…The planet is in a dream from the nobleness of people . Whoever sees enlightening stars in his house, a number of rulers will gather with him, and if he sees them in his house and there is no light for them, a group of the noble ones will gather in calamity . And whoever saw a planet fell from the sky to a place, a calamity occurred in that place in a man of honor . The planets are common among the sultans, and their supervision is the strongest, among the scholars the most knowledgeable, and among the common people the richest . And whoever sees his status as having many planets, he will have many offspring . And whoever sees the seven planets, the car, it indicates the industries, trade, science and the Sultanate . And whoever sees a bright planet, he will receive pleasure and joy and people are led to him . And whoever sees that the planets have gone from heaven, then his money is gone if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . If he sees planets on his head, then he will be mentioned and surpass his counterparts . If he sees that he is riding a planet, then he will gain authority, mandate, power, goodness, benefit, and presidency . And whoever sees the stars under the roof indicates the destruction of his house so that their light will be inside the house, or it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the planets, he eats of people’s money . And whoever swallowed the stars might insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . Whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from scientists . And whoever sees the stars scattered is the death of kings, or it indicates war . And whoever saw the stars falling to the ground from the sky, this indicated the destruction of many people . And whoever saw that the stars of the sky had fallen, he became bald and his hair shed . And whoever sees the planets during the day is evidence of scandals and fame . The morning planet signifies the bride’s wedding . And the small planets with weak light indicate slaves, slaves and common people . Whoever becomes a planet gets rich . And the planets that denote winter are worry and sadness, and that indicate summer life and goodness ….

Planet If you dreamed of planets, this foretells that you will undertake a tiring, unsuccessful journey and you will perform hard work ….

…And whoever saw a path upon it, he would be struck by the house until the end of his life . Whoever the flower appeared on, he received the favor and so did Jupiter . And whoever rides a planet, he will have authority, jurisdiction, benefit, and rule . Some of them said : Whoever sees that the planets have gone from the sky, his money is gone, if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . For whoever sees small stars in his hand, he will attain male or dominance among people . And whoever sees a planet on his bed, then he becomes mentioned, then he surpasses his peers, or he serves an honorable man . And whoever saw the stars gathered together and lit up, he indicates that he will gain good in terms of travel . If he is traveling, he will return to his family with pleasure . Some of them said : Whoever sees the planets under a roof, then it is a bad evidence, and it indicates the destruction of the house of its owner, and it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the stars, he eats people and takes their money . And whoever swallows it without eating, the noble people will interfere with his affairs and his secret, and perhaps insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . And whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from the scholars . As for the five-car, Saturn : the owner of the king’s torment . The buyer : the owner of the property’s money . And Mars : the king’s war owner . Venus : The King’s Woman . And Mercury : the king’s scribe, and Suhail : a publican, and so was a freak . Al-Shari : Worship without God, may He be glorified and exalted, and its interpretation is false . Banat Coffin : An honorable scholar, because she is one of the stars that he guides in the darkness of land and sea . And whoever sees the stars scattered from the sky, it is the death of kings or a war in which a group of soldiers perish . And whoever sees that the ark is rotating with it or moving, then he travels and moves from home to house and his condition changes . And whoever turns a star from the stars that he is guided by, then people need him in their affairs, his management and his opinion ….

…It is rare for Omar, who is a judge in the Levant, and he traveled one day from Makkah, and he saw as if the sun and the moon were fighting, and the planets, some of them with the sun and some with the moon, and that he had become a planet, so he returned to tell his visions to Imam Omar, may God be pleased with him, and when he came to him, he said to him, I did not return from your way. He said I saw a vision I went back to tell the Emir The believers, then Imam Umar, may God be pleased with him, said to him, when she saw that you were a planet, and you saw yourself with the sun or with the moon. He said with the moon. He said, So go out and do not do any work for me at all. When he went out from him, Imam Omar said to his companions. And if his vision is true, he will go out with those who are not victorious on us. Siffin incident killing the man with the people of Levant ….

…If one of the stars is bigger than the other . As for the fall of the stars to the earth or in the sea, or their burning with fire, or the catching of the birds, this is an indication of death that occurs among people, or was killed according to the number of people and the few, and this may happen in a gender without sex, if the sex of the fallen is known from the planets, and from the king of the stars In his lap, or he was shepherding it in the sky, or turning it in the air, if he was worthy of the Sultan he would obtain it, and he was a ruler over the people, a judge, or a mufti . And if it was lower than that, perhaps he would consider astrology . As for it to fall on him or on his head, if he was sick he died . And if he was lied to by debts of astrologers, or he was a slave of offices, his stars fell and he was asked for what he owed . Likewise, if he saw his body he would return to stars . Or his head, and if the stars were astrologers for him over the people, they reached him and gathered for him, and likewise if he was picking them from the ground or from the sky, they would approach them from him . And if the star falls on the one who has absent he will give it to him, and if he falls on a pregnant woman, she will give birth to a boy named honorable, unless it is from the temporary stars such as the daughters of a coffin, the poets and the flower, so the master is a slave according to the mention of the star, its beauty and essence . It may indicate the death of the pregnant woman, if confirmed by a witness with him testifying of the death . As for seeing the planets during the day, this is evidence of scandals and slander, major accidents, misfortunes and misfortunes . And according to the extent of the vision, its general and specificity, and the abundance of stars and their fading, Al-Nabigha Al- Dhubiani mentioned a day of war : Its stars and the sun are rising … neither the light is light nor the darkness is darkness. Al Sarr . If it does not have light, then it is a calamity that unites the noblest of the people . If he sees that he is following the stars, then he is in the religion of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his companions, and on the truth . If he sees that he is stealing a star from the sky, then he is stealing something dangerous from the king and seeking an honorable man . And whoever sees that he has become a star, he will be afflicted with honor and prestige . And whoever saw that he had taken a planet, he would have a great honorable son . If he saw that he extended his hand to the sky and took the stars, he would attain authority and honor ….

…And his author said the anecdotes and the benefits are so many that they are explained long and I summarized and put in this section what is appropriate for the course of speech in the meaning and the appropriate. Whoever sees something of that, let him consider the chapters and what is appropriate in each chapter and find it, and if I did not mention in the top of many chapters what is lengthy in its export because it is The meaning corresponds to the meaning. If the seeker considers the export of the doors and does not find what he saw and did not know with which one is appropriate, then look at the sentence of the appropriate section, and I apologized that if the passers relied on books of expression, especially, they would be unable to do many things, but the crossing needs to be aware of the origins of expression and express what it appears to him of the meaning. He wrote a book about that and I called it The Enlightening Planet in the Principles of Expression. I have compiled in this book a separate sentence in places that are appropriate to mention, and the clever expressive understands its mention, and the knowledge of the principles is understood by the people of expression ….

…1 – Time for expression : note when some of the crossings that after the expression of a vision that says : will fall this vision after such and such, in days or months or years, and some of them exaggerate until you find say sometimes similar dates, for example : will fall your vision on the third day of the month The third is after three years, and some of them say : It will fall on such a date months before it or months after it, so it does not start like the previous one . After my research for this topic and found several fixed texts, I show you and comment on what opens God and say : The first directory : In the story of Joseph , ascites saw Bosevh peace be upon him Rabah and cut on his father said to his father : When Joseph said to his father Aaopt I saw a ten a planet and the sun and the moon I saw them bowing down ( Yusuf : 4 ). The scholars said : This vision achieved after forty years , when God reunited Joseph his parents and his brothers , eleven , and worshiped all his greeting and veneration as the Koran cut his story . He says : his parents on the throne and fell prostrate and said , O my father , this interpretation of my vision by may make it truly my Lord has better me as it took me out of prison and came to you from the Bedouin after that with removable devil between me and my brothers , my Lord nice what he wants , He is the Knowing , the Wise ( Yusuf : 100 ). If this vision of Joseph , a young boy old seven years have been achieved in Egypt literally , Joseph sat on his throne , bowed his parents and his brothers bowing down and notes that the vision of Joseph visions true that you do not need to express , but fall also were seen , and it is important here is that the interpretation of the vision delayed forty years as evidenced by an interview with the Persian Salman said : ~ among the vision of Joseph and its expression forty years , ~ Ibn Hajar said after him . The narrators of al-Tabari , al-Hakim and al-Bayhaqi with a valid chain of narrators (1). Second Guide : In the story of Joseph also , after he entered the prison , the king saw a vision alarmed him and asked Aoolha him when men of science and the state around him and holding of meetings E and said to them : ~ The king said , I see seven fat cows he would eat seven lean and seven Snblatt Khader And the last, crusty, O public, please advise me about my vision, if you are to see the vision expressing (43). ( They said pipe dreams, and we are not interpreting dreams in two worlds. ”(44) ( Joseph 44 43) The truth is that the answer of these is similar to the answer of some of the public who do not hesitate to answer the expression of visions. They say , for example : death , long , life , and cry laughed and this may be saying to God without knowledge , or find them like this footnote Badan the answer then it asked them turned right and left to escape , or in search of who sent him the question . what concerns that Joseph while across the vision answered and select time saying he was seven years harder cultivate what reaped Vdhiroh spike in only a little of which you eat )47( )tm come after that seven hard eat what you gave them only a little than Thsnon()4 8 ( ( Yusuf : 47 – 48 ). Joseph , reminded T that vision will be achieved within a period of fifteen years , dream which is glad educe Joseph of them fourteen years of saying the king of seven fat cows , and seven cows lean , and the scholars said : The words of Joseph : )tm comes after a year in which Agat people and it Aasron( ( Yusuf : 49 ) did not show him the vision , but it is what God taught Yusuf and good expression (2). Third Guide : Anas bin Malik , may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him was entered on or girl is haram Milhan , Vttamh , and the mother is forbidden under bin silent worship and entered upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him day Votamth and then sat down Tvla head – any inspect what it kills lice – Vnam the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and then woke up laughing , she said : I said : what Idgk O Messenger of Allah? He said : ~ People from my nation , offered invaders in the name of God riding Thbj this sea . And Thbj sea any ride back or the middle – kings on the family or like kings on the family , ~ said : said : I said : O Messenger of God , pray to God to make me one of them, He called her, then put his head and he slept and then woke up laughing, she said : I said : what Idgk O Messenger of God, said : ~ people from my nation , offered for the sake of the invaders Alte God , ~ he said in the first, she said : I said : O Messenger of God , pray to God that makes me of them, said : you are from the first two ~ , Frckpt or haram girl Milhan the sea at the time of Sid Vsrat for Daptha when I came out of the sea Vhlkt . agreed upon word of a Muslim (3). after searching prolonged in this story found that the vision of the time was after farewell Hajj, and the occurrence of vision was at the time of Othman bin Affan, so they installed the sea in succession Othman , heading to Cyprus Vsrat for Daptha Kathy and buried there, and that was as a stone son said in opening the year twenty – eight . time is between the vision and expression eighteen years, God I know . Note this time between the occurrence of vision and expression distance . then tell me you think the one who asks for a vision Vtakbrh saw her expression, and then surprised him after a period of s A night he says to you : I said : such-and-such will happen, and now a month, two months, or a year will pass, and it has not been fulfilled as if his state is : You are wrong ! ! ! Yes . . The line comes from the crossing, but the vision may be delayed. ”And if the thing is mentioned, I say here : The endeavor of the crossing to set a time for the time of the occurrence of the vision needs to be examined and the work of the mind and fatigue, what is in need of a time to come, but the visionary may sometimes insist on asking about time, then if I told him and I told him : God knows even away from yourself the embarrassment of error, be surprised by Antqsk says : he told me the crossing and did not get well , and some of them mocks by saying : what has the above . After this presentation, I say : Who is right in your opinion? ________________________________________ (1 ) See : Fath al – Bari Ibn Hajar – op – (12 /377 ). (2 ) Abu Bakr Algerian : Acer ‘s great interpretations of the words of the Most High and Bhamch River Good Acer exegesis, i 4 /1420 of – , library science and governance . ( P . 578 ). (3 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of Revelation expression door during the day in two places (11 /72 ) , (391/12 ) – op – and Narrated by Muslim , as in the nuclear (13 /58 ) in the book of the emirate ‘s door He preferred the invasion at sea – previous reference -. ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…A dog in a dream is a foolish man, so if he barks, then he is a foolish, outrageous nature . And whoever saw a dog that bitten him would get harm from his enemy . And whoever sees a dog who tears his clothes, a fool will backbite him, and if he does not hear his barking, then he is an enemy . The dog is a mean woman, and the dog puppy is a beloved boy. If he is white, then he is a believer, and if he is black, then his household prevails . It was said : A bastard puppy raised by a foolish man . A shepherd dog will benefit . The domestic dog is an unfair enemy . The Saluki dog indicates the validity of the seer for the Sultanate . And the Chinese dog indicates that the seer mixes with foreigners . And whoever saw that he took a dog, he would accompany a servant . And if he saw that a dog bitten him suffered misfortune and harm and distress from a friend or servant . If he sees that he is hunting with dogs, he will receive his wish . And if he sees that he kills dogs, then he will win over his enemy, and hunting dogs are good for all people, and if he sees them coming back from hunting, then it indicates the absence of panic and unemployment . If he sees a barking dog, it indicates harm . And the dog denotes a fever because of the planet called the dog, which is Sirius, which is the cause of fevers . And all types of dogs indicate humiliated people . And the dogs of play and chatting indicate joy and pleasure . And the water dog denotes a work that is not done and false hope . And whoever saw that he was transformed into a dog, God Almighty had taught him a great knowledge, and he was rebuffed, so God robbed him of it . The dog is a weak enemy or a stingy man . And whoever sees that a dog barks at him, he hears words from a person of little virility that he hates . And whoever sees that he eats the flesh of a dog, he will gain victory over his enemy and be hit with his money . And the dog indicates the guard . And drinking dog milk for fear . If a dog is cushioned, then the dog is a friend . The dog is a beggar and may indicate meanness, humiliation, and humiliation of the soul . Perhaps the dog guided the claim to the world while not saving . And the hunting dog, Ezz, Rifaa, and sustenance . A cattle dog is a good neighbor who is jealous of his family and neighbor . Perhaps endorsing the dog signifies a fine . And the company of the dog indicates the disappearance of the story of the people of the cave . The dog is a conservative woman for her husband who has many offspring . Perhaps the dog denoted disbelief and despair from the mercy of God Almighty . Seeing a caveman dog indicates fear, imprisonment or flight . And his vision in the country is evidence of the renewal of the mandate ….