…The roof is in a dream a man of great might, and if he sees a roof that is almost descending on it, he will be afraid of a man of great power . If the stump is broken, it is the death of the owner of the house with a pest inflicted on it . And whoever sees that the roof of his house is dripping from it, it will hardly happen to the dead or sick . And whoever sees that it is above its roof, and wants to get off it and is not able, then it is imprisoned . And whoever sees a roof that falls on it will be tormented, and whoever sees the stars under his roof, his roof shall be destroyed ….

…And whoever sees that a group is above its roof, then it is so, and the roof has been cracked, a disliked matter has occurred, and being hit by a stone or arrow or the like is an influential speech as much as the strike, and the goodness of the ceiling and its decoration, glory and face to its owner, and the fall of the roof, a great calamity because God Almighty said: “The roof was proud of them above them . ” The verse ….

…Thatched roof If you see that you are roofing a thatched roof or with a perishable substance, this means that worry and anxiety will surround you . If the thatched roof leaks, this means that you are threatened by dangers, but you will be able to survive with your vitality and wisdom ….

…Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said the roof, if it was made of wood, indicated a thin man, and if he saw that he entered a roof and the sky was hidden from him, thieves would enter and stole his belongings, and if the trunk was broken from the ceiling indicates the death of a hypocritical man ….

…The roof : a thin man, if it is of wood, then it is a man of vanity . If he saw a roof that was about to descend on it, he was afraid of a thin man . If dirt falls on him from the ceiling and hits his clothes, then after fear he will receive money . If a stump is broken, it is the death of the owner of the house or a pest inflicted on it . And if he saw that his object was split in half lengthwise and did not fall, then he combined what is attributed to that house, and the styles and other things, the doubling of one by two, and the wood and the logs in the building, a hypocritical man who tolerates the affairs of people . And he was broken by the death of a man in this capacity ….

…The roof is in a dream a woman of high rank . And it was said : A man of high rank . And whoever runs over the roof will be struck by calamity from the Sultan . And solutions on the roofs indicate in the summer time to rest and clothing and the removal of worries, anguish, diseases, and revealing secrets ….

…Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw that its roof, roof, or wall fell from the house, or it was burned, then a calamity will occur in his house ….

…And whoever sees that he is flying from one roof to another, he divorces his wife and marries another woman or buys a maid ….

…If he saw that he had dug a grave on a roof, he would live a long life ….

…And whoever thinks that what cannot be climbed is above its roof, then it is an illusion ….

…As for the plants on a roof, it is not praiseworthy, and likewise if he sees a congregation on top of it, and as for the flow of water over the surface, they will get sick as long as it is not rainy ….

…And whoever sees that Bazia sits on his roof, it indicates his accompaniment to a new king and the obtaining of good and benefit from him, and if a woman sees that Bazia hid in her tail, then she gives birth to a male boy, and if his foot is a thud, then he is interpreted as a girl ….

…And whoever prays with a people on a roof, then he prays to the people, then he will have a good reputation, in terms of fard or charity ….

…And whoever sees that the dust of his roof is gold, then he will lack his money and be exposed from his grace ….

…And whoever sees that the roof of his house is dripping with water, then he will cry for the dead or sick ….

…Whoever sees that the roof of his house is destroyed and an origin has fallen, then it is the death of its owner or owner ….

…And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer on the roof of his neighbors, he thinks badly of the people of his neighbors ….

…And whoever saw that he was calling on a roof, then he became famous because of a woman, and he was punished for that ….

…And whoever sees that he has fallen from a roof, a wall, a tree, or a mountain or the like, then the matter in which he is in is not completed for him and he does not reach what he wants by refraining from that and does not complete for him what he hopes and does not reach what he wants, and it may indicate the fall for someone who has a defect in His religion is related to his involvement in sins, seditions and misleading actions ….

And whoever saw that a concern encroached on its surface, it indicates his hospitality to a man of great destiny ….

…Surface If you see yourself on a roof in a dream, this means that you will meet unlimited success . If you dreamed that you were afraid and thought that you would fall, this means that you must cling to your position as you advance in status and responsibility . If you see a roof crumbling, then you are threatened with sudden sad news . If you dream that you are repairing a roof or building a new one, this means a new increase in your wealth . If you sleep on a roof, this means that you feel safe from enemies and false friends . Your health will be good and good ….

And whoever sees that the roof of his house is destroyed, then it is the death of its owner, and whoever sees that the roof of his house is dripping water, then he cries in it that the dead or sick occurs in it, and whoever sees that its roof falls on rain then he is poor and whoever sees that he has installed a wall, the wall is his money in his world and if he sees that it has fallen from it, then it is a living that will pass away And if he sees that he is attached to him, then his condition is in honor of the meridian as much as he can from him in his attachment, and if he sees that he pushed a wall and throws it out, a man falls out of his livelihood, and if he sees that he has fallen from a wall or a mountain or anything else, the matter that he is asking for will not be fulfilled.

…Role : The role, it is a function headed, what it came down from the demolition or narrow or capacity or good or evil, so he returned to her family and headed and its inhabitants . The walls are men, and the ceilings are women, because men are the protectors of women, because they are above them, and push them to the worst of them, so they are like strength, so what was confirmed its significance, he returned to him and worked on it . The man’s house denotes his body, his division, and himself, because he knows it and knows him. It is his glory, his memory, his name, and his family’s jacket, and it may indicate his money in which he is in shape, and perhaps it indicates his dress for his entry into it, and if it was his body, her door was his face, and if it was his wife, it was her door His relief, and if it was his world and his money, then her door was the door that he caused and his sustenance, and if it was his garment, then its door was his collar . If the door is alone, it may refer to the head of the house, and the individual who opens and closes, and the other individual may refer to it to his wife who embraces her at night, and turns away from her when entering and leaving during the day, and in which the male and the female are inferred in the form and closure, the one in which the closure is the male, and the one in it The lug is the female, his wife, because the lock inserted into the lug is male, and the total shape if it breaks apart is like a couple, and it may indicate the two sons of the owner of the house, a male and a female, and the two brothers and partners in the ownership of the house . As for the lintel of the door and its rounds, and everything that enters it with a tongue, that is for the wife and servant, and as for its lists, it may indicate male children or slaves, brothers and servants . As for his legs and the door ring, they indicate the permission of his owner, his eyebrow, and his servant, and whoever sees something of that, a decrease, an occurrence, an increase, or a novelty, this is used to the addendum by increasing the evidence and evidence of vigilance . As for the unknown house other than the known, it is the abode of the Hereafter, because God Almighty called it a house and said : “And that house is the Hereafter .” Likewise, if it is known to have a name that denotes the Hereafter, such as the abode of Uqba or the abode of peace, then whoever sees himself in it and was sick, leads to it in peace and is free from the temptation and evil of this world, and if he is not sick, then it is good news for him, according to the extent of his work, from Hajj or jihad Or asceticism, worship, knowledge, charity, connection, or patience over a calamity, inferring what he led to her, and for whose sake he preached increased vision and vigilant evidence, and if he saw with him in a dream books about which he learned, then his knowledge led him to it . And if there is a worshiper in it, then he attained his prayers, and if he had his horse and his sword, then his struggle reached it, then on the meaning, and as for awakening, he looks at the most famous of her deeds with himself and the closest in his sleep to the rest of his obedience, if they were many, then the good news was in a dream . As for the one who built a house other than his own in a known or unknown place, look at his condition, and if he is sick or has a sick person, then that is his grave, and if there is none of that, then it is a world that benefits it if it is in a known place, and if he built it with milk and clay, it was permissible and if It was made of bricks, plaster and lime, it was forbidden for the sake of the fire that kindled his work . And if he built the house in an unknown place and was not sick, if it was with milk then it is a good deed that he does for the hereafter, or he has done it . And if they are in remuneration, then they are reprehensible deeds that he regrets in the Hereafter, unless he returns to demolishing them in a dream, then he repents from them, and as for the house of unknown structure, soil, location, and individual families about the role, especially if he sees in it dead people who know them, then it is the abode of the Hereafter. His income, then he dies if he does not come out of it, and if he enters and leaves it, then he is on the verge of death and then escapes, and whoever sees that he entered a new house with complete facilities and was between the houses in a known location, if he is poor he becomes rich, and if he is rich then he becomes more rich, and if he is anxious Release him, and if he was disobedient, he repented, and according to her goodness and capacity, if he did not know her companion, if she had a companion, then it was for her owner, and if she was solid, that was permissible, and if she was plastered then that was forbidden . And the capacity of the house is the breadth and generosity of his world, its narrowness, the narrowness of his world and his miserliness, and it is found to renew his work, and to settle his religion, and as for its tightening, it is the precision of his management, and the purpose of it is his happiness, and the house is made of iron for the longevity of its owner and his state . And whoever leaves his home angry, he will be imprisoned, because God Almighty says : ~ And He has gone out of his house in anger .~ If he sees that he has entered his neighbor’s house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral person, then he is betrayed by his wife and his livelihood . Building a house for a celibate is an elevated woman he marries, and whoever sees a house from afar attains a distant world, and if he entered it from a building and mud and was not separate from the houses and houses, then it is a world that befalls her . And whoever sees his leaving the buildings, oppressed or transformed, then he is leaving his world or what he possesses according to the extent of what is indicated by the face of his exodus . It was narrated that a man from the people of Yemen came to the crossing and said : I saw as if I was in an old house of mine, and it destroyed me . He said : You find an inheritance, and soon a relative died and inherited six thousand dirhams . And another saw as if he was sitting on the roof of a house of flasks, and he had fallen from him naked, so he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : A woman from the king’s house is beautiful, but she dies sooner, and it was so . The houses of the house are the women of its owner, the styles and the raggas are men, the balconies of the house are the honor of the world and the leadership, and its treasury is its custodian of his money from the people of his house, its health is in the midst of a worldly state, its surface is his name, its elevation, and the house of the Imam al-Adl is a gap from the holes of the Muslims, and the demolition of the strengthened King’s house is a lack of his authority . The fact that the man was on an unknown roof obtained a lift and sought the help of a high-ranking man, and he asked for help . The Christians said: “Whoever saw it as if he was sweeping his house, he was stricken with grief or died suddenly, and it was said that sweeping the house is going to go away, and God knows what is right ….

…The call to prayer in a dream denotes the pilgrimage if the call to prayer is in the months of the Hajj, and it may indicate gossip in a way that stirs movement, mobility, and preparation for war, and it may indicate theft, or the height of the degree, the honorable position, the elevation and the heard word, and the wife to the single . Perhaps he indicated the correct news . And if the call to prayer other than the qiblah, or the call to prayer in a language other than Arabic, or with that was black-faced, he may tell us about lying and gossip . Perhaps this indicated the Ba`a and the Kharijites in that country . The muezzin is the caller to good, the broker, or the marriage contractor, the king’s messenger or his eyebrow, or the caller in the army, and if the woman gave permission in a dream in the minaret of the mosque, a great innovation appeared in the country, and if the young boys ’ears took over the king, especially if the call to prayer was At the wrong time . And whoever saw that he was calling on a beacon and was qualified for the state, he obtained a mandate as much as he reached his voice and ended up with him, and if he was not worthy of the state, many of his enemies became president over them, even if he was a merchant who profit in his trade . The call to prayer may indicate supplication, righteousness, obedience and doing good, or safety and deliverance from the plots of Satan . And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a well, and if he is in an unbelieving country, he calls people to the method of religion, and if he is in Muslim countries, then he is a spy, and he may have been the owner of a heresy that he calls people to . And whoever sees that he calls the call and is a Muslim, then he enjoins good . And whoever sees that he calls the call and no one answers him, then he is from a people of wrongdoers . And whoever saw that he was calling on the roof of his neighbor, he would betray his neighbor about his wife . And whoever sees that he is calling on the roof of the Kaaba, then he is a heretic or insults the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace . And whoever sees that he recites the call to prayer while lying down, then his wife provokes people and annoys people with her tongue, even if he was celibate, he married . And whoever saw that he was calling in the market, he is a thieves’ spy . And whoever saw that he was calling at the door of the Sultan, he would bear witness to truth . The call to prayer in the alleys and markets indicates a good life, and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a caravan, he is accused of stealing . The call to prayer may also indicate the departure of the partner . And whoever saw that he was calling in a place where the age of the place was destroyed and there were many people in it . And whoever saw that he was calling in the bathroom, he would have a fever . The call to prayer or raising the voice in the remembrance of God Almighty indicates closeness to the elders, especially if the call to prayer is in a beautiful voice, and people listen to it . But if the call to prayer was changed, or he was tampering with it, or he changed the remembrance of God Almighty, or if the awrah was exposed, this indicates a bad recklessness and distress . And whoever sees that he calls the call to a people gathered together, then he calls people to the truth and they are unjust . And perhaps the call to prayer indicates understanding in religion . The call to prayer may be a prayer for an order on the authority of the Sultan . And whoever sees that he is giving the call to prayer and does not memorize the takbeer and cheer, then he will be sorry for his enemy . And whoever sees that he is calling in the sky and people have answered him, then he calls people to good and they answer him . And whoever sees that he has given the call once or twice, and abides and prays according to the obligatory prayers, God Almighty will provide for him for Hajj and Umrah . And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer on a hill that has been affected by the mandate of a non-Arab man, and if he is not qualified for the state, then he will strike a profitable trade or a great craft. He calls men to reconciliation . If the permission is over a house, its family will die . And whoever sees a boy calling, then his parents are innocent of lying and falsehood . And whoever saw that he was calling for fun and play, God robbed him of his mind . Whoever hears the call to prayer in the market indicates the death of a man from the market . He who earns on a dump will invite a foolish person to reconcile, and a fool will not accept that from him ….

…Desolation indicates in a dream the dispersal of the family and their death . The destruction of the city indicates the death of its king, or his oppression, just as the king’s death indicates the destruction of the city . And whoever sees himself in ruins, he will be afflicted with arises that they cannot have . And whoever sees that a city has been destroyed by earthquakes or anything else, he shall be sentenced to death . And whoever sees a prosperous village ruined, and its farms disrupted, then misguidance or misfortune befalls its owners, and if he sees it full of power, then it is the righteousness of the religion of its people . And whoever sees the world ruined from farms and dwellings, and he sees himself in ruins, with a good form of clothes and boats, then he is a world that will lead it astray . And whoever sees the walls of the house destroyed by a torrent, then it is the death of his wife . And whoever sees that his house has fallen on it, and there is dust, then it is measles . Perhaps the fall of the roof was a disaster . And whoever sees ruin, he will return to a true building, for that is goodness in the religion of its owner, and his return from error to guidance . And whoever sees something from his house, palace, or house fall inside, and he is absent, then he should pay it . And if the wind tears down a house, then it is death in that place at the hand of an unjust ruler . And whoever sees that he demolishes a house or ancient structures, then evil will befall him . And whoever sees that his house has collapsed against him, and some of them have collapsed, then a person dies in it, or a calamity or a terrible accident befalls its owner . If a woman sees that the roof of her house has collapsed, then it is the death of her husband . And whoever sees that the cylinder of his house is broken or destroyed, then he or some of his family who are loved by him will die, as well as every break or demolition of a house or wall is a calamity . And if Sultan saw that his house had been destroyed, that would remove him anyway ….

…Seeing the call to prayer Whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a well-known place then provides for the pilgrimage. If he is one of the righteous people, and if he sees that he is calling in an unknown place in which the call to prayer is not necessary, then it is makrooh and not praiseworthy. Obedience to God Almighty and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer while he is asleep is underestimating his wife and his dependents, and whoever sees that he is giving the call to prayer at the door of his house or in the desert alone, or he calls the call to prayer, or in the middle of his home, then he dies his son or sister or on the roof of his neighbors, he thinks He thinks badly of one of the people of his neighbors or the market, as it indicates poverty and bankruptcy, and whoever sees that he calls the call to the people of his household, then it indicates the occurrence of a calamity, and likewise if the woman sees that she is giving the call to prayer and whoever sees that it increases or decreases in the call to prayer, then it is a behavior that is not the right and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in the bathroom is He is deficient in his religion and worldly life, and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a company or a caravan they are walking, then he accuses a people of stealing from it and they are innocent, and whoever sees that he calls the call to the minaret, it is the height of a place or on the top of a mountain, then he speaks truthfully about the right of the majestic destiny or in the mihrab, indicating the travel and the return of safety and the arrival of the desired On a roof, he lusted because of his wife, and his punishment for that was to Khy So whoever sees that he calls the call to a people together, then he calls people to the truth and they are unjust, and whoever sees that he hears the call to prayer, then he is lazy in prayer, and whoever sees that he hears the sound of the iqama, he indicates success to do good, and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer and does not preserve the takbeer and cheer, then he will be cursed by an enemy of him and whoever He saw a muezzin in the sky and the people answered him, so he calls people to good, so they answer him, and perhaps everyone who answers to him may perform Hajj…

…The angle of the roof If in a dream you see a person wearing a black dress, and sitting at the corner of the roof, then this means that you will encounter sudden failure and loss in your trade. You will also encounter failure in terms of emotion ….

…The planet is in a dream from the nobleness of people . Whoever sees enlightening stars in his house, a number of rulers will gather with him, and if he sees them in his house and there is no light for them, a group of the noble ones will gather in calamity . And whoever saw a planet fell from the sky to a place, a calamity occurred in that place in a man of honor . The planets are common among the sultans, and their supervision is the strongest, among the scholars the most knowledgeable, and among the common people the richest . And whoever sees his status as having many planets, he will have many offspring . And whoever sees the seven planets, the car, it indicates the industries, trade, science and the Sultanate . And whoever sees a bright planet, he will receive pleasure and joy and people are led to him . And whoever sees that the planets have gone from heaven, then his money is gone if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . If he sees planets on his head, then he will be mentioned and surpass his counterparts . If he sees that he is riding a planet, then he will gain authority, mandate, power, goodness, benefit, and presidency . And whoever sees the stars under the roof indicates the destruction of his house so that their light will be inside the house, or it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the planets, he eats of people’s money . And whoever swallowed the stars might insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . Whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from scientists . And whoever sees the stars scattered is the death of kings, or it indicates war . And whoever saw the stars falling to the ground from the sky, this indicated the destruction of many people . And whoever saw that the stars of the sky had fallen, he became bald and his hair shed . And whoever sees the planets during the day is evidence of scandals and fame . The morning planet signifies the bride’s wedding . And the small planets with weak light indicate slaves, slaves and common people . Whoever becomes a planet gets rich . And the planets that denote winter are worry and sadness, and that indicate summer life and goodness ….

…Rain : indicates God’s mercy, religion, relief, and help, knowledge, the Qur’an, and wisdom, because water is the life of creation and the goodness of the earth, and with its loss the destruction of people and cattle and the corruption of the matter on land and the sea, so how about if its water is milk, honey, or fat . It indicates fertility, prosperity, cheap prices and wealth . Because he is the reason for all of this, and he appears, and how, if it is wheat, barley, oil, dates, raisins, or dust without dust, and so on, which indicates money and livelihood, and it may indicate the needs coming down from the sky such as locusts, hail or wind, especially if it is in it Fire or its water was hot, because God, glory be to Him, expressed in His book what He had revealed to the nations of His torment with rain, such as the Almighty saying : “And we rained on them, so the rain of the warning ones .” And perhaps indicated by sedition and blood being shed, especially if its water was blood . And perhaps the ills and illnesses are indicated by smallpox and the drawing, if it is not at its time and while it is harmful to its cold and its good point, and everything that harms the earth and its vegetation from it is harmful to the bodies who were also created from it and grew in it, so what if the rain was especially in an unknown house, village or locality, and perhaps it indicated On the affliction and torment of the Sultan, such as adversaries and orders, especially if it was raining with lives, and so on . Among the evidence of torment, and perhaps evidence of medicine, reason, prevention, and vacation for travelers, craftsmen, and everyone who works under open air, because God Almighty says : ~ If there is harm in you from rain .~ Whoever saw a public rain in the country, if the people were in poor fertility, their price was cheap, either with rain as he saw it, or for its kindness, or ships that offered food . And if they were in oppression, torment and sickness, then let that go away from them if the rain was beneficial at that time, and if it was harmful or there was a stone or fire in it, multiplying what they are in, and the frequency with them according to the strength and weakness of the rain . If it was spraying, then the matter is light in evidence . And whoever sees himself in the rain or trapped under a roof or a wall, then he orders harm through speech and harm . And either he struck as much as the rain hit him, or he was hit by a drainer if he was sick, or that was his time, or the place was his place . As for what is forbidden under the wall, either he is absent from his work or from his travel or because of his illness or the cause of his poverty, or he is imprisoned in prison according to what is inferred in each aspect of it in the place in which he saw himself, and with an increase in his vision, and what is in his wakefulness, unless he has washed In the rain from impurity, or purification from it for prayer, or washing his face with its water, so his eyesight is correct, or he was washed with impurity that was on his body or his clothes, if he was an infidel, he became Muslim, and if he was an innovator or a sinner he repented, and if he was poor, God enriched him, and if he hoped A need with the Sultan or someone like him succeeded him, and he allowed him what he might need . And every kind is desirable for his kind, for he is praiseworthy, and every kind who hates his kind is hated . And Ibn Sirin said : There is no relief in the book of God Almighty if the name of rain comes, it is cloudiness, as the Almighty said : “And we rained on them with rain .” And he said : ~ And we showered stones on them .~ If it is not named Faraj rain the general public, for the verse : ~ and we went down from heaven , blessed water ~ , and said some of them : rain shows a convoy of camels, and the caravan camels show rain . And the general rain is absurd, and if he sees that the sky has rained swords, then people are afflicted with arguments and quarrels, and if it rains watermelons, they get sick, and if it rains without clouds, then he does not deny that, because the rain descends from the sky . And it was said that he was a relief from a place where there is no hope, and a livelihood from a place that does not count . The word rain and water falling and the like, is more correct in interpretation than the word rain ….

…Naous : If the dead is in it, then it is a forbidden house of wealth . And if there is nothing in it, then it is a bad man who takes refuge in a bad people . If he saw that he swept the roof of his house and took out his dirt from him, then his wife’s money was gone ….