…A woman’s pregnancy in a dream indicates that she is persevering in her affairs, and receives from it money and a growing increase, pride and honor, and good praise . And if a man sees that he has a rope, then they are heavy and hidden from the people, and he is afraid of its increase and its appearance, and the rope is an increase in the world for the visionary, male or female . Seeing a pregnant woman indicates anxiety, distress, and hidden matters . The conception of men in a dream indicates an increase in knowledge for the world, and it may indicate his worries, bemoaning, and the neighborhood of his enemy, or love and passion, and it may indicate someone who combines males and females in one place, or plants something out of place, or a thief enters his home, or hides in His house is a cache, or he steals theft and hides it from its owner . Perhaps the man’s rope indicated that he would destroy himself, and perhaps the foreign dead might be buried with him . Perhaps he was a liar pretending to be impossible, and perhaps he concealed his corrupt belief and belief . As for the rope of arrogance, it may indicate distress that reaches her family because of her, and it may indicate an evil accident that occurs in her place, such as a thief or fire, and perhaps she wears a jean or makes a device for her to suit her, or someone who is not competent for her, or her virginity wears off before her marriage . As for the barren woman’s conception, or the male cattle and cattle, this is evidence of the aridity of the Sunnah, the lack of its good, and the abundance of its temptation and its evil by thieves . And whoever sees that his wife is pregnant, he hopes for better than the exposition of this world . And whoever thinks that he has a pregnancy, then that is an increase in his wealth and world, and it is valid for women and men in any case . And the old rope of a locker of weapons is a trial . And it was said : Her pregnancy is idle work . It was said : It is fertile after barrenness . And a free woman without a husband, as well as a virgin, if they see that they are pregnant, then they will marry ….
Dreaming about pregnant unmarried girl
(68 interpretations and meanings of dreams about pregnant unmarried girl)…The Sun : Originally the greatest king, because it enlightens what is in the sky from its counterparts, with its great benefit and disposes all people in its interests, and it may indicate the king of the place in which the vision is seen, and above it is higher than it indicates the sky to it, and it is the king of kings and the greatest of authorities, because God, glory be to Him The Exalted is the King of Kings, the mighty of the giants, and the director of heaven and those on it and the earth and those on it . And the sun may indicate the authority of the person who has the vision, if he sees it especially without the congregation and the councils, such as his princess, corporal, teacher, father, or husband if she is a woman, and perhaps the honorable woman as the king’s wife, president, master, his daughter, or his mother or the wife of the seer, or his mother Or his daughter, or her beauty . The poets liken the beauty of virgins to the sun in beauty and beauty . It was said that in the vision of Yusef, peace be upon him, it was a sign of his mother, and it was said, rather, of his maternal aunt, his father’s wife, and it was said that it was rather about his grandmother, and it was said that it was a sign of his father and the moon over his mother, all of this is permissible in the expression, and if the sun indicates the father, then he preferred her over the moon by light And the sunshine, and if it indicates the mother, let her feminine and remind the moon, so what was seen in the sun of an accident, its interpretation returned to those who refer to it from those who we described on the destinies of people and the magnitudes of the vision and its evidence and evidence . If a fallen woman is seen to the ground, or a bird swallows her, or she falls into the sea, or is burned by fire and her eyes are gone, or blackened and absent in a way other than her course from the sky, or she enters into a coffin, the one who is attributed to her will die . And if he saw an eclipse or cloud covered it and accumulated dust or smoke on it until its light diminished, or if you saw a ripple in the sky without stability, that was evidence of an accident happening to the one who added to it, either from sickness, worry, grief, distress, or worrying news, except that Whoever you indicate is ill in awakening, for that is his death, and if he sees it blackened without a reason for his deception or an eclipse, this is evidence of the added’s injustice and his injustice, or of his disbelief and delusion even if he took it in his palm or its possession in his lap, or it descended upon him in his home with its light and brightness He was able to possess his authority and pride with his possession, if he was one of those who befit him, or the arrival of the Lord of that status if he was absent, whether his son or his servant or his wife saw that, because he is the authority of everyone and the values of the house, otherwise the pregnant woman was born if he had a maid or a boy who differentiated between The male and the female are seeking an increase in the vision, such as taking it and covering it under his garment, or inserting it into one of his vessels, and he will testify that in it by the hidden females, and whoever indicates it is beautiful mentioned with knowledge or authority . And if in this case she was dark and shriveled in color, then the king was treacherous in his possession, or on his family, if he met that, otherwise a power would be imposed on him, or he was attacked by a worker, or an absentee foot, or he died among the sick, and pregnant women fell off their fetus, or gave birth to a son Differentiate these faces, increasing the evidence . And if he sees it emerging from Maghrib or returning after sunset, or returning to the place from which it dawned, a sign and a lesson will appear that indicates what I have prepared by increasing its evidence . This may indicate the return of the person attributed to her of what he hoped for in travel, justice or injustice, according to the benefit of her onset and absences, and the times for that . Perhaps the setback indicated by the sick, and its absence after its emergence for those with pregnancy may indicate the death of the fetus after its appearance . And perhaps it indicates the arrival of the absent from his travels and the strange money, and perhaps its absence indicates the return of the prisoner to the prison after his release, and it may indicate that the one who embraced Islam from his infidelity, or repented from his wrongdoing, will return to his misguidance . And if someone sees that doing good or bad hidden deeds, he indicates his jacket and conceals his conditions, and his cover is not revealed for the sun to go away, except that he is someone who was given to him on his night as a wife, or bought a secret, he said, the wife goes back to her family, and the secrecy belongs to her seller . Her rise after her sunset may also indicate to those who divorced his wife of her regurgitation, to those who are pregnant with her salvation, and to those who have been unable to live or have made her due to her hypocrisy, especially if her goodness is by the sun, such as shortening, washing, milk taxes, and the like, and for those who are sick of his death, because of the disappearance of the human-like shadow. With the words of the Almighty : “ Then the sun made him a guide, then we took a little fist for us. ” And for whoever was in jihad or war, for victory, because she returned to Yushaa bin Nun, peace be upon him, in the war of the enemies to him, until God showed him to them, and to whomever was poor on the winter day, On the clothing and riches, and on the summer day on the sadness, sickness, fever and conjunctivitis . Sitting in the sun in the summer is an indication of the torment and grief that he is in, for the sake of accompanying the ruler, or the reason for whom the sun descended on him according to his position and direction . And whoever saw that he was transformed into a sun, he struck a king as mighty as its rays . And whoever strikes the sun hanging by a chain, the guardian of the state and justice in it . And if he sits in the sun and heals in it, he will receive a blessing from a ruler, and whoever sees that the sun’s light and its rays are from the east to the dusk, and if he is worthy of the king he will gain a great king, otherwise he will have a flag that is mentioned in all countries, and whoever sees that he owns the sun or is able to it, then he The saying is acceptable to the greatest king . Whoever saw her, Safia Munira, had risen to him, if he was a ruler who gained power in his mandate, and if he was a prince who obtained good from the greatest king, and if he was from the parish of a permissible livelihood, and if she was a woman who saw what pleased her from her husband . And whoever sees the sun rising in his house, if he is a merchant, he profits in his trade, and if he is a student of a woman, then he will hit a beautiful woman, and if that is seen by a woman who has married and the provision of her husband is greater . And the light of the sun is the prestige of the king and his justice, and from his word the sun received a lift from the Sultan, and whoever sees the sun rises on his head but not his body, he will receive a serious and comprehensive matter . And if it appeared on his feet without the rest of his body, he would receive permissible sustenance from before his cultivation, and if it appeared on his stomach under his clothes and people did not know, he would have leprosy, as well as on the rest of his organs from under his clothes . And whoever sees his stomach split and the sun rises in him, then he dies, and if a woman sees that the sun has entered from her saddle while he is a collar and then goes out from her tail, then she will marry a king and stay with her for a night, and if it falls on her vagina, then she commits adultery, and if he sees that the sun has set all over and he is behind her, he follows her Then he dies, and if he sees that he is following the sun as it travels and has not set, then he will be a prisoner with the king . If he sees the sun turning an old man, then the sultan humiliates God Almighty, makes justice and obtains power, and the conditions of Muslims improve, and if she turns young, then he weakens the condition of Muslims and disgraces the Sultan . If he sees a fire coming out from the sun and burning what is around it, then the king perishes some of his courtiers, and if he sees the sun red, then he is corrupt in his kingdom . If he saw it yellowed, the king was sick . If blackened, it will prevail, and it will be a blight . If he sees that she is absent, he will miss his request ….
…The tick is a woman in a dream . The woman is a brother, son-in-law and uncle . And the tick for a pregnant girl . And whoever sees a check in his pants, his wife is forbidden to him, and she will give birth to a son if she is pregnant . If he sees as if he has put his tick under his head, then he does not kiss his son . If he sees as if his tick is cut off, then he is abusing his wife, or forsaking her . If he sees as if his tick is alive, then his son-in-law is his enemy . And whoever sees that his tick is of blood, then he kills a man because of his wife, or helps to kill his wife, and it was said : He who saw that he wore a check in the possession of his pants, a daughter was born to him . And the tick is a joy for the sad and sad for the glad ….
…The Torah Whoever sees in his dream that he is reciting the Torah but does not know it, then a man goes to the doctrine of fatalism and fatalism . And whoever saw that he had a Torah, if he was a Muslim king, he would open a country from the countries of his enemies, or reconcile with them as he wanted . If he was a scientist, he increased knowledge or excelled in what he knows, or tended to follow the doctrine of the people of whims . Perhaps seeing the Torah indicated the meeting with the absent or the presence of the lost . And perhaps the book indicates who is among his family . And if the seer was single, he married without his religion, and perhaps his travels increased, and the Torah had travels . And if his wife was pregnant, she brought a child with suspicion, as is the ruling in other books . The visionary may marry a woman without a guardian, or he may associate with someone who spoils his religion, and seeing what is other than the dear book of books and newspapers in a dream indicates glory for the masters of affairs . Seeing the Torah and the Gospel indicates the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, or the concessions being given . Seeing the Torah in a dream indicates wisdom, knowledge and guidance . If someone has a pregnant woman and sees the Torah in his hand, his wife gives birth to a girl, because the Torah name is feminine ….
…The lamp indicates to a pregnant woman in a dream a child of a male scientist . And the lamp for the patient is a wife, and if the lamp goes out, the patient will die . Whoever fixes a lamp and lights up, and has a sick person, then he returns to health . The weak lamp with dim light indicates a pregnant woman for a slave girl . And it was said : The lamp indicates the emergence of hidden things . And whoever sees the lamp of his house shining strong and good, that is the goodness of the values of the house, and if he sees it as weak, the state of values is weak . And whoever sees that his saddle is extinguished, then this confusion is a matter of the values of the house and its poor condition, and it may indicate his death or the death of his son, his parents, or his wife . If the patient sees that he ascends to heaven with a lamp and then returns to earth, that is his soul ascending to it . And whoever saw that he took a lamp, who gained a flag and raised it . If he sees that he puts out a lamp in his mouth, then he nullifies the matter of a man who is right . And whoever thinks that he walks in the day with a lamp, then he will be very religious and straight forward . If he sees that he walks with a lamp at night, then he is praying . Whoever has an extinguished lamp, a candle, or a fire in his hand and is a ruler, then he is removed, and if he is a merchant, he loses, and if he is good, his money is gone . Al-Sarraj, if its fuel is not lit, indicates gloom . See also the lamp, see the lamp ….
And whoever sees that he has hit a mirror and does not look in his face in it, then he will obtain what he hates in his face in people. If he looks at it, there is no good in it, and if he is of authority, he will soon see his place like him, except if the mirror is again or zero or something like that, then he will strike a boy a boy, and if not He waits for a son and he is a sultan or a worker, then he is isolated and sees someone else in his place, and if not so then he leaves his wife and it was said that whoever saw a mirror with his hand he looked in, then his concern goes away, and if a woman sees that she is looking in a mirror without silver, if she is pregnant, she gives birth to a slave girl like her, and whoever sees that he looks in a mirror An Indian woman dies for a male child, and if he has a pregnant woman, then what is in her womb is the dead
…The breast is in a dream the woman of a man or his daughter, so her beauty is her beauty, her corruption is her corruption . And whoever sees a woman hanging from her breast, she commits adultery, and gives birth to a child other than her husband . If a man sees milk in his breast, then if he is poor he is rich, and if he is not married, he indicates that he will have children . And if a young woman sees that, it indicates that she will become pregnant and that her pregnancy will take place, even if she is a rich garment that lacks and spoils her money . And if she was an aware virgin, that indicates her wedding . If she was young, far from the time of marriage, that indicated her death . And whoever sees that he is nursing a woman who knows him and does not know her, this indicates that he will become ill for a long time, unless he has a pregnant woman, then that indicates that he has a son . And if a woman saw this vision, she would give birth to a girl . If he sees that his breasts have grown in moderation and look good, then they are indicating to his children and things that he owns . And if he sees them fallen, then it is evidence of the death of his children . And whoever saw that and did not have children, this indicates his lack and his sadness, especially with regard to women . In breastfeeding women, it indicates the horizons of the person breastfeeding . A large breast indicates what is indicated by a breast that has been bone . And indicates in women immorality . And whoever saw that his breasts were striking his chest, this indicates that he is very old, that bad news is coming to him from someone who knows him . If men and women are young, that indicates love . And whoever sees as if he has one large breast and has reached the pubic area, he commits adultery with a forbidden marriage, or has a forbidden marriage, and the breasts in a dream are girls, so what happened in them is interpreted in girls . And whoever sees that a breast has grown for him along with his breasts, that is more than a girl . And whoever sees that he has a lack of a breast, that is the death of his daughter . And milk in the breast is an increase in money and it refers to the child, so whoever sees that there is milk in his breasts, he is honored to have a minimum increase that brings him or whoever owns it . Likewise, in women, if the milk produced by a person is breastfed, then he is locked up, and a door is closed over it, and there is no harm in it for the nursing infant, then it is humiliation and grief . And it was said : If a man saw that there was milk in his breast, then if he was celibate, he married and had a son . If he was poor, he indicated Bishara, and if he was a young man, that indicated his long life . And the young woman, if she sees that, indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and the length of a man’s breast until they hit his chest is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty . And before : It is evidence of the death of children, and if he did not have a child, it indicates poverty and sadness . The length of a woman’s breasts beyond the limit is evidence of the purpose of grief . A man’s breast indicates his quality, position, health and sickness . And a man’s breast may refer to brothers, companions, children and husbands who are of no use to them . A woman’s breast is evidence to the contrary, given the provision of God Almighty . If he sees that his breasts are like a woman’s breast, and milk is dripping from it, he indicates that he is standing on his children, and that he begins to do what the women need in their labor, and this may indicate religion, or he has a disease in which he is ashamed of people, then he saw him famous for that . And if . The breasts became copper or iron, indicating the loss of children and the failure of causes or pregnancy . The breast on the beast is a husband, and the breast on the infertile woman was born after despair from him . And perhaps the breast of the virgin referred to the jihad, clothing, or money adorned with . And the baby or girl has ailments, diseases and sores . A single breast for a single woman is a marriage, so if water or milk comes out of it, she loses her son or sister . And the breast is an adulterous woman . He crossed the breast with ostrich eggs or Altrj . They may be owned by breasts, and were told : they were father and mother . And the breast is indicative of a bottle of wine if it contains milk . It was said : The breast is a generous man ….
As for the situation, whoever sees that he is the delivery of a slave girl, he will have a lot of good, and if he gives birth to a boy, they are very bad and he gets hated words and he may die, and whoever sees that his wife or his maid gave birth to a boy, then she gives birth to a slave girl if she is pregnant and if she is not, then he suffers him and then he is released as well as if the pregnant woman sees that she gave birth A slave girl, she gives birth to a boy, or gives birth to a boy, then she gives birth to a maid.
…A horse If you dreamed of seeing or riding a white horse, this indicates that the indicators are favorable for success and enjoyable mixing with harmonious friends and beautiful women . If the horse is dirty and emaciated, your confidence will be betrayed by an envious friend or woman . If the horse is black, you will get rich, but you will cheat, and you will be found guilty of wrongful dates . This dream means for a woman that her husband is not loyal to her . If you dream of dark horses, this indicates refreshing conditions, but with a great deal of discontent . Fleeting pleasures often follow this dream . If you see yourself riding a beautiful horse in a chestnut color, then this means an increase in wealth and fulfillment of emotions . For a woman, this dream means a yearning for urgent improvements, and she will enjoy material matters . If you see horses passing in front of you, this means ease and comfort . If you ride a horse that speeds up, the folly of a friend or user will harm your projects . If you see a horse running away with other horses, this means that you will hear about friends ’illness . If you see beautiful horse stallions this indicates prosperity and lavish living and you will be dominated by an excessive feeling . If you see a foal, then this means harmony and lack of jealousy between married couples and lovers . If you ride a horse and drive a stream, you will bring great wealth into your hands and enjoy luxurious delights . If the stream is turbulent or foggy, the expected pleasures will be disappointed somewhat . If you swim on a horse in a clear and beautiful river, you will easily realize your idea of emotional bliss, and that foretells the businessman of a great profit . If you see a wounded horse, it speaks of trouble for friends . If you dream of a dead horse, this indicates various disappointments . If you dream of riding a wild horse, this means that it is difficult to fulfill your desires . If you dream that he throws you down, you will face a strong competitor and your business will suffer from weakness due to the competition . If you dream that a horse has kicked you, someone you love will alienate you . Your poor health will confuse your fortune and wealth . If you dream that you catch a horse in order to tame it and brake or to harness it for riding, then you will see a great improvement in work in all fields, and people will prosper in their professions . If you fail to catch him, luck will let you down . If you see spotted horses, this foretells that various projects will bring you profit . If you dream that you have a horseshoe, then your success is certain . This dream promises the woman a good and loyal husband . If you dream that you put a horseshoe on a horse, this means that you will try to obtain, and you may get, suspicious wealth . If you dreamed of a horse race, this means that you will be overwhelmed with a weak life, but this dream means prosperity for women . If you dream that you mount a horse in a race, you will succeed in life and enjoy it . If you dream about killing a horse, you will hurt your friends because of your selfishness . If you mount a horse without a saddle, you will gain wealth and ease, but through hard struggle . If you mount a saddle horse in the company of men, you will meet honest men who will help you and your success will be well deserved . And if you are in the company of women, then your desires will be free and your success will not be as abundant as it would have been if women had not filled your heart . If you clean a horse, you will not neglect work projects at the expense of being a man of money or a good farmer . Writers will be very diligent in their works, and others will take great care of them . If you dream of a horse, you will accumulate wealth and enjoy life to the last drop . If you see horses pulling carts, then this means wealth with some obstacle, and love will face obstacles . If you climb a hill on a horse and the horse fails to reach the summit while you succeed, you will gain a fortune although you will fight against enemies and jealousy . If you and the horse arrived together to the top, then your ascension is certain, but it will be a material one . If a girl dreams that she is riding a black horse, then this means that she will deal with a wise authority, and some wishes will come true at unexpected times . Black color in horses indicates a delay in expectations . If you see a mare with weak legs, this means that an unexpected distress will thrust himself into your auspicious position . If you try to fix a broken, very small shoe on a horse’s list, you will be accused of doing fraudulent deals with unaware parties . Going downhill from a horse, your business will undoubtedly disappoint you . If a girl dreams that a friend is riding behind her on a horse, then this means that she will be the focus of attention of many prominent and successful men . If she is frightened, it will arouse feelings of jealousy . If the horse turns into a pig after it abandons it, it will not be indifferent to honorable marriage proposals, preferring freedom until it loses all desired opportunities for marriage . If she subsequently sees the pig slipping on the lightning and telephone wires, she will push its center forward by the deception . If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse going up or down a hill and she is constantly looking back and seeing a person on a black horse chasing her, this means that she will face a period of success mixed with sadness, and her enemies will, within this period, seek to disturb her description with depression and disappointment tirelessly or Boredom . If you see a horse with a human body descending on a hammock in the air, and when it approaches your house, it turns into a human form and approaches your door and throws something that looks like a piece of rubber at your door but soon becomes impossible into big bees, then this means disappointment and useless efforts to recover lost benefits . Seeing animals in human forms indicates a great improvement for the dream and he will make friends by acquiring the virtues of honest profit . If this human body appears sick or stained with freckles, then this means the failure of carefully and carefully drawn plans ….
…As for clothing, which is pants, its meaning is the same in the expression, either a woman or a slave-girl, and whoever sees that he has hit trousers, he will either hit a slave-girl or a woman and take that away from him, either by death or with life, and if he does not have a slave-girl or a woman, then he will have something to go to him ….
…The ummah Seeing the slave in a dream is evidence of the animal for its service . And evidence of Al-Dar channel for directing filth and dirt, and evidence of what a person travels in of mats and shoes . And it may indicate money or glory and honor and victory over enemies or the boat . And whoever sees that he has bought a white slave girl, he will profit in his trade and be well . If he buys a young maid, he asks something and is unable to . And if he bought a black slave girl, he would save them . And whoever sees a beautiful maid come to him, then good news will come to him, and if he has a livelihood with the sultan who is arrested then he takes it, and if he is absent then he will come to him . And if the slave girl is ugly, some hates him . And whoever sees a maid stalking people in the marketplace or inviting them to incest, then a fitnah will fall among the people ….
…And a girl in a dream : fertility and relief, and ease after hardship that grows and increases . And the maid of honor, a good one with good praise and good hope . And whoever sees as if he has bought a boy, they will strike him . Whoever buys a slave girl, will do well . If he sees a non-adult slave as if he has realized the dream, then he is set free . If he saw that he realized and put a white robe on him, then he marries a free woman . And if he sees as if he has thrown a black robe on him, he will marry a woman . And whoever saw that he had thrown a purple robe on him, he would marry an honorable woman . If a young man sees such a vision, his vision indicates that his son is reaching puberty . If an elder saw her, his visions indicated his death . And if he sees her as the perpetrator of a hidden sin, he will be revealed . And whoever sees that he has afflicted an adult child, he has glory and power, and his mother is more deserving of it in terms of interpretation than his father, and if a woman sees a rebellious male, then it is good that he comes to her according to his goodness or ugliness . And it was said : He who had a young son, and saw that he had become a man, indicated his death . And it was said : He who was among the boys had caught up with the men, this indicates strength and help . Some people see that he gave birth to a boy and his wife was pregnant, because she gives birth to a slave girl . Believes she was born under way, Vtld boy, perhaps different in nature, he sees that he was born a boy, he is Ghulam, or believes he was born to him are under way under way, about that failure complexions, it tells you . It was said runner-up is okay . And it was narrated that a woman in Makkah who read the Qur’an, saw that there were basil around the Kaaba and a Saif with basil in their hands on them, as if she said Glory to God this about the Kaaba? She was told : Did you not know that Abdul Aziz bin Abi Dawood got married tonight ? Vantbht If Abdul Aziz ibn Abi Dawood died ….
…The doe is in a dream a beautiful Arab slave girl . Whoever sees that he is the king of a doe, he plots against a slave girl, and if he throws a stone at her, he steps in . If he shot her with an arrow, a slave girl . If he saw that he took a gazelle, then he is a boy . If the fawn enters his house, he will marry his son . And if he sees a deer that bounces on him, his wife disobeys him ….
…Kisaa Dreams of clothing indicate that projects will lead to success or failure as the clothing appears to be safe and clean or dirty and inherited . If you see beautiful but outdated clothing this foretells that you will have wealth but that you will disdain progressive ideas . If you discard the old-fashioned clothing, you will dispense with the current environment and enter into new relationships, new projects and new love relationships, and these will transform you into a different person . If you see yourself or others in white clothing, this indicates intense changes, and you will almost always find the change bearing sadness . If you walk with a person who wears white, then this indicates someone’s illness or grief, unless the person you saw in the dream is a girl or a child, and then you will have a pleasant surroundings for a season of the year, at least . If you see yourself or others in black clothing, this foretells of quarrels, disappointments, and grim health . If the dream refers to work, then the work will come below expectations . If you see yellow clothing, this foretells of imminent pleasure, and financial progress . If yellow is seen as a spectrum waning in unnatural light, the opposite can be expected . You will be lucky if you dreamed of yellow cloth . If you dream of a blue garment, this predicts that your ambitions will be pushed towards victory through persistent and energetic efforts . Friends will sincerely support you . If you dream of a scarlet clothe, this predicts that your ambitions will be pushed towards victory through persistent and energetic efforts . Friends will sincerely support you . If you dream of a scarlet clothe, this foretells that you will escape from square enemies by changing your public intention in time . If you see green clothing, this is a symbol of good prosperity and happiness . If you see a multi-colored covering, this predicts rapid changes and an intertwining of bad and good influences in your future . If you dreamed of disproportionate clothing, this implies conflicts in your emotions and that you will likely make a mistake in a project . If you see adults or young men in appropriate clothing, then this indicates that you undertake a work that you do not have any inclination towards, and it will lead to the emergence of many worries . If a woman sees that she is upset about her cloak, this foretells that she will encounter competitions that arouse her anger in connection with her search for some social discrimination . The admiration for others’ clothes indicates that she will be vulnerable to fears of jealousy from her friends . Dreaming of losing any piece of clothing indicates disturbances in your work and in matters of love . If a girl dreams that she is clad in black, this foretells that she will suffer from purification sadness and disappointment . If a girl dreamed that she met another, wearing a scarlet dress with a mourning veil on her face made of crepe fabric, this foretells that one who hardly considers her equal will surpass her and will arouse her disappointment against women in general . The dreamer interpreting the dream about clothe should be careful in noticing whether things appear normal . If the faces are distorted and the light is not related to the globe even though the colors are bright, be careful, because mismanaging a worthwhile plan will cause you harm . There are few dreams from which the element of evil disappears, just as there are few projects in the waking world in which the element of luck is avoided ….
…Al- Arkan : a sign of everything that is saved in it, which indicates drowning, because God Almighty saved Noah, peace be upon him, and those with him from what was brought down by the infidels from drowning and calamity . And indicate Islam, by which it is saved from ignorance and sedition . Perhaps it indicated the wife and slave girl who shields and be saved from fire and temptation, because God Almighty called her a slave girl . Perhaps it indicated the father and the mother who had the deliverance from death and need, especially since she is like the mother who carries her son in her womb . Perhaps it indicated the path on which the people of faith would escape from the fire, and perhaps it indicated prison, worry and reason if it stagnated, for the story of Yunus, peace be upon him . Whoever sees that he has boarded a ship in the sea, look at his condition and the outcome of his affairs, and if he is an unbeliever, he becomes Muslim, especially if he ascended to it from the middle of the sea after he was certain of the death, and if he was guilty, he repented of his sin . And if he was poor, he would get rid of after his poverty . And if he is sick, he has recovered from his illness, unless his knee is with the dead, and there is what confirms death in the vision, so riding her is a salvation from the temptation of this world . And if he was awake and he was a student of knowledge, he accompanied a scientist or benefited from a flag with which he would be saved from ignorance, to ride Musa with the vegetables, peace be upon him, in the ship . If he saw that a debtor spent his debt and removed his concern . And if he sees that, he will be deprived of his livelihood . May God grant him sustenance from a point where it does not count, if it is flowing with it in its torus, this indicates the wind of profit, and Tareus the desire . If he sees this as a celibate, he marries a woman or buys a maid who can protect him and keep him safe . And if he sees a dead person in the House of Truth, he will escape and win the mercy of God Almighty from the fire and its horrors . Likewise, in the upside down, if he sees someone in the sea as if he is in the crowd and has ridden on the path and its shortness, then he escapes in his ship and its passage from the horror of its sea and its accidents, unless in a dream it is badly struck by him in his passage from the fire, then he gets it in the sea like that and the like . And if it was taken in a prisoner, he escaped from his imprisonment and caused his escape, and if he reached the coast of the sea or went down to land, that would be faster, faster and better . And if he saw the ship stagnant and the waves of the sea stormy, his imprisonment lasted if he was imprisoned and his illness prolonged if he was sick, and as long as he could not livelihood and he was unable to travel if he tried to do so, and he could not reach his wife if he had committed her protection, and he stopped seeking knowledge if he was a student. Especially if it is in the winter and in the sea . This may indicate imprisonment, when Yunus, peace be upon him, was confined in the belly of the whale when his ship stopped . However, the outcome of all what we have described is good, God willing, and the salvation of the essence of the ship and what was presented to it and in it such as the salvation of Noah, peace be upon them, and the survival of the ship from the angry king, because the vegetables reproached it and took off a board from its boards, with the good consequence of Yunus, peace be upon him. After his condition, and what was revealed to him . Therefore, they said that if the ship was damaged or opened, those in it would escape, unless its passenger goes out to land or pursues it, and there is no good in it . If he was sick, he died and was carried into the dirt carrying a hideous load, and if he was in the sea, he was damaged, and perhaps his boat would break because of its flow other than its course . Rather, from his wakefulness habit, if he pushes Tatarus to land, he is broken and damaged . And if a knowledgeable seeker saw that his ship went out to land and drove it on him, he went out in his knowledge and controversy to heresy, hypocrisy or fornication, because debauchery is a departure from obedience, and the origin of prominence and injustice and preventing something in its place, then from boarding the ship from the water in which it survived and it is protected To the ground that it is not customary to run on, for its occupant has also departed from the truth and the old infallibility . If that was not, then perhaps he would break with his wife and stay with her according to his condition, or perhaps he would free his slave-girl and persist in her intercourse with the king, or perhaps his industry was exhausted and his livelihood would be impossible, so he would seek him back from where he should not . And if his ship was driven in the air on other than water, then all that is indicated by it is lost, either a soldier because of its service, feathers and equipment, or it is installed from the rest of the ships, and it may indicate the coffin of one who was sick among the sultans, rulers, scholars and chiefs, and some of them said : Who saw that he was In a ship on the sea, inside a great king or sultan . The ship is a escape from distress, anxiety, disease and imprisonment, for whomever sees himself as its owner . If he sees that he is in it, he is in it, unless he escapes and if he leaves it, his salvation will be faster, and if he is in it while he is on dry land . The worry was more intense and the deliverance was further, and if the isolated wall saw that he had boarded in a ship, then he would follow the mandate of the greatest king as far as the sea, and the guardianship would be according to the provisions of the ship and its capacity, and after the ship from the land after him from isolation . And it was said that riding a ship in the sea is a journey of severity and danger, and its distance from land, after it from the vagina . And if he is in a matter, then he takes a risk, then if he goes out of it, then he will escape and disobey his Lord, because the Almighty said : “ When he did not lead them to righteousness, then they would share .” If the visionary has gone his state, or he is a merchant whose trade has been lost, then the ship will return . If the ship sank and was hung from it with a board, then the Sultan would be angry with him if he was a governor, then he escaped and the state returns to him . And if he was a merchant, then he decreased his money and compensated for it, and if he drowned then he is like a drowning man . And whoever sees that he is in a ship in the middle of the sea, then he will be in the hands of those who fear him, and his death will be a salvation from the evil of what he fears . His ship sank and its panels dispersed misfortune for him in the one he is dear to . And it was said that the shipwreck was a journey in safety, because God Almighty said : “The ark was made fun for you to run in the sea at His command .” The ship loaded with people is safe for the one who is in it on a journey, for God Almighty says : “We delivered him and whoever is with him in the charged ark .” And taking oars of the ship hit the flag or get money from a complaint . And he took the rope of the ship, Hassan al-Din and the companions of the righteous without leaving them, for God Almighty said : “And hold fast to the ropes of God all and do not separate .” And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I was in a black ship with nothing left but the ropes . He said : You are a man whose religion is nothing left but sincerity, and the ropes of the ship are the owners of religion ….
…The mirror : Whoever looks at his face in it from the bachelors, he will marry someone else and cast his face, and if he has a pregnancy that comes like him, whether the viewer or female, and he may indicate the division of the spouses, until he sees his face in the land of others and in the place where he is, and the structure of the beholder has separated in it In it is his description and his hopes, and if he looks at them to fix his face or to darken his eyes, then he looks at the matter of his brothers, dreadful, and his mirror may point to his heart, so what he saw of rust was iniquity and clouding his heart . And the one who looks in a silver mirror gets something bad in his face . And looking in the mirror of the Sultan isolating him from his authority, and seeing his counterpart in his place, and perhaps he left his wife and succeeded her counterpart 0 and it was said that the mirror is the man’s woman and his rank is as large as the mirror and her majesty, if he sees his face in it is greater, his position in it rises, and if his face is fine in it, his mirror will improve. If he sees his beard black in it with a good face, and he is different from this quality in wakefulness, then he honors people and improves their standing in the matter of this world . Likewise, if he sees his beard, a flat, hairless beard . If he sees her as white, then he will lack and increase his status and strengthen his religion . If he sees white hair on his face where hair does not grow, then he is gone and his religion strengthens, and likewise looking in a silver mirror, honor will be lost . Another said : The mirror is a woman, and if he sees a woman’s vagina in the mirror, he will have a vulva . And to look in the mirror full of worries, and in the rusty mirror bad . If he sees as if he is looking into a mirror, then he seeks relief from him within them . If he is not able to scrub her because of the large number of rust, then he cannot find relief . And it was said that if he saw it as if he was looking in a mirror, and if he was single, he married, and if his wife was absent, he met with her . If he looks in the mirror from behind her, he commits immorality from his wife, and he is isolated if he is a ruler, and his plantings are gone if he is exhausted . And if a woman looks in the mirror and she is pregnant, she is giving birth to a girl who looks like her, or her daughter gives birth to a girl . If none of that was to marry her husband another woman who has a counterpart, then she will see her likeness . Likewise, if a boy saw that he looked in a mirror while his parents were giving birth, he would strike a brother like him and his counterpart . Likewise, if a girl saw that, she would hit a sister like her, and likewise if a man saw that and she was pregnant with a son who was like him ….
…The man’s rope : an increase in his worldly life, and it was said that it is the grief of a concealed murder . The man’s birth is underway, a good injury and a close vagina, and some of his offspring emerge from the dominance of his household . And his birth is a boy, he is severely affected, and the woman’s pregnancy is an increase in money, and her childbirth is a boy who gives birth to a slave girl, and her nature is contrary to that, so he is one of those who, if she sees that she gave birth to a maid, she was a slave girl, and if she saw that she gave birth to a boy, he was a boy . Likewise, if he saw his wife or his slave-girl giving birth to a maid, he would have done well . If one of them gave birth to a boy, they would receive him severely . Likewise, if he saw that he had bought a maid, he would have been well . If he bought a boy, they would hit him hard ….
…Wedding If you attended a wedding in your dream, you will quickly discover that an event approaching you will cause you bitterness and delay your success . If a girl dreams that her wedding is a secret, then this dream is definitely not appropriate for her personality as it means that she may fall . If she entered into a worldly marriage or an official marriage, this indicates that she will rise in the appreciation of those around her, and the desired promises and joys will not be denied to her . If she believes in her dreams that there is opposition from her family, she will discover that her association will cause resentment among her relatives . If she dreams that her lover has married to another, then this foretells that unjustified fears will cause her constriction while her lover will faithfully fulfill his promises . If a person dreams that he is married, then this is a sad omen, as he cannot avoid death except by a miracle . If the wedding was merry and there were no priests with pale faces and black sackcloth to impose holy vows, then the opposite can be expected . If a girl dreamed that she saw a person wearing mourning clothes at her wedding, then this indicates that she will experience misery only in her marital life . If she sees this at another girl’s wedding, she will mourn the misfortune of a relative or friend . And you can suffer misery and illness in a place where happiness and health are marked . Intrusions and disturbing surprises may disrupt the pleasure trips that others make or take, and to a large extent after this dream ….
…What is the opinion that the author adopts regarding the one who invokes and then has a vision? In view of the large number of questioners about these topics , especially girls who are approached by proposers , and they ask God for their sake and ask God to show them a vision that helps them to know whether this applicant is good for them, and some of them may make the visions generated under these circumstances a basis for response or acceptance This suitor !!! And for those who are surprised at the women’s actions, I add to it and say that there are some fathers who approach him and address his daughter, and he writes to me and asks me, after Istikharah, about dreams that he saw, and they may be visions, while he is confused before her. Does he spend the sermon or respond to the suitor? I have several pauses here. I hope to contemplate and reflect on it for whomever falls under the previous description : 1 / Whoever proposes a suitor to her, she must follow the path of knowledge, not dream !! 2 / To the one who presented to her, address the question about his religion, character, and faithfulness, and this is usually done by the guardian, from a father, brother or similar, and after the question he takes the path of Istikharah and there is no objection to repeating it, and after that he looks at the opinion of the girl, and after the legal vision it is decided and decided Her order, and so her decision is informed and wise, and not about dreams or visions . 3 / I noticed a lot of women who write to me, especially women, that they greatly over-accept those who apply for her early, and invoke illogical arguments, including : study, young age, somewhat old age of the fiancé, lack of financial, employment or pedigree, and some These girls refuse for no reason, but because she did not find anyone advising her or urging her to accept, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said about the virgin : and her ears are her silence … as evidence of modesty, or the inability to declare approval, so those around her think that she is rejecting. This invites me to say that the guardian has a great task in managing the marriage and signing it, or hindering it – if you will . 4 / The guardian of a woman or a girl must not include dreams or visions in his decision-making, either with or without consent, and most of the dreams that are seen and generated in such circumstances are like the frustrations that are from the talk of the soul . 5 / Girls should not give up their first age, and to know that the sooner the age of marriage, the better for them, and with love, companionship, compromise and understanding with the husband, she can discuss any topic. To study, complete her studies, or work …. etc. 6 / The experience has indicated that a woman prefers marriage, or pregnancy and childbearing, more than studying or working, and therefore I do not see a reason why a girl would delay her marriage under the pretext of completing her studies, and what she does That someone will apply for it? And how do you know that the speech will continue to knock on her door? Ask a lot of those who missed marriage, or missed the golden age of marriage, and their refusal was due to work, self-formation, or study, and you will find that most of them, and most of them, wish that they are married and have a family, and children . 7 / It is not a requirement that whoever invokes God’s daughters, or fathers or mothers, sees a good vision, and what if he saw such a good vision; It is not a requirement that he know her correct interpretation, or be informed of it from the crossing. The expression may be contrary to the situation, or absent from the truth – and this is possible from the expressors – they are human beings who make mistakes and suffer, and there is no infallibility except for a Prophet . 8 / Most of the dreams that were seen after Istikharah have little, if not non-existent, scope for honesty. So whoever invokes it, or who is asking for something, then thinking is focused on it, in the state of waking up, and before sleeping, and this makes the person who is seeking istikhaarah may see something related to the subject of his Istikharah, and it is because of thinking about it, while its owner thinks that it is a sincere vision, and it must be expressed. And taking a decision based on its light, but what I see is a pipe dream . 9 / The abstraction may see a vision in which there are no direct symbols of the subject invoked for its sake, for here it may have a meaning in his vision that can have a significance for the extractive, and all this is according to the expression of the one who expresses the vision . 10 / There may be some type of vision that has a strong significance for the extractive; And that is if the seer was a person far from the sought-after, and he did not know about his news that was renewed and was reclaimed for its sake, and then he saw a vision that is directly related to this is sought, and what he invoked for his sake, and this is returned and happens very much, and in this type of vision there is a great degree of truthfulness, Especially if the seer is known for his honesty and righteousness . 11 / Perhaps one of the funny things about what is said here is what is said about the ancient Indians, that they used to say : The night brings us advice, and that is that they discover through their dreams an indication of their good or bad luck, and this meaning is present in the meaning of a good vision and the legitimacy of seeking it out, informing it and awaiting its realization ….
…Ring If you wear a ring in a dream, this symbolizes that you will enter new projects in which you will meet good luck . Seeing a broken ring symbolizes quarrels and family unhappiness in married couples . As for unmarried people, they are threatened with separation from loved ones . If a girl receives a ring, this means that after today she will not worry about her lover’s behavior, as he will devote himself to making her happy and securing her future . As for seeing others wearing rings, it means goodness, prosperity and more friends ….
…Earring in the ear : As for the earring for men, it does an act of hearing, and the pleasure of the ear is not befitting except for women, such as singing and beating the tie, otherwise he does what he should not, and he enriches the Qur’an, and if there is no such thing, she looks at the pregnant woman from his family, as for his wife or daughter, it is She gives birth to a boy if the earring is gold, and if the earring is silver, and she gives birth to a female . And whoever sees a woman or a maid in her ears, an earring or a shanf, then he will see a trade in a crowded country, a picnic in which there are slaves, and there are women who are adorned, because the woman and the maid are a trade, and the ear on which the earring is placed is slaves and women. The world and its beauty, because the beauty of everything is pearl, and the Qur’an and religion are blessed, good voice and perfection in its affairs . And if he was nevertheless a schooner, he would have a daughter . If a pregnant woman sees this, she will have a male son . The earring and the shaf are equal for men and women, and if the earring is of gold then a singer man, and if it is of silver, then it saves half of the Qur’an . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if there was an earring in one of my ears, so he said to him : How did you sing? He said that I have a good voice ….
…It is in a dream good news and warning, war and torment, power and imprisonment, loss and sins, and whoever sees fire and has sparks and has sound and commotion, it is a trial in which a world of people perishes . And whoever sees a fire in his heart, that is the love of the victor and the oppression of those who abandon his beloved . And whoever sees two fires, they are military . The higher the fire is with loud smoke, the greater the horror and torment . Whoever lights a fire in a dark night to guide people to the road will receive a flag that guides people, and whoever lights it without darkness, then he is a heresy . And it was said : If you see fire during the day, then it is a sign of war and sedition . And whoever sees that he worships fire, then he loves war, and perhaps he was obeying Satan in his disobedience . And whoever sees that he fires with fire in the winter, he will be rich . And whoever sees that he eats fire, he unjustly eats the money of orphans or eats forbidden money . And whoever sees that he has sold fire and bought a garden, then he sells pigeons and buys a garden, and vice versa . And whoever sees a person entering the fire and being tortured, then he loses his money or commits sins that necessitate the fire . And whoever was hit by the fire and did not burn him, keep his time . And whoever sees the fire burning something of the grain, its price is higher . And the burning fire is a calamity of Sultan . And whoever among the governors sees that he lights a fire while it is extinguished, he shall be isolated and his fire extinguished . And whoever sees a flame of fire on his door without smoke, it indicates Hajj . And the fire in the fingers indicates the injustice of the scribes . And fire in the palm is an injustice in workmanship . And whoever sees a fire that will eat all that has come . On him and it has a tremendous voice, because it is war, plague, smallpox, or death that occurs there . And if he saw that it ascended from a place to heaven, then the people of that place have fought God Almighty with sins . Whoever sees a fire burns some of his clothes or some of his organs, and calamity befalls him . And whoever sees that he is struck by a glow of fire, he will fall into the tongues of people and backfill . And the useful, shining fire is a security of the fearful and nearness to the Sultan . And whoever saw a fire emanating from his home would obtain a state or trade . And whoever saw that a ray of his fire shone from the east to the west, then he will know that he will be mentioned in the east and the west . And if he saw a fire shining from his head, and it had light and rays, and his wife was pregnant, she gave birth to a boy who would prevail and have a great male . And whoever sees that he lights a fire at the top of a mountain, he will draw close to God Almighty or fulfill his needs, and if he is absent, he will return safely . And whoever sees in his skirt a burning fire and is married, then his wife gets pregnant . And the fire in the desert is war . And if he takes a coal from the midst of the fire, then he hits forbidden money from the Sultan . And whoever sets fire to people, I will cause enmity and distaste among them . And whoever has a fire shining from his head, he will be seriously ill . And whoever sees that he is in the midst of the fire and does not find its freedom, then he will obtain truthfulness, certainty, and victory over his enemies . And whoever sees fire is extinguished, and discord dwells . If the fire is in a country, then it is the death of its ruler or its scholar, and if it is extinguished in its garden, then it is his death . And the fire may be indicative of the reckoning because they were created from the fire of poisons, and perhaps it indicated drought and locusts . And whoever saw fire talking in a jar or near it, he would be struck by a jinn . Harmful fire indicates unjust authority, and if people benefit from it, it indicates just authority . And the fire in winter denotes the fruit, as they say : Fire is the winter fruit . Eating fire indicates eating and drinking in forbidden vessels, such as gold and silver . Perhaps she indicated her worshiper . As well as light and darkness ….
…If he saw that he sold or took away a garment in the winter, then that indicates his poverty and his need for people . He said Abu Said preacher clothing head of the man was probably his craft that he does and secure them from the poverty survey in which an error in the living and go wealth and expansion in free them and damage in winter favor ) and Almparty him if the inscription is indicated by a woman . Said Jafar Sadiq construed Paljarah or the boy whatever he saw it from Zain or Shin shall turn in them , and the subtraction of the clothes they devolve on aspects of it is felt that wearing something of which it is construed fine and benefit if they are from cotton , a clean and spacious and if Dd so Vtobeirh against him and if they are from Silk and nothing there is nothing wrong with it and the seller of it, for he chooses this world over his hereafter . Abu Sa’eed said the preacher ‘s vision coldness , whether detailed or not detailed , they show good narrated that Abu Bakr , may Allah be pleased with him said : O Messenger of Allah , I saw yesterday was on the papyrus petechia said : two sons Thabr them . And the ink is indicative of joy, happiness, and cold that is next to the course of snitching in expression, except that intimacy in the world is better than in religion, and it is in interpretation stronger than wool . It is felt that wearing Prada or mixed with cotton Bharir it without it even if it is haraam wealth silk and the decorations are clothed in the markets they are welcome and only in times of pleasure and omens as well as if they are in the role unless it kind of amusement . And whoever sees the sentence of the garment of the clothed person, it is interpreted in its entirety . And whoever sees that he wears summer clothes in the winter, it will increase the good and the benefit as much as the value of what he wears . He felt that he wears clothes women it increased money with them and fear, but its consequences are dire and survive if they saw a woman wearing clothes from the men it shows good and beneficial . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever saw that he wore clothes less than his own, then it indicates the corruption of his affairs, and if they are more elegant than his clothes, then he indicates the order of his affairs .~ And whoever sees that he has the garments of the elders on him, then it indicates the height of the matter and the amount of it to which those clothes are attributed to him if he is a family for that, otherwise it is good and beneficial . And whoever sees that he has garments from the garments of corrupt people, he will have many sins and abounding sins . And whoever sees that he wears kings, it is interpreted on three aspects, drawing closer to them, obtaining goodness, benefit, and regularity of his affairs, and attaining the dignity and honor . It is felt that wearing clothes of scientists was Welcome to Salah it for science and charity world and the Hereafter .) He felt that he wears clothes from the wool it is interpreted to ensuring the money . It is felt that wearing clothes dhimmis or Aharbeyen or so , or Alrvdh it would be inclined to what he said Jafar Sadiq ‘s vision clothes never devolve on nine aspects of religion and wealth and prestige and benefit and live and work in favor of the justice of this and redress if it is not what you deny the expression and if the woman saw that she She wore what was mentioned of the praiseworthy clothes, and her interpretation made her right with her husband and the integrity of her affairs . And Daniel said a vision of the man’s clothes: If you put on clothes, you will be interpreted by gain, and if you see black garments, then the king has good and the parish is in distress . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever sees that he wears black clothes, he will suffer from pain, distress and sorrows, unless he is one who wears them while awake and knows about them, and he will be troubled .~ Abu Sa’eed said the preacher black clothes for those who used to wear injury hated and was told is the patient proof of death because the people of calamities wear black clothes and clothes zero dieback disease only in Dibaj or twinge or silk , and these things are valid for women and men of the corruption of religion . Al-Karmani said: If the patient sees that he washes a yellow garment until its yellow is removed and its whiteness appears, then the garment is interpreted with a body and its yellowish is devolved by his sickness and its departure from him . It felt that disarming him a yellow dress it out Sagmh not happened hurt him what he hates in the yellow of tearing the dress or so unlike all worn in color and the clothes greens rejoiced and pleasure and Tawfiq Abu Sa’eed said the preacher clothes Greens neighborhood power of religion and an increase of worship and dead good case when God, who is the raiment of the people of Heaven, for His saying, Come, and wear green garments from Sundus and Abraq, and the wearing of greenness indicates to the living the injury of an inheritance, and to the dead that he came out of the world as a martyr . Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he wears green clothes, it is interpreted with honor and honor. As for the white clothes, they will be interpreted as the desired, especially if it is pure .” Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said that white garments are suitable for wearing them as a religion, and for those who are used to wearing them while awake, and as for the owners of crafts and crafts, they need to wear it for them . Al-Karmani said: “Whoever saw that he wears pure white clothes, it indicates the goodness of his religion and his good condition. ” And his worries went to his saying that he wears pure white clothes, and as for his blue clothes, he is clean . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Zarka it ‘s religion is good and the clothes Rouge , they hated men only Almlhvh and Plinth bedding the blushes of these things indicate pleasure and are valid for women in Dnaahn was said to be wearing reddish shows fighting very severe dispute and was told snappers joy with punk In the world, as evidenced by the story of Qarun, and it was said that it indicates an abundance of money while preventing the rights of God in it . And whoever saw that he wore it on a feast or a group, he did not harm him . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Hamra it cast fighting and dispute , although Welcome to the mandate he received perhaps the joy of the verse went out to his people in the finery and was clothed in garments Hamra and it was said the vision of blush , whether in clothes or other , they show goodness and perhaps the vision of erysipelas shown in the dress To pleasure . And whoever sees his clothes are burned, then he will receive him harmful effects as much as he was burned from that, and whoever sees that his clothes are torn, then he shall interpret the secret . It is felt that wearing clothes of wool or animal hair or hair or so The total that money if it was silk or so Fmal haram dress cobbled evidence of immorality and the clothes dirty , they devolve Bgham and sorrow , and the dresses Alkagd they devolve Baelchenaah not good in it , and the dresses skin accrue interest and benefit to the extent attributed to him that the skin dress you do not sew it in terms of wholesale of all varieties shows completely filled with religion and perhaps this was another old on the face and clothes of the treasury shall devolve Baezz and wealth . And whoever sees that he is wearing a lame dress, a woman will come in her anus . Jaber said the Moroccan expressing their attachment to things mundane Valbaad in clothes if it is clean as new , which attached to religion and the world and if the dirty vintage tight Vdd so perhaps Del dirt in the dress on the weakness in religion and was told if the woman saw that she wear a garment yellow it was her husband , it weakens though ) He was not for her, so he took a husband . And whoever sees that he opens a folded garment, it indicates travel, and whoever sees that he folds an open garment, it indicates the coming absent from his journey . Khaled al – Isfahani said the best clothes and what was cotton if it is not a thing of silkworm silk because it is pure it is a good religion and worldly dresses if the pattern , cotton or silk , they devolve money haram and the corruption of religion and carefree . He said Jafar Sadiq new dress white man a woman and a woman and the king of grace and the benefit of a pair , it saw that he took off his robe with him that he was in the king of the service it is from his service but not as well as it is called , and saw that he cut his clothes he interpreted obtaining good . And whoever sees that the thief strips his garment, it interferes with the occurrence of corruption among women . Abu Saeed, the preacher, said that the garment with two sides or two colors indicates politeness and guardianship for the people of religion and the world, and the new garment is good for the rich and the poor . It felt that magsuot clothes as new Vtmzkt is not able to repair like it fascinates even as much as on that it is alive and the child and the high value of the servants of the disease and the free grace increase dresses kind of renewed debt, the worn over his clothes showed the approval of his secret Alanath and perhaps the intention was good from the apparent and perhaps earned money Mdkhora and silk brocade is not fit to wear socks for the jurists for they Aaolan their request minimum and invite people to heresy and were probably valid for non – scholars , they interpret the work requires Paradise and infects with this principality also indicates marriages by a woman , honest or concubinage Bjarah Belle setting calls the crossing in the expression of all of that is from the case of the seer . The robe denotes its faces . Al-Kirmani said, “It is interpreted for the righteousness in religion, for the corrupt people with whips, and for others with smallpox infection in the body .” Abu Sa’eed said the preacher devolves penile state who was from her family , especially from the people of plowing and planting and the fertile year for those who have from her family , a women ‘s increasing pleasure and gave Xia received money from the point of the Persians and the people of disclosure and gambling , and may accrue whips . A permissible one who has a face with consequences, and no one is blamed for that, whether it is for men or women, unless something of the reprehensible type is mixed with him . As for the ink, it is interpreted with grace, and there is nothing in it except the best, especially for women, and it was said the vision of the garments of generosity is a grief . The saw that his two garments Khgayn Mottagtaan wearing one above the other is indicated by his death and torn clothes casually interpreted injury concerns and torn longer interpreted vulva and it serves as Alqaba and Duwaji if the woman saw her clothes habitus short lacked HTC concealed and eat the new dress eat money halal and eat the dress said Salmi saw that His clothes are wet on him while he puts them on. If he is on a journey, then he is not traveling, and if he intended something he would not have . And he who sees that he sells his clothes is good for him and there is no good for him who buys them, and if he sees them that he pushes them from himself, then this is the remission of his poverty . And whoever sees that he wears new clothes after he has taken a bath, then he declines with the loss of worry and distress, and he is spared from something wrongful . And whoever sees that he wears a forbidden garment or something attributed to women, he marries a woman who is forbidden, and as for the embroidered garments, they are worn by them, mines, and perhaps the fame of the women are broken . He felt that he wears women ‘s clothing, the had pregnant , they come to the female , although he did not have pregnant it affects harm or fear in the same money as much as Hnaatha was probably injured his time and the robe , which is placed on the shoulder , it interpreted the human religion who wears him in the neck and neck position of the Secretariat . It is felt that it robe Well he Salah Dinh and good faith , and if he saw the cloak that puts it on the Well shoulder it increased debt and the health of the religion is not good in thin .) The washing clothes he is to draw it felt that wash his clothes from dirt it shows his goodness and salvation of Gloom And sadness and his well-being and his debt will be repaid if he wears it, but if he does not wear it, it is without that . Al-Karmani said: “Washing clean clothes if dirt appears from it, then it is corruption in religion and committing sin .” Abu Saeed Al-Waseer said: Washing clothes from dirt is a repentance, washing it from semen is a repentance of fornication, and washing it from blood is a repentance from murder, and washing it from excuse as a repentance . Jaafar al-Sadiq said: Washing clothes with cold water means four aspects of repentance, wellness, salvation from Asir, and security from fear, and washing them with hot water, sorrow, grief and sickness . And it was said that whoever saw that he washes clean clothes, it is an increase in his piety and piety, and it was said that this was extravagant because it did not deserve to be washed, and others said, there is no harm in that and there is no harm in that ….
…And whoever sees that his wife calls a man, if she is pregnant, she brings a boy, and if she is not pregnant, then this is a benefit and goodness ….
…It is in a dream an elevation from the Sultan . If the chair is of iron, then it is strength and nail . If it is of wood, then it is without it with hypocrisy . And whoever sees that he is sitting on a chair, then he is an attorney or trustee and will be elevated, and if he is absent, he will return to his family . And the chair denotes to the bosses of positions of highness and elevation, spouses, children, and great dwellings . And whoever saw that he hit a chair and sat on it, he gets married . And it was said : If he had a pregnant woman, she would bring a child . And it was said : He will die a martyr . And whoever sees that his seat is broken, it indicates his death or the death of his wife, or the fall of his body . The chair is a pleasure and an urgent arrangement for the one sitting on it, or an indication of victory in the Hereafter, and there is no good in it for the sick . Seeing the seat of God Almighty that is above the heavens is an evidence for whoever is among the scholars of high levels and high positions, and perhaps the pregnant woman has a salvation from its severity, the celibate has a marriage, the married has a son, and it indicates travel, and the patient has to carry him on the bed of the mania or a beast he rides or a house in which he lives or a Sunnah Westenha ….
…If one of the stars is bigger than the other . As for the fall of the stars to the earth or in the sea, or their burning with fire, or the catching of the birds, this is an indication of death that occurs among people, or was killed according to the number of people and the few, and this may happen in a gender without sex, if the sex of the fallen is known from the planets, and from the king of the stars In his lap, or he was shepherding it in the sky, or turning it in the air, if he was worthy of the Sultan he would obtain it, and he was a ruler over the people, a judge, or a mufti . And if it was lower than that, perhaps he would consider astrology . As for it to fall on him or on his head, if he was sick he died . And if he was lied to by debts of astrologers, or he was a slave of offices, his stars fell and he was asked for what he owed . Likewise, if he saw his body he would return to stars . Or his head, and if the stars were astrologers for him over the people, they reached him and gathered for him, and likewise if he was picking them from the ground or from the sky, they would approach them from him . And if the star falls on the one who has absent he will give it to him, and if he falls on a pregnant woman, she will give birth to a boy named honorable, unless it is from the temporary stars such as the daughters of a coffin, the poets and the flower, so the master is a slave according to the mention of the star, its beauty and essence . It may indicate the death of the pregnant woman, if confirmed by a witness with him testifying of the death . As for seeing the planets during the day, this is evidence of scandals and slander, major accidents, misfortunes and misfortunes . And according to the extent of the vision, its general and specificity, and the abundance of stars and their fading, Al-Nabigha Al- Dhubiani mentioned a day of war : Its stars and the sun are rising … neither the light is light nor the darkness is darkness. Al Sarr . If it does not have light, then it is a calamity that unites the noblest of the people . If he sees that he is following the stars, then he is in the religion of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his companions, and on the truth . If he sees that he is stealing a star from the sky, then he is stealing something dangerous from the king and seeking an honorable man . And whoever sees that he has become a star, he will be afflicted with honor and prestige . And whoever saw that he had taken a planet, he would have a great honorable son . If he saw that he extended his hand to the sky and took the stars, he would attain authority and honor ….
…And the moon is devolved by the minister of the Sultan or his handler, as well as the five stars of the car: Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Whoever sees her kindness and turnout, he will have glory and elevation. He greeted, and whoever saw that he imitated them was guided and interpreted also according to the supervision of the people, and whoever saw her gathered together in a state of sunshine, then he is good in the condition of the honorable people and the meeting of their affairs. He eats it, for that is backbiting and a fall from the people, and whoever saw that he took a star from the sky, and if his wife was pregnant, he had a son, and whoever saw stars swooped on his head or saw her in his house, he had a power and a lift, and whoever saw a star that fell on the ground indicated that a great man had fallen from his position, even if he had Absent, present on him or pregnant…
…The pearl by joining, is in a dream a male boy for a pregnant woman, so whoever sees his wife handing him a dora a livelihood from her, a male child is well-photographed, and if the free woman has no light, then she is a slave girl . If he takes a Dora from his wife and hides it in a box, or covers it with a rag, she is also a slave girl . Dora is good for a woman, if the woman is not married, she indicates that she is married, and if she does not have children, she indicates that she will have children, and if she has a husband and gave birth, she indicates wealth and money . And whoever buys in a dream or trades jewels for glass, or a coin with a coincidence, indicates his choice of the world over the Hereafter, or disobedience to obedience, or that he is apostatizing from his religion . Al-Durr denotes the Qur’an, knowledge, good speech, boys, slave girls, children, and money . Whoever sees that he is drilling a drake, then he explains the Qur’an correctly ….
…Salt Seeing salt in a dream predicts quarrels and problems in your surroundings, and after you dream about salt, you will find that everything will fade away and go away, and quarrels and quarrels will prevail in the family surroundings . If you dreamed that you salted meat, this foretells that you will be burdened by debts and stakes . If a girl eats salt, this foretells the desertion of the beloved and his marriage to another beautiful and more attractive girl, which will cause her deep grief and sadness ….
…Pebbles If you dream of pebbles, this means futile plans and projects . If you see pebbles mixed with dirt, this foretells that you will make trade speculations in an unlucky way, and you will wish to lose significant property . If a girl sees in her dream a path paved with gravel, this means that there are many competitions for her, and she will realize that there are other girls who are beautiful and attractive like her . A girl who dreams of seeing pebbles is selfish and must learn to forgive other people’s mistakes ….