…As for al-Ma’idah : It was narrated that some of them saw as if a telephone was heard hearing his voice and not seeing his person reciting this verse : “ O God, our Lord, bring down a table on us from the sky .” He recounted his vision on the crossing, and he said : You are in difficulty and pray to God Almighty for relief and ease, and he will answer you . It was as he said . The expressers differed in the interpretation of the table. Some of them said that the table was an honorable and generous man, and sitting on it was his company, and eating from it would benefit from it . If there are men with him at that table, then he frustrates a people with pleasure, and between him and them there is a dispute over a matter of living for him, and the many pure fluffs and good food on the table are evidence of their great affection, and some of them said the table is religion . It was narrated that a man came to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said : O Messenger of God, yesterday I saw a green lawn with a set table, and a pulpit with seven steps, and I saw you, O Messenger of God, you rose to the seventh, calling for it and calling people to the table . He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : As for the table, Islam, and the green lawn is heaven, and the pulpit is seven degrees, so the world remained seven thousand years, of which six thousand years passed, and I became seven . And the appeal, I invite creation to Heaven and Islam . And some of them said : Al-Ma’idah is an advice on it that needs helpers from a town building or a village building . And some of them said the table is a man’s woman . And he said that some of them saw as if they were eating at a table . Whenever he extended his hand to it, the hand of a blond dog came out from under the table, and he ate with him . He recounted his vision on a crossing and said : If your vision is true, then a young Saqlabah boy will share with you with your wife . He searched for the matter and found it as he said . And if he sees loaves spread on the table, then an enemy appears to him . And if he saw that he was eating from it, a dispute would arise between him and his enemy, according to the saying of some expressers . And it was said that he ate at the table he ate a lot more than his habit of like it, this indicates the length of his life as much as he ate . And if he saw that that table had been raised, he would have run out of life . And it was said that if he sees one or two colors of food on the table, then it is provision that he can reach . And to his children, based on what the Almighty said: ~ Bring down to us a table from heaven .~ And it was said that the table is a spoil in danger, and that spoil has passed away . It was said that it was the food and the subsistence of those who had and ate from it . If it is on her alone, then it is not contested . And if she had someone else, that was the brothers involved . And the frequent fluttering of their affection, and the lack of their lack of affection . A loaf of love is Sunnah, and if he sees that he is spreading food, then it is his disregard for the grace of God Almighty . And Mamlouk saw as if his master’s table had gone out and fled as the animal ran away. When she came to the door, she was broken, so he suggested to him that the wife of his master had died from that day and destroyed all that she had, and that was a duty, because he saw the table on which he was served was broken . As for the trip : a great journey that attains capacity in it, and it was said that it is a journey to a king of great significance, and gaining capacity and comfort for those who find it, because it is the mineral of food and eating ….

Food: All food is yellow in a dream, so it is sick for those who eat it, unless it is in bird meat . And every white food is better than sour . And the food for weddings is good news, and food for funerals is worries and ancad . And foods that do not adhere to time, they are sustenance and continuous benefits, and foods that are bound by time, such as eggplant and squash, are food in a specific time . And the foods of the kings, glory and high . Eating pumpkin is evidence of guidance and following the Sunnah . And the foods of the scholars are science, guidance and blessing . Eating police food is forbidden . The food of the poor and the lords of piety and asceticism is repentance and guidance to eat from it . And the food of the people of the desert travel and transfer from one state to another . And cooked with meat is richness for the poor, and cooked with meat other than want or worship . The transformation of food into what is better than it indicates the goodness of the inside, and if it turns into bitterness or acidity, it indicates a change in husbands or business . If he cooked good food himself, he would get the position and dispense with it . After his poverty, and if someone else cooks for him, he may be cunning and deceived . And whoever saw that he had swallowed hot, coarse food indicated that his livelihood was miserable . And sour food that he could not eat indicates pain and disease, and whoever saw that he had patience in eating it, praise be to God Almighty, would gain relief ….

…The pits : a sign of deceit, deception, nets, the role of adulterers, prisons, restrictions, observatories, and the like, and the origin of that is what is dug for usury in them to hunt if they fall into them, and the buried may indicate a pregnant, pregnant mother, the nanny, because the food of the child in his mother’s womb is hoarded like food in the landfill. It is accompanied by something after something, until it is empty or dispensed with something else . Perhaps the unknown signified the breadth of food that took place while the excavations were taking place in it, because it was a pit, and whoever saw a buried land collapsed or collapsed, if his mother was ill, she perished, and if he had a pregnant woman, she would be saved and her grave was buried, because the grave of the pregnant woman is open, unless there is what confirms her death in the vision. Then that would bury her . If none of that, see . If he had food in it while awake, he sold it, and the dirt and garbage that you poured into it was its replacement, and it is its price . And if he sees his particular food as scum or dirt, his price is cheap and his money is gone in it, and if he has no food in it and he sees it filled with dirt or dirt, then he fill it with food when it is allowed . And if she was full of food, her wife became pregnant if he was poor or his mother . If the landfill is unknown in a mosque or tablecloth, or it must have a group of people, and there is food in it while it is deficient, then the price will be reduced in the area to the extent that the landfill is lacking . And if it overflows and flows and people separate from it and not lack it, the price is cheap and the food is plenty . And if he saw a fire that fell in the food, it was in the food that contained a great high price, or an accident from the Sultan in the vastness, or locusts or a stone in the acres . If he sees dates or sugar in her food, then the price goes up and the sex she has in the food is exaggerated, according to the amount of sweetness it contains in the few and many . If it is like half of her food, then it is in half, otherwise, for this amount . As for whoever falls into a landfill or an unknown pit, according to the aforementioned, it is considered that a fall into a well is considered ….

…A table is a blessing in a dream, an answer to an invitation, and a wish to live . And indicate the victory over the enemies . And the table is a living for whoever was his . And the table is a big, righteous man who is generous, and if he sees many loaves of bread and good food on it, then that is the abundance of brotherhood affection . If he saw that he ate a lot of food, that indicates his longevity . If the table was raised, he would have run out of life . And the large number of reins on the table indicates the large number of children . If two opponents are gathered at the table, that indicates war, especially if the food is grilled heads or mush . The table is the field of meeting, and the meal is a stab in the hands . And the table indicates religion . And whoever has men at the table with him, he will fraternize the people with pleasure ….

Table If you prepare a dining table in a dream, this predicts happy meetings and good circumstances . An empty table in a dream predicts poverty or disagreements . As for cleaning the hundred, it predicts that the joys will turn into disagreements and problems . If you ate at a table without a cover, this foretells that you will have an independent character and you will not care about the success or behavior of others . If you see a table moving or moving in a strange way, this foretells that problems will touch your life and you will seek change to get rid of it . As for seeing a dirty tablecloth, it predicts disobedience to children and servants, problems and quarrels after a period of joy and pleasure . Seeing a broken table foretells miserable luck . If you see someone standing or sitting at a table, this foretells that you will ride a wave of folly to obtain pleasure . If you hear a sound being beaten on a table or writing on a table, this predicts a change in your feelings towards your friends that will threaten your future . You will feel lost because of your underestimation of relatives and friends ….

…If he sees that he has placed food on a table, then it is pleasure . If it is fat, then the dispute remains . And if he raises the sweet and the creamy sour, it is better for them and stability . If it is not fat, then it is not stable . If the food is lifted and placed, the dispute will be prolonged ….

…If he sees it as if a dead person has bought food, then it boils down or strengthens that food . If he saw as if the dead were selling food or other goods, he would fill that food and belongings . If the living between food and possessions finds a dead person, or a dead mouse, or a dead animal, then that food and belongings perish ….

…And it was narrated that a man came to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he said yesterday I saw a green meadow in which there was a set table and a pulpit with seven steps, and I saw you rose to the seventh degree and called for it and called people to the table. He said, peace be upon him : As for the table, Islam, and the green meadow is heaven, or the pulpit rises to the end of time. The appeal, I invite people to Islam and Heaven, and it was said that the table is devoted to women ….

…As for the table, it is interpreted in ways that Al-Kirmani said, whoever saw that he eats at a table, then he will gain good and livelihood for his saying, God Almighty, God has sent down to us a table from heaven that will be for us a feast of the verse, and perhaps the table was a field for war, meeting and eating over it, a strife with hands, all who endure himself and work in the life of his soul ….

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said that some of the righteous people saw that a phone reciting our Lord brought down the table of the verse to us. That he is at a table with people gathered on it, he makes a happy people, and between them and him a dispute over a matter of his living, and it was said that the table is interpreted by religion ….

…If he prays with a standing people and a sitting people, then he follows the command of the rich and the command of the poor . If he prays with them sitting while they are sitting, then they are wet by drowning, stealing clothes, or lacking ….

…As for stinking food, whoever sees that he eats rotten food and pushes good food into his hands, then it comes forbidden and leaves women permissible and may be an ugly praise ….

…And as for eating at the table . The length of life and raising the table indicates the expiration of the term ….

…And it was narrated that a man saw that he was eating at a table, so whenever he reached out his hand to it, the hand of a blond dog came out from under the table and he ate with him, so he narrated his vision on a crossing and said that if your vision is true, then a boy will share with you in your family, so he examined the matter and found it as mentioned ….

…And it is on its faces, and whoever sees that a great deal of food is stretched out on his tablecloth while he is sitting in his chest, then it is interpreted on eleven faces of glory, honor, guardianship, joy, circumcision, a banquet, good news, wedding, state, goodness and benefit ….

…If he sees a lot of food in his mouth and there is capacity to fold it, his affairs are confused, and his visions indicate that the amount of that food that he is in has gone from his life, and there remains as much of his life as there is in his mouth ….

…It felt like : drinking food and drinking water : expanded upon his livelihood . And all food is sustenance, except for mush, eggs, and porridge, because he is distressed on the part of his workers for his offspring ….

…And whoever sees that there is a lot of food in his mouth and there is capacity to add to it, then his matter is confused by him, and his visions indicate that he has gone from his life as much as that food and remains as much in his mouth as there is capacity in his mouth ….

…As for food : that is so acidic that he cannot eat it, then it is a disease or pain that he cannot eat . Taking sour food from a person indicates hearing ugly words, and if he sees as if he is taking it and feeding him to someone else, then he hears that restaurant like him, and if he struck grief or sickness . And if he saw that he was patient with eating it and praise God Almighty for him, he would gain relief ….

…And whoever sees that a fly falls into his food and raises his hand and does not eat, he shall interpret that he hates someone because of the one he loves ( if the flies fall on food … I raise my hand and my soul craves it ) (and the lions avoid water roses … if the dogs are lamenting in it )…

Food Food symbolizes in a dream that you will allow trivial matters to interfere with important concerns and sensitive associations ….

…If he sees that he is swallowing iron nails : or a tooth, a thorn, or a stone, or he dries it with his roughness and permissibility in his throat except for food and drink, then he will suffer anger as much as it is difficult and rough in his throat, and he is patient with him as much as he can bear it . And if what he swallowed of the essence of food or drink was that rough in his throat, then his interpretation is that his life, livelihood, and earnings make him difficult, to the extent that . Likewise, if the demand is as much bitterness, salinity and acidity, or heat and cold, so that he refrains from permitting his throat, then it is for a shortage in his life and his livelihood, and if he sees that he does not have a sweet milk, or something sweet, then it is good life, living, lowering and letting, except That it be something objectionable in hermeneutics, such as figs, black bear and yellow watermelon, and hated grains in hermeneutics, pulses, hums and sahnaa, so the interpretation of that is a concern and there is no good in it ….

…And whoever saw that he swallowed food with the utmost heat, his visions indicated the distress of his living and eating what was delicious is the best food, and hair in eating is their grief and grief ….

…Display table of goods If you dream of display tables for goods, this foretells that effective work will prevent dependence from explaining your life to sick desires . If you dream of empty and muddy display tables, then this predicts unlucky actions that will cause great anxiety to the brain, lest your work dissipate completely ….

If the king sees that he is preparing and decorating a table, then the people of Bhagun will oppose him, consult with them and gain them.

…And whoever sees that he eats at a table and is celibate, then he gets married, and if he does not eat on it, the girl will be a virgin ….

…Blossom Dice ~ Blossom game table ~ If you dreamed Bzahr dice, this refers to the speculative trading is lucky and thus to the misery and despair . It also predicts infectious disease . If a girl dreams that she sees her boyfriend throwing the dice, this indicates that he is not worthy of her ….

…The elevation of the Majlis of Sultan, the height of his command . And the humility of his council, the corruption of his order . If the king saw as if some of his servants fed him without seeing a table, he did not dispute his possession and he would have a long life, and he would have a good life if he had fatty food ….

…And whoever sees that he is sitting on a tablecloth to eat it when it is not made of it, then it is not praiseworthy ….

…And whoever thinks that he is sitting on a small rug and under it is a large and wide rug, the interpretation indicates the great, not the little, but rather the little one ….