…Denotes in a dream to the servant of the place, and to confront the benefit of his family as its owner, for her severity is evidence of the enforcement of his command, or the movement of those who indicated it . If the woman sees that she has a knife, or she gives one of the women a knife, this indicates her love for a well-known man . Pens knife is a writer . And the butcher knife . The soldier knife is strength and service . And the knife is an argument . And it was said : Whoever sees a knife, he will gain power and wealth on the hands of a servant . And whoever saw that he swallowed a knife, he ate from his son’s money . And the knife in a dream a male boy . And it was said : Whoever sees a knife with his hand, he will receive two hundred dirhams, because its quorum is a nisab from the money, and the knife may pass to the poor for twenty-five dirhams . And whoever sees a knife in his hand . And he was in a trial, and he would win, and proof and evidence proved to him, because it is from weapons, and the enemies protect him . And whoever sees that he is given a knife that he does not have from another weapon, then he will be afflicted with good and obtain a livelihood . And whoever sees that he was slaughtered with a knife, then he shall take what the knife slaughtered, whether birds, animals, or other things . And whoever sees that he slaughtered his hands with a knife, he will see something amazed by him . And whoever sees that he puts a knife or dagger in his quorum, he will marry a woman . And whoever benefits from his sleep with a knife, will benefit a wife if he is single . If he had a pregnant woman, he gave her son . If the knife is past, then the witness is just, and if it is not past or with remnants of a wounded witness, and if it is sheathed, it is inferred, or his testimony is rejected for incidents that appear from him in other than the testimony ….

…The knife : whoever benefits her in a dream will report to a wife if he is celibate, and if his wife is pregnant, her son is blessed, and if she has what supports the male, then she is a male, otherwise she is a female . The spear . If he did not have a pregnancy, and he was asking for a witness with the right, he found him . If it was past, the witness was just, and if it was not past or with remnants, his witness was wounded, and if he was covered by a cover for him or his testimony was rejected for incidents that appear from him in other than the testimony . If there is nothing of that, then it is a benefit from the world that he can obtain, or a connection to it, or a brother who accompanies him, or a friend who befriends him, or a servant who serves him, or a slave who owns him on the approval of people . If he gives a knife that has no other weapon with her, then the knife from the weapon is Sultan, and so is the dagger . And the knife is an excuse, because God Almighty says : ~And each one of them brought a knife .~ And it was said that whoever sees in his hand a knife when he does not use it, then he provides a son with a bag, and if he sees as if he is using it, then it indicates the cessation of the matter in which he is ….

…A dream knife with a knife is a bad dream for the dreamer, if it predicts separation, quarrels, and losses in conditions of the nature of work . If you dreamed of seeing rusty knives, this means resentment and complaint of those in the house and the separation of lovers . Well-sharpened and sharp knives foretell anxiety and enemies always surround you . Broken knives mean defeat whatever efforts, whether in love or at work . If you dreamed that you were wounded with a knife, then this predicts family troubles in which the disobedience of children will be greatly embodied . For unmarried people, it means disappointment may follow . If you dream that you are stabbing someone with a knife, then this means establishing personality, and that you have to strive to establish a higher sense of truth ….

And whoever sees that he has been given a knife, then he will strike a son or brother, and if he does not wait for that, he will be well-rewarded and gain a livelihood. And whoever sees that he has cut his hands with a knife, he sees something amazed by him, and whoever sees that he puts a knife or dagger in his position, then he marries a woman

…Jaafar al-Sadiq said, “Seeing the knife is interpreted in eight aspects of Hajjah, child, Zafar, Alaja, brother, strength, wealth, conscience, and the mandate, and Moses is like a knife ….

…The picking knife If you see or use a picking knife in your dreams, this portends that your wishes or desires will not be fulfilled . A suitable project will loom before you once you indulge in error and disappointment ….

…And Abu Saeed, the preacher, said the knife is an excuse for the Almighty saying in the story of Yusef, peace be upon him, and each one of them brought a knife ….

…As for the knife, it is interpreted by the child, and its cover is interpreted by the woman, and whoever sees that he has a knife in his hand and she is his property, and he does not have any other weapon, then it devolves upon the child, and if he has another weapon, it indicates honor, strength and status ….

…And whoever sees that he has a knife in his hand and uses it, then he is empty something he is in, and it was said that it indicates a smart boy who learns crafts quickly and works with him ….

…And whoever sees that he puts a knife in her pouch, he will marry a woman ….

…And whoever sees that he was slaughtered with a knife, then there is a match for what he slaughtered, whether birds or animals ….

…And whoever sees that he pulls the knife by its cover, then his wife will give birth to a boy ….

…And whoever sees that he breaks his hand with a knife, he will see something amazed by him .)…

…A knife grinder If you dreamed of a knife grinder, this foretells that unjustified privileges will be taken with your possessions . For a woman, this dream portends a miserable marriage and a lot of toil ….

…The butcher is in a dream the angel of death . So whoever sees him and takes a knife from him, he will get sick and be cured . And whoever sees that he slaughtered his father, then he is righteous and bonding, so long as he does not see blood . If he saw a king slaughtering his flock, he would oppress them . And the vision of the butchers who sell meat in the markets indicates severity and harm, and they indicate to the sick the speed of their death, and they indicate to the rich about the harm that befalls them, and they indicate in the owners of fear the severity of their fear, and in the debtor to pay off the debt . And it was said : The butcher is the murderer, and it was said : he is the owner of the sword . And the vision of Al-Qassab for the concerned and the prisoner is a good and joyful guide . Whoever killed a butcher survived the disease . And the butcher indicates the owner of the ship, and the money divide between the heirs and orphans . See also The Butcher ….

…Jaafar Al-Sadiq said that a vision of gambling is interpreted in four aspects for the one who played with it, engaging in falsehood, disobedience, blaming people, war, rivalry, and knife surgery ….

…He was slaughtered in a dream because he insulted the Companions 82 – Ibn al-Qayyim also mentioned on the authority of al-Qayrawani that he mentioned in ( Kitab al-Bustan ) on the authority of some of the predecessors, he said : I had a neighbor cursing Abu Bakr and Omar – may God be pleased with them – when one day more than he insulted them, then I took him and ate me, and I went to my house while I was I fell asleep and sad, so I slept and left dinner, and I saw the Messenger of God ( PBUH ), in a dream, and I said : O Messenger of God so and so curses your companions, he said : ( Who are my companions ) ? I said : Abu Bakr and Omar said : “ Take this knife and slaughter it with it .” So I took it , and I laid it and slaughtered it, and I saw as if my hand hit it from his blood , so I threw the tide and I brought my hand to the ground to wipe it, so I noticed when I heard the screaming from around his house so I said : What is this screaming : They said : So and so died suddenly when We came and looked at him, so the slaughter site line . 83 – He said : Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Muhabili said : I saw in a dream as if I was in the arms of the son of so-and-so, and if the Prophet ( PBUH ) was sitting on a hill with Abu Bakr and Umar standing before him, Umar said to him : O Messenger of God, this is insulting me and insulting Abu Bakr , and he said : Come by O Abu Hafs ), came a man . If he Omani was famous Bsabhma Prophet said to him ( r )) Addjah ), Faddjah then said ( Azbha ) Vzbha , said : what alerted me , but Siaha I said : what I do not tell him hoping to repent when he courted His house I heard a lot of crying , so I said : What is this crying? So they said : The Omani was slaughtered yesterday on his bed . He said : I got close to his neck, so from his ear to his ear a red path like trapped blood ….

…Abu al-Qasim Umar bin Muhammad al-Basri told us Btnis, he said Ali bin al-Musafir told us, he told us Ahmed bin Abdulrahman bin Wahb, he said, my uncle told me . He said Abu Bishr told me on the authority of Ibn Shihab. He said Abu Salamah bin Abdul Rahman told me that Abu Hurairah said : I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, say : Whoever sees me in a dream is as if he saw me in waking life, then Satan does not imitate me . Abu Salamah said, Abu Qatada said, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : Whoever has seen me has seen the truth . Abu Al-Hassan Abd Al-Wahhab bin Al-Hassan Al-Kalabi told us in Damascus, he said Abu Ayyub Suleiman bin Muhammad Al-Khuzai told me, on the authority of Muhammad bin Al-Musfah Al-Homsi, on the authority of Yahya bin Saeed Al-Qattan, on the authority of Saeed bin Muslim, on the authority of Anas bin Malik . That the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : Whoever sees me in a dream will not enter Hell . Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Isfahani told us in Mecca, which God Almighty guarded in the Grand Mosque. He said: Abu al-Hasan Muhammad bin Sahl told us, on the authority of Muhammad bin al-Musfy, on the authority of Bakr bin Saeed, on the authority of Saeed bin Qais, on the authority of his father, he said : The Messenger of God, peace be upon him , said : Upon him : Whoever saw me will not enter Hell in a dream . Professor Abu Saad, may God be pleased with him, said : God has sent Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, a mercy to the worlds. Blessed is he who saw him in his life and follow him, and blessed is he who sees him in his sleep, for if he sees him as a debtor, God will spend his debt, and if he sees him ill, God will heal him. And if he sees him in the necessity of performing the pilgrimage to the house, and if he sees him in a barren land that has fertilized, or in a place where injustice has spread instead of injustice in justice, or in a fearful place for the security of his family, this is if he sees him in his own way . And if he sees him pale in color, worn out or missing some of the prey, that indicates the weakness of the religion in that place and the emergence of heresy, and likewise if he sees a shabby clothing . If he sees that he drank his blood for his love in secret, then he is martyred in jihad, and if he sees that he drank openly, this indicates his hypocrisy and entered the blood of his family and helped to kill them . If he sees him as if he is sick, then he exacerbates his illness, then the people of that place are reformed after corruption, and if he saw him, peace be upon him riding, he would visit his grave riding, and if he saw him on foot, he went to visit him on foot, and if he saw him standing up, his command was straightforward, and if he saw him give the call to prayer in a place where Omar ruined that The place, and if he sees it as if he is eating it, that is what he ordered him to pay the Zakat of his money . If he sees that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, has died, then one of his descendants will die, and if he sees his funeral in a spot there is a great calamity, and if he sees that he has performed his funeral even for a grave, then he is inclined to heresy . And if he saw that he had visited his grave, he would hit a great deal of money, and if he saw as if he was the son of the Prophet and not from his descendants, his visions indicate that his faith was cleared, and if he saw that he was the father of the Prophet, peace be upon him, he indicated the weakness of his religion and the weakness of his faith and certainty . Seeing a single man, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a dream does not pertain to him, but rather pervades the Muslim community . It was narrated that Umm al-Fadl said to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace : I saw in a dream as if a few of your body were cut off and placed in my lap , and he said : Goodness I have seen, Fatima will give birth to a boy, God willing, and he will be placed in your lap . She gave birth to Fatima Al-Hussein, peace be upon them, and he was put in her lap . And it was narrated that a woman said : O Messenger of God, I saw in a dream as if some of your body was in my house. He said : Fatima gives birth to a boy and breastfeeds him, and she gave birth to Hussein and breastfed him . If the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw that he had given him something of the most desirable goods of this world, or food or drink, then it is good that he attains as much as he gave him, and if what he gave him was of poor substance, such as watermelon and others, then he would be saved from a great thing, except that it would be hurt and tired . If he sees that one of his members, peace be upon him, with the author of the vision, has achieved it, then he is a heresy in his rumors and has adhered to it without the rest of the laws of Islam and left others without the rest of the Muslims . I heard Abu al – Hasan Ali bin al – Baghdadi , scene of Ali bin Abi Talib , may Allah be pleased with him says : son Dad said a doctor the poor : it was my deafen ten years, and I brought the city and decided between the tomb and the pulpit, I saw the Prophet of Allah peace be upon him in a dream, I said : O Messenger of Allah You said: Whoever asked me the means, my intercession is required for him, he said : May God heal you, what I said, but I said : Whoever asked for the means from God, my intercession is required for him, he said, so he departed from me with the blessing of his saying, may God bless you . Abdullah bin Al-Galaa told of a situation that entered the city of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and I went to the grave of the Messenger of God to him, and I greeted him and his two companions, may God be pleased with them, then I said : O Messenger of God, I did not care and I am your guest, then I stepped down and slept without the grave, then I saw The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to me, so I got up and he gave me a loaf, so I ate some of it, and paid attention and had some loaf in my hand . On the authority of Abu al-Wafa al-Qari al-Harawi, he said: I saw the Chosen One, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in a dream in a fuguity in the years sixty and three hundred, and I used to read with the Sultan, and they did not hear and speak, so I went home in lamentation, so I slept and saw the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as if he had changed color, so he told me peace be upon him : Do you read the Koran the word of God Almighty in the hands of people who speak and hear not reading? Do not read after this except what God wills . I took notice while I was holding the tongue for four months, and if I had a need to write it on the patch, the owners of the hadiths and opinion-holders attended me, then they issued a fatwa that I am speaking at the end of the matter, because he said : Except what God wills, which is an exception, so I slept four months later in the place in which I first slept. I saw the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in a dream cheering his face, and he said to me : Has it been proven? I said : Yes, O Messenger of God . He said : Whoever repents, God will forgive him, stick out your tongue . He wiped my tongue with his index finger and said : If you are in the hands of a people and you are reading the Book of God, then cut off your reading until they hear the word of God . I paid attention, and my tongue was open, thanks to God . It was narrated that a man from Al-Manaseer became ill, and he saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, one night as if telling him if you want to be well from your illness, then take no and no . When he woke up, he sent to Sufyan Al-Thawri, may God be pleased with him, with ten thousand dirhams, and he ordered him to allocate it to the poor, and he asked him about the expression of the vision, so he said the meaning of his words, neither nor the olive tree, because God Almighty described it in his book and said : neither Eastern nor Western . And the benefit of the owner is the companionship of the poor with you, he said: He treated him with olives, and God granted him wellness by using the blessing of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and venerate his visions . We learned that a man came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in a dream. He complained to him that his condition was tight, so he told him to go to Ali bin Isa, and tell him he will pay you what is good for you, so he said, O Messenger of God, by what sign? He said tell him with a sign that you saw me on the Batha, and I was disobeying from the ground, so I went down and came to me, so I said go back to your place . He said, and Ali bin Isa had been dismissed, and the ministry returned to him . When he noticed, he came to Ali bin Isa, who was a minister at the time, and he mentioned his story. He said it was right, and he paid him four hundred dinars, then he said spend your debt, and pay him another four hundred dinars, then he said, make it your capital, so if you spend that, go back to me . And he mentioned a man who knew what you wanted from the people of Basra, and he used to sell the talisman. He said he sent a barge from some of the governors of Ahwaz, and I disagreed with him about its price. May God bless him and grant him peace in a dream, so I said to him, O Messenger of God, that so-and-so cursed Abu Bakr and Omar, may God be pleased with them, he said, “Bring him to me, and I came with him,” he said, “Lay him down and lay him down,” so he said, “Slaughter it,” so I said, O Messenger of God, slaughter it? Then he said, Slaughter him until she said three times, then I rolled the knife over his throat and slaughtered him, and when I started to say, I go to him, exhort him and tell him what I saw from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so I went and when I reached his home I heard the wolf, and it was said that he died . And Ibn Sirin came to a man who was not accused of his religion, anxious, and he said that I saw yesterday in sleep, as if I had placed my feet on the face of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace . He said to him, ~Did you sit yesterday with your ghosts?~ He said yes, he said, so he took them off, so he took them off and under one of his legs there was a dirham on him, Muhammad, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace ….

…It is rare for him to narrate that a man fell asleep and there was an awake companion next to him. He brought milk in a bowl and put it and slit the head of a watermelon and put the knife on the bowl of milk waiting for his companion to wake up. He saw something that came out of his companion’s nose like a fly and did not achieve what it is . On a bridge struck by iron in the middle of a sea of ​​milk, his companion marveled and knew what he saw, he came out of himself and returned to him ….

…Excrement is money in a dream . Whoever defecates while people are looking at him, beware of a scandal . He felt that he eats bread and excrement it eats bread and honey, and it was said : is a violation of the year . He who defecates on the bed divorces his wife or becomes ill for a long time . And excrement is forbidden money because it smells bad . He who is afraid in the excrement falls into worry . Whoever falls into Knife is imprisoned . He who defecates himself will fall into a sin . And excrement is a salvation from sin, or a weak departure . And the excrement may indicate travel, because God Almighty says : ( Or one of you came from stool ). And stool indicates the elimination of the need, and indicates the disappearance of internal diseases, and indicates the thoughts and obsessions and the return of deposits . And excrement livelihood from gross injustice . And whoever sees that he has a lot of excrement and wants to travel, he should not travel . Whoever defecates in his clothes is committing an immoral act, and if he is in the open, then he is relieved of them or the fulfillment of a debt . And if he defecates in a dump, it is a good and carefree sign . Staining with faeces is a disease or fear . And if he defecated in the wilderness, then the bird or the beast of the earth picked up his excrement and was traveling, the thieves would cut the road on him and went with his money . And whoever sees that he defecates worms that resemble snakes, then his children will multiply and he will show hostility to them . See also the event ….

…As for surgeries, whoever sees that he has a wound on his hands, that will be money . And if a wound is on his right hand, it is money that will benefit him from his male kinship, and on the left from his female kinship . If a wound is on his left leg, then money is from plowing and planting. If a wound on his heel hits his heels, he hits money from the side of his heel and his son . And surgery on the thumb of his right hand, evidence of religion riding it . And every liquid surgery expense and money damage . And whoever sees in his body a soft surgery with blood flowing from it, it is harmful to its owner in money and speech by a person who falls into it and gets a reward for that . And the surgery in the head and no blood flowing from it, because it was close to hit money . If blood is flowing from her, it is money that shows its effect on him . If a Sultan or an imam saw that he had a wound on his head until his skin and bone were lost, he would extend his life and see his peers . If the bone is broken, his army will be defeated . The wound on his left hand . His militarization increased . The wound on the right increased his possession . If a wound in his stomach increases his treasury money, then a wound in his thigh increases his clan . The wound in his leg is long . And if a wound on his feet increased in matters of integrity and steadfastness . If he sees as if a person cut off his organs and divides them, then the decisive person speaks truthful words regarding his matter that bequeathed that and separate his children and disperse them in the country . If the injured person becomes stained with the blood of the wounded man, then he hits forbidden money as much as the blood that he stained with . And whoever wounds an unbeliever and sheds blood from an unbeliever, he will gain an enemy who has apparent enmity, and he will obtain from him money that is permissible as much as the blood that comes out of it, because the blood of an infidel is permissible for the believer, and if it stains his blood then it is stronger . And whoever sees that a person has wounded him and no blood has come out of him, then the offender will say a true saying in it in response to him . If blood comes out, then he backs him with what is true, and the one who is battered comes out of sin . And it was said that whoever saw as if he was wounded with something of iron with a knife or other, then it shows its equal and disadvantages and there is no good in it . Some of them said : Whoever sees a wound in some of his organs, the expression in it is for the member in which the surgery was permissible . If in the chest it is the heart, then in young men and women it is a sign of love . As for the sheikhs and the elderly, it indicates sadness . As for murder, whoever thinks that he has killed a person is committing a great thing . And it was said that it was a deliverance from distress , because God Almighty said, “And you killed a soul, so we will deliver you from the gloom and your deception and deception .”…

…The quorum, the nisab of a sword or knife in a dream, indicates what zakat is due, such as camels, cows, sheep, gold or silver ….

…Whoever saw in a dream that he had a wound on his body, that would be money to him . If he was injured on his right hand, then it is money that benefits him from a male kinship that he has, and if he was injured in his left hand, it is money that benefits from a relationship he has from women . If a wound is on his left leg, then his money is from plowing and planting, and if he is wounded on his heel, then it is money that will come to him from his son . If he has a wound and blood is flowing from him, then he has a debt, and he spends hardship on it . And whoever sees that his body has soft wounds from which blood is flowing, then it is harmful to his owner in money and speech . He was hit in the head and had money to keep . And if he saw that he was wounded and did not shed blood, then he has overlooked a virtue that will come to him . And whoever is wounded and spills blood from him, then he will have money, the effect of which on him becomes clear . And if he saw the Sultan as if he had been wounded in his head, he would see the death of his peers . If his bone is broken, his army will be defeated and his leadership weak . If he was wounded in his left hand, his soldiers would double . If he was injured on his right hand, then what was on his hand would be double . If he was wounded in his stomach, the money in his safe would double . And if a wound in his thigh multiplied, his clan would multiply, and if a wound in his legs would double his life . If he was wounded on his feet, he would double his steadfastness in his kingdom . If a man injures him, cuts off his organs and divides them, then the one who strikes has authority over the one struck with a right tongue . If he was wounded and came out of the injured person with blood, then the one who struck him is sinning and the one who was beaten will be rewarded for him. If he stains the one with his blood, then he will receive sin and money that is forbidden to the extent that he stains the blood . And whoever sees that he has wounded an unbeliever, then he has control over an enemy who has apparent enmity, and says the truth in him, and obtains from him money as much as blood, and that the unbeliever’s blood for the believer is permissible . And if he saw a person wounded him, and no blood came out of him, then he says in al-Majrouh in true words, he will not have an answer . If he saw that he was wounded, and blood came out of him, then he backs him with what is believed . And whoever sees that he is wounded with a knife or something iron, then his corruption appears, and there is no good in him . And whoever sees that some parts of his body have surgery, then the expression in it is for the organ in which the surgery is to take place, and if it is in the chest or in the heart, then it is in the youth, and young women indicate love, and in the elderly and the elderly it indicates grief . And if it is on the thumb of the right hand, then it indicates a debt that he rides, and an instrument to write on . And whoever sees that an angel of the angels has wounded him with his sword in his stomach, as if he had died, he will suffer wounds and ulcers, and then he will be cured of them . And whoever saw that he was wounded in the neck, he would get money on the side of his heel ….

…The hand is in a dream the man’s benevolence, his back and his support . Whoever sees that his hand is long and strong, and he is a ruler, then he will be victorious with his enemies, and the power of his aides and his pimps . And whoever sees that his hands are spread out is a generous man who spends all that he has . And whoever sees that he is walking on his hands, then he depends on something he asks for on his brother, son, or partner . And if he sees that his right hand is made of gold, then his earnings and his oppression will be gone . If he sees that his left hand is his word, then his brothers deny him or his wife or partner deny him . And if he saw that his hand brought it under his armpit and then took it out, and it had a light, and he was a student of knowledge who won a leadership in his knowledge, even if he was a merchant who won a presidency and a male . If water comes out of his hand, he will get money . And the hands indicate the rank and the two sons and the state, and they indicate the good deeds of the one who takes and gives with his hands . The right hand indicates a son, father, friend, or whoever takes the right place for you . And the left hand denotes the woman, mother, sister, daughter and slave girl . If he sees that he has lost one of his hands, that indicates that he has lost some of the people that this hand pointed to . And whoever sees his hand cut off indicates the death of his brother, friend, or writer, or the intimacy between them has fallen . And whoever sees a length in his hand, he will be too long for people . With thanks, grace, generosity and generosity . And whoever sees a ruler who cuts off his hands and feet without controversy, then he repents . And whoever sees that he has no hand, then he is a lover . And whoever saw from the governors that his hands and feet were cut off . It is isolated . And whoever saw that his hands were clenched indicated his stinginess . And whoever saw that he was walking on his hands, he used them for his pension . And whoever sees that he cuts his hands with a knife, he will marvel at something, because God Almighty says : ( When they saw him, they made him grow up and cut their hands .) And whoever saw that his oath was paralyzed, his livelihood would cease, or he committed a grave sin . And whoever sees his hand becoming gold indicates that what is in his hand has gone . And whoever sees that his hand has become the hand of a prophet, then God Almighty guides a people on his hands and drives goodness and blessing to him . And if he saw that he had cut his hand in a bowl of blood, then he would be at the risk of sedition . And whoever sees that he eats his hand or part of it, then he does something that he regrets, or it is unjust, because God Almighty says : (And on the day the oppressor bites on his hands ). The hand engraved with henna is a humiliation, need, or necessity . And whoever sees his oath being cut off, he will swear an immoral oath, and it may indicate theft, and whoever has his hands and feet cut off, he will die, and perhaps imprisonment, restriction or severe illness, and it may be poverty or need . And whoever has a hand so long that it has become like a spear, then he is unjust, he challenges people’s honor . And whoever has his hand cut off, he is absent from his family, or he turns away from his work, or is cut off from his womb, and he may stop incest and sin . The strange thing is, if he saw his hand cut off and blood flowed from it, he hit money and returned to his country . And whoever sees that his hands are raised, then he is poor from money or a lack of money from a son or brother or knowledge or news, and the hand indicates the industry that is issued by it, the pledge of allegiance, and the covenant . Perhaps losing a hand indicates the need for the question . And perhaps a good hand indicated victory over the enemies . Whoever saw that he was shaking his hands indicated a void of work and a boycott . The wealth in the hand is evidence of the corruption of religion . And whoever has lost his hands and is one of the people of obedience, his trust in God Almighty is good . And if his hands increased, he indicated his greed for the world and his interest in winning it . And whoever has the hand of seven, misses the prayer and follows the desires . And whoever becomes left-handed, it is benefit and livelihood, because after hardship is ease . See also the palm ….

Knife well : denotes the landfill, the storeroom and the bag because of the virginity in it that indicates money, so whoever sweeps it and discards what it contains of virginity sells what he has of bad goods, or sends his money on travel, or treated it in a misfortune if that is his business if he is carried in it In the jars, and if he poured into the canal or found nothing in it, his money went and was below his poverty, and if he was poor, his worries and lack of grief were gone, the sadness of poverty, to sweep it when it was full in his wakefulness, and it may indicate the debt, and if he is a debtor, he pays off his debt because it is a weed . As for the one who peels in it with milk or honey, he brings a bear that is forbidden if it is unknown, and if it is in his home he does that with his family ….

…The butcher is in a dream a man who will perish people if he defiles clothes and has a knife in his hand, but if he is clean, then it indicates longevity . If the condition of the butcher is good, this indicates a good outcome . If the butcher is a man, then he is the angel of death ….

…If you dreamed of a lion, this indicates that a great force is driving you . If you defeat it, you will be victorious in any association . If he defeats you, you will be exposed to successful enemy attacks . If you see lions in cages, this indicates that your success depends on your ability to overcome opposition . If you see a man controlling a lion inside or outside his cage, this indicates success at work and great mental ability . Women will look at you with appreciation and admiration . If you see cubs, this indicates new projects that will lead to success if they are taken care of properly . If a girl dreamed of cubs, then this denotes charming new lovers . If you hear a lion roaring, this indicates the status and progress with women . If you see a lion’s head above you mugging its tusks with a snarl, you are in danger of being defeated in your ascending power . If you see a lion’s skin, this indicates elevation to luck and happiness . If you ride a lion, this indicates courage and determination to overcome difficulties . If you dream that you are defending your children with a knife in front of a lion, this foretells that the enemies will threaten to overpower you and they will soon and easily succeed if you allow any deception to distract you from duty and work obligations ….

…Turquoise is in a dream conquest, victory, Iqbal and longevity . And if a woman sees that she has a knife in her hand with a quorum, then she will give birth to a boy who will be of his life ….

…The razor is a tool of steel to shave with . He is in a dream a male boy because he is circumcising the boy . And if he cuts it, then it is the breaking of a matter that he is about to do, and if he explains with it meat or injures an animal, that is his evil tongue with which he dominates people with harm . Al-Mousa’s vision indicates hatred, enmity, and a painful tongue . See also the knife ….

…Al – Kassab : the angel of death, he felt like a knife was taken from Katsav ‘s disease and injury healed, and affects the strength of his life, like he saw the slaughter of what does not solve the slaughter of the cattle , he wronged his guide and confusion between him and God . If he saw as if he had slaughtered his father, then he would honor him and pray him if he did not see blood, and if he saw blood his visions did not praise, and it was said that al-Qassab is a sign of distress in all cases, except in both cases, the state of debt, then he indicates his judgment, and in the case of restriction, he indicates his release . The Qasab attributed to the Angel of Death is the unknown, and the known is the division of funds between orphans and heirs . And it was said he was the slayer, and it was said he was the owner of the sword . And whoever sees that he divides meat, he walks among people gossiping . And whoever sees it as if he divides beef among his relatives, if he is one of the people of good and righteousness, then he reaches his mercy and divides his money among his heirs with justice in his life, and marries his children ….