…And whoever sees blood coming out of his penis, it indicates that his wife has fallen ….

…As for the suckling of the penis, it is good for the breastfeeding and the breastfeeding, and for good and relieving the need, and as for all the members if it is turned over, it is better for the breastfed and there is no good in it for the breastfeeding except for what is mentioned ….

Whoever sees that he treats the vagina of a woman without the male, then he will obtain a vagina before her, in which it is deficient and weak ….

And whoever sees that he has a disease full of pus and pus, then he is money and a benefit from a forbidden face. If he sees that this flowed from him or came out, then he goes away from him and it was said that he is relieved from his penis and whoever sees that pus comes out of his penis, then he gets married because the pus looks like semen and if it comes out of his anus There is no good in it

…As for breastfeeding, whoever sees that someone is breastfeeding from his breast, there is no good in him for the nursing infant or for the breastfeeding woman, and if he sees that he is breastfeeding a woman’s breast, then he gets sick. And if a woman sees that a man has breastfed her milk, he takes from her money as much as that and she is hateful, and if she sees that she is breastfeeding from her breast, it is an inheritance from her daughter And if she sees that she breastfeeds from the breast of a man there is no good in him, and if she is breastfed from another woman’s breast, then there is a difference of opinion. As for the penis sucking, it is good for the breastfeeding and the breastfeeding and the obtainment of goodness and the elimination of a need. As for the members, if it is turned, it is better for the nursing infant and there is no good in it for the breastfeeding. And some of them said seeing breastfeeding get money, and if it is from a person or an animal whose meat is not eaten, then it is forbidden money, and if it is from an animal whose flesh is eaten, then it is permissible and it was said that whoever sees that he is breastfeeding a boy or breastfeeding from him then he is locked up and gets distress, and some said whoever saw that he breastfeed from his mother’s breast is Obtaining honor and rank, and whoever sees that he is circumambulating women and sucking their breasts, then he is a man who loves homosexuality…

As for twisting, whoever sees that he is twisting a rope or a thread or twisting it on himself or his penis, then it is a journey and the twisting may indicate the conclusion of matters, fellowship and marriage, and whoever sees that he adheres to the Qur’an and Islam is said to travel on travel, and whoever sees that he is attached to a rope from heaven, then he follows authority in religion. The rope has been cut off, that power is removed from him, and the debt will not disappear if something remains in his hand from the rope, and whoever sees a rope in his shoulder, on his neck, or his back, or in the middle of it, then it is a covenant that takes place in his neck. As for spinning, whoever sees that he is spinning a sofa or hair and the like of what men spin like him, he travels And if he sees that he is spinning linen or cotton or the like, which spins women like him, then he will be afflicted with humiliation and dishonor, and he does a lawful work that is not recommended for men, and if he sees that it breaks a spin, then he breaks the faith and covenants, and if a woman sees that she has hit a flirtat who gave birth to a maid or a sister

…What are the descriptions of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that came in the biography , and which if I saw it in a dream, I know through which I saw him real . . ? I liked to write his descriptions, so if any of you saw a vision in the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, let him compare what he saw with the descriptions, if they match. He saw him, and at that time let him rejoice and not be glad, and if it does not coincide, then he did not see him, and at that time the vision is a vision of interpretation, and according to the state of the seer, and its description was mentioned in several hadiths, including : the hadith of Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, he said : The Prophet , may God be pleased with him, said : God be upon him, with long and not short, bowed hands and feet – that is, thick and rough fingers – large-headed, huge cradles – that is, the bones and the corpus, every complete bone is large – long leaked – that is, the hair that is between the chest and the navel – . If he walks, they are cuffed, as if descending from a pile I did not see before or after it, peace be upon him . Al-Tirmidhi said : This is a good and authentic hadith . The man asked Al-Bara : Was the face of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, like a sword? He said : No, like the moon . And Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, said in another description : It was not a long, fluffy one, nor a wavering short, and it was four of the people, and there was no curly cat, nor a tribe. I cringe the eyes, fringe the lips, the glorious of the mushroom and the shoulder, the bare one with a leakage, the hands and the feet bowed. He has a tone, and softens them, and I honor them with ten. Whoever sees him will give him a wit, and whoever mixes him with a knowledge that he loves, he says his name I have not seen before or after him, may God bless him and grant him peace . Explain the strange talk : Almmguet : outgoing length AC : inside some of it in some palace cats : severe Aljaudh Almthm : Albadn a lot of meat Almkltm : Medawar face drink : that in albumen red Alodj : severe darkening of the eye Alohdb : long labia Ketd : shoulders community , which withers leaked It is the delicate poetry that is like a penis from the chest to the navel. The thin : the thick fingers from the hands and the feet, the dislocated : to walk with the power of Jalil Al- Mushash : the heads of the processions Aisha said about him : The Messenger of God did not narrate this narration of yours, but he used to speak words that clarify it, a chapter that he preserves from the one who spies to him . And Abdullah bin Al-Harith said about him : The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to laugh except with a smile . On the authority of Jabir bin Samra, he said : There was a Hamousha in the legs of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he used to laugh only with a smile, and if I looked at him I said that the eyes are darker, not the darker . And on him he said : He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to have a ribbed mouth, shaped like eyes, obsessed with the heels . Explain the strange talk : confused eyes : a long incision eye manhoos Stub : little meat ,,,,, quoting Sunan al – Tirmidhi, Book virtues…

…And whoever sees that pus comes out of his penis, he gets married because the pus looks like semen, and if pus comes out of his anus, there is no good in it ….

…Le Barzoun : Grandfather of the man, so whoever sees that Barzouna is wallowing in dirt and dung, then his grandfather will rise and his money will grow . And it was said that the barzoon indicates the sub-wife, the slave and the servant, and indicates the grandfather, luck and livelihood, and the average pride between a horse and a donkey, and the blond of them is grief . And whoever rides with a barn from whom he is used to riding a mare, his stature will be revealed, his power diminished and his authority humiliated, and he may leave his wife and marry his mother . As for the one whose habit is to ride a donkey, he rides with a condom, the memory of which increases and his earnings increase, and his glory is high . This may indicate marriage to the free after the nation . And what is greater than the paradise, it is better in matters of the world, so whoever sees that his barbarism is in conflict with him, he is not able to hold him, then his wife will be in control of him, and whoever speaks to him the barzoon will get great money from his wife and his status will be elevated . If he sees that he is having a lair, then he will do a favor to his wife and not be thanked for it . Riding a peridot is also indicative of travel . And whoever sees that he is walking on the back of his barge, he will travel far and get good on the side of his wife, and whoever sees that he has rode and flew with him between heaven and earth, he travels with his wife and their status is elevated . If he sees that his wife is biting him, then his wife is betraying him . And the death of his wife’s death . And whoever stole his barge divorced his wife . The loss of the berths is the immorality of the woman . And whoever sees a dog that leaps on his barnacles, then a magical enemy will follow his wife . Likewise, if a monkey leaps on it, then a Jew follows his wife, and the bald eagle is in power, and the lions are money and saddle . And whoever saw that an unknown Birzoon entered his country without a tool, a non-Arab man entered that country . The female shrimp run the course of the female horse . And it was narrated that a woman came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw that two men entered Ali, one of them on a perdition, and the other on a bald eagle, and with the owner of the bald eagles a penis was pierced with it . Ibn Sirin said to her : Fear God and beware of the owner of the bald eagles. When the woman left from Ibn Sirin, a man followed her from Ibn Sirin, so she entered a house in which a woman was accused of being the owner of the bald eagle . Ibn Sirin said when the woman left him . Do you know who is the owner of the bald eagles? They said no . He said : So and so is the writer, do you see the bald eagles whitish in blackness, and as for the adham, so-and-so is the owner of the authority of the Emir of Basra and not a helpless one ….

…And whoever sees that blood comes out from him without a wound, then if he is in a position he accepts a bribe and takes it, then he is isolated, and if not, then harm will occur, and if he sees the blood coming out from surgeries, then they are suffering and distress and loss and whoever sees that he drank blood, it is forbidden money and blood is spilled unjustly, and whoever sees that in his body A place from which blood or pus comes out, so it stains his body or his garment, then he hits forbidden money by his measure, and if he does not stain anything, then it comes out of sin. From his veins, he is devolved with a shortage of his money according to the amount of blood, and if he is poor, he benefits from his wealth, and whoever sees blood coming out of his penis, it indicates that his wife has fallen and whoever sees blood coming out of his anus. If he struck his body or his clothes, he hit forbidden money, and whoever saw blood coming out of his teeth would have struck him from Before his relatives, and whoever sees in a place a river of blood or a liquid gutter, then it will happen in a place where blood is shed, and whoever sees that blood has come out from his nose, then it is interpreted by obtaining forbidden money, and if the blood was little and did not see weakness when it came out, then it was relieved of them and grief and it was said that nosebleeds are a treasure hit. If his nose drips on the road, then he pays zakat on his money on the project, and if he sees that blood comes out of his eye, then he is sad Refined…

…And whoever sees someone milking or sucking his penis will gain from him a benefit ….

…And Al-Salmi said, and whoever saw that he had intercourse and could not ejaculate, it indicates the search for difficult sciences and hidden wisdom, and so on. If his penis was relaxed, it would not produce what he wanted ….

…Jaafar Al-Sadiq Al-Shalwar said: It is interpreted in three ways: a woman, a slave-girl, and a servant of the house . And whoever sees that his tactic is new, it is interpreted with severity of a penis, and if it is old and soft, then his expression is against him . And it was said that whoever saw that his pants were thin, then his wife would conceive and give birth to him with two if she was pregnant . And whoever sees it as if he has put his tick under his head, he will not accept her child . And whoever sees it as if his tape is cut off, he is mistreating his wife . And whoever sees it as if he has a blood feud, then he kills a man because of a woman, so he helps him to kill his wife .) And whoever sees it as if he is tied from a life, his visions indicate that his brother-in-law is his enemy ….

…And whoever sees that he pulled out his penis, then put it in its place, and returns as it was, then he will have a child dies and God will provide him with someone else who takes his place ….

…Urination is in a dream, spending his money on something that is not permissible for him, or having intercourse with something that is not suitable for him . And diuresis in a dream is evidence of generating livelihood . And holding the urine and its hardness may indicate his urgency in matters and lack of rightness, and that the injector does not settle for a decision until he pays what he has frozen from it . And urinating in a dream is forbidden money . And whoever sees as if he is in an unknown place will marry a woman in that place . And it was said : Whoever sees it as if he is urinating, he spends an alimony that goes back to him . And whoever sees himself as worn out in a well, he will spend from the money that is permissible earnings . And whoever sees that he has worn out on a commodity, he will lose that commodity . Pal in a niche gives birth to a scientist son . And whoever sees as if he has worn out on the Qur’an, one of his children will memorize the Holy Qur’an . And whoever sees himself as if he pours some and confines some, if he is rich, some of his money will be gone, and if he is upset, some of his distress will be gone . If he sees it as if another person is urinating with him, then their urine is mixed up, and they fall into a continuation and affinity . If he sees that he is an injector, he will get angry with his wife . If the urine is strong on him, and he cannot find a place for that, he wants to bury money and cannot find a burial ground . If he sees that he has urinated in the place of urine, then he will be released if he is poor, and if he is rich, he loses his money . If he saw people wiping his urine, a boy would be born to him, and the people would follow him . If he sees a person known to be bad about him, then he humiliates him by spending his money on him . If a man sees that he is urinating milk, then he will lose his instinct. If a known person drinks it, then he spends on him lawful money in his world . And whoever sees that he urinates blood, he will come to a divorced woman, or a woman with a mahram, and he does not know that . If he sees that he urinates Zaafarana, he will have a sick son . If he sees that he has no juice, then he spends his money . If he sees as if he does not have dirt or mud, then he is a man who does not improve ablution . For the fire was born to him a son of authority . The pale trifle committed an indecency with his family . If vomit comes out instead of urine, that indicates a forbidden child . And if a bird comes out, a child will be born that fits the essence of that bird in goodness and corruption . And whoever wanders standing then spends his money out of ignorance . He who wears his shirt will have a son, and if he does not have a wife, he will marry . If he sees that he urinates in his nose, then he comes forbidden . And whoever sees that he urinates in one of the market places, he will be considered an account of the market . Saw the father of Ardashir son of Sasan was a shepherd like a pal and exalted him steam uncle of the whole sky, he asked Babak the crossing, he said : Do not Oabbarha you even attributed to a son Bold you, Vuadh this, he said : born to you Ghulam have prospects was well . And whoever sees that he has lost his life in a people’s home, community’s neighborhood, or a people’s mosque, country, or village, then he throws his sperm in a marriage with them . And whoever sees that he urinates in a flask or a basin, or a jar, a well, or a ruined one, then he will marry a woman . It is felt that in mind the sea to come out money to the Sultan in ten or zakat and other . And whoever saw that he thought his children would be spread out . And whoever sees that a penis comes out of his genitals, then a child is born for him who participates in all knowledge, because the pen preserves all knowledge . And if he sees that a pill has come out of his body, then a boy is born for him, and he will have an enemy . And whoever sees that he has urinated much, contrary to habit, or contaminated it, or that it smells foul, or that he has urinated while people look at him, that is evidence of malice or the manifestation of evil that is exposed . And drinking urine indicates suspicion of gains or forbidden money ….

…And whoever sees that he has been struck on the head of another with something twisted, then he strikes him with something that harms him, as well as what the head strikes with, such as a whip, penis, or something twisted and the like ….

…As for the crossbow : He is a messenger, so whoever sees that he has thrown an arrow but does not hit the object, then he sends a messenger in need, he does not make it up . If the purpose is right, he will spend it . If the accent is together, then it is a book in which there is truth . If the corpus runs out, that is accepted . If it was made of incomplete reeds, then that statement is false . If he carried out what he wanted hit the mark, he carried out his order . If the penis is an arrow, then it is not a man . If hit, do what he says . If he sees that a woman threw him and hit his heart, she is joking with him and his heart becomes stuck with her . If it is a gold ring, then it is a message to a woman or because of a woman . If arrows are reluctant, then they are messengers with them with kindness and kindness in their words . If he throws it upside down to the side of the string, then it is an upside-down message . If it is without feathers, then the Messenger is a mockery . The crossbow says the truth and respond to those who do not obey God . If it was hit, before saying it . And if he made a mistake, he did not accept his words ….