Testicles : The nakedness of the enemies with which they reach him, and if he sees his testicles cut off without any dislocation or harm to them, then his enemies will win as much as he gets from his testicles, and if he sees that his testicles are great or have strength beyond their destiny, then he is impregnable that his enemies will not reach him badly . Perhaps their interruption was the interruption of females from the boy, if there was evidence in the vision of good . Because the testicles are the two females, and the left egg is the boy, and if he sees that it was taken from him, his son died, and he was not born after him . If he saw that he gave her to others with the kindness of a soul from him, and she was from him, then a child is born to him without maturity and the child is attributed to someone else . If he sees that his testicles are in the hand of a well-known man, that man will gain it . If the man is a young man then he is his enemy, and if he sees that he is a lord, he will hit money that his enemies cannot secure . And he saw a man as if he had ten males and had no testicle, so he told his vision on a crossing and said to him : You will have ten sons, and no female is born to you . As for the pubic area : its decrease is valid in the Sunnah, and the increase in it is money and power obtained from the side of a non-Arab man . If he saw as if he had looked at his pubic hair and he did not see hair on it as if it had never sprouted, he indicated a stone on him in the money or two losses he would have . If he has a lot of hair to pull it through the ground, then he will gain a lot of money with corruption in debt, and a waste of years and chivalry ….

…The female is the place of the hair plant . The two females may refer to the spouses, the parents, or the eyebrows at the door . Perhaps it indicates the money bag, or the guardians who are not valid to marry except with them . Perhaps the testis indicated the pomegranate . And whoever sees that his testicles have been severed, or that he is disliked in them, then his enemies will gain victory over him as much as he has obtained from his testicles . And it was said : Only males are born to him . And it was said : He inherits money from blood money . And whoever sees that his testicles have grown large for him, he will be preserved, so that his enemies will not reach him badly . And it was said : There are many female offspring . And whoever sees that his testicles are in the hands of his enemies, his enemies will reach him as much . The testicles may indicate female relatives, such as two sisters, two daughters, two wives, or a mother and aunt, so what happened in them is an accident in one of them . If he saw his testicles severed, if he had two patients, she died, and if he had two wives, they died or left them . The testicles may indicate the money, and if he sees them cut off, then he is required with money that he took from him two thousand or two hundred or two dinars, and if he did not have any of that, his offspring would be cut off, and his livelihood was not possible, and the blessing of God was taken from him . And whoever sees his left testicle extracted from him, his child will die, and no child has been born to him, and if he sees that he gave it with goodness from him, then a child will be born to him . And the testicles may indicate pursuit and movements . The testicle indicates what a person sleeps on from his bed or pillow from under his head . If the woman sees that she has two females, she may have conceived twins . And if a man sees that his testicles have been cut off from a disease with lion or fox disease, and perhaps he divorced his wife, sold his slave girl, lost his children, split his out, his sack, or his bag and lost his money, and if he was outrageous, his weight would cease ….

As for the testicles, they are responsible for the livelihood, the girls, and the maintenance and protection. Whoever sees in them from Zayn or Shein was attributed to that, and whoever sees a defect in his testicles, then his enemies conquer him, and if he sees them in the hand of a man, his enemy triumphs, and if he sees as if they were absent from him without pain or given them to anyone, then he is born to someone else. Attributing to him and taking them away is the death of the children, and whoever saw that they were cut off and he had a patient, then he would die and may be the paradox of two wives, and whoever saw them is great indicates his abstinence from the evil of his enemies and some of them said all the eunuchs of man and animals are money, and whoever has any of that and goes away from him will be interpreted with money and whoever sees that he has grown up Some of that is out of place and is gone, because he gets money for him without his face and spends it out of place

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said that the two testicles are two daughters, so their interpretation of goodness and corruption is due to them, and it was said that he saw them as great interpreters of his abstaining from the evil of his enemies ….

…As for the testicles, they are responsible for plants, for sustenance, for maintenance, for the bag, and for prevention. What was seen in them of Zein or Shin was attributed to that ….

…Al-Kirmani said the vision of the testicles considers three aspects of stillness, children and living ….

…And Jaber al-Maghribi said, cutting the testicles is in five ways, cutting off female children so that only males are born for him and an inheritance from the money of blood money and the victory of the enemies with him and the lack of movement and trust. And he said, some of the two expressions indicate money, and if it was wronged, then he took two thousand or two hundred or two dinars from him according to his condition, and if there was nothing in that, his offspring was cut off and his livelihood was disrupted and his livelihood and grace were disrupted. And it was said that the right testicle was born a male and the left is a female. Money and whoever has any of that or has gone from it shall be devolved with the money, and some of them said testicles shall be taken over by servants ….

…And whoever had his testicles severed, the boys’ girls were cut off from him . And whoever has no remembrance, male children are cut off from him, and if the bald man sees that he has hair, then he will have money ….