…The stairs : It indicates the reasons for the high, the elevation and the desire in this world and the hereafter, according to Maarrib saying : the degree of so-and-so has risen, and so-and-so is of high rank . And it indicates the dictation and persuasion of the Almighty saying : ~We will draw them from where they do not know .~ Perhaps it indicated the stages of travel and the homes of the travelers that they descend on the status of the status and the stage of the stage . Perhaps indicated by the days of life leading to his goal . The well-known of it indicates the servant of the house and the servant of its owner and his animal, so whoever ascends an unknown stairway, I will look into his matter, and if he reaches the end of it and he is sick, he will die. If he enters a room above it, his soul has reached heaven, and if he is imprisoned without it he will be withheld from it after death. A journey that he went out to his face and reached the livelihood if his travel was in money, and if it was for other than that, I inferred what he led or met at the time of his ascension, which indicates good and evil and the fulfillment and deficiency of needs, such as if he met forty men or found dinars on this number, then this is good news Exactly what he came out to, and if the number was thirty, he did not do that, because the thirty was short, and the forty was complete, it was completed by God Almighty for Moses with hardship, even if he found three and his departure was in a promise that was made to him, because God Almighty said in the three : “ This is a promise that is not false .” Likewise, if he authorized his emergence and his departure to the Hajj, his Hajj was completed for him, and if he did not hope for anything of that, and he did not see that in the months of the Hajj, he would attain authority and elevation, either through a state, a fatwa, oratory, or the call to prayer on the lighthouse, or it escapes from the famous high-profile matters . As for going down the stairs, if he was traveling, he came from a journey, and if he was mentioned as a leader, he would leave his leadership . And he was isolated from his work, and if he was a rider, he walked on foot, and if he had a sick woman, she would perish, and if he was the patient she looked, and if he was going to a well-known place, or to his family and his house, or to a lot of straw or barley, or to what is evidence of world money and its offerings He recovered from her illness . And if his descent was from an unknown place that he does not know, or a wilderness, or to a dead people whom he knew from those who preceded him, or his fall was a rupture, or he fell from it into a hole or well or buried, or to a lion that devoured it, or to a bird that he kidnapped, or to a moored ship that took off it Or, to a huddle over her, and she walked him, for the stairs are the days of his life, and all that was sent down to him from them is his death when it was completed and his days expired . If he was sound awake from sickness, and he was a tyrant or an unbeliever, then I looked at what was revealed to him, and if it indicates goodness such as the mosque, fertility, kindergarten, ablution, and the like, then he is safe and repents, and he descends from what he is and leaves it and cuts him off even if his descent is against that which indicates great greatness And major sins and disbelief, such as arrogance and frightening great fire, lion, serpents, and great pitfalls, for it is drawn to him and is not taken suddenly until what perishes in it is returned to him, and he is punished with him and is unable to flee from it . The building of the stairs was renewed, as evidence for goodness is evidenced by its corruption, if it was from milk it was good, and if it was from bricks, it was disliked . Some of them said : The degree is to do good deeds, the first being prayer, the second is fasting, the third is Zakat, the fourth is charity, the fifth is Hajj, the sixth is jihad, and the seventh is the Qur’an . And all of the Maraqi are good deeds, because he, peace and blessings be upon him, said : Read and soften : Ascending from it if it is of clay or milk, is good in religion and Islam, and there is no good in it if it is from bricks, and if he sees that he is in a room without a margarine and there is no peace in it, then it is the perfection of his religion and the height His rank with God, because God Almighty says : ~ We raise degrees of what we desire .~ The clay pots are made of clay . The governor has elevation and pride with debt, and merchants trade with religion, even if it is made of stones, for it is the elevation of hardness of heart . And if it is of wood, then it is with hypocrisy and hypocrisy . If it is of gold, then it obtains state, fertility and goodness . And if it was of silver, then he would obtain my maid with the number of every margarine, and if it was of zero, then he would obtain the goods of this world . Whoever ascends Marqa will benefit from an understanding and acumen that will raise it . And the degree was said to be an ascetic man who worshiped, and whoever was close to him would attain elevation and asceticism, for the Almighty said : “ God exalts those among you who believe, and those who have attained knowledge by degrees .” And every degree for the governor is a year . And the ladder of wood : a thin, hypocritical man, and ascending in it is a building with intention, because God Almighty says : ~ Or a ladder in the sky, and you would invoke them with a sign .~ It was said that the ascension involves the help of a people with hypocrisy, and it was said that it is a travel guide . If he ascends in it to hear the words of a person, then he strikes authority when he said : ~ Or have a ladder in which they listen, let their hearers come with a clear authority .~ A man said to Ibn Sirin : I saw as if I was on a staircase, so he said : You are a man listening to people . Peace on earth is a disease, and its erection is health . Taq : Wide is evidence of a woman’s good manners, and narrow is evidence of her bad manners . If a man sees that he is sitting in a narrow band, then he divorces his wife openly, and if his position on the band is wide, then the woman is secretly released from her husband . The capacity is a president approved by the household ….
Dreaming about stairway
(2 interpretations and meanings of dreams about stairway)…He denotes in a dream the causes of high and elevation, and the desire in this world and the hereafter, and perhaps indicates the stages of travel, the travelers’ homes that they take to the status of status and the stage of the stage, and perhaps the days of life leading to the end, and it may indicate the servant of the house, and the servant . Whoever climbs an unknown stairway, reaches the end of it, and is sick, he will die . As for going down the stairs, if he was a traveler, he came from a journey, and if he was a president, he stepped down from his presidency and was dismissed from his work, and if he was a rider who walked on his feet, and if he had a sick woman who perished, then he went down on her if he was the patient and if he was going to a known place or to his family And his house recovered from his misfortune, and if his descent was to an unknown place that he did not know, or to a dead people that he knew, then as mentioned above, and if his fall into a hole or a buried well to a lion that devoured it or to a bird that kidnapped him, then the stairs are the days of his life . And the drawer if it was of milk was good, and if it was from the reward, it was disliked . Some of them said : Direction is good deeds, the first of which is prayer, the second is fasting, the third is Zakat, the fourth is charity, the fifth is Hajj, the sixth is jihad, and the seventh is the Qur’an . And all the dregs are in good deeds if they are of clay or milk, and there is no good in them if they are of brick . And the sprawling in the mud is for the saint an elevation and pride with a debt, and for trade a profit with a debt, and if it is of stones, then it is an exaltation with a cruelty of heart, and if it is of wood, then it is an elevation with hypocrisy and hypocrisy, and if it is of gold, then its owner obtains his state, fertility and goodness, and if it is silver, he will receive Adjacent to me the number of each promoter, and if it is small, it will obtain the goods of this world . And whoever ascends Maraqah will benefit from understanding and acumen that will raise them both . And it was said : The degree is an ascetic man who is worshiping, and whoever approaches him will attain a high status and asceticism . And every degree for the governor is the state . And the built stairs indicate facilitating things . And if the wooden stairs became a structure, it indicated steadfastness in matters, and you would conceal what it is hoped would be . And ascending the stairs is an elevation that is attained gradually . And grades are homes in Heaven . And whoever ascends the stairs after that, he will live for years over their number . And the five levels are the five daily prayers, so whatever happened in them is in the prayers ….