Vhamaha Allah from Satan and Nzgh and Osuste and reciting and Kedah (4), said Imam Ibn Hajar : it seems to me that what is meant by Rani in a dream any recipe was Felictbhr and knew that he had seen Revelation truth that is from God , not the wrong that is the dream, the devil is not to me (5) ~ But the meaning of ~ to as if Rani in vigilance ~ is subject to the words : one of them : that what is meant by the people of his time and means that Rah sleep and had not migrated help him God Almighty for migration and then see the Apostle visibly . the second question : he sees the ratification of that vision in vigilance in the Hereafter ; because he sees in the afterlife all the nation from Rah in the world and has not seen . III : he sees in the Hereafter vision of his own in the proximity of it and get Chweath and so ________________________________ (1 ) Narrated by Bukhari As in the opening (12 /383 ) door saw the Prophet peace be upon him in a dream , and as a Muslim in the nuclear (15 /24 ). (2 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (12 /383 ) door saw the Prophet peace be upon him in a dream , and as a Muslim in the nuclear (15 /26 ). (3 ) See : Ibn Hajar – op (4) Ibn Hajar – op – (12/389) and nuclear previous reference – (15/25). (5) Ibn Hajar – Previous Reference – (12/389). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…Does the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, see the dream? I wondered about an important scientific issue in the science of expression, which is what my article has titled to him, and I say about it : The beginning of the vision is from God, and the dream is from the Devil, and this is fixed by the text of the explicit Sunnah. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says : [The vision is from God and the dream is from Satan ] Agreed On it . Satan is committed to permanent hostility of every human being, Fdaute the ever released in sleep comes dreams terrifying to them, or vigilance will respond ill harm, God Almighty says : [ and live to mention Rahman , the antithesis of his demon he is his opposite ] which we cause him a devil kicks him on the infidels , ~ he is assigned to him , ~ it was said in this world , prevent him from muslim , and resurrects the Sacred , and tell him obedience , and ordering him to sin ; It is the meaning of Ibn Abbas saying . So Valohlam alarming abound on who moved away from the male and the abandonment of obedience and prayer group, and hopes the words of God Almighty for his heirs : [ not the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve those who believe and fear them human in this life and in the Hereafter …] interpreted human vision The good is seen by the believer or seen by him . Dreams are reduced or absent for the guardians of God, because their deeds have made them isolated from the harm of the accursed Satan, the most important of which is faith and piety . The Prophet , peace be upon him and do not see the dream never, and so the rest of the prophets and the proof of this interview : Abdullah bin Masood said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : [ What one of you only have all of his spouse of the jinn, they said : Beware , O Allah’s Messenger? He said : And to me, except that God helped me with him, so he embraced Islam, so he does not command me except for what is good. ] ﴾Sahih Muslim . Whoever gives this dignity in waking life is not prevented from giving it to him in sleep, and he will never see the dream in the legal meaning that we decided at the beginning of this article . God knows…

…Did you meet a dead person , and did he invite you to visit him? There are many concepts that are taken for granted by some in the field of this science , and I will talk about one of these matters , and the significance is very frightening . And that is seeing the dead , for many people when they see the dead , they may not be bothered by just seeing them , and some rejoice when they see the dead in a good condition , and this is good while we are together , and the evangelization that we followed in the expression of visions and dreams is compatible . But the symbol that freaks out whatever frightens him , and almost everyone unites him ; Seeing one of the dead calling you , or taking you with him !! Does this take the meaning of death ?? Some say : Yes , and unfortunately you find some of the expressers or expressions have ridden this wave of intimidation , so he asked the owners of this type of vision to work well and prepare for the departure , but some people who were asked about similar visions did not cross them , and were silent for a while , then he said to the owner of it : Fear God and watch out for your hereafter !! And leaving the person of the vision in a state that only God knows , so he does not pass it on to good , nor does he command you to guard against it as stated . One time a senior employee in a very large newspaper called me , and he told me that he saw in a dream that he asked a man in a dream about the time of his death , and the official was silent and did not speak , and the questioner says that he explained the vision to him soon , and here I say : Why do not we beware From the horrific visions and we are silent about them , after we bring the precautions mentioned in the Sunnah , and let us remember the consequence of that from the saying of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him : ~For it does not harm .~ I would like to emphasize here , that there is no conclusive indication and one of the vision , and knows that the vision is not measured , it read the expression interpreted a vision of the near – term , for example , the first two , and as much as him to see the same vision or similar to her ; Their meaning is not the same , because the circumstances of each of the two visions are different , so let him be reassured of the opinion of such a vision , so he saw a dead person calling or taking a hand , or telling him that he misses him , for example , that he does not understand death from it only , and I assure me one last thing not to leave some dark thinking of you , Or from some of the expressions that turn your life on you , or push you to isolation and sadness, all of this is from the actions of the accursed Satan , and it has been proven on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he said : “ None of you would say : If you did such-and-such, it was such-and-such , and let him say : God decreed and what He willed he did , Van if you open the work of the devil , ~ and the work of the devil is whispering and Althuzein and despair . And I whisper into the ear of some elders or old men, for example, who passes through to children or passes to her children , or who passes through to people, for example, or private neighbors through practice and not expressing knowledge , that the expression will not be generalized , so that it measures the connotations of some visions on each other , so they always have a ready answer for whoever saw A dead person calls out or takes a hand to a place , and the answer is : May God reward you yourself !! May God have mercy on you . . . ! Or say to people : He will die soon !! And I say : Fear God, O crossers !! Do not terrorize people , and I say to those who saw a vision of this kind, to beware if he is afraid of seeing him , or to look for a loved one to pass it through to him , or a scholar or counselor . For this reason , the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to us : “ Do not tell the vision except for a scholar or counselor. ~. And in a novel : ~ Or Ali Wade …~….

…The definition of visions and dreams in terms of the language of visions is a plural of visions and may be uttered without humming on actual weight . It is in the language what is seen in sleep, derived from the verb saw . It is originally a source like the left . When I made a name when the sleeper imagined, the course of names and vision was made with a distraction to perceive the time with the sense of sight . And to those whose visions abound : ( see ). The dream of annexing ha and soothing lam . It is permissible to join them, so it is said : Dream . A dream is derived from a dream, and its meaning is a vision in his sleep . Said : the dream of something which he saw in his sleep and the dream of a dream and its meaning from behind in his vision is said to dream Balhi any spotted in his dream curse any opinion of his vision and combine : dreams ask here how many times received the word dreams in the Koran received this word in the Koran twice : 1 – the verse ( they said dreams and what we interpret dreams Avalim ) [ Yusuf : 44] 2 – the verse ( but they dreams but forged it is a poet Vlaotna verse sent ancients as ) [ prophets : 5] the initial verse regarding Joseph with King . And the second in the story of the Arab polytheists mocking Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace (1), may God bless him and grant him peace . And also ask the word received a vision in the Koran? Received the word of Revelation in the Koran ) four times are as follows : A – verse : O public Please advise me in my vision, if ye vision pass over [ Yusuf : 43] 2 – the verse : And We made the vision that Orinacc only a temptation for people and the tree cursed in the Koran and only increase them Nkhuvhm what a great tyranny [ Isra : 60] 7 – verse : Revelation has also ratified Verily We recompense benefactors ( Saaffaat : 105 ). 4 – saying the Almighty : The sincerity of God , His Messenger , the vision of the right ( open : 27 ). (1) The first verse concerning the king with Joseph and the second verse to be appointed by the vision of the prophet show her peace be upon him the night of the family to the holy house where . He wanted to slaughter, and the fourth was in the matter of seeing the Messenger when he thought that he would enter Makkah and perform Umrah . ___________________________________ (1 ) See : Concordance of words Koran • Mohamed Fouad Abdul Baki . The Revival of Arab Heritage House – Beirut – Lebanon – No History Article ( Daghth ) p. 421 * Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi ….

…How deaf people dream ?? Do they hear the sound in their dreams? Does a nightmare come to them? Does a person born deaf differ in dreams, seeing them, and imagining the sounds of what they see, and whoever became deaf later? These are several questions that may come to the mind of anyone interested, or a specialist in the science of dream expression, and it also draws the attention of everyone who loves this art as well. How can a deaf dream? How can his dreams be explained? Is his symbolic language sufficient for understanding? And when a normal person translates this kinetic language, after receiving it from them, into a spoken language; Will this be enough, and then can their visions be expressed? Is the language of the translator here leading to the exact meaning that the deaf person wants? In the beginning, there is a difference between the one who was born deaf and the one who was able to hear, but later became deaf … and each of these two sections has his own way of dreaming … and this is what I will detail in the next article … Who is born able to hear Then he became completely deaf, so he will most likely see the dream, and he will not hear the sound, but when he tells you his vision that he saw, after his deafness, he will tell you what he saw, and he will measure what he sees of the things that he saw, and he did not hear them, according to what he was reducing and keeping in his memory Before he became deaf . As for the one who was born deaf, all of these people can never hear the voices, so they see the different scenes and scenes in their dreams without a sound, and he may see multiple scenes, of people or inanimate objects, or he may see his parents, for example, or his relatives, or his friends, etc., and by mixing with them and hearing from them, he found They often see those who agree with them with this disability; The explanation for this is that they are very close to them emotionally, or spatially, so it is not surprising that they are close to their souls as well, if the state of sleep has risen, and the souls, as mentioned in the Sahih, are recruited soldiers, so they are not close to them, and what is repudiated by them is different, so the sleeper meets in sleep in general, both of them And his friend is one of the people of this world, and it is measured against these deaf people, so they see a lot of deaf people . Now that we know how deaf people see visions, then we have a very important issue. Which is how can interpret their visions? Will sign language – whether from the translator or from the deaf himself – be sufficient to understand the symbolic language that comes from them for the crossing? I say, here is a very important matter, for the language to which expression is referred to is the language of the speaker when the deaf narrates it to the hearer, whether the hearer is the crossing and here the language is what the crossing understands according to his own culture, or the hearer is the translator for the one who will cross, and here you will be guided by the translator’s language and culture So, the crossing must be aware of this and try to be honest in conveying visions of such people, as the deaf person may want a word or a specific sentence, and the translator of his symbols expresses a word or another sentence …. This is very illusory, especially when the word is Substituted, it leads to a completely different meaning …. When expressing, and this task must be paid attention to by the expresser, to make sure before the expression of the symbol that the deaf wanted, and this is done by asking him to whom he translated for him …. or by asking the deaf himself about what he intended to refer to him in a manner. Accurate, because some signs in the language of the deaf signify multiple verbal connotations, as I understood it by translators, and as I saw it in their pictorial language, and I took a vision of a deaf person in my program and on the air live in the Al-Raya channel, and when the translator appeared to the deaf by translating it, I was amazed at the word he said, He wanted to express where the finger came out in the shoe, so he said: Ring !! And when I asked him if this is what the deaf himself expressed? He replied in the negative and that this is from his words: He calls this part of the shoe a ring …. while you find someone who calls this type, for example, the toe of shoes, and measure a lot of words with broad meanings, for example. And he knows it or is interested in differentiating between them, the crossing only . . ….

…Castles of this word Mdlolan : meaning first : Castles is the one who takes off linen and the like . His vision in a dream indicates a change of affairs, and a person’s transition from workmanship to workmanship, or from place to place . The second meaning : the castle is the one who sells ship sails . His vision in a dream indicates travel and preparing things for the purpose of seeking sustenance and marriage ….

…What is the ruling on those who lie in the vision? A stern warning to those who lie came in a dream, holding Bukhari in his Saheeh door : lied in his dream, and a leg in which recent examples : First : the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet peace be upon him said : (( from the dream of a dream not seen assigned to take place between Sairtin and will not do , and listened to an interview with the people they have grudgingly or fleeing from him pouring into his ear Alank the day of Resurrection, and images image tortured and commissioned to blow it and not Bnafaj )) Narrated by Ahmad and Women from the novel Qatada , may Allah be pleased with him and came in another report from Abu Hurayrah : (( Who has lied about his visions )). The second : the hadith of Ibn Umar that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said : ((It is the most unfortunate of the furry that his eyes see what he did not see )) , and in the narration : (( what he did not see )) and the meaning : the furry is the greatest of lies, and the blame The Great Lie . And what it means : He who dreamed, that is, who was assigned this dream . And you notice from the two hadiths the severity of the torment of the liar in the dream. The reason for this is explained to us by Imam al-Tabari, who said : The warning has only intensified, although lying while awake may be more corrupt than it. As it may be testimony in killing, hudud, or taking money; Because lying in a dream lied to God that I see what has not seen, and lying to God more than lying on the creatures of the verse : { It is more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah those offering to the Lord and say aloud those who lied to their Lord , not God’s curse on the oppressors } [ Hood : 18] Rather, lying in a dream was a lie to God because of the hadith : ((The vision is part of the prophethood )) , and what was part of the prophethood is from God, and I return to the word : (the ank ) ; And now that you are dissolved lead, it is poured into his ear because the reward is the same as the work, and here I have no luck that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in the hadith said : ((He who dreams of a dream )) and called it a dream and did not name him a vision because he claimed that he saw and did not see anything, so he was a liar and a lie. He is from Satan, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Pass by us : (The dream is from Satan )) , and whatever is from Satan is not true . Here , no luck similarity penalty photographer namely : (( Vlakhalqgua pill or create ritual …)) talk, punishment , which is lying in the dream which is : [ to be held between Sairtin ] and the meaning of the contract between the Alsairtin : to spin to each other, and this is usually impossible, and the similarity Here between the photographer and the liar in his dream : that the vision was created from the creation of God and it is a moral image, so he entered in his lie an image that did not occur, just as the photographer introduced into existence an image that is not a reality, because the true image is the one in which the soul is, so the owner of the gentle image – the dreamer – assigned something nice and it is The connection expressed by the contract between the two barley, and he assigned the owner of the dense image – the photographer – a severe matter, which is to complete what he created by his claim by blowing the soul, and he signed and promised each of them that he would be tortured until he did what he was entrusted with while he was not a doer, it is a metaphor for the torture of each of them always, Except that God have mercy on them, and this emphasis on the liar in his dream because he lied about the gender of prophethood, and the photographer disputed the Creator in his power…

…And whoever sees that he killed an elephant, it shall be interpreted by killing a king at his own hands or by him, or by opening a siege ….

…Smoke is in a dream a horror and torment from God Almighty, and a punishment from the Sultan . Whoever sees smoke coming out of his shop or his house, it will fall into good and fertile after horror, scandal and fever, and that will be on the authority of the Sultan . If the smoke is under a saucepan with meat in which it is cooked, then it is good, fertile and joyful after the horror it receives . If the smoke is something that has no stink, then it is horror, followed by ugliness and scandal . And whoever sees that the smoke may shade him, he will have a fever . And whoever is hit by the heat of smoke in winter and summer, it is distress . Seeing smoke is a great horror and intense fighting, and if it is burning, then it is a terrible killing that affects people, and if it is not inflamed then it is gathered without war, and sedition without fighting . And smoke in a dream if it harms people and blinds them to their eyes, was evidence of worries, anguish and injustice, or the torment of God Almighty with annihilation or drought . Perhaps the smoke indicated the news from where it appeared ….

…Hell : a sign of authority for its essence and authority over what is below it, with its harm and benefit, and perhaps it indicates Hell itself, and the punishment of God, and it may indicate sins, sins and forbidden, and everything that leads to it and brings it closer to it . From saying or doing . Perhaps it indicated guidance, Islam, knowledge and the Qur’an, because with it it is guided in the darkness, along with the words of Moses , peace be upon him : “ Or find guidance on fire, ” and he found and heard the words of God Almighty with guidance . Perhaps it indicates livelihood, benefits and wealth, because it contains goodness in the pension for the traveler and the present, as God Almighty said: “ We have made it a reminder and a pleasure for the faithful .” It is said to him who is poor or dies, his fire is extinguished . Because the Arabs were offered as gifts to Ibn al-Sabil and the discontinued guest, in order for her to be guided and sheltered to her, so that they would express with her presence generosity and wealth, and her inaction from miserliness and poverty . Perhaps it indicated the jinn because they were created from poisonous fire . And it may indicate the sword and sedition, if it has a sound, thunder, tongues, and smoke . Perhaps it indicated the torment of the authority, because it is the torment of God and he is the authority of the two worlds . Perhaps it indicated the barrenness and locusts . And it may indicate diseases, smallpox and plague . Whoever sees a fire falling from the sky in houses and shops, and if it has tongues and smoke, then it is sedition and a sword that dwells in that place, especially if it is in the homes of the rich and the poor, and a lover throws it on the people, especially if it is in the homes of the rich in particular, and if it is coals without tongues They are diseases, smallpox or epidemics, especially if they are general in mixing people . But if the going down of fire is in the dunes and feddans and places of cultivation and plants, then it is a barrenness that burns plants or locusts that burn and catch them . As for whoever kindles a fire on a path that is walking, or for people to be guided by it if he finds it when he needs it, then it is knowledge and guidance that he attains, or he broadcasts it and publishes it if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will gain authority, companionship and benefit, and the people benefit with him . If the fire is on a road other than the way, or it burns someone who passes by it or sparks it or harms him with its smoke, or it burns his garment or his body or harms his eyesight, then it is a heresy that he makes or oversees, or an unjust authority who takes refuge in him or is injustice to him according to the extent of his service to it or his escape Of them . But if it was a great fire that did not resemble the fire of this world, it was kindled for him to be thrown into it, then many of his enemies wanted to plague him, so he would gain victory over them and be superior to them, and if they threw him into it, he would have saved Ibrahim, peace be upon him . And all of that if those who committed it were his enemies, or the object in him was a righteous man . But if he sees her threatening him in particular, or those who took over the lighting of it are dating him, let God fear his Lord and take away from what he is from the deeds of the people of Hell before he comes to her, then he rebuked her because he feared her . As for the one who sees fire with him in a furnace, oven, canon, or the like of the places in which he is burnt, then it is riches and benefits that he attains, especially if his livelihood is for the sake of fire, especially if that is also in winter . And if he sees his fire extinguished or extinguished, or turned into ashes, or water or rain extinguished it, then he will lack and be suspended from his work and industry . And if someone who does not live on from it in such places to fit in with food, he would like money or livelihood to serve a ruler or to his authority and aid, or by litigation, stewardship, strife and brokerage, otherwise he will be attacked by words and evil and bad words . As for whoever sees it, it is burned with food, oil, or anything from sales, then he is exaggerating, and perhaps the Sultan will ask for him and the people will take his money with him . As for the death of eating fire, it is forbidden money and a pernicious livelihood that he eats, and perhaps it is from the money of orphans, because of what is in the Qur’an. If he saw fire speaking in a jar or a bag or a bowl of other vessels indicating both males and females, then what is attributed to that vessel will hit the jinn and its entrances , Until he speaks on his tongue . Some of them said : Fire is war if it has a flame and a sound, and if the place where you see it is not a land of war, then it is a plague, pain, smallpox, or death that occurs there . Abu Amr Al-Nakha’i said to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : I saw a fire that came out from the earth and turned between me and a son of mine, and I saw it saying : A flame of sight and a blind one, feed me that all of you eat your family and your money, so he said, peace be upon him : This is a trial that will happen at the end of time, killing people In front of them, then they quarrel with dishes and quarrel between his fingers, and the offender thinks that he is a philanthropist, and the blood of the believers is better for the believers than drinking water . And whoever blazes a fire in order to burn it, he rages an order to fill his poverty, because the cold is poverty . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw a lamp on his thumb and said : This is a blind man led by some of his son . If I stir it up to roast meat with it, I enlighten something in which people are backbiting . If I hit the barbecue, I would have a little livelihood with sadness . If he stirred it up to cook a pot with food in it, he raised something that would benefit from the value of his home . If there is no food in the pot, then he should attack a man with words and make him do something unpleasant . Whatever hits the fire and burns from the body or clothing, it is harm and calamities . And whoever catches fire will hit forbidden money from Sultan . And whoever is hit by the glow of fire, people will backbite him ….

…Acknowledgment of a person’s acknowledgment in a dream of bondage to a person and recognition of his enmity . If he confesses guilt and disobedience, he will gain glory or honor and repentance . Acknowledgment of killing a person indicates attaining a mandate or presidency ….

…A mountain : a ruthless, subdued king or ruler, or a man who is as great as a mountain, its length, its shortness, and its height . And he teaches the world and the hermit, and indicates the high ranks, honorable places, and good boats, and God Almighty created mountains as pegs of the earth when it was disturbed, as they are like scholars and kings, because they hold what the vertical mountains do not hold, and may indicate the goals and demands, because the one who ascends to him does not ascend except towards him. Whoever sees himself on a mountain, propped to it, or sits in its shadow, approached a chief man, became famous for him and took shelter with him, either as a Sultan or a jurist, a scholar who worshiped a hermit, so how about if he was above him calling the call to the Sunnah, the future of the qiblah, or he was thrown from a bow in his hand Because his fame in the people extends as far as his voice, and his books and orders are carried out to the place that his arrows reached . And if he who saw himself fearful of him while awake was security, and if he was in a ship, he was hit in his sea by hardship and an obstacle for which he would be bribed, and his ascent over him was impeccable , because God Almighty said : “I will go to a mountain that protects me from water .” Ibn Sirin said : The mountain at that time is infallible, unless it is seen in a dream as if it fled from a ship to a mountain, as it perishes and perishes, according to the story of Ibn Noah . This may indicate a person who was not awake in a ship or a sea, on the paradox of the group’s opinion and the exclusivity and heresy, so how about if he had the monster of the mountains and their sevens, or the ship from which he fled to the mountain had a judge, a chief in knowledge, or a just imam . As for climbing mountains, it is a demand he is asking for and something he wants, so he asks about what they are in while awake, or his hope in it from the company of the Sultan or a scientist, or standing up to them in need or on a journey on land and the like . And if his ascent to it was like climbing mountains, stairs, or a safe road, then all his family would be easy for him, and everything around him was feared for him . And if he was adversely affected by him, or he ascended to him without stairs, peace or reason, he would be feared, and his matter was all deceitful . If he concluded above, he escaped after that . And if he gives from his sleep without reaching, or falls in a dream, he perishes in what is wanted and is forbidden between him and what he wants, or his debt is corrupted in his work, and then he descends from damage and injury from harm, calamity and sadness, to the extent of what is broken from his members . The fall over the mountain and Alkuada and hillocks ceilings 0 Upper walls and palm trees and trees, it shows the paradox of the shows that thing that fell from him in the interpretation of it, from the Sultan , or the world , or a husband or a wife or a slave or a king or action or event, ask the seer On the most important thing that he is in his awakening, that which he hopes and fears him and presents and delays him in his separation from him, and his persistence with him, if the awakening is formed due to the abundance of the demands and conditions in it, or because of its change of hopes, he is judged paradoxically for him who fell from him in the dream according to his evidence in interpretation . The distinction between his affairs is evidenced by the extent of his evidence, and that his knowledge of his completion of the thing that was on him and his strength, weakness and turbulence, may have led to him from his fall from aridity, fertility, bumpy, plain, stone, sand, land or sea, perhaps he returned to it in his body while His fall, and indicates a fall into sins, seditions and debasement, if his fall was in evidence of that, such as falling to the beast, ravens, snakes, and rats of the rat, or to filth and sludge, and this may indicate abandoning sins and refraining from heresies, if he fled from such a thing. Or his fall was in a mosque or kindergarten, or to a prophet or kindergarten, or to a prophet or taking a Qur’an, or to a group prayer . As for what came back to the mountain in terms of fall, demolition, or professionalism, it indicates the destruction of the one who drove the mountain upon him, or his destruction or his killing, unless he rises in the air over the heads of creation, because it is a great fear that remains on the people from the king’s side, because the children of Israel raised the mountain Above them is like a canopy, to fear God for them, and a threat to disobedience . As for the running of the mountains, this is evidence of an ongoing resurrection, either a war that moves in which the kings are moving against one another, or a difference and turmoil that takes place between the scientists of the earth in a trial and distress, in which the commoners perish, and this may indicate death and plague, because it is one of the signs of the resurrection, and the return of the mountain is butter or Ashes or dirt, there is no good in it for the one who pointed the mountain to him, neither in his life nor in his religion, and if he was added to him who was glorified after his humiliation, and was safe after his disbelief, and he feared God after his tyranny, he returned to what he was and returned to his first state, because God Almighty The creation of the garb, as they claim, is water foam, and the foam is invalid, as God Almighty said in His book . And the mountain that has water, plants and greenery, it is the property of a debtor . And if there is no plant or water in it, then it is an unbelieving dominant king, because like the dead, God Almighty neither praises nor sanctifies him . The standing mountain that is not fallen is alive and is better than the fallen, and the fallen who has become rocks is dead, because he does not mention God or praise him . And whoever rises on a mountain and drank from his hundred and was worthy of the guardianship, he obtained it from a man of a hard-hearted king, and what he does not appreciate is what he drank . The obstacle is a punishment and severity, if it falls from it, it will survive, and if it ascends, it will rise and sway with fatigue . And the rocks around the mountain and the trees pimp that place . And every ascension is an elevation, every fall is a position, and every ascension indicates a problem, so its descent indicates a relief, and every ascension indicates a state, so its descent indicates isolation . And if he saw that he carried a mountain and was heavy on him, then he is carrying the supplies of a huge man or a merchant who weighs on him, and if he is afraid, fear for him . If he sees that he has entered a mountain cave, then he will gain rationality in his religion and affairs, take over the affairs of the Sultan, and be able to . If he enters the cave of a mountain in a cave, then he is plotting a king or an impregnable man, and if a mountain meets him, they or a travel or an impenetrable man or a difficult matter or a difficult and cruel woman will meet him, and if he sees that he has ascended the mountain, then the mountain is the goal of his demand, as much as he ascended, until Leveled above it . Every ascent that a person sees, or an obstacle, a hill, a roof, etc., is to obtain what is demanded from the elimination of the need he wants, and the ascent is equal, hardship and no good in it . If he sees that he descended from a hill, palace, or mountain, then the matter that he is asking is diminished and not fulfilled, and whoever sees that he is demolishing a mountain, then he perishes a man, and whoever sees that he is interested in climbing a mountain or practicing it, then that mountain was a goal to which it rises, and if he is above it he attains his hope If he falls from him, his condition will be expelled . And the praiseworthy ascent on the mountain is to limp in that as the one who ascends the mountain does . And all the elevation is praiseworthy, unless it is level, because God Almighty says : ~I will burden him ascent .~…

…Driving is in a dream submissive while stalking . If a human led him, he is wanted by killing or wounding a human . And if he is led by a lion or a broken bird, then it is a humiliation that befalls him from a ruler, or a scourge that afflicts him from a disease ….

…If it is green, it indicates the death or killing of young people ….

…Whoever sees that he is in the midst of someone in the midst of it, then it is according to those who express it as killing and its ruling ….

…As for the fingers : a brother was born, according to what was said that the hand is a brother . And intertwine it without a tight hand . And engaging in the work of the household and the sons of the brothers, with a matter that they feared for themselves, and they pretended to pay it and its sufficiency . And it was said that the fingers of the right hand are the five daily prayers, the thumb is the Fajr prayer, the forefinger is the noon prayer, the middle finger is the afternoon prayer, the ring finger is the sunset prayer, the pinky is the dark prayer, and its shortness indicates shortcomings and laziness in it, and its length indicates his preserving the prayers, and the fall of one of them indicates abandoning That prayer . And whoever sees one of the fingers in the place of the other, he will pray that prayer at the time of the other . If he saw as if he was biting a human being, he indicates the bad manners of the bitten person, and the exaggeration of the bite in his discipline . If he sees milk coming out of his thumb, and blood from his index finger, while he is drinking from them, he should approach the mother of his wife or her sister . The cracking of the fingers indicates ugly words between his relatives . If the imam saw an increase in his fingers, that was an increase in his greed, his decency, and his lack of fairness . And it was narrated that Harun al-Rashid saw the angel of death, peace be upon him, had represented him, so he said to him : O king of death, how long have I left? He pointed to him with five fingers spread out from his palm, so he watched in horror, weeping at his visions, and he narrated them on a size that is described by the expression. He said : O Commander of the Faithful , he told you that five things he knew with God, which this verse brings together : “ God has the knowledge of the hour . ” The verse . Aaron and Farah laughed . The fingers of the left hand are the children of a brother and sister, and the nails are the ability of a man in this world, and the white of the nails indicates the speed of memorization and understanding, and seeing the nails in the amount of saladin and the world . And the treatment by it is evidence of fraud in collecting the world, its length with its goodness, money and clothing, and the preparation of an enemy weapon, or an argument or money, in order to avoid their evil . And its length, such that it is afraid of its breakage, is evidence of someone else taking charge of spoiling something in his hand, because he is overusing his ability . He pays zakat al-fitr, and if he sees it as though an old man has ordered his pen, then if he finds it, he orders him to make the commitment of himself and uphold his honor . Dyeing a man’s fingers with henna is evidence of a lot of armament, and dying a woman’s fingers with henna indicates her husband’s kindness to her . If he saw as if he had made her fall, she did not accept the pigmentation, then her husband did not show her love . If the man saw his palm faded by a monster, he would have toil in his pension, and if his right hand was pigmented by a monster, his visions indicated that he was killing a man . If he sees that his hands are dyed with henna, then he shows what is in his hand of good or evil, or of his money or of his earnings or his industry . If he sees his hands engraved with henna, he is trying a trick from the house, to spend some of the house furniture at his expense due to his lack of earnings, and his enemy insults him, and he gets humiliation . If a woman sees her hand engraved, he is deceiving her adornment in a matter that is right . If the inscription was clay, it indicated a large number of praise . If she saw the engravings of her hands mixed together, she would have injured her children . If she sees that her hand is cast with gold or engraved with it, then she pays her money to her husband or gives her joy from him, and if a man sees that he has been impregnated or engraved with gold, then he is deceiving a trick in which his money or his livelihood will go . The armpit hair : the length of proof of the need for Neil, the verse : ~ and Admm your hand to your wing white out of non – poor ~ and shows the religion of the owner and generosity . If he sees a lot of armpit hair, then he is a man who asks his executioner to collect money in knowledge, guardianship, trade and so on, and he does not return to the woman and religion . If there is much less, it indicates the large number of children ….

…And Jaafar al-Sadiq said that the mask is interpreted in four ways: for a man is a woman, for a woman is a husband, a maid, a servant, and a benefit from the side of the women. It is a scandal, and if she sees that she sought without a veil, then it indicates the killing of her husband or someone among her family who is dear to her, and perhaps her husband was struck by a forbidden woman ….

…A horse If you dreamed of seeing or riding a white horse, this indicates that the indicators are favorable for success and enjoyable mixing with harmonious friends and beautiful women . If the horse is dirty and emaciated, your confidence will be betrayed by an envious friend or woman . If the horse is black, you will get rich, but you will cheat, and you will be found guilty of wrongful dates . This dream means for a woman that her husband is not loyal to her . If you dream of dark horses, this indicates refreshing conditions, but with a great deal of discontent . Fleeting pleasures often follow this dream . If you see yourself riding a beautiful horse in a chestnut color, then this means an increase in wealth and fulfillment of emotions . For a woman, this dream means a yearning for urgent improvements, and she will enjoy material matters . If you see horses passing in front of you, this means ease and comfort . If you ride a horse that speeds up, the folly of a friend or user will harm your projects . If you see a horse running away with other horses, this means that you will hear about friends ’illness . If you see beautiful horse stallions this indicates prosperity and lavish living and you will be dominated by an excessive feeling . If you see a foal, then this means harmony and lack of jealousy between married couples and lovers . If you ride a horse and drive a stream, you will bring great wealth into your hands and enjoy luxurious delights . If the stream is turbulent or foggy, the expected pleasures will be disappointed somewhat . If you swim on a horse in a clear and beautiful river, you will easily realize your idea of ​​emotional bliss, and that foretells the businessman of a great profit . If you see a wounded horse, it speaks of trouble for friends . If you dream of a dead horse, this indicates various disappointments . If you dream of riding a wild horse, this means that it is difficult to fulfill your desires . If you dream that he throws you down, you will face a strong competitor and your business will suffer from weakness due to the competition . If you dream that a horse has kicked you, someone you love will alienate you . Your poor health will confuse your fortune and wealth . If you dream that you catch a horse in order to tame it and brake or to harness it for riding, then you will see a great improvement in work in all fields, and people will prosper in their professions . If you fail to catch him, luck will let you down . If you see spotted horses, this foretells that various projects will bring you profit . If you dream that you have a horseshoe, then your success is certain . This dream promises the woman a good and loyal husband . If you dream that you put a horseshoe on a horse, this means that you will try to obtain, and you may get, suspicious wealth . If you dreamed of a horse race, this means that you will be overwhelmed with a weak life, but this dream means prosperity for women . If you dream that you mount a horse in a race, you will succeed in life and enjoy it . If you dream about killing a horse, you will hurt your friends because of your selfishness . If you mount a horse without a saddle, you will gain wealth and ease, but through hard struggle . If you mount a saddle horse in the company of men, you will meet honest men who will help you and your success will be well deserved . And if you are in the company of women, then your desires will be free and your success will not be as abundant as it would have been if women had not filled your heart . If you clean a horse, you will not neglect work projects at the expense of being a man of money or a good farmer . Writers will be very diligent in their works, and others will take great care of them . If you dream of a horse, you will accumulate wealth and enjoy life to the last drop . If you see horses pulling carts, then this means wealth with some obstacle, and love will face obstacles . If you climb a hill on a horse and the horse fails to reach the summit while you succeed, you will gain a fortune although you will fight against enemies and jealousy . If you and the horse arrived together to the top, then your ascension is certain, but it will be a material one . If a girl dreams that she is riding a black horse, then this means that she will deal with a wise authority, and some wishes will come true at unexpected times . Black color in horses indicates a delay in expectations . If you see a mare with weak legs, this means that an unexpected distress will thrust himself into your auspicious position . If you try to fix a broken, very small shoe on a horse’s list, you will be accused of doing fraudulent deals with unaware parties . Going downhill from a horse, your business will undoubtedly disappoint you . If a girl dreams that a friend is riding behind her on a horse, then this means that she will be the focus of attention of many prominent and successful men . If she is frightened, it will arouse feelings of jealousy . If the horse turns into a pig after it abandons it, it will not be indifferent to honorable marriage proposals, preferring freedom until it loses all desired opportunities for marriage . If she subsequently sees the pig slipping on the lightning and telephone wires, she will push its center forward by the deception . If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse going up or down a hill and she is constantly looking back and seeing a person on a black horse chasing her, this means that she will face a period of success mixed with sadness, and her enemies will, within this period, seek to disturb her description with depression and disappointment tirelessly or Boredom . If you see a horse with a human body descending on a hammock in the air, and when it approaches your house, it turns into a human form and approaches your door and throws something that looks like a piece of rubber at your door but soon becomes impossible into big bees, then this means disappointment and useless efforts to recover lost benefits . Seeing animals in human forms indicates a great improvement for the dream and he will make friends by acquiring the virtues of honest profit . If this human body appears sick or stained with freckles, then this means the failure of carefully and carefully drawn plans ….

…He felt like killing for the sake of God, received joy and sustenance and the elevation, the verse : ~ but alive with their Lord . Rejoice in what God hath given them of His bounty .~ And the conquest opens the doors of the world ….

…Some of the interpreters said its expression is a combination of forbidden money, war and killing of the soul, and occupying no benefit in one of the matters of the Hereafter, and others said the use of poison is for a long life and a worldly benefit ….

…And it was said the vision of quince in the sentence in any way it was praiseworthy because the interpretation of his name in Persian is righteousness and its meaning is praiseworthy, and the vision of quince for the merchant is profit and for the governor to increase his mandate, and as for jealousy, eating it indicates the injury of money and benefit on the part of non-Arabs, and as for the buckthorn it is in whatever way there is money present and not for him Some of the fruits are prepared for it, especially if it is delicious and tasty ….

…And Ibn Sirin said in the meaning, I am astonished for the one who is on the ground an inch, how he does not rise an arm, especially if he is on something that is good to sit on like him while awake ….

…And whoever sees a dead person carries something heavy, meaning by carrying it, then he will gain sins and heavy heels, and there is no good in him who sees that the dead rode his horse or clothe himself with his sword or put on his clothes, and this may all be loss, delusion or oppression ….

…Hashish : is the coexistence of animals and cattle, and it is like the money of the world from which every person gets what his Lord has divided and made his livelihood for him, because he returns meat, milk, butter, ghee, honey, wool, hair and lint, so it is like money in which the strength of people is . Perhaps the prairie refers to every place that gains the world, gets from it, gets known from it, and is attributed to it, such as the house of money and the market . The Nawwir, in particular, may indicate the exchange market, goldsmiths and places of gold . It was narrated that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, interpreted the meadow with the world and its greenness, and that he, peace be upon him, said : The world is a sweet green. Sweetness, everything that falls on the mouths of camels indicates what is permissible, and every acid in it indicates what is forbidden and what affects them, swindling and bitterness . And what is from the plant is a medicine to be treated with, it is outside of money and livelihood, and indicates science, wisdom and sermons, and it may indicate pure lawful money . And if it is sour in taste, then its acidity is due to the distress and strife in its attainment and fatigue . Whatever it was a deadly poisonous one, it indicated forbidden misfortune, taking the world by religion, the doors of usury, innovation and whims, and everything that comes out of the mouths and enters them from the worst . But if he saw endive : and fold Kalksberh : and the like of women with bitterness, heat, Vhmum and sorrows and money is haram . It has been said that when Adam fell to the ground and fell in India, his scent hung on a tree while he was sad and cried on himself . It may indicate his worries in the Hereafter, and the reward is with the jewels of Paradise, which are added to it without coriander and caraway and the like . Whatever sprouted from the earth was mentioned in the prohibition in the book or the Sunnah, or a reason that was blameworthy in the old days, it indicates the ability in speech and livelihood, such as dumplings, wood, garlic, cucumber, lentils and onions, and what the plant has a name that dominates in its derivation, meaning stronger than its nature Or, a supporter of its essence was carried on it, like mint from which the obituary and obituary are derived, even though it is a legume . As well as the islands, which are Alsnar in regret and fire . Whatever plants grow without seeds and have no roots on the ground, such as truffles and mushrooms, it indicates among the people a foundling, pregnancy, and the offspring of fornication, and those who do not know their lineage, and the money indicates the seed, donation, charity and so on . Whoever sees it as if he is in a meadow or hashish that he can collect or eat, then I look at his situation, and if he is poor he gets rich, and if he is rich he has increased rich, and if he is an ascetic in this world wanting it, then he returns to it and is fascinated by it . If he moved from a meadow to a meadow, he traveled in the pursuit of the world and moved from one market to another and from one industry to another ….

…Name If a person’s name is changed in a dream to another, then it is expressed in omen, then he is happy with happiness . Peace be upon you . And if he turns into a person with a disability, such as blindness and lameness, then he suffers from that . And whoever sees that he is called without his name, if he is called an ugly name, then he will show him an obscene flaw or a fatal disease . And if he was called by the name of Hassan, he would gain glory, honor and dignity as required by the meaning of that name ….

…And whoever sees Tawasiah enters him while he is in good shape, then he will interpret in two ways the achievement of livelihood and security, and if he is in an ugly form or has what he denies, then it may be a lawsuit to a ruler, and if he sees him calling him to a specific matter, then his interpretation on the meaning of that matter ….