…Whoever sees a hermaphrodite or has become by himself, it is interpreted with five aspects of non-sexual intercourse, offspring, delay in status, weakness of strength, compassion and compassion ….

…Marriage is in a dream denotes a great position . Every marriage in which semen is seen in a dream until it is necessary to wash it while awake, it is invalid, and it is not interpreted because it is a wet dream . And whoever marries his enemy, he will defeat him . And whoever marries one of his female relatives, he will enter the sanctuary . And whoever sees that he married his mother in the grave, he will die . If you see an enemy from among the infidels marrying a Muslim woman, then it is evidence of a raid . The marriage indicates the elimination of religion and the relief of worries . Whoever fuck a naked woman escaped from them . And whoever sees that he marries an adulterous woman, then he will be afflicted with a sacred world . And whoever sees that he marries among the women of Heaven, he will suffer from matters of religion . Whoever sees that he looks at a naked woman without knowing it will make a mistake . See also the secret, see sexual intercourse, and see composition ….

…Neck is the place of trust in a dream . If he sees his neck thin, then he is unjust and incapable of what he bore of trust . And whoever sees a snake folded on his neck, he does not pay zakat on his money . And if the Imam sees a thorn in his neck, then he is weak in his justice and oppression of his enemies . And whoever saw pain in his neck has abused sexual intercourse or in performing his trust . And whoever sees his neck struck by the sword, he will heal if he is sick, and if a rebellious boy strikes his neck, then he dies, because the rebellious boy is like a king . And whoever strikes his neck while he is concerned, then God will be concerned with him, and if he is owned, he will be freed, and if he is in debt, he will die, and the prisoner will also be released from prison . And the neck is the place of guardianship, testimony, will, zakat and religion . And whoever sees that his neck is smooth, fat, and fit in his body, indicates an honorable position, and if he is a witness, then he is innocent, and if he has a deposit he can get rid of or pay off his debt . And if he sees boils, pus, or liquid blood on his neck, then this indicates that his responsibility is working . If he sees a book on his neck, it indicates that he is busy with the obligation between himself and God Almighty . And if he sees a feather in his neck, then that indicates the fire . Good neck of the dead person is shown innocence . Also, the good neck of the traveler is evidence of his coming sound . And whoever sees a rope or wire of jewels or pearls on his neck, it is evidence of virtue, knowledge, and truthfulness . And if the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, saw his pinch in his neck, then he rebuked him from his poor grooming, and it may indicate the rest of the debt and the cure of illness . He who sees his neck of medium length is of good character, and if he is brave, his courage increases, and if he is of poor character, then he is generous . And the neck of the secretariats of women and the neck of the secretariats of men . And whoever sees a bird on its neck and it is white, then it is a good deed, and if it is black, then it is an ugly deed . And whoever sees a Qur’an on his neck, he is the fulfillment of the truth and the covenant and the recitation of the Holy Qur’an ….

…Pain is in a dream a remorse from guilt . Whoever sees a molar from his molars or a tooth ache, then he hears an ugly one from his relative . The soreness of the neck indicates that the owner abused sexual intercourse until it resulted from his complaints, and the neck pain may indicate that he betrayed a trust but did not perform it, and a punishment was inflicted on him . And the pain of the shoulder indicates a misfortune in his gain and hard work . Abdominal pain indicates that he spent his money in sin while he regrets, and it was said : stomach pain indicates the health of relatives and household members, and the pain of the navel indicates that it comes to treat his wife . The pain of the heart is evidence of his bad bed in matters of religion . Liver ache is evidence of abuse of the boy . The pain of the spleen is evidence of great corruption of money that was in it and that of his family and children . And if his pain became so severe that he feared death, that indicates the departure of the religion . Lung pain is an indication of the approaching term, and back pain indicates the death of the brother, and if he sees in his back a bend of pain, then it indicates lack and aging . And thigh pain indicates that he is offensive to his clan . A man’s pain indicates walking without obeying God Almighty, and it was said : A man’s pain indicates an abundance of money ….

…Maritalizing the deceased : The object with which it affects the perpetrator is good . As for the living, perhaps he may gain from his inheritance or from one of his household or his heels, and as for the house, perhaps the neighborhood may give charity to him, or his family arrives or have mercy on him . And if the dead affliction is unknown, then he lives for him a dead matter that he asks for, either a ruined land that he builds, or a demolished well that he digs, or a dead land that he plows, or a dead demand that he revives by the request and the presence of the environment and the supporters, except that his mention is weak when having sexual intercourse or lazy upon desire, then he tries to do so. And he is unable to ….

…If he sees that his woman is mocking, lying with him above what she is in her body and contradicting that, then it is a fertile year that comes upon him and he knows what he gets from her . If she is an unknown woman, then he is stronger, but her owner does not know the way he gets from the Sunnah – sexual intercourse

…With regard to neck pain : This is evidence that the owner abused sexual intercourse until a complaint was generated from him . Perhaps this vision indicated that its owner betrayed a trust and did not perform it, and a punishment from God Almighty was inflicted on him ….

…Sole : they are cruel, as for travel slippers, whoever wears them travels or travels, someone who shares his vision with him, or travels with money, and that if he walks in them in a dream . But if he wears it and he has hoped to travel, it may be completed and it may not be completed if he does not walk in it, and if he ceases to wear it or takes it off, he resides from his travel and reason through him . And if she is a slipper of water, then she is a wife or a slave-girl who benefits from her or her intercourse . As for the slippers of Taif or what merchants dispose of in the markets, it is an indication of money, acquisition, and pension . It may indicate the wife also if he walked with her during the role, bought her, or was given to him . If it is new, it is early, free, or current, and if it is old, it is worn, then it is dampened . If the sand is cut off, his livelihood is disrupted, or his industry is stagnant or hindered without an obstacle, even if his wife became angry with him and her betrayal appeared to him . And if her anklets were cut off and she was sick and perished, or disobedient, she was divorced, unless in a dream he was treated to fix it, or he promised to do that, or he settled that in himself, then she is discharged after menopause, and he reviews her after divorce . If he sees that he wore well-worn sandals and walks in them on the intended path, then he is traveling . If he wears sandals and does not walk in them, then he befalls a woman or a maid . Likewise, if he saw that he gave a shoe in his hand and took it or owned it or kept it with him in a house or a container, then he possesses a woman of what she described . If the sole is not worn, then it affects a woman or a maid, a virgin, and likewise if she is dressed and not worn . If the sole was of cowhide, the woman was foreign in origin . And if it was from horse skins, it was from the Arabs or from the Arabs loyal . Likewise if it was from camel skins . If he saw that he walked in two sandals, one of them was pulled off his leg and he went with the other, then this is the parting of a brother who has a sister or partner on the back of a journey, because when he walked in it he became in the interpretation of travel, when one of them took off his brother on the back of a journey . And if he was not a brother or a peer, and he saw his sole lost or fallen into a well or someone overpowered him, that was a case in his wife . If the sole becomes invalid after that, then his wife gets sick and then becomes healthy, or the woman has abandoned him or retired, or what is exposed to women from the same, then returns to her first state . If he saw that the sole was stolen from him and someone else wore it, then she replied to it or did not know it, then that is not good for its owner, because he assassinated his wife or slave-girl who was wearing it . If he sees that the sole has been snatched or burned until he has nothing or something like that left, then it is the death of his wife or his maid . If he sees that he has patched his sole, then he is managing his wife’s situation or having intercourse with her . If someone else patches it, there is no good in it in the naked women . If it is a slipper that is attributed to travel, then that travel is not completed . If he sees a sole without the leather of a shoe, something similar to it is despicable, or is attributed in interpretation to something other than that of the sole with a family, then the woman who is wearing it is attributed to the essence of that sole, whether it is goodness or corruption . And if it is from the soles that are attributed to a travel, then I attribute that travel to the essence of that shoe, whether good or bad, as described . And if he saw her traps, which he holds worn out or broken off weak . The state of its owner when he travels that, or in a woman treading on it is as much as the essence of the traps, its beauty, its strength and its appearance ….

…And whoever sees that he has intercourse with a Christian woman, then he will hit the sultan with money in which he is born, and it was said that the vision of the marriage indicates the pleasure of the eye and the attainment of pleasure, and perhaps the intercourse of the incest indicates the forbidden child, and perhaps the man’s marriage to his mother indicates his death in the town in which he was born even if he was absent from her. Advance from the verse, and it was said that only one who breaks his womb or falls short of their rights does not see that, and he may return after that ….

…If you get blinded by heavy drinks then this is a dream that is not in your favor, as it indicates an extravagance and the loss of a job . You will be shamed by your surrender to fraud and theft . If drunk with wine, you will be fortunate in commerce, sexual or romantic relationships, and will climb the lofty runways in literary pursuits . This dream always carries aesthetic suffering . If you see others in a drunken state, this for you or others foretells unhappy situations . Drank in all its forms cannot be counted as a good dream . This dream warns all classes to turn their thoughts to more healthy paths ….

…If you see yourself naked in a dream this is a harbinger of scandal and troubles for you . Seeing others naked in a dream means that there are evil men who tempt you to deviate from the path of righteousness . You will get sick that will lead to failure . If you dreamed that you suddenly discovered yourself naked and that you are trying to cover up, this is its interpretation that you committed forbidden pleasures contrary to your upbringing and generous upbringing, and that you are striving to correct your behavior . If a girl dreams that she admires her nudity, then this means that she will win what she asks for, but she will not gain the respect of honest people . You will gain wealth and fame for its beauty . If she dreams that she is ugly, then this means that a scandal will shake her reputation . And if she dreamed of swimming naked in clear water, she will be involved in forbidden sexual relations, but she will soon become ill and lose her beauty . And if she sees men swimming naked in clear water, this means that she will have many lovers . And if the water is cloudy, then this means that a jealous fan will cause her problems and a scandal that will destroy her ….

…If you dream that you are upset, it means that you may develop a disease that causes your impotence or that you will be associated with a sexual scandal . If you see others vomiting, it means that you will realize the falsehood and deception of the people who are asking for your help . If a woman dreamed that she vomited a chicken, it means that she will falsely grieve over the illness of her relative, and this may mean lack of success in work and distress . And if you vomit blood, know that you will soon get sick . And you will live in anxiety and sadness at home and will suffer from the inconvenience of the children and the inhabitants of the house ….

…Incest If you dream of having incestuous sex, this means that you will fall from the places of honor, and you will suffer loss at work . ~ Incest : is sexual contact between those who deny the law of marriage , including kin Kalokh and his sister , for example .~…