Snake If you dream of seeing a snake biting, and a dead friend who appears to be lying down and breathing, then rises to a sitting position when the snake attacks him, and then the two of them disappear inside some nearby bushes, this indicates that you will grieve deeply over the misfortune of friends and the loss that threatens you yourself . If you see a girl with a snake, this foretells that a deceitful person will cause her trouble . If the snake escapes from it, it will be able to defend its character from attacks against it . If a woman dreams that a dead snake is biting her, then she will suffer from the intrigues of a false friend . If you dreamed of seeing snakes, then all the evil, misery and bad money can be interpreted . And if you dream of snakes fighting and falling over each other, its interpretation is a bitter struggle with bad luck, sadness and pain . If you kill a snake in flesh, its interpretation is that you will feel that you have used and taken advantage of every possible opportunity to achieve your interests or respect the interests of others . You will rejoice over your victory over the enemies . If you walked on snakes in the dream, then explain it to you that you will live in constant fear of disease, as selfish people will seek to compete with you for your position in society . If the snake bites you it means that you will surrender to the ropes of Satan and the enemies will cause you losses in your trade . If you dreamed that a speckled snake is approaching you outside a green jungle, but you jumps away from it when it jumped on you, and after you forget the incident, you see it again approaching and increasing in size as it approaches you and then appears in the form of a quiet snake in size, if after great effort you managed to escape from it, then it is Disappear from before you, all of this is explained by the fact that you imagine that others betrayed you and rebelled against you and that things will go from bad to worse . You will become increasingly obsessed with illness and anxiety, but after breaking free from fearful illusions and performing duties aggressively, you will feel satisfied and at peace . If you dream that a snake wraps itself around you and extends its tongue to you, its interpretation that you will occupy a position in which you will be powerless and playful in the hands of the enemies and you will be ill . If you see in a dream that the hair of the head has turned into snakes, its interpretation of the occurrence of accidents that cause you sadness and anxiety . If snakes in a dream take unnatural shapes, they will run into problems and dangers that will disappear if you do not pay them attention and confront them with will and self-control . If you dreamed that you stepped on or saw a snake picking flowers or bathing, its interpretation of getting into trouble at a time when you were expecting happy events . If you see the snake biting another person, his explanation is that you will attack some friends and harm them . If you see small snakes, his interpretation that you will honor someone and improve him, then he deliberately offends you, discredits you and harms you . If you see children playing with snakes, explain that you can no longer distinguish your friends from the enemies . If a woman dreams that a child has placed a snake behind her head and that she hears the snake’s rustle and breath, its interpretation is that she will be persuaded to give up some of what she possesses for her benefit, but she will discover later that she has fallen into a plot where the enemies harm her . And if you see snakes raising their head over your friend’s head, his interpretation is that you will discover a plot to harm you and your friend . If you see a woman in a dream and the snake has fallen asleep, its interpretation is that someone will usurp your rights, but the law and influential friends will protect you ….

Snakes : they are enemies, because the accursed Satan pleaded with Adam, peace be upon him . And the enmity of every serpent according to the extent of its affliction, its bone and its mark, and it may be infidels, and the owners of heresy, because of the poison it has . Perhaps it indicated the adulterers, their bites, and their character, and perhaps life was derived from its name, such as seeing in the acres or flowing under trees, with water and torrential rains, and they likened blowing it to the water . The serpent may be a ruler, or she may be a wife and a child, because God Almighty says : “ One of your wives and your children is your enemy, so beware of them. ” And whoever kills or fights a serpent, fights an enemy . And eat its flesh, money from an enemy, pleasure and elation . And if you bite him in two halves, take justice from his enemy . And from his living word with soft and kind words, he struck a good that people would like about him, and if he saw a dead snake, then he is an enemy that God suffices for his evil without strength and power . And her eggs are the most difficult enemies, and their blacks are the most difficult . If he saw that he was a king of the great blacks of life in a group, he would lead the armies and obtain a great king . If he strikes a smooth serpent who obeys him, and neither a sneaker nor goodness hurts, then he struck a treasure of the kings’ treasures, and it may have been his grandfather if it was in this capacity . And whoever fears a snake and does not see it, then it is security for him from his enemy, and if he sees it and fears it, then it is fear, as well as all fear, and likewise everything that fears it and does not see it, and the snake’s exit from the urethra is born, and whoever enters a snake into a house deceived by his enemy, whoever sees that he took it, then he He gets money from an enemy who is safe, because God Almighty says : ~ Take it and do not fear .~ A little snake was born . And if he saw the snakes fighting in the market, war would take place and he would gain victory over the enemies . And the serpent is the authority of a silent enmity, and if he sees that a snake comes out of his remembrance once and returns to him once, then he is betraying him . And the snake is a woman, so whoever sees that he has killed a snake on his bed, his wife dies, and if he sees a snake in his neck and cuts it three pieces, then he divorces his wife three times, and the snake’s legs and fangs are the strength of the enemy and the severity of his cunning . And whoever transforms a serpent, then he transforms from one state to another, and becomes an enemy of the Muslims, and if he sees his house full of snakes he does not fear, then he harbors in his house the enemies of the Muslims, the owners of passions, and the aquatic creatures with money, and if he sees in his pocket or his sleeve a small white snake he does not fear. Because it is his grandfather, and if he sees a serpent walking behind him, then his enemy wants to deceive him, and if it walks between his hands or revolves around him, then they are enemies that mix with him and cannot harm him, and if he sees a life entering his house and leaving without harm, then they are his enemies from his household and his relatives, if he sees it Not in his home, enemies are strangers . And the flesh and fat of the snake is the money of an enemy through, and an antidote from an enemy. If he sees serpents fighting on every side, then slays a great snake from them, then he owns that town . If the slain snake was like all other serpents, then one of the king’s soldiers was killed , and if the snake was ascending at a height, he became comfortable, joyful and happy, and if he saw a serpent descending from a height, a chief died in that place . If he sees a snake emerging from the earth, then he is torment in that place . If he sees his garden full of life, then it is the garden that grows and the plant in it increases and lives . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if a snake was pursuing it and I was following it, so it entered a burrow, and in my hand a lid was placed on the burrow . He said : Are you engaged to a woman? He said : Yes . He said : You will marry her and inherit her, so he marries her and she died for seven thousand dirhams . Another saw as if his house was full of life, so he recounted his visions to Ibn Sirin and said : Fear God and do not harbor the enemy of Muslims . A woman came to him and said : O Abu Bakr, a woman saw two burrows from which whales came out. Then two men rose to them and took milk from their heads, so Ibn Sirin said : The snake does not milk milk, but rather exudes poison . And this is a woman with whom two of the leaders of the Kharijites enter, who invite her to their doctrine, but they invite her to insult the two sheikhs, may God be pleased with them . As for the life of the abdomen, they are relatives, and its exit from the man is a misfortune for the man’s neighbor ….

…Poisonous snake Seeing a poisonous snake in a dream means that you are threatened by misfortunes and afflictions . And if a snake catches up with you and attacks you, then its interpretation is that your enemies are seeking to ruin you and they are working tirelessly to do so and to remove you from your position ….

…As for seeing snakes and scorpions, whoever sees that he is fighting a snake, then he treats an enemy, and the victor over them is the victor over his owner, and the life of righteousness is stronger than the life of water, and its blackness is stronger than its eggs. And whoever sees that a snake bites it, his enemy gets him with hatred as much as a sting, and whoever sees that he killed a snake, he will gain an enemy. He is dead, because God suffices his command, and whoever sees that he is the king of a serpent he does not fear, then he strikes power as much as that serpent in serpents, and if the serpent is of gold or has images on it, then he has great authority, and if it is small white and he owns it, then he is his grandfather who seeks him, and if he does not own it then he is a weak enemy And the small snake is an enemy of the family and others, and whoever sees in his hands a snake seeking and catches it in his hand, he is safe from what he fears and whoever sees that he fears a snake and does not see it, then this is safe for him from his enemy. If he inspects it, then he will be affected by fear of his enemy and without harm from him. He sees something that wonders about him and gets a lot of good, and whoever sees life in the hollows of houses, they are enemies of women and relatives, and if he sees snakes outside the houses, they are enemies from the far-flung, and whoever sees a snake in his house or on his bed, then his wife is an enemy to him, and whoever sees that a snake comes out of his nose or his back or His urethra, it gives birth to a boy and I If it comes out from his ear, belly, or anus, then there is an enemy in his family that comes out of him….

And whoever sees that he has owned a snake, then he will strike a great authority, and whoever sees that a snake has a remembrance of him, his wife will die.

…And whoever sees a snake that leaves his collar or his back and enters the earth, it shall be interpreted by the expiration of his life, and the snake’s eggs shall be interpreted by a weak enemy ….

…And whoever sees that he killed a snake and raised it with his hand or divided it and raised it, then he decides to gain victory over the enemies and take their money ….

…And whoever sees that he has killed a snake on his pillow or bed, it shall be interpreted by the death of his wife ….

…And whoever sees a snake that came out of his ear, his navel, or his anus, it is interpreted by the enmity of his children to him ….

…And whoever sees a snake that comes out of his mouth, it is interpreted as a sinful occurrence from words he speaks, and harmful occurrence ….

…And whoever sees that a snake bites him, he shall interpret something wrong from his enemy ….

…And whoever sees that he owns a snake and is not afraid of it, then he will gain a height of height, and if it is a small white, then it is devolved by his grandfather in his work and it was said that a small serpent of any color was devolved on two faces as a weak enemy or an enemy of his family ….

…And whoever sees a snake with fangs and horns, it devolves into a huge, vengeful enemy who exaggerates evil, let him beware ….

…Whoever drinks from snake milk does a work that pleases God . It was said that he who drank it got relief and escaped affliction . – It does not have milk at all…

…And whoever sees that a fire, a scorpion, a snake, or a stone descended from heaven indicates that the torment of God has descended on that place ….

…And whoever sees a snake and has a king, he has a position ….

…And whoever sees that he has hit an unarmed cattle snake, he will be hit with money ….

…And whoever sees that the snake has taken himself up, he shall interpret the fornication of his wife ….

…And whoever sees a snake that has entered his mouth will receive great knowledge ….

…And the meat of the snake devolves from the enemy’s money, and eating from it conquers it ….

…Dreaming of snakes denotes a disease that requires care and attention, as well as depressing and sad environments . This dream is usually followed by frustration ….

And whoever sees a serpent that descends to a place, it shall interpret the death of the ruler of that place ….

And whoever sees a serpent rising in the air to a high place, he will be pleased ….

He saw that his body was a living body, as it showed what conceals enmity ….

…The snake indicates in a dream about the valley man . Perhaps it indicated hostility from parents, husbands and children, and perhaps he was an envious, evil neighbor . The water snake is an aid to the oppressor or flags for the ruler . And whoever sees that he owns a snake, then he will have great authority ….

…Torrent, the state and life . And whoever sees that he has killed a serpent, then he will marry a woman, and whoever sees that the serpent has left a house, destroyed the house, and annihilates its people . And whoever sees life come out of his mouth, and he is sick, he will die . And whoever sees a serpent entering his mouth, he will defeat his enemy . And whoever sees that a snake came out from his nose or from his back, he will have a son . And if it comes out of his ear or his stomach, he commits a sin . And belly snakes refer to relatives, so whoever sees any of these snakes, then he leaves someone who eats it . Whoever sees that he throws snakes from his seat in his hand, he will suffer a calamity on the part of his relatives and his family . Homes are neighbors . The lives of the Badia are bandits . And living is evil and envy, fraud and deception, deception and pretense of enmity . Yel, the state, and life . And whoever sees that he has killed a serpent, then he will marry a woman, and whoever sees that the serpent has left a house, destroyed the house, and annihilates its people . And whoever sees life come out of his mouth, and he is sick, he will die . And whoever sees a snake entering his mouth, he will defeat his enemy . And whoever sees that a snake came out from his nose or from his back, he will have a son . And if it comes out of his ear or his stomach, he commits a sin . And belly snakes refer to relatives, so whoever sees any of these snakes, then he leaves someone who eats it . Whoever sees that he throws snakes from his seat in his hand, he will suffer a calamity on the part of his relatives and his household . Homes are neighbors . The lives of the Badia are bandits . And the living is evil and envy, fraud and deception, deception and pretense of enmity ….

…If you dreamed of Adam and Eve, this foretells that an eventful event will steal from you hope for success in your affairs . To see them in heaven while Adam covered his nakedness with a fig leaf while Eve was completely naked except for an oriental colored snake adorning its waist and stomach, this symbolizes that treachery and false faith will unite to topple your luck . As for seeing or hearing Eve chatting with a snake, this foretells that shrewd women will lead you to a dream about losing your fortune and your reputation ….

…Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees a white snake and raises it, then it is interpreted by an orderly outcome, and if the snake is black and around it is a young life, then it is interpreted by increasing the chick and black dirt, and if it is green, it is interpreted by two enemies, so let him guard against them ….

…What about seeing snakes and snakes , and does it have a specific meaning? Seeing snakes in general is very frightening, and they are the seventh of man, and man is seven, so fear him and fear them, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, permitted us to kill them in the solution and the forbidden in the hadith of five people who are killed in the solution and the forbidden, and he mentioned them in one of the narrations : the snake . For the writer of these lines, the meanings of seeing snakes vary, according to the time of the visions. In summer or winter, seeing it in the winter may be lighter, but it may be an indication of an improvement in the medical or pathological condition of the seeker, and everyone knows the link between the serpent and the medicine, and it may be an indication of healing from witchcraft, and the link between the serpent and magic is clear, and I mean the magic of magicians when The ropes became as if they were life, so Moses nullified their magic with a real serpent, and so let you know, O crossing, that seeing the serpent in the winter in particular may signify healing from magic ! And I know that you may be surprised by this talk, but this is the truth that I reached after consideration, analysis and study . Snakes in winter may be a sign of rain, and this deduction from their linguistic meaning, for they are alive and water, God made every living thing for us from it, and contemplate the word alive ! Seeing young snakes may have a pleasant meaning for a married woman, which is that she will become pregnant and then give birth, for small life is a metaphor for the existence of the soul or life of a new small being, which is this little newborn who will be born with the permission of God …. Here is a symbol like this, it may fear its owner, but And as you notice, its meaning is delightful . Long serpents in particular, may be a symbol of the intestine and the comfort or sickness that is going on in it, or it may be a symbol of relatives, and it may be the time of vision. Summer or winter is the biggest role for defining the meaning, whether it is good or bad, because the serpent is in summer and often has a bad meaning, and in winter it often has a good meaning, and it remains a matter of rendering the appropriate meaning to the vision, according to the information of its owner, on the crossing, and each and its subtlety . As for killing a snake , then it is Mahmoud in the summer , and it may indicate the fulfillment of a debt , or the end of the test and deliberation fights , and it may indicate the end of enmity with a relative , and it may be an indication of getting rid of forbidden treatment , or forbidden behavior , whether verbal or verbal , and it may be the disappearance A problem with one of the children , or of one of the children , and it may mean ending a beneficial treatment . And vice versa in the winter, killing her may have bad meanings in most cases , such as : cutting a womb and a quarrel between relatives , cutting a treatment program , interruption or cutting it , squandering money or spending , neglecting the dependents of a boy or wife , and it remains to say : that every vision has her circumstances , according to the rest of the symbols , and so it is quite different on the vision to another depending on these variables , and what matters this writer the lines not to link the vision of serpents , and the signs of alarming , such as : eye – catching or magic or disease , and other ….

…Leather is a man’s jacket, and I left him with his money in his life and death . And whoever sees in a dream as if his skin is flayed as a sheep is flayed, then it indicates his death if he was sick, and if he was free from diseases then it is poor and it is revealed . Fatness in the body is the strength of religion and faith . If he sees his body as a snake’s body, then he shows what conceals enmity . And the skin is a protection for humans and others, and a person is about his father and mother, his power and money, his home and his clothes, his wife and his land, his well-being and his sickness, his expression and his faith . The flogging of a person may refer to his enemy and his friend who sleeps over it, for he will testify against its owner on the Day of Resurrection . Perhaps the skin indicates patience and stubbornness in matters . Whoever sees his skin beautifully in a dream indicates goodness, comfort, and healing from diseases . If he is dead and his skin is seen fine, he indicates that he is in the bliss of Paradise, and if he sees it as thick or black, he indicates that he is in torment . And darkening of the skin in a dream indicates leaving religion . To whom is a gift a Nubian boy is given a lamb of charcoal . And whoever sees black women supervising him, the good that he oversees for seeing them is many honorable, but they are of the enemy . And blush . In interpretation, relevance and relief . And it was said : If it was white with the red, the owner would gain glory . And zero . Color is satisfactory . And whoever is black and sees in a dream that he is white, he will suffer weakness, humiliation and distress . If he sees that his body and face are red, then he will be long carefree . The skins of other animals are an inheritance . And it was said : Leather houses that belong to it . And if the king flakes the skins of people, then he oppresses them, and takes their money . And whoever strips the skin of a poet, he steals his hair from him ….