Lemons Perhaps a lemon in a dream is to blame, and a lemon is a supply . Lemon indicates disease if it is yellow, and if a person owns it and does not eat it, then it is money, and green lemon is better than yellow . And the lemon is a blame, and the lemon trees are a good man for people, and it was said : He is a rich woman famous for good ….

…Apple juice If you dreamed of apple juice, this means that you may gain wealth if you do not spend your time on material pleasures . If you see people drinking apple juice, you will fall under the influence of unfaithful friends ….

Juice and juice : very good, so whoever undertakes that in a dream, I will look at his condition, and if he is poor, he will be rich, and if his visions for the public are as if they were squeezing grapes or oil or other other things in every place, and they were so fertile and released . If he sees that he is sick or imprisoned, then he escapes from his condition by leaving the pressurized from his imprisonment, and if he sees that he has returns or debts, then he must pay it and benefit from it . And if he sees that, the seeker of knowledge and Sunnah will understand him and squeeze his opinion from his chest . And if he sees this as a celibate, he gets married, then his sperm will come out and he fertilizes his livelihood . If the juice was too much, and he had figs, wine, or milk with sultan . And whoever saw it as if he squeezed grapes and made it wine, he gained favor with the Sultan and obtained forbidden money for the story of Joseph, peace be upon him ….

Lemon If you dreamed of seeing lemons on their mother trees between their leaves, then this indicates envy towards someone you love, but proofs will convince you of the absurdity of the matter . If you eat a lemon, this foretells of shame and frustrations . And green lemons indicate disease and infection . If you see wilted lemons, this indicates divorce if you are married, and separation if you are in love ….

…Sour lemon If you dreamed of eating a sour lemon, this foretells of constant illness and adverse hardships ….

Juice is someone who sees in a dream that he is squeezing grapes or reeds that are fertile, even if he is poor, he is rich . And if he sees people everywhere squeezing grapes and olives and they are very fertile and released from them, and if that is sick or prisoner, he escapes from what he is in, and if he sees that, the seeker of knowledge will understand him, and if he sees that, he is a bachelor, he gets married . If the juice was too much, and it had figs and wine or milk, it would gain authority . And whoever saw that he squeezed grapes and made them wine, he gained favor with the Sultan and obtained forbidden money for the story of Joseph, peace be upon him ….

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said the juice of oil, if it was sesame, then it is a man of leadership and money, and if it is of nuts, then he collects money with fatigue and hardship ….

…Generosity and grapes : Generosity is indicative of women because it is like the garden for its drinking and carrying it and the pleasure of its taste, especially since the narcotic sugar of the body comes from it, and it is like numbness of intercourse with the juice in it, and it is indicative of marriage because it is like the sperm . And perhaps the generous man indicated the beneficial horse because of the abundance of benefits of grapes, as he is like the ruler, the world, and the horse with money, so whoever owns a vineyard as we describe it will marry a woman if he is celibate, or he is able to a generous man, then he looks at his consequences and what will happen to him in the time of generosity in the turnout and management. This was in the period of time and the woman was sick and perished from her illness, and if she was pregnant she came to a slave girl, and if he was hoping for a release, connection, or money from a ruler or at the hands of a ruler or a ruler or a woman such as a mother, sister and wife, that is forbidden and he is unable to, even if her marriage contract was not He has to reach his wife to him, and if he is affluent, then he is poor, and if he is in demand and hypocrisy in his market and his industry, he is excused and stagnant, and if that is in the coming of time and summer, the matter is against him, and all of that is valid . Black grapes in their time are sickness and fear, and they may be whips for those who possess them according to the number of love, and it does not benefit from the blackness of its color with harm to its substance . White grapes in his time are the juice and goodness of the world, and at other times he will receive money before the time he was hoping for . And whoever sees that he is squeezing a vineyard, take the juice and leave what is left over, which is that the king should take possession of the king of juice by force . Likewise, cane juice and other things, because juice and its benefits prevail over what is other than what is with it from what is not touched by the fire, except for what is differentiated in its essence . It was said that whoever picked up a bunch of grapes got from his wife a sum of money, and it was said that the money was 1,000 dirhams . And it was said that black grapes are money that does not remain, and if they see them drooping from their vine, then it is very cold and fear . Some of the commentators said : Black grapes are not disliked, because God Almighty says : ~ Sugar and good food .~ Zachariah, peace be upon him, used to find him with Mary, as he did not hate and most expressers hated him . It was said that he was next to the son of Noah when his father called for him, and he was white in color, so when the color changed, the grapes around him changed, and the origin of the black is that . And what was fruit is not cut off in all parts, and it has no time and no substance that spoils it, it is good like dates and raisins, and whatever was found at the time and executed at the time of others, it is good during its time except what it has a hated name or an ugly news, and in other than its time It is eventually hated . Whatever has an origin indicating the abomination is in his desire and distress, and at other times he was beaten or sick, like the two . Because Adam, peace be upon him, was afraid of his leaves and blamed him at his tree, and he was worried and regretted, so this was necessary at all times, and his tree and paper were also required . Whatever was yellow in color was a disease, such as quince, hawthorn and watermelon, with its harm outside his life, and other than yellowing worries and sorrows . If it was sour, it was beaten with the whips to eat it, especially if it was a number, because the fruit of the whip on the end . And the trees, which are the root of the fruit, are a dry stick . And what had a name in its derivation of benefit, carry its interpretation to its wording if that was stronger than its meanings, such as green quince at other times is tired, and yellow is a disease . And green peaches : the pain of them or a brother, and yellow disease . And the jujube : in his time he is appointed by the company or the division, and the green in the other than his time is misfortune and accidents that afflict him, and his dryness at all times has a blue flower, and his tree is a man of complete mind and good face, and it was said an honorable man who is a man of pleasure, pride and sultanate ….

…And whoever thinks that he has bought grapes or juice, then he will receive good good, and raisins of any color are good and benefit the one who ate them, and sour grapes may be forbidden money or sickness ….

Juice : It indicates fertility for the one who obtained it, so whoever sees that he is squeezing wine, he serves authority and takes great matters into his hands ….

…As for lemons, Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw lemons, whether it was at his time or at another time, indicates illness because of its yellow color, and if it is green, it indicates sadness, and if he does not eat it, it is easier than what was mentioned ….

…A juicer is in a dream a man with money, for the sesame juice is so money is growing and increasing, and sesame juice is the sirge, and it indicates a man who approaches the pious people, and asks people to abstain from the bliss of this world . And nut juice is a man with toil and fatigue and sleepless money . And grape juice indicates corruption in religion and sedition . And olive juice indicates relieving worries and anger, and his vision indicates a tendency to passions and fads and committing prohibitions or out of darkness to light, sustenance and benefits ….

…The tree Trees denote women and men of different morals . Seeing trees is a sign of quarrels, and unknown trees are a sign of worry and distress, especially if he sees them in a dream at night . If it is a heresy, then it is ceased, or if he is an infidel, he becomes Muslim . If the seer is an unbeliever, he becomes Muslim or a sinner, he repents . Whatever trees are specific to mashmum, such as henna and rose trees, indicates the masters of goodness and knowledge without action or saying without action . Seeing what is specific to mashmum and lemon juice, such as orange and lemon, is specific to mashmoum, and the restaurant, such as orange and lemon, and action, and word and deed . Seeing what is specific to the mutam, not to the mothmoum, such as the palm and walnuts, indicates the gentlemen who do not take what they have except by exerting effort and fatigue . Seeing what is not a restaurant or sniff, such as poplar and cypress, indicates stinginess and stinginess . Every tree that its leaves fall from indicates poverty and wealth, conservation and forgetfulness, joys and sorrows . And every tree that does not drop its leaves is a sign of longevity, perpetual livelihood, wealth, and steadfastness in religion . And whoever saw that he lay on trees, his children increased . And whoever plants a tree that is hung, then he intermarriages with a people and befalls honor . And a tree that has no fruit denotes hard, huge men, who have neither wealth nor good . And the tree with the thorns is a difficult man . And whoever saw that he cut down a tree his wife died, and if a tree dried up, a sick person would die there . And tree bark is a pond . And whoever sees that he is planting trees in a grove, he will have children . And whoever saw that trees surrounded a mountain, the descendants of that town would multiply . And the tree in front of the house indicates the loyal . The tree with which God Almighty spoke to Moses, peace be upon him, indicates closeness to God Almighty . The tree indicates the grace of God Almighty, and the dry tree is guidance and sustenance . Sitting under a tree with people is evidence of God Almighty’s approval. If the seeker is an unbeliever, a Muslim or a disobedient, he will repent, and a blessed tree in a dream indicates a good return, and a good tree like a palm tree is a good word, and a wicked tree is like a melon, a malicious word . And whoever sees that he reaps from a tree other than its fruit, then he takes money without a solution . It was said : Tree cutting is a disease that affects the cutter and its people ….

…Reed : Whoever sees in his hand a reed leaning on it, he has left his life at least and becomes poor and dies in poverty . And everything is hollow, does not survive . And the reed is the reed of the people and the reed of the people, and the reed is a detained person who has no religion or fulfillment, and it was said that it is the rape of people and bad words . As for sugar cane, whoever sees that he sucks it, it becomes a matter in which he talks a lot and repeats it, except that his speech is impossible in it . And whoever sees that he squeezes it, he will have fertility from his possession as long as the fire has not touched it, and he takes the juice and leaves what is not, because the mention of the juice and its benefits override what he does other than him ….

…Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw that he drinks a sweet drink that smells good, such as apple juice, orange juice, pomegranate and the like, it indicates six aspects of purity in religion, benefit, knowledge, usefulness, long life, living and remembering God Almighty ….

…And whoever sees that he has given nuts or almonds, he will strike money to the extent of that, and the pomegranate is a large, honorable man who has been fertilized, and the fig is a present money that does not lie, and nothing of the fruits can be amended, and the olive tree is a blessed man. If it is sweet, or a sum of money, or a boy that befalls him, or it is better for a son, perhaps it is a woman, whoever sees that he owned a pomegranate and ate from it, then he must be a slave girl. His possession, he receives from that vigor as much as he possessed of it, and it was said that whoever saw that he had hit a lot of apples, he hit money according to what he saw from its number, and who saw that he had struck an apple that he smelled, then he has a son who smells it, and bananas have money for the owner of this world and a debt for the owner of the debt and a lot of money and debt is the equivalent of bananas And if it is one, two or three trees, they are many children, and the vineyard is a generous man. If he sees that he is the king of a vineyard, then he is with a generous man, and it was said that he who saw that he planted a vineyard, then he would be afflicted with splendor and pleasure, and the white grapes in his time are the freshness and goodness of the world and in other than his time he will receive money before the time that he He was begging him in it and it might be what There is no forbidden, raisins at all times, money in any case, and eating a yellow fruit in a dream, such as quince, pears, peaches, wet, watermelon, and the like is a disease, and what was green thereof is not a disease, and every acid of the fruits is a concern and sadness except for lemon, apples, and buckthorn, and every sweet fruit other than what was mentioned above is sustenance And money and goodness, and whoever sees that a large tree has a lot to carry it with its abundance of teeth, he will suffer a power and a nail, and his life will be prolonged. Whoever sees that he is picking the fruits from the roots of the trees, he quarrels with an honorable man and is victorious in his quarrel, and whoever sees that he is on a tall tree, he clings to a huge man or escapes from what he fears and warns. If he is celibate, then he marries a woman and whoever sees that he fell from a tree or fell from it, nothing between him has been completed. And between those who intend to be attached to him and whoever sees that he fell from a tree and dies, then he perishes at the hand of an old man, and if it is broken by him, that man perishes. And whoever sees that he owned a number of trees, then he follows a group in a state of leadership, honor, leadership, or so on, and whoever sees an unknown tree, naked From paper, he will be afflicted with sorrows and sorrows, and whoever sees a large, withered tree Because there is no good in his house and whoever sees in his house a tree that grows and lengthens, then his memory rises and his reputation rises, and if he sees that he has a tree that has fruit and has no paper, then the owner of it has religion except for good manners, and if it has paper and has no fruit, then its owner is of good manners and has no religion. A tree is uprooted, cut down, or withered, then he becomes severely ill or dies and may indicate the death of some of his family in his place. If the tree is for someone else, then a man falls out of his livelihood or kills him, and whoever sees inside or outside his home or its lower or higher in which there are types of trees growing and in which the two winds are in That house is a misfortune where women gather to cry and grief, and whoever sees that he eats gum from trees, he eats a connection of a man’s money as much as gum…

…And whoever sees that he drinks a sour drink, such as ribas, lemon and citrus syrup, and the like, which has a mild smell, it indicates grief, sadness and harm ….

…Al-Ataraj : One is a boy, and many are good praise . And it was narrated that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : “ Like a believer who recites the Qur’an is like an artisan, its smell is good and its taste is good .” And sang some poets praising some people : if they were trees citron merry together … Nora and wind and merry lute and paper and some of them hated and through sense , he said : It shows the hypocrisy because seemingly contrary to its interior and sang : gave his brothers Otrjh … wept and pity of Aaavh injunction and some of them I sing in her hatred by the saying of the one who said : I have brought you righteousness … do not accept her if they are justified, do not turn her, then I will destroy you myself … for her upside down has abandoned and some of them mentioned that all of the naranj and citrus are all good, and that all if it is sweet indicates the sum of money, and if it is sour, it indicates A simple disease and a boy afflicted with him and grief . The green lemon, indicates the fertility of the Sunnah and the health of the visionary’s body, if he extracts it . And yellow lavender, fertile the year with disease . And it was said that Al-Aturj is a non-Arab, honorable and rich woman, so if he saw as if he cut her in half, he would have a nurse from her and a nurse’s son . And if a woman saw in her dream, as if she had a crown of citrus tree on her head, she would marry a man of good manhood and religion . If she saw that she was in her lap, she would give birth to a blessed son . If a man sees as if a woman gave him a bottle, a son would be born to him . The man threw another woman, indicating a marriage request . And the naranj is not the citrus in the section of Muhammad, and above it in the chapter on hatred, according to the words of those who hated it, and most of them hated it because of the word of fire in its name . And he sang in its meaning : If we missed the roses for a while, then … the garden of Naranjna has compensated us, he reckons its offenders and it has shone … its redness in the palm is a fire of heaven, and the fluff is the equivalent of the believer in its taste, its aroma, the generosity of its tree and its essence . And his whistle does not harm with the strength of his essence, so whoever hits one, two or three of it, it is a boy . Much of it is good money with the name Saleh, and green is better than yellow . Perhaps the single delicacy was a state, and if it was eaten sweet, it was collected money . Although acid is a simple disease ….

…In a dream, it denotes sincerity in religion, the salvation of the prisoner, the arrival of the traveler, the healing of the sick, the marriage of a bachelor, guidance, repentance, knowledge, the Qur’an, and lawful sustenance . Man and what is made of it are a blessing and a blessing . And how the season is a function of the witnesses of the season or the renewal of the mandate . And the one who is full of sweetness is compliments, lies and good words . The frying of sweetness is a useful company . And the logic of honey is easy sustenance or a despicable position . And a pleasant flavor is evidence of height, elevation, and the removal of worries and diseases . And be aware that every sweet increases a person by eating sickness, so eating it in a dream is an increase in diseases, unless the sweet is yeast, jam, or juice, so it may indicate healing . Of diseases . There is no good in the one who consumed in a dream or entered upon him a falutij, because it may indicate a disease of the falaj . Sweets that are considered among the foods that are made of four components : shade, sugar, manna, and dates, and if a person eats any of them, it is a good life and pleasure, and a salvation from risk whose origin was greed . And sweetness indicates halal livelihood and good words . It is for the believers the sweetness of faith and for the evildoer the sweetness of the world ….

…Pomegranate : The sum of money if it is sweet. Perhaps the pomegranate is a large area, and it may be a knot . And the pomegranate tree is a man and perhaps a woman, and the sour pomegranate is a grief . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw a pomegranate in my hand, and he said : She is a woman . She marries her, if she eats her, it is good . Al-Rummaneh may also have been a boy, and indicates to the governor the wilaya of the town of Amra, a luxurious estate for Dahqan, and a sum of money for the merchant . And it was said that he who saw it was like a pomegranate struck its red love, hit a thousand dinars, and if its love was white, it hit a thousand dirhams . And if it was sweet, that was with pleasure . And if it was sour, it was in them and sadness . Whoever sold a pomegranate, it is a man who has chosen this world over the Hereafter . If he saw as if he had eaten pomegranate peels, he would be cured of illness . And pomegranate juice and drink its water, the man’s expense is on himself . And the pomegranate tree indicates cutting the uterus . As for the enigmatic pomegranate, which is not known to be sweet or sour, it is like sweet unless the words of the visionary indicate otherwise ….

…The restriction, for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : The most beloved of the record is the reward, and the restriction is a constant in the religion . If it is of silver, then it is valid in the matter of marriage, and if it is from zero, then it is steadfast in the matter of something unpleasant . And if it was made of lead, then it remains in a matter of weakness and weakness . And if it was a pregnancy, then it is steadfastness in religion, because God Almighty says : “And hold fast to the rope of God .” And if it is of wood, then it is proof of hypocrisy . If it is from a rag or thread, then it is a place in a matter that has no time . And if the person who is bound is a religious person or in a mosque, then it is his persistence in obeying God Almighty, and if he is of authority and saw with that the wearing of a sword, then it is his persistence in obeying God Almighty . And if he was from the children of this world, then he is steadfast in its juice . The restriction for the traveler is a hindrance to his travel, and for merchants the luggage of a lion they adhere to . What is concerned is the persistence of his concern . And the patient has the length of his illness . Whoever believes that he is bound for the sake of God, then he will strive hard in the matter of his children and abide by them . If he sees that he is bound in a town or in a village, then he is its settler. If he sees that he is bound in a house, then he is afflicted with a woman . If he sees the restriction narrow, then the matter is tightened for him . And the restriction of the delighted will continue and increase his pleasure . And if the bound saw that he had increased another constraint, if he was sick, then he would die in it . Although he was in prison, he was imprisoned long . And whoever sees that he is tied to a tree, he is locked in the matter of a hypocritical man . And whoever sees that he is bound while wearing green clothes, then his stature is in the matter of religion and the acquisition of a reward of great danger, even if it is white, then his stature is in a matter of knowledge, jurisprudence, beauty and beauty . If it is red, then his standing is in a matter of fun and joy . And if it is yellow, then his standing is in illness . And whoever sees that he is bound by a gold chain, he is waiting for money that has gone to him . If he sees that he is bound in a palace of bottles, then he accompanies a beautiful woman, and her companionship continues with him . And if he was on travel, he stayed because of a woman . And whoever sees that he is associated with another man in a chain, indicates the acquisition of a great sin, for which he fears the sultan’s revenge . For God Almighty says : “And you will see criminals one day, bound in handcuffs .” It was said that the restriction was originally aging and poverty . Some of them said that the restriction indicates travel, because it changes the gait ….

…Urination is in a dream, spending his money on something that is not permissible for him, or having intercourse with something that is not suitable for him . And diuresis in a dream is evidence of generating livelihood . And holding the urine and its hardness may indicate his urgency in matters and lack of rightness, and that the injector does not settle for a decision until he pays what he has frozen from it . And urinating in a dream is forbidden money . And whoever sees as if he is in an unknown place will marry a woman in that place . And it was said : Whoever sees it as if he is urinating, he spends an alimony that goes back to him . And whoever sees himself as worn out in a well, he will spend from the money that is permissible earnings . And whoever sees that he has worn out on a commodity, he will lose that commodity . Pal in a niche gives birth to a scientist son . And whoever sees as if he has worn out on the Qur’an, one of his children will memorize the Holy Qur’an . And whoever sees himself as if he pours some and confines some, if he is rich, some of his money will be gone, and if he is upset, some of his distress will be gone . If he sees it as if another person is urinating with him, then their urine is mixed up, and they fall into a continuation and affinity . If he sees that he is an injector, he will get angry with his wife . If the urine is strong on him, and he cannot find a place for that, he wants to bury money and cannot find a burial ground . If he sees that he has urinated in the place of urine, then he will be released if he is poor, and if he is rich, he loses his money . If he saw people wiping his urine, a boy would be born to him, and the people would follow him . If he sees a person known to be bad about him, then he humiliates him by spending his money on him . If a man sees that he is urinating milk, then he will lose his instinct. If a known person drinks it, then he spends on him lawful money in his world . And whoever sees that he urinates blood, he will come to a divorced woman, or a woman with a mahram, and he does not know that . If he sees that he urinates Zaafarana, he will have a sick son . If he sees that he has no juice, then he spends his money . If he sees as if he does not have dirt or mud, then he is a man who does not improve ablution . For the fire was born to him a son of authority . The pale trifle committed an indecency with his family . If vomit comes out instead of urine, that indicates a forbidden child . And if a bird comes out, a child will be born that fits the essence of that bird in goodness and corruption . And whoever wanders standing then spends his money out of ignorance . He who wears his shirt will have a son, and if he does not have a wife, he will marry . If he sees that he urinates in his nose, then he comes forbidden . And whoever sees that he urinates in one of the market places, he will be considered an account of the market . Saw the father of Ardashir son of Sasan was a shepherd like a pal and exalted him steam uncle of the whole sky, he asked Babak the crossing, he said : Do not Oabbarha you even attributed to a son Bold you, Vuadh this, he said : born to you Ghulam have prospects was well . And whoever sees that he has lost his life in a people’s home, community’s neighborhood, or a people’s mosque, country, or village, then he throws his sperm in a marriage with them . And whoever sees that he urinates in a flask or a basin, or a jar, a well, or a ruined one, then he will marry a woman . It is felt that in mind the sea to come out money to the Sultan in ten or zakat and other . And whoever saw that he thought his children would be spread out . And whoever sees that a penis comes out of his genitals, then a child is born for him who participates in all knowledge, because the pen preserves all knowledge . And if he sees that a pill has come out of his body, then a boy is born for him, and he will have an enemy . And whoever sees that he has urinated much, contrary to habit, or contaminated it, or that it smells foul, or that he has urinated while people look at him, that is evidence of malice or the manifestation of evil that is exposed . And drinking urine indicates suspicion of gains or forbidden money ….

…Jaafar Al-Sadiq said the vision of black and white grapes in his time and outside of his time refers to four aspects of children, knowledge, statutes and money, and his juice also in three aspects of money in which there is goodness, blessing and capacity, and salvation from drought and affliction, for the Almighty said: “In it the people find relief and in it they squeeze .”…

…If he sees that he has no juice, he is wasting his money ….

…It is forbidden money in a dream . Whoever sees that he is drinking wine, then he will be afflicted with great sin and abundant livelihood . And whoever saw that he was drinking it and had no dispute in its cup, he would have unlawful money, and it was said : Rather, it is permissible money . If he had a contestant, he would dispute with him in words and quarrels . If he sees that he has struck a river of wine, then he will be afflicted with trial in his world, and if his income falls into a fitnah as much as he obtained from him . And seeing alcohol for one who wants to share or get married is an approval because of its mixing . And drinking wine to the governor isolate . And drinking wine mixed with water indicates money, some of which is permissible and some of it forbidden . And it was said : money in a company . And whoever sees that he is squeezing wine, he will serve the authority and great things will happen on his hands . And whoever sees that he has been called to a wine gathering in which there is much fruit, then he is called to jihad and martyrdom in it . And wine in a dream indicates sedition and evils, enmity, and hatred . Perhaps drinking wine indicated a cure for the disease, and perhaps the mind had gone madly or were absent from its sense . And if the seer is quarrelsome, then he is his opponent with falsehood because of the audacity that is happening on his tongue . And if he was unemployed, he served someone else, or he was poor, or he was single, married, or sick who had been cured of his illness . Though the mustache among the people in the River and the fun indicated were beaten, and Nkthm Covenant guardian or fight them and breaking their oaths . If the drinker of alcohol is a scientist, his knowledge increases because of the thought that is presented to a person when drinking . And he considered what he drank from the wine : if the wine was from grapes, the seer might have eaten grapes in a wrong time, or he fell into a blemish because the word “defect” is corrected by the word “grape,” and perhaps his provision is lawful . And if alcohol was bought, or he took over his juice, then he may have fallen into something wrong that requires a curse on him . And wine indicates lying and chatter in speaking, divulging the secret and fornication . And what it was called was considered : alcohol is a sin, and perhaps it refers to an adulterous woman, who is the drug, and drinking it in a dream may indicate disobedience to parents, or selling something of the drug, which is the Slavs . Perhaps drinking it in a dream indicates religion and advances, which is the spirit . Perhaps her drinking indicated the spirit of money or the boy, and her drinker might find relief, even if he was tired . And she is the old woman, so the seer may have drunk with an old woman, or he married a woman as well . And drinking wine indicates the stupidity and ignorance of the drinker . And if a dead person is seen drinking wine, then he will be blessed in the Hereafter, because alcohol is a drink of the people of Paradise, unless he died while he was insisting on it, or he was in his life who would deem it permissible . And wine indicates good for one who wants to marry because water is mixed with it and mixed with it ….

…Sesame is in a dream a permissible livelihood, and so is the juice of the serge, money in glory and strength, as well as other grains . And whoever sees that he grows sesame, then he will receive state, trade, asceticism, profit and joy . Sesame and mustard were said to doctors alone, but for other people it is evidence of illness . And whoever sees sesame will be damaged because it is a refined poison ….

…Jelly If you dreamed of eating jelly, many pleasant fights will happen to you . If a woman dreams about making jellies, then this indicates that she will enjoy a meeting of friends . ~ Gaelic : candy Rjrajh textures composed of sugar and fruit juice are iced before eating .~…