…Store Seeing a storehouse in a dream indicates that you will clash in every attempt and every endeavor that you make with cunning and envious friends. If in a dream you see a store full of goods, this predicts the prosperity of the situation and success . If the store is empty, this predicts failure and problems . If you see your store burning, this predicts vitality and activity at work and pleasant times . If you are in a large store ~ supermarket ~ then this foretells that you will reap profits from multiple sources and you will live happily ever after . If you dreamed that you sold goods in a supermarket, this foretells that your concern, activity and helping friends will bring you success and prosperity ….
Dreaming about store
(30 interpretations and meanings of dreams about store)…He is in a dream the man’s wife and son, his death and his life, his wealth and honor, his mother and his animal, and his secret. If his shop collapses in a dream, he divorces his wife, or his son is gone, or he dies if he is sick, or lost his money or sold his slave or died, or his secret appeared . And if he saw his shop fresh and smelling good, and if he was single, he married a good woman or had a son, and if he was sick, he would recover from his illness and prolonged his life, and he might increase his worth and widen his presence, or he bought a beautiful nation or a luxurious animal . Perhaps the store indicated the father and the mother, because they were the reason for finding and feeding him . What was known in his shop, whether an increase or a decrease, or a novelty or a demolition, is due to the person who pointed it to the store . And whoever saw that he sat in a store, he would benefit from good . And whoever saw that his shop was destroyed and his father, mother, or wife was in a state of illness, then the patient would die . The shop is the man’s livelihood and his marriage . And whoever wants to sweep his shop, he will move from it . And whoever sees that he breaks the door of his shop, he will turn away from it . If he sees the doors of the shops closed, the recession will spread, and if he sees their doors open, God will facilitate the paths of commerce ….
…The store : denotes every place in which a person benefits from interest in his world and other things, such as his orchard, his feddan, his palm tree, his wife, his father and his mother, or his book, from the words of the public to whomever adopted a place of interest, make it his shop . Whoever saw his shop was destroyed, if his father was sick, he died, because he made his living from him . And if his mother was sick, she would perish, because she was raising him with her milk and fortifying it with her livelihood . And his wife was pregnant or ill, she died because she is his worldly life, his pleasure and his pleasure, and whoever is in her womb is his water, and his son is his money in interpretation . If none of that, then his livelihood becomes difficult and the places in which his strength are obstructed for him . And whoever sees that he breaks the door of the store, he turns from it . If he saw the doors of the shops closed, their luggage was depressed and their business closed . If he sees their doors blocked, they will die and the memory of them will be gone . If he saw it opened, it would open the doors of trade for them ….
…Al-Raha : The mill denotes the livelihood of its owner and his store, and everyone who lives with him or whoever serves him and fixes his food and marries him from a wife and a slave . Perhaps it indicated travel to its rotation, and perhaps it indicated the epidemic and the war to crush it . Arabs and poets often express it from them, so whoever buys a mercy gets married if he is celibate, or his daughter’s husband or son, or buys a servant for intercourse or for service, or travels if he is a traveler, and if he is poor, he will benefit from what is sufficient, because Al-Raha only needs it Who has what to grind in it . As for the one who sets up a mill in which to grind people on water, sea or other things, he opens a shop or a store if he does not have a store, and generates his livelihood in it if he has been unable to, or he sits for people with the help of a ruler of government, benefit or trust, and he has a sense of the people . As for the one who takes the flour in his hand, he will marry, be comfortable, or have intercourse, because the two stones are like the couple, and the suture is like the male and the infirm . And if she was without a pole, then sexual intercourse was forbidden, and two women may be disgusting, and if he did not have any of that, then perhaps he mediates the contract between a couple or two partners, or he travels seeking sustenance . As for the great ravages if they are seen in the middle of the city or in the mosques, if it is a country of war, then it is war, especially if it is grinding fire or rock . Otherwise, it was a mill, especially if the ground was exempt barley, or water, mud and lean meat . Some of them said : Al- Raha on the water, a man with a lot of money flowing on his hands, a caretaker of affairs, and whoever sought refuge in him, his good grandfather saw a wind turning, a good amount of flour . And the stream of water that enters Al-Raha from the direction of this mentioned . Perhaps it was al-Raha if it was a journey . If it goes without wheat, then it is riot, and if it turns crooked, the food will be boiled . Two ruthless men are partners that no one else is prepared to fix . It was narrated that a man saw as if he was turning without water, so he told his vision on a crossing, and he said : Your life has come close . The wind left an argument that does not survive . And the brokenness of the raha is different in its interpretation, some of them indicate the relief of the owner of the worries, and some of them said it indicates the death of its owner . And whoever sees him grinding up, he will be better off the hard work of others . Al-Raha denotes war, because the Arabs say that there is war ….
…Dunghill : it is the minimum, and its resemblance to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him when he stood them . Dust is water, because it is from the soil of the earth, and the curiosity of what the creation disposes of and live with, including bones, clay, kernels, straw and the like, which is in interpretation, money . Whoever sees himself on an unimpeded dumpster, look at his condition and what is appropriate for him in his deeds, and if he is sick or afraid of perishing due to any of the causes, herald him for salvation, or for rising to the world that is similar to the dump . If he sees that, a poor person becomes rich after his poverty, and earns money after his need, even if he has someone who hopes for his inheritance, he inherits it, because the dung is from the collection of others and not from his earnings . A garbage dump is like money collected from here and from here without piety or slaughter, because of the abundance of what it contains from confusion, dirt and filth . If he was single, he married . The shovels were their stubble and straw from every side, and they were bought from everywhere, and borrowed from every home . If not, then the garbage store is his store and store, and it is not negligible that he is a money changer, khimar, or whimper, or someone who treats servants and a profession like an oven . And if it is appropriate for him to judge, the king, the collection and the arrest of people, he is responsible for that, and the money comes to him, and the benefits are given to him, the liable and the inheritance, because the dung is not brought to the dump, except after sweeping . Sweeping indicates fine, perdition and death . Perhaps the garbage dump belongs to the king, the house of his money, and the judge has a trustworthy house and the owner of his deposits . As for the one who reads over a dump, if he is a ruler, he is isolated, if he is sick, he dies, and if he is poor, then he becomes poor ….
…The store If a store is seen in a dream at the door of the house, then she is a friend of the woman of the house owner, or the visionary . And whoever sees that he is sitting in a store, he will receive the mandate, honor, rank and grace if he is qualified for that ….
…The Fund : a woman or a slave girl . Al-Qayrawani mentioned the box in his own language and called it the coffin, and said that it indicates his house, his wife, his store, his chest and his store, as well as the threshold . So what was seen in him or went out of him to him, he saw him in terms of good or evil according to the extent of the essence of the incident, because there is a house in which a spoil entered his chest . If his wife is pregnant, she gives birth to a son . And if he had merchandise he lost or regretted in this way ….
…A vision of her father’s treasure 81 – He said : A man told me that I don’t think of it as a lie. He said : A woman from the people of this world hired me to demolish her house and build it with a known money. So when I took the demolition, she and whoever was with her was obliged to do so, so I said : By God, I have my money in this house, but my father died and was left We did not find much for him, so I was afraid that his money was buried, so I proceeded to demolish the house in order to find something. Some of the people who attended said to her : You have missed what is easier for you than this . She said : What is it? He said : So if you go to a machine and ask him if I will bring you your story tonight, so perhaps he will see your father and tell you where his money is, without fatigue or cost, so I went to him and then returned and claimed that he wrote her name and her father’s name with him. When he came from the next day to work and the woman came from the man and said : The man told me I saw Your father saying the money in the recess , he said : So we made digging under the recess and its sides until a crack came to me, and if the money was in it , he said : We took in astonishment and the woman underestimated what I found and said : My father’s money was more than this, but I went back to him , so she went and I told him then I asked him to return . it was tomorrow came and said : he told her that your father tells you Ahfra under Jabiya quadrangle that in the oil store , said : she opened the store . If Bjabah square the in corner Vazlnaha and dug beneath it and found Cozza great Vokzth then as long as their greed for recidivism and I did so she went back from him , and the gloom She said : He claimed that he saw him while telling him, “I took what was destined for her.” As for what remained, a goblin from the jinn sat on him guarding me from him….
…And whoever sees that he sat in a store and was qualified for the state, then he assumes a position, and whenever the store is raised, it is praiseworthy ….
…Water Minister : It is love that indicates the values of the house, and indicates its store and store and its wife who carries water, and the kinship is indicative in a manner indicated by it ….
…Al-Salmi said the dipper is a bag, a store, a house of money, a store, a seat, a rest and a destination ….
…In a dream, she is a person who keeps secrets of people, keeps their deposits, and blesses them with good . And El Gouna server stores money . It may denote an adulterous woman and interpret every false one according to her, and she is love and the minister, and it indicates the values of the house or its store or store, and its pregnant wife . The proximity of the water is a function as indicated by the Zir . The cottage is a free woman, and drinking from her is money to be used from it, so whoever sees that he drew water and poured it into a cottage, he is cheating on money deposited by a woman . And the wine cache is the affliction of a treasure, and love, if there is water in it, is a rich and filled woman . And if the love of water is in the water wheel, then he is a man of great money who spends much for the sake of God . Love, if there is vinegar in it, then it is a man of piety, and if it is in it, then it is a sick man . And whoever saw Khabiyeh was broken with his hand, he divorced his wife ….
…The abdomen : He who is visible and from the inside, he is a mother, a boy, or a relative of his clan . If he sees that he is tender in the stomach and nothing detracts from his character, then his wealth or his son will be less if his emptiness is without hunger . And if he sees that he is hungry, then he will be anxious and hungry, and he will strike money according to the amount and strength of hunger . Satisfaction is his pleasure, thirst is bad in his religion, and irrigation is good in his religion . The stomach also indicates the store of a person and the location of his yields, for the combination of his food in it and his disposal of it for interests and expenses . Perhaps his stomach was his home or his home, his wife’s roundabout, his son’s liver, his father’s heart, his servant’s and daughter’s lungs, his paw his sack or his shop or his store, and his throat was his life, his nerve and his gang ….
…Mosques : The mosque denotes the Hereafter because it is sought in it, just as the garbage dump indicates the world, and it indicates the Kaaba because it is the house of God, and it indicates the places that combine wind, benefit, reward and help, such as the house of the ruler, the circle of remembrance, the season, the ribat, the field of war, and the market because it is the market for the hereafter . Then every mosque indicates its manner in its size, fame and essence . Whoever builds a mosque in a dream, and if he is worthy of the judiciary, he will obtain it, and likewise if it is a subject of the fatwa and he may indicate in the world a useful work of classification, and in the papers to a Qur’an he writes, and in the bachelors on marriage and marriage, and for the students of money and the world on a building that he builds on which the yields and the benefits of which last. Such as the bathroom, the hotel, the store, the oven, the ship, and the like, because of the current reward in the mosque with the abundance of profits in it in congregational prayer, and people come to it from every side, and enter it without permission . And whoever in his awakening influenced the world and its money, or was influencing its afterlife on its urgency, the winning proverbs returned to the profits and benefits in this world for him, or to the hereafter and the reward in the future which is his demand in his awakening . As for the one who demolishes a mosque, he is going against the one who built it, and he may infer the vulgarity of his situation by the one who builds it in its place or makes it happen in its place after demolishing it, so if he builds a store he favors the world over the Hereafter, and if he builds a bath, his debt is corrupted because of a woman, and if he digs a hole in its place, he is sinning Whoever is a compulsive deceit, or for the sake of a group that separated him from knowledge, goodness and deeds, or for the sake of a ruler who dismissed him, or a righteous man who killed him, or a place in which he had a vacation or a contract marriage, he corrupted and invalidated him . And if he sees himself stripped of clothes in a mosque, he will be stripped of what is appropriate for him from the signs of the mosque, and if that is during the days of Hajj, then he will perform Hajj, God willing, especially if he is giving the call to prayer, and if he is guilty, he goes out of what he is in to repentance and obedience, and if he prays in it on the basis of repentance and obedience. A situation other than the direction of the direction of prayer in the face of the storm, because he is devoted to seeking the world in a market of markets and a season of seasons, in which he is deprived of what he hoped for, and in it he loses everything that he bought and sold, due to the corruption of his prayer and the loss of his labor . This may indicate the corruption of what is included in his negligence of the forbidden and usury if it is met by it .. As for the Sacred Mosque, it indicates the pilgrimage to those who deny it or give permission, even if that is not in the days of Hajj with its essence in that and its evidence, because the Kaaba that the pilgrimage is in it . It may denote the forbidden house of the Sultan who wants it from whose income he is safe, the house of the world, the mosque of Medina, and the great market of great and forbidden affairs, such as the exchange market and the goldsmiths because of the large number of inquiries that are required in it and what enters into its people of forbidden, shortage and sin, as well as all the forbidden by what is human in it The guardian is required to avoid doing forbidden things, from trespassing on animals, and from causing harm ….
…It is in a dream expressed by the husband and money . Whoever sees his rectum blocked, he will die . The dogwood is a servile man . And it was said : He is a man of a horn and a drummer . And it was said : It is some of the incest . And it was said : He is a man who keeps secrets . And whoever sees a man’s calf, he will gain an arrangement from him . And who cut off his anus, cut a uterus . And whoever sees a person’s anus, then he sees a frowning face, and if blood or faeces came out of it, money came out of it according to that . The exit of faeces from other than the usual position, the exit of money in no interest . And it was said : The back passage is a foolish man, and the unknown woman has arranged the management of the world for the one he saw . And whoever sees the worms come out of his anus, his children are separated . If the blood comes out of the backside, it is the children of children . And whoever is stained with blood that came out of it, money is forbidden . And whoever came out of his anus or stomach with a rag, he separated a single people, who ate from the money for his family . A man’s bag, chest, store, house, store, or boardroom . And perhaps the back passage in a dream refers to what he engages in while awake, such as knives, trousers, or mats on which he sits, or on which he rides on an animal or saddle . Perhaps it indicated the obedience and disobedience of its owner, and perhaps it indicated the door of its secret or its direct servant of its dirt, and perhaps it indicated the care of mourning, and it indicates the gutter that goes with the dirt of the house, and the paddle indicates the desolate house that no one visits, or the muddy land that no one cultivates , And no one reaps it, and it indicates a man who turns away from people because of his evil and ignorance, or the place of heresy and immorality, and perhaps the back passage points to the fading mouth, and indicates the joys and pleasure, and if he who had a hand appeared in a dream a bad increase, he indicated that he was planning to creep in to fight . And whoever sees that a peacock emerged from his anus, and a beautiful girl was born to him, and if a fish came out, an ugly girl was born to him, and if it was worms or lice, then he was separated from his relatives, and if he came out of him like snakes, then they are strangers in any case ….
The anus is the bag of its owner, its store, its store house and its seat, and whoever sees in it something that adorns it or disgraces it, then its expression in that and whoever sees that it comes out of his anus that which is not necessary or enters into it like it is not good in it, and whoever sees that it smells a fragrant smell of it, then it is a praise and a beautiful remembrance of it, and if he sees against that, his silver
…A zeer denotes in a dream the wife, the custodian of the house, his store, or his store, and his pregnant wife ….
…The mosque is in a dream a scientist man . And whoever sees that he builds a mosque, this indicates good and Sunnah, ties of kinship, and assumption of justice if he is qualified for that . And whoever sees a well-functioning mosque is a man who gathers people with him and composes among them in goodness and goodness . And if he sees a mosque that has been destroyed, then he will die there, a chief scholar who possesses a religion and asceticism . If he sees that an unknown man prays in the mosque and the imam of the mosque is sick, he will die . And if he saw that his house was transformed into a mosque, he would strike righteousness, asceticism and honor . And if he sees that a mosque has turned a dove, then a hidden man abhors . And the mosque indicates the market and trade . Whoever builds a mosque as a sacrifice to God Almighty establishes the truth, enjoins good and forbids evil, and if he is a scholar who composes a book, then people benefit from his knowledge, and if he is rich he pays the zakat of his money, and if he is celibate, he married, and if he was married, he had a son, and his good remembrance was spread, and if he was poor Get rid of, and only gather people in goodness, and help them obey God . If he builds it in a way that it is not permissible to build, or if the mihrāb deviates from it to another direction, then it indicates evil . He felt that it builds a mosque Atvgah in religion or pilgrimage, or build lasts like a bath or a hotel or shop or otherwise . And whoever sees that he roofs a mosque, he supports an orphan, and if he increases in the mosque, then he increases his debt from a good deed or good manners . If the store moved and became a mosque, it indicated the permissible earnings, or the permissible was mixed with the forbidden, or the silk was combined with only water . And the abandoned mosques indicate the negligence of scholars, the nullification of the enjoining the good and the forbidding of evil, and it indicates the asceticism that is cut off from the world, and whoever sees that he entered the door of the mosque, prides in prostration, then he is blessed with repentance, the Almighty said : (And enter the door in prostration and say, we forgive your sins ). And whoever sees that he arrives at the mosque and finds it closed and opens it to him, then he appoints a man in debt and saves him from it and improves his praise with the people, and whoever sees that he entered the mosque while he is a passenger then cuts off his kinship himself, he prevents them from supporting him . And whoever sees that he dies in the mosque indicates victory over the enemies, because God Almighty says : (He said : Those who have wronged their order, let us use them as a mosque ) , and entering the Grand Mosque in Mecca indicates security from fear and sincerity of promise . See also Al-Jami` ….
…Donkey If you dream that a donkey is biting in your face, this indicates that a corrupt and corrupt person will insult you socially . If you hear a distant brawl filling the space with sadness and gloom, then you will receive wealth and be freed from the hateful chains with the death of someone close to you . If you see yourself riding a donkey, you will visit strange countries and make discoveries in difficult places to cross . If you see others riding on donkeys, this indicates that they will receive a small legacy and their lives will be difficult . And if you dreamed that a number of old patriarchs were traveling on donkeys, then this indicates that the influence of Christianity will prevent you from recklessly pushing you to transcend human rights and duties towards man . If you drive a donkey, this indicates that you will devote all your energies and courage to facing the desperate attempt of your enemies to defeat you . But if you are in love, an evil woman will cause you trouble . If a donkey kicks you, this means that you are in forbidden prayers that worry you a lot, and you will be afraid of betrayal . If you dreamed that you were pulling a donkey from its collar, then this means that you will possess the reins of affairs and seduce women with your distinctive way of complimenting . If you see children riding on donkeys, this indicates that they will be healthy and obedient . If you fall from a donkey or a donkey meets you on the ground, then this indicates bad luck and disappointment in worldly matters, or the strife or separation of loved ones . If you see a dead donkey in your dream, then this indicates satisfying your desires by indulging in immorality and immorality . If you dream that you drink donkey milk, this indicates that a strange wish will be fulfilled even if at the expense of important duties . If in your dreams you see a strange donkey wandering between your pillars or on the land of your building, then you will inherit some valuable property . If you dreamed of owning a donkey, a gift or purchase came to you, then you will receive a promotion at the level of work or society, and if you are single, you will be associated with a suitable marriage . If you dream of a white donkey, this indicates permanent and certain wealth, which enables you to pursue pleasure or studies close to your heart . As for the woman, this indicates her entry into the society she always dreamed of . In her mental formation, a woman possesses the attributes of obedience and stubbornness, which applies perfectly to the qualities of the donkey, as they both grow from the same store, that is, from the mother nature, and accordingly they maintain this relationship . The ugliest form of donkey in her dream is nothing but a metaphor for the nature of the woman to remain silent when warning her, or vice versa when happiness is completely in front of her ….
…As for the pan, it is devolved by the servant of the house who intends to store what is in the hand of his master for his children ….
…Al-Salmi said: “Whoever saw that he said goodbye to someone, it is good because it is interpreted in five aspects, revising the absolute and reconciling the partner, to order the result, the profit of the store, the restoration of the guardianship to its owner and the healing of the patient, because it is from farewell and some of them sang poetry : If you see the farewell, go out … and you do not care about the distance and wait for the return from Soon … the farewell heart is back…
…He is in a dream indicating the concealment of matters, and perhaps the companion denotes secrets to the companion, and the wife who conceals his affairs over a person protects him from looking at others, and if he is a teacher, he indicates raising the status of the one who referred to him, such as a wife, child, or home . The unknown covering is a concern for those who saw it in a dream, and if it is at the door of a store, then it is a concern for living . And if it is at the door of a house, then it is a concern of the world, and the old veil does not last . And whoever sees a cover torn by joy and attains pleasure, and the black secret is from money, and the veil at the door of the mosque is by religion . The well-known concealment seen in a dream does not harm nor benefit . And the veil in other than its places is they and sadness, and in its places there is no interpretation of it, and whoever sees a veil other than a door or an entrance or in a hideous place it is a great concern, and a strong fear, then its consequences will be good and wellness, and what is greater and weak is stronger and more severe, and what is thin is easier And weaker . And if he sees that that tunic is cut off or gone with it, then worry and sadness are removed from his mind . And the curtain, if a single man sees it, then he marries a woman who conceals him from sin, poverty and need, and likewise if a woman does not have a husband . The covering at the door of the house is concerned by the women . The worn tunics are ephemeral . The new tunics are long . The long-torn tunic is an urgent branch, and the width is torn, the width of its owner is torn . The black tunics are by the king . And the white or green tunics Mahmoud Al-Aqeba . If the wanted, fearful, fugitive, or disappeared person sees a veil on a bed, then it is a cover for it . And the greater the tunic, the greater and greater and uglier his concern was . The abundance of curtains in a dream is evidence of the impossibility of conditions . Perhaps the curtains indicate the concealment in matters, and their disclosure is evidence of disclosure . See also confidentiality ….
…And whoever sees that his house has been destroyed or partially destroyed, then a person will die in it or its owner suffers a great calamity or a gruesome accident, and the vision of demolishing fortresses and towers is a lack of debt and a defect in living, and demolishing arches is committing a terrible matter from which harm will be caused to a proud group, and it may be corruption in religion, and it was said ruin Home, store and the like, a lack of money and delusion in the tasks of this world ….
…And whoever sees that someone orders him to turn off the lamp, he urges him to store his money ….
…Flour In a dream, wheat flour is a sustenance, rice flour is a blessing, and semolina is a competent husband for a single girl . Perhaps the accurate indicates great knowledge, travel and money, the store and the invincible equipment, the fortress, religion and guidance, and cure from diseases . And flour that is but wheat is a cure for diseases, and eating it is poverty and poverty . Wheat flour is a sum of money and bread, and its owner kneads it to his relatives . And whoever sees that he kneads barley flour, then he will be a believer, and he will strike the state and victorious with the enemies ….
…A water well in a dream, a laughing and upright woman . If a woman sees a well, then he is a man of good manners . And the well is money or science, or a big man or prison, or restriction or deception . And whoever sees that he dug a well and has water in it, he marries a wealthy woman and deceives her, because drilling is deceitful, and if there is no water in it, then the woman has no money, and if he sees that he drank from her water, then he hits money from deceit . And if he sees an old well in a locality, house, or village from which the exporters and the arrivals draw with the rope and the bucket, then there is a woman, or a woman’s hubby, or her values, and people benefit from him in their livelihood, and he has a good remembrance in that . If he saw that water overflowed from that well, then he came out of it, and then they were sad and weeping in that place . And if he sees that he is digging a well to water an orchard, then he takes medicine with which he has intercourse with his family . If he sees his well overflowing until the water enters the houses, then if it strikes money it will be a disaster for him, and if he goes out of the house, he escapes from them and goes from his money as much as he left the house . If he sees that he has fallen into a well of water, then he is acting with a tyrannical man who is unjust, and he will be afflicted with his plot and wrongdoing, and his affairs will be difficult for him . If the water is clear, then he works for a righteous man who is content with him . If he sits on a well, he is treated as a cunning man, and he is saved from his plot . If he sees that he is falling or sent in a well, then he travels . And the well, if a man sees it in an unknown location, and there is fresh water in it, then it is the world of the man, and in it he will be blessed, well-lived, long-lived as much as water, and if there is no water in it then his life has run out . The collapse of the well is the death of the woman . If he sees that his feet are dangling in the well, then he is plotting with all or part of his money . If he goes down in a well and reaches half of it, then he calls it, then he travels . If he hears the call to prayer in the middle of the well, he is isolated, even if he is a ruler, and he loses even if he is a merchant . And it was said : Whoever sees a well in his home or his land, he will gain abundance in his livelihood, ease after hardship, and benefit in terms of which it is not counted, for he has seen that he fell into a well that his rank and in front of him fall . Perhaps the well indicates the father and the boy, the polite and the grave, the deceit and the fulfillment of the needs, the travel and the demand, the scarcity and generosity . And every well has an interpretation : the house’s well is indicative of the owner of the house or his store, his wife or servant, or his money, death, or life . The broken well will disrupt travel and movement . And the well in the streets indicates the mosque or the bathroom, and perhaps the well indicates the adulterous woman to whom every one comes . And the warm well is indicative of its guard . And the well of the way is indicative of the vulva after the distress . And the waterwheel well is indicative of the world in which some people are happy, and others are poor, and perhaps it indicates the home of knowledge and schools for students . And if a person saw the well of Zamzam in a lane or well-known country, he would bring to that location a man who would benefit the people with his supplication or favor . Perhaps this indicated the victory of the people of that country over their enemies and the abundance of their blessing, and perhaps the beneficial rain fell upon them when they needed it . If he saw that he stood on a well and drew from pure, good water, if he was a scholar he got from him as much as he drew, if he was poor he made money, and if he was single, he married, and if his wife is pregnant, she brings a child especially if he draws a bucket, otherwise there is a reason for him to dispense with About people, and groveling to them . And if he was seeking a need, he fulfilled his needs, and if he was hoping to travel, he would travel and he would have gained in his travel great benefits . If he was asking for a request that happened to him, and if he hoped for a hope, he realized it, and if the well was close to the bribe, he was a generous man, and if he was sprinkled far away, he was a stingy man, then the water of the well indicated polytheism and disbelief in God Almighty . The well may indicate doubt about religion, because it is the opposite of Bir Rib . And whoever sees that he looks in a well, then he thinks and looks about a woman . Whoever sees that his well is folded, and his wife is sick, or is in postpartum period, she shall be saved and be absolved of her sickness ….
…Ironing with fire : a hint of bad words . The spark : a bad word . And whoever was scattered with sparks, heard what he hates from the words . And whoever saw in his hand a flame of fire, he hit the capacity of the Sultan . If he lit it among people, he caused hostility among them and caused harm to them, and if a merchant saw a fire that fell in his market or store, that was the hypocrisy of his trade, but what he consumed of that is forbidden . The common people say that something like this will catch fire if it passes away ….
…Homes : A man’s house is his hidden wife in the house to which he is staying, and from it it is said that so-and-so entered his house, if he gets married, so he takes it for her because she is in it, and his door is her vagina or her face, and the closet and closet are a virgin as his daughter or stepdaughter because she is veiled, and the man does not live with her . And perhaps he indicated his house to his body as well, the house of service his servant, the store of wheat his mother, who was the reason for him to live with milk for growth and education, and the cenef indicates the servant who made for sweeping and washing, and perhaps he indicated the wife who is alone with her to meet his needs, free of his son and the rest of his family . And looking at a person from the niches of his house indicates that his wife’s vagina was being watched or managed, and he returned to that in terms of deficiency, cultivation, demolition, or repair, he returned to what was attributed to him, such as saying : I saw as if I built a new house in my home, and if he was sick, he would wake up and his body was healthy. Likewise, if there is a patient in his home indicating his goodness, unless it is his habit, he burying the one who died for him in his home, then that will be the grave of the patient in the house, named if it was built in an impossible place, or it was nevertheless painted with white, or it was in The house at that blossom or two winds, or what is indicated by calamities, and if there is no patient, he married if he was single, or his daughter’s husband and brought her in with him if she was old, or he bought a secret according to the extent of the house and its danger . And whoever sees that he is demolishing a new house, he has been struck by them and evil, and whoever builds a house or buys it will suffer a great deal of good, and whoever sees that he is in a new stuccoed unknown house that is separate from the houses, and with that words indicating evil, it is his grave . And whoever saw that he was imprisoned in a house bound and closed with his door, and the house is in the middle of the houses, he will be well and well . And whoever saw that he had endured a house or a mast, he would take the provisions of a woman . If a house or a mast would bear it, a woman would bear his supplies . And the door of the house was a woman, as well as she shrouded it, and whoever saw that he was closing the door married a woman . And the doors open, the gates of livelihood . As for the vestibule, a servant on his hands performs the solution, the contract and the strong matter . And whoever sees that he enters a house and closes his door on himself, he will refrain from disobeying God Almighty, because God Almighty says : “And the doors are closed .” If he saw that he was bound by him, the doors were closed and the house was flat, he would be well and healthy . If he sees that his house is made of gold, a fire hits him in his house, and whoever sees that he is leaving a narrow house, he goes out of them . The house has no roof and the sun or moon has risen, a woman marries there . And whoever sees in his home a spacious house that is not in it, then she is a righteous woman who will add more to that house . If it is plastered or built with bricks, then it is a hypocritical and virulent woman . If there is a swarm under the house, then he is a cunning man . If it is of clay, then it is deceitful in religion . The dark house is a woman of bad character, of bad character, and if the woman sees it, then it is also a man . If he saw that he entered a sprinkled house, they would hit him from a woman as much as wetness and as much mud, then it would be removed and fixed . If he sees that his house is wider than it was, then the good and fertility will expand on him and he will be well received by a woman . And whoever sees that he is engraving a house or adorning it, there will be a dispute and commotion in the house . A bright house is a good guide and good morals for women . The Wall : A man, and perhaps the man’s state of his world is if he sees that he is standing on it, and if he falls from it, he will be removed from his state . If he saw that he had pushed a wall, then he threw it out, then he cast a man out of his rank and destroyed him . And the wall is an abstaining man who has debt, money and destiny, as much as the wall in its width, tightness, and height, and the architecture around it because of it . And whoever sees walls building a list in need of a pitcher, then he is a scholar or imam whose state has gone . If he sees people throwing them, then he has companions throwing his affairs . And whoever sees that he has fallen on a wall or something else, he has committed many sins and hastens his punishment . A crack in a wall, a tree, or a branch is the fate of one of his household, and two are like earrings and two nipples . And whoever sees walls of study, then he is a just imam, his companions and his family went . If he renewed it, they would renew and return to their first state in the country . If he sees that he is attached to a wall, then he is attached to a thin man, and his strength is as much as he can from the wall . And whoever looks at a wall and sees his example in it, he will die and be written on his grave ….
…Wheat If you see in your dreams vast fields of growing wheat, this indicates that your interests will take encouraging signs . If the wheat is ripe, then this is a confirmation of your luck, and love will be your happy companion . If you see clear and large grains of wheat circulating in the study of wheat, then this indicates that prosperity has opened its doors wide for you . If you see wheat in bags or in barrels, your determination to reach the pinnacle of success will be crowned by victory, and it will consolidate the foundations of your love affairs . If your store of wheat was not well covered and you saw its contents dampened, then this foretells that while you were amassing wealth you did not forget to protect your rights and you will see your interests diminished by the hands of the enemies . If a spike rubs her head on your hands and ate it, she will toil hard to reach success, and she will obtain your rights and be assured of them . If you dreamed of climbing a steep plateau covered with wheat and imagined that you were pulling yourself upwards by relying on the stems of wheatgrass, this indicates that you will enjoy great success and thus will be able to make yourself distinguished in any profession you choose ….
…A channel is in a dream a woman, money or scientist . And whoever saw that he had made a channel would get married or work for himself, especially in his religion and world . Channels are servants, slaves, or livestock . Perhaps the channel indicated the way of livelihood, such as the market and the store . And whoever cuts a canal from planting or real estate that is known to his family, and if he is married, he divorces his wife, annulls his endowment, or freed his slave . And whoever sees a canal in his house or grove that is going to run and was overwhelmed by God Almighty relief from him, or he will obtain good . If he sees the canal blocked, it spoils his beliefs . And whoever sees that he has urinated in an unknown channel, or becomes stained by its impurity, is forbidden or has fallen into trouble because of a servant or a woman . The channel may refer to churches . Whoever digs a canal and does not draw water into it, will enter into deception ….