Hospital If you dream that you are sick in a hospital, you will face an infectious disease in your clan, and you will hardly escape from it except with difficulty . If you visit a patient in a hospital, you will hear bad news from absentees…

…An emergency hospital If you dream that you are leaving an emergency hospital, this means that you will escape from cunning enemies that cause you great anxiety ….

…Hypnotism – layering in the hospital : indicates the recession and unemployment trader, may indicate the leave of the employee, and the birth of the holder ….

…And whoever sees that someone removes his sole, then loses it and finds it after him, and that is too difficult for him, then he seeks money with difficulty and then obtains it ….

…Mishkat If you dreamed of seeing a problem in front of you in the dark, this symbolizes an unexpected love . If the lantern suddenly disappears from view, then your success will take an inappropriate turn . If you dreamed of a problem in your dreams, this indicates that your benevolent tendency will make you gain many friends . If you switch off, you will fail to reach the fame you desire . If you stumble and break it, you will seek to help others, but by doing this, you will lose your position or be disappointed in an undertaking . If you clean out a lantern, this symbolizes that great possibilities will open up for you . If you lose a lamp, then this means depression at work and annoyance at home . If you buy a lamp, this symbolizes lucky deals . If a girl dreams that she lit her lover’s lamp, then this heralds her a worthy man and a comfortable home . If you blow on her and turn her off her mind, she will lose an opportunity to marry . Al- Mishkat : A glass box in which a lamp is placed ….

…If you dreamed of seeing a beard, this indicates that a person who is not compatible with you will impose his will against your will and there will be a struggle for control and it is possible that you will lose some money in this struggle . A gray beard symbolizes bad luck and quarrels . And seeing a beard on women’s chins predicts unpleasant collisions and slowing disease . If someone pulls on your beard, this indicates that you will run a hard risk over it if you do not lose property . If you lose your beard and admire it, this shows that your pride will increase with success, making you a hateful person in the eyes of many of your former comrades . If a girl likes a beard, this includes her desire to leave celibacy, but she is threatened with an unlucky marriage ….

…Liar If you dream that you think people are liars, then this foretells that you will lose your faith in a plan that you had put in mind with insistence . If someone called you a lie, this means that you will be disturbed by deceitful people . If a woman believes that her boyfriend is a liar, this warns her that her inappropriate behavior may cause her to lose a respectable friend ….

…Gypsy If you dreamed of visiting a Gypsy tent, you will receive an important offer and you will investigate the position of the parties about your harm . If she sees a Gypsy woman reading her fortune, this warns her of a quick and reckless marriage . If she is married, she will be excessively jealous of her husband . If a man had any conversation with a Roma, he would likely lose valuable property . If you dreamed of trading with a Roma, then you will lose money in Mudaraba . This dream means that material pleasures will be the biggest concern in your life ….

…Famine If you dreamed of a famine, this foretells that your work will not be rewarded and that your illness will be a disaster . This dream is generally bad . If you see your enemies dying from starvation, you will be successful in the competition . If dreams of famine are interrupted by great chaos resulting from light sleep attacks torn heads with excruciating pain, pouring carefree into souls, bending flags of hope, then your sadness upon waking accompanied by depression and signs of adversity and despair will increase with that before ambition dies down and demolishes the body . If you dream that you are in famine, this foretells that your business will lose and that you will lose your friends . If you see others in famine, then this foretells of losses in business and trade, and unfavorable conditions for friendships ….

…Money If you find money in a dream, this foretells that you will face simple problems, followed by many joys and a change of state . If you paid money in a dream, this is a bad omen . If you caught a gold coin, this foretells of general good and delights . If you lose money in a dream, this foretells that you will face some upsets in the family surroundings, and your business will witness some pitfalls . If you counted money in a dream and found it deficient, this foretells that you will pay an amount of money and will be sad for that . If you dreamed that you stole money, this foretells that you are in danger and that you should weigh your steps . Saving money in a dream symbolizes wealth, wealth and peace of mind . If you dream that you bought money, this foretells that you will rent something. If you see yourself in a dream watching an amount of money, this indicates that wealth and prestige are not far from your reach . If you dreamed that you found a roll of securities and that a girl asked you for it, this foretells that a friend of yours will cause your loss in your trade . The person who saw the dream will discover that he is living far from reality and subconsciously squandering his money . This kind of dream is a warning . If you dream that you have an abundance of cash, but it may borrow, this foretells that others will look at you as a prominent man, but those who approach you will find that you are a mercenary and insensitive . If a girl dreams that she is spending borrowed money, this foretells that she will be caught caught in deception and will lose a valuable friend ….

…If you dream that you admire tall women’s legs, you will lose your common sense, and you will behave in an absurd way with a charming woman . If you see deformed legs, then this indicates professions with no gain from them and companions of poor character . A wounded leg is a sign of painful malaria attacks and losses . If you dream that you have a wooden leg, this indicates that you will falsely demean yourself for your friends . If a sore appears on your legs, this symbolizes a burden on your income by helping others . If you dream that you have three legs or more, this indicates that your imagination will draw up many projects, one of which will never benefit you . If you are unable to use your legs this portends poverty . If you amputate a leg, you will lose valuable friends and the effects of the house will make your life unbearable . If a girl likes her legs, this indicates insignificance, and the man who impresses her will turn her away . If in a dream she has two legs that are full of hair, then she will dominate her husband . If your legs are clean and well-formed, this indicates a happy future and loyal friends ….

…Alabaster If you dreamed of alabaster, this foretells success in marriage and all legal matters . If you break a statue or a bowl of alabaster, this indicates sadness and repentance . If a girl loses a box of alabaster containing incense, this symbolizes that she will lose her lover or lose possessions due to her indifference to her reputation ….

…A sock strap If a lover finds a sock tie for his girlfriend, this foretells that he will lose his mind with her . He will find a foe . If a woman dreamed that she lost her sock tie, this means that her lover will be jealous and suspicious of a handsome person . If a married man dreams of a sock, then this foretells that his wife will hear about his secret connections and he will face a stormy scene . If a woman dreams that she desires a beautiful sock tie and studded on her legs, then this means that she will be cunning in her personal actions and that she will lose her reputation in front of public opinion . If she dreamed that her lover was tightening her sock tie on her, then his emotions and sincerity would be affected by the opposite criticism ….

…Retirement pension If you dream that you receive a pension, this foretells that friends will help you in your struggle . If you fail to get a retirement, you lose a job pledge and you lose friends ….

…Preacher If you dream of a preacher, this foretells that you will live an uneven life and that your affairs will not go as you wish . If you see yourself preaching in a dream, this foretells that you will lose in your trade and will encounter many obstacles and problems . If you hear a sermon in a dream, know that bad luck will accompany you . If you argue with a preacher, you lose a race or a match . If you see a preacher turning away from you, you will rush into your work with new energy and vitality, and if the preacher looks at you in remorse, your future will be full of news stories that you will regret . If you see a preacher with long hair, you will quarrel with arrogant and selfish people ….

…Gold If you hold gold in your dream, you will be unusually successful in all your projects . If a woman dreamed that she received gifts of gold, whether they were cash or golden jewelry, then she will marry a rich but greedy man . If you find gold, this means that your sublime capabilities will easily put you in the forefront of the race for honor and wealth . If you lose gold, you will lose the greatest opportunity in your life due to neglect . If you dreamed of finding a gold race, this means that an uneasy privilege will be imposed on you . If you dream that you are thinking of running a gold mine, then you will try to usurp others’ rights, and it is imperative that you beware of family scandals ….

…A bet If you dream that you are betting on something, then this means that you will resort to dishonest methods to achieve your goals and aspirations . If you lose a bet, this means that you will be hurt and lose out on your menial relationships with people who are not your kind . If you win a bet, this means that you will be blessed with wealth and prestige . If you are not able to bet then this means that the bad conditions surrounding you will make you lazy and idle . If your bet is on races, beware of engaging in new undertakings . The enemies are trying to divert your attention from legitimate actions . Betting on the gambling table indicates that unethical means will be used to extract some cash from you ….

…A tooth portends seeing teeth in a dream about meeting people who are hateful or have a disease that afflicts you . If you see your teeth fall out, this heralds bad news and failure in projects and work . If the doctor removes you a tooth, you will develop a serious disease that may kill you . If you dream that the doctor has tamped you with a tooth, you will take back your valuable lost items after a long period of anxiety and worry . If you brush or brush your teeth, this means that you will enter an intense struggle to defend your wealth and fortune . If you made yourself a denture, this means that severe adversities will surround you and you will strive to get rid of them . If you lose your teeth, this means that you will carry worries that will crush your pride and sabotage your interests and business . If you receive a blow that knocks your teeth, this heralds a sudden misfortune : you will lose your business, you will get sick, death will visit you, or you will experience a sudden accident . If you check your age, this means that you are warned of the need to be careful and pay attention to your affairs, as the enemies are planning to trap you . If your teeth are cracked and damaged, this means health and work problems . If you dreamed that you spit out your teeth, this means that you or one of your family members become ill . A distorted tooth in a dream is a bad omen and means misfortunes of various kinds, misfortune, loss of personal property, failure to realize and implement projects and works, disease, ill health and nervous disorders even for healthy people . If one tooth falls out of the mouth, this means bad news . If Sinan falls, this means that the person’s condition will become miserable due to his negligence and lack of caution . If three teeth fall out, this predicts illness and dangerous accidents . If you see all of your teeth have fallen out, this heralds famine, death and disaster . The same applies if your teeth are clenched and you extract them . If you dreamed that your teeth became shiny and clean new after removing the plaque from them, this means temporary problems that will disappear and leave you more prudent and wiser in your behavior, and you will find your pleasure in carrying out your duties . If you admire your teeth because they are white and beautiful, know that after fulfilling your desires and dreams, many joys, delights and happy accidents await you . If you dreamed that you had pulled out or lost a tooth and you were moving your tongue in your mouth and looking for it in vain, then you went to the doctor who did not find him and the matter was kept secret, then all of this means that you are about to enter into concerns that will not cause you happiness and you are determined to ignore them, but you are after that You will do it and use it to your own advantage even though your friends doubt and doubt what you did . If you dreamed that the dentist cleaned your teeth for you, but you found them rusty the next day, then this means that you will think that you will reap benefit and benefit from a person or center of your dream, but you will discover later that a woman or a cunning person has competed with you in that and your crowd over it ….

…Walking Whoever sees in a dream that he is walking flat, then he seeks the laws of Islam and provides good living, and if he walks in the markets, he has a will in his hand . And if he walks barefoot, then he will be depressed and have good faith . And the intention in walking is humility to God Almighty . And walking indicates a request for livelihood, for the Almighty says : ( So walk in its tracks and eat of His provision .) Walk a jog and victory over the enemy . Walking backwards indicates a reversal of a matter that has been initiated, or of corruption in the religion of the seeker and a change in his condition, and whoever sees that he is strutting in his gait indicates the ugliness of his condition and the corruption of his condition . And if he saw that he walked and bore on his face, he would lose the world and the hereafter, because God Almighty said : ( Turns on his face, he will lose the world and the hereafter ). If he finds a man, he indicates the insult of the finder by the arrival of the hated one . And walking if it is seeking indicates a good deed . And walking indicates dangerous travel . And whoever walks with his head bowed, his life will be extended, and this may be after an illness he survived . Whoever sees that he is walking on one leg indicates that half of his money and half his life has gone . Human walking is like walking an animal is evidence of creating the morals of the ignorant, unless the animal is eaten, then it walks with people with good, otherwise it walks in people with hypocrisy and striving in what it does not realize ….

…Urination is in a dream, spending his money on something that is not permissible for him, or having intercourse with something that is not suitable for him . And diuresis in a dream is evidence of generating livelihood . And holding the urine and its hardness may indicate his urgency in matters and lack of rightness, and that the injector does not settle for a decision until he pays what he has frozen from it . And urinating in a dream is forbidden money . And whoever sees as if he is in an unknown place will marry a woman in that place . And it was said : Whoever sees it as if he is urinating, he spends an alimony that goes back to him . And whoever sees himself as worn out in a well, he will spend from the money that is permissible earnings . And whoever sees that he has worn out on a commodity, he will lose that commodity . Pal in a niche gives birth to a scientist son . And whoever sees as if he has worn out on the Qur’an, one of his children will memorize the Holy Qur’an . And whoever sees himself as if he pours some and confines some, if he is rich, some of his money will be gone, and if he is upset, some of his distress will be gone . If he sees it as if another person is urinating with him, then their urine is mixed up, and they fall into a continuation and affinity . If he sees that he is an injector, he will get angry with his wife . If the urine is strong on him, and he cannot find a place for that, he wants to bury money and cannot find a burial ground . If he sees that he has urinated in the place of urine, then he will be released if he is poor, and if he is rich, he loses his money . If he saw people wiping his urine, a boy would be born to him, and the people would follow him . If he sees a person known to be bad about him, then he humiliates him by spending his money on him . If a man sees that he is urinating milk, then he will lose his instinct. If a known person drinks it, then he spends on him lawful money in his world . And whoever sees that he urinates blood, he will come to a divorced woman, or a woman with a mahram, and he does not know that . If he sees that he urinates Zaafarana, he will have a sick son . If he sees that he has no juice, then he spends his money . If he sees as if he does not have dirt or mud, then he is a man who does not improve ablution . For the fire was born to him a son of authority . The pale trifle committed an indecency with his family . If vomit comes out instead of urine, that indicates a forbidden child . And if a bird comes out, a child will be born that fits the essence of that bird in goodness and corruption . And whoever wanders standing then spends his money out of ignorance . He who wears his shirt will have a son, and if he does not have a wife, he will marry . If he sees that he urinates in his nose, then he comes forbidden . And whoever sees that he urinates in one of the market places, he will be considered an account of the market . Saw the father of Ardashir son of Sasan was a shepherd like a pal and exalted him steam uncle of the whole sky, he asked Babak the crossing, he said : Do not Oabbarha you even attributed to a son Bold you, Vuadh this, he said : born to you Ghulam have prospects was well . And whoever sees that he has lost his life in a people’s home, community’s neighborhood, or a people’s mosque, country, or village, then he throws his sperm in a marriage with them . And whoever sees that he urinates in a flask or a basin, or a jar, a well, or a ruined one, then he will marry a woman . It is felt that in mind the sea to come out money to the Sultan in ten or zakat and other . And whoever saw that he thought his children would be spread out . And whoever sees that a penis comes out of his genitals, then a child is born for him who participates in all knowledge, because the pen preserves all knowledge . And if he sees that a pill has come out of his body, then a boy is born for him, and he will have an enemy . And whoever sees that he has urinated much, contrary to habit, or contaminated it, or that it smells foul, or that he has urinated while people look at him, that is evidence of malice or the manifestation of evil that is exposed . And drinking urine indicates suspicion of gains or forbidden money ….

…Cattle If you dreamed of seeing beautiful, good-looking and chunky cattle grazing reassuringly in green pastures, this means that sincere and cheerful company will bring success and happiness to you . If you see lean, shaggy, and malnourished livestock, you will likely toil your whole life due to poor drainage of your energy and your aversion to work details . Fix your habits after this dream . If you see cattle fleeing loudly, this means that you will have to expend all your powers of influence to keep your career on a profitable path . If you see a herd of cows at milking, you will successfully acquire the wealth that many have tried to obtain . For a girl, this means that her emotions will not suffer from the person she chose . If you dream of milking cows with full udders, then a great wealth is hidden for you . If a calf steals milk, this means that you are about to lose your loved one because of the slow showing that you are reciprocating love for him or that you will lose property due to neglect of work . If you see young calves in your dream, you will become a great darling in society and you will win the hearts of sincere people . With regard to business, this dream indicates a profit from sales . As for the lover, he refers to entering into covenants that will be respected . If the calves are lean, look for the same except that it is hoped it will be more difficult to obtain them . If the cattle were wild and had long black horns, then they meant enemies ….

…Hair If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and that she is shedding it, she will be indifferent in her personal affairs and will waste the paths of progress due to neglecting the use of her mind . If a man dreams that he is smoothing his hair, this foretells that he will become poor because of his generosity and will suffer from an illness resulting from intellectual troubles . If you see your hair going gray, this predicts death and an infectious disease in the family that was transmitted by a relative or friend . If you see yourself covered with hair, this foreshadows an indulgence in offenses to the point of preventing you from entering the community of polite people . If a woman dreams of this, she will enter herself into a world of her own making, claiming the right to act on her own will, regardless of moral norms . If a man dreams that he has black curly hair, he will deceive people with his interesting speech, and it is very likely that he will deceive the women who trust him . If a woman’s hair looks black and curly, she will be threatened with seduction . If you dream of seeing a woman with golden hair, then you will prove that you are an intrepid lover and you will be the woman’s loyal friend . If you dream that your sweetheart has red hair, then a woman you love will reject you for betrayal . Red hair suggests changes . If you see brux hair, you will not have any luck in choosing your profession . If you see well-groomed hair, your luck will be better . If you dream of cutting your hair close to the scalp, then this indicates that you will be generous to the point of extravagance towards a friend, and the result will be economical spending . If you see hair growing soft and luxurious, this predicts happiness and well-being . If a woman compares in her dream between a black hair and a white hair that she took from her head, this foretells that she may hesitate between two marriage proposals coupled with luck outwardly, and unless she takes great care of the matter, she will choose the husband who will cause her loss and grief instead of the one who will bestow good fortune on her . If you see fluffy and disheveled hair, life will be an exhausting vain, work will collapse, and the yoke of marriage will become heavy . If a woman does not succeed in styling her hair, she will lose the name of a respectable man, due to displaying undue temperament and disdain . If a girl dreamed of women with gray hair, this indicates that they will enter her life as rivals in the affection of a male relative, or they will dominate the feelings of her fiancé . If you dream of cutting your hair, then this indicates bitter disappointments . If a woman dreams that her hair is falling out and baldness is visible, then she will have to earn her own livelihood, as luck has ignored her . If a man or a woman dreams that they have snow white hair, then this indicates that they will have a lucky and enjoyable journey through life . If a man clears a woman’s hair, this indicates that he will enjoy the love and confidence of a respectable woman who will trust him even if the world condemns him . If you see flowers in your hair, this predicts troubles to come, but when they arrive they will cause you less fear than the fear you had of them while they were far away . If a woman dreamed that her hair had turned into white flowers, then this means that various troubles she will face and will do well if she strengthens her husband with patience and strengthens her attempts to endure the ordeals with flogging . If you dreamed that a strand of your hair turned into a defect and fell out, then this indicates a problem and disappointment in your affairs . Illness will perch on bright hopes . If a person sees his hair turns into completely white hair in one night and the face is still visibly young, this predicts a sudden disaster and deep sadness . If a girl saw this dream, this foretells that she will lose her lover through a sudden illness or accident . She will likely be distressed by a reckless act on her part. She should watch out for her colleagues ….

…Q : Did the Sunnah bring us the legitimacy of reading for sick men and women? C : Prophet peace be upon him charm , Is he gone to loose the enchanting charm? Is it mentioned in the Sunnah reading for women? Truth – my knowledge – the year in which the opposite of what is prevalent today . Messenger peace be upon him ordered treatment and he said that : ~ There is only disease and Allah has revealed to him heal ~ (1), his knowledge of his knowledge and his ignorance of ignorance , and revealed to him from the Koran that is healing and mercy for the believers , it was read by Gabriel to the Messenger of Allah peace May God be upon him and grant him peace, and it has been proven that he cupped himself for treatment, which is legitimate for this ummah, but was it reported that he read to one of the sick patients? Was it reported that one of the women during his reign was read to her by some of the Companions and the answer was : No ; This is evidence that this work is new today, and the Sunnah indicates that a person reads to himself – and a father or mother reads to their children because of smallness or disability, for example, and it has been proven that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, commanded Aisha, may God be pleased with her, to seek protection from the eye (2). The peace be upon him when . Sleep reads in his hands and spews in them, the two levers and the chair, then wipes his body with them. This is the Sunnah (3), and no one will be keen on healing from you on your own , so read on yourselves and ask God to heal while you are certain of the answer (4), and there is nothing wrong with ignorance of reading of some ‘ to ask his father or his mother or his wife , this reading is the project ‘ the women graduated graduated with a mahram to a foreign man and then read them may spit on her chest , this is illegal and may cause the punishment to its owner, and all the visions that he sees human is in within this circle or vortex of the patient and those around him that they hear daily compassion and kindness phrases Kcolhm : Poor , awesome true, do the same , Mndol , his eye . . . Etc . These phrases make good and good , sick . . . And these phrases, by God, contribute to his poor condition . I say all visions under such circumstances may be pipe dreams , meaning that he sleeps while he is under the control of searching for a cure or ain or a wizard , and who is he? Rather, some of them ask God before he sleeps to see the eye. !! sleep, thinking those who Anah , and his magic? and then sleeps and sees in his dream people may have thought it before bedtime , or it may be doubted it , Vitohm that is why , it is prescribed in the steps taken from the remains of his clothes or impregnated , and thus became the healing request based on dreams in a time of science , is this right? I repeat here that I am not against one , and I am not against the Koran treatment with hospitalization , but I am with science against ignorance , which has killed us in this time spread by deadly diseases , psychological conditions , diseases Chronic diseases and with these diseases – as they say . The compelled rides the difficult – and the public may solve for themselves , so if you say to them : Why? He will be surprised by them, and they will infer evidence not from the Qur’an or the Sunnah, but from the proverbs : … (No one feels fire but a man who is inferior to it ) … tell her sighed ka NH wants you to support it on this guide , the I said to him : this is haram , he said : ( landed between you and Ben fire Annealed !) Did the poor knows that the fire Stoklh and eat Mutawa , who Lefty and argue in God without knowledge or guidance or Munir book , ~ second – kindness to go astray from the path of Allah in this world disgrace and Nazigah the Day of Judgment the torment of fire ~ ( Hajj : 9 ). I am calling here to follow the correct way of treatment . Invite dreams on your behalf because there is no prescription for illness, and go to the doctor or hospital and take treatment , ask God to heal , and read the Qur’an to yourself and ask God to heal , but let alone these illusions that are spreading : ( I am a narrator , I Maaon , I’ve got the same ). . . Etc. , and God will heal you, God willing , only trust in God and put aside fear, panic and illusion from you, and you will heal, God willing , try and you will not lose anything . Sixth : Some crossings visions contributed to the spread of this phenomenon – I mean – the phenomenon of the search for treatments through visions – frequently interpret some visions as Mndhirat to get diseases because of the spread of sin . . , And through the saying of some of them that he can know the object through the vision, and some say that he has reached a beneficial and cure treatment through visions that he has tried and worked , and so on . . . The chain goes on , and I say here Preach not emigrate , and Arvqgua people , do not be terrified by them , and you , when the expression of vision , as it was the evil of the seer to ask him what Lord when human seeing what he hates the things I mentioned in the start of the book (5), though where evidence of something unpleasant to his vision , you , my brother , be attached to him and terrify , Ibn Hajar (438 \ 12 ) when the modern words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr : ~ I was some and missed some ~ (6) , that With this expression, the world has the right to remain silent about the expression of the vision or some of it when concealment is more likely than the remembrance . God bless you in your knowledge, and we stand again when Aisha when crossed the woman ‘s death of her husband and she gives birth to a boy Vajra by saying : ~ Meh O Aisha, if Abernhm for a Muslim vision Vaabroha Ali good, the vision will be on what crosses its owner ~ , narrated recaps (7) . Ibn al- Arabi said in his commentary on the hadeeth of Abdullah bin Abbas , may Allah be pleased that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said : ~ While I was sleeping , I saw that he put in my hands Swaran went Vqtathma and Lthma, gave me permission Venfajthma Aftara, Voolthma Kmaban go out .~ Ubaid Allah said : One of them was Al-Ansi, who was killed by Fayrouz in Yemen, and the other was Musaylimah . Narrated by Al-Bukhari (8). Ibn al- Arabi said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him expected the invalidity Musaylimah ordered Ansi The first vision of them to be directing to Lain them and paid for intact, the vision if crossed out, and is likely to be inspired, and the first stronger (9) , and this is possible , as we said if The expression has a correct aspect, so we turn to it, and therefore there may be in the vision of one of the questioners or questions indicating an eye or touch, so it is better not to express it, and to be on guard against what is stated that it will ward off the evil of such visions, and God knows best, unless you have signed it, the matter is different , Vijbrh to be patient here and the benefit may be a vision warning Bshiy reality of the general public as it stifles scientists said the male preponderance of secrecy (10). ________________ (1 ) Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurayrah and intonations : ~ What Allah has revealed disease only sent down a cure ~ See : Fath al – Bari (134 \ 1 0 ) – op -. (2 ) See talk in Sunan Ibn Majah, the book of medicine from the door Astrqy of the eye . (3 ) Narrated by Al – Bukhari by Aisha , may Allah be said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him went to bed puffs in his palms legume is one God and Palmaoztin all , then wipe her face and hit his hands from his body . Aisha said : When he complained was telling me that I do it by ~ . Conquest (10 /209 ) – op .. (4 ) See : Zad al-Ma’ad Ibn Jawziyyah (168 \ 4 ) to recognize the Prophet ‘s treatment in detail , and to recognize the prophetic Altaomat that God willing , lead great results as Ibn said values ( and try these calls Alaoz the amount of their benefits and the severity of the need known to it which prevents the arrival of the impact of Ain and pay after his arrival , according to the faith of the power of Qailha and the strength of itself and its readiness and strength the stability of his heart and the tasks entrusted it weapons and weapons Darabh ) a . of . his previous reference . (5 ) see p . 24 et seq . (6 ) provides his commentary, see p . 37. (7 ) provides his commentary, see p . 39 . (8 ) agreed, Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression if the door flew thing in a dream (12 /42 0 ) – op – , and Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /34 ) – Reference former -. (9 ) see Ibn Hajar – conquest – the previous reference (12 /421 ). (10) Adapted : Ibn Hajar – op (438.421 / 12) ** quoting Dr. Fahad Al – Osaimi…

…Psychiatric hospital If you dreamed of a mental health spa, this indicates illness and unlucky deals that cannot be overcome without a great intellectual struggle ….

…Pebbles If you dream of pebbles, this means futile plans and projects . If you see pebbles mixed with dirt, this foretells that you will make trade speculations in an unlucky way, and you will wish to lose significant property . If a girl sees in her dream a path paved with gravel, this means that there are many competitions for her, and she will realize that there are other girls who are beautiful and attractive like her . A girl who dreams of seeing pebbles is selfish and must learn to forgive other people’s mistakes ….

…If you see the devil in a dream, then you will take a dangerous adventure and you must keep your appearance respectful . If you dreamed that you killed him, then this indicates that you will move away from the company of bad and evil in the midst of the better and better . If it comes to you in the form of literature, then that is a warning against false friendships, especially hypocritical friendly friends . And if Satan comes to you in the form of wealth or power, you will not be able to use your influence and influence to secure harmony with others or raise their level . If the devil comes to you in the form of music, know that you will kneel before his temptation and magic . If he comes to you in the form of a charming woman, all your sweet thoughts and feelings will be destroyed in order to embrace this hateful person . If you dream that you are immunizing yourself against Satan, you will be able to pull off the bond of self-pleasures and work to give others everything they deserve . If farmers dreamed of the devil, then this means a withered crop and death among livestock, as well as illness in the family . Athletes should see this dream as a warning to take care of themselves as they are likely to risk breaking state laws . As for the preacher, this dream is undeniable proof of his overzealousness . And it is imperative that he not worship God by whipping his neighbors with the whip of his tongue . If you dream about the devil, a huge person who is gracefully dressed, wears a number of shiny jewels in his hands and on his body, and tries to persuade you to enter his home, this warns you of bad people who seek to destroy you by cunning adulation . It is imperative for an innocent girl to search for another place among friends after this dream, and to avoid the strange interests of her, especially those shown by married men . A frail woman is likely to be robbed of her jewelry and money by apparently strangers . Be careful of the company of Satan, even in dreams . Satan is always a harbinger of despair . If you dream that his influence is overwhelming you, you will fall into traps that enemies set up for you as friends . This dream means for the lover that he will lose his loyalty due to fucking fun ….

…Tyranny is someone who sees in a dream that he is overwhelmed, as these are bad psychological actions that bring a person closer to Hell . Tyranny betrayed its owner, and every tyrant failed . Tyranny is poverty, and they come down to those who are tyrants who lose money in them, and perhaps spoils will result in poverty ….

…Grease If you dreamed that you were immersed in fat, this indicates travels where you enjoy with strangers who are hateful, but they are polite . If you see fat in a dream, this foretells that you will soon lose money and love ….

…Shoes If you see your shoes dirty and worn, this foretells that your failure to respond to the criticisms leveled at you will make enemies multiply on you . If you dreamed that your shoes were painted black, then this means an improvement in your condition and an important event that will bring pleasure and contentment to your heart . If you see new shoes in a dream, then this means changes that will be in your favor . If the shoes put pressure on your feet and cause you pain, then you will be prone to mockery of your annoying friends . If you see your shoelaces loose, this predicts troubles, losses and health problems . If you lose your shoes, this means strife, abandonment and divorce . If you see in a dream that your shoes were stolen at night and you remain with a pair of socks, then this means that you will suffer losses, but you will make profit from other business . If a girl sees that her shoes look beautiful while they are on her feet, she should be careful not to get to know more strangers or enter into relationships with them ….

…Insanity If a person dreams that he has gone mad, then this indicates that there is a problem that is looking at him . This also threatens a disease that will make you lose property . If you see others go crazy, this means friends turning and a bleak end to hopes . If a girl dreamed of madness, then this indicates disappointment in marriage and wealth ….