
Milk is in a dream the nature of Islam, and it is permissible money . And curd money is forbidden because of its sourness and the exit of its fat . And whoever sees that the breasts yield milk from her, that the world leads to him . A person’s milk is confinement and tightness for the breastfeeding and nursing mothers, and if he sees that he has bought a breastfeeding woman to breastfeed his son, then he raises his son on his creation . And it was said : He who sucked the milk of a woman would gain money and profit . And whoever saw that he drank a horse’s milk, the Sultan loved it and obtained good from it . And whoever drank the milk of Rameka, he encountered a king . And cattle milk is permissible money from the Sultan and a good livelihood . Milk is insidious, and the milking of the camel is a problem. If milking it and the milk comes out is blood, then it is in its power, and if milking it is poison, then it reaps unlawful money . And pollen milk is an instinct in religion, so whoever drinks from it is steadfast in the instinctive nature, prays, fasts, zakat, and alms giving, and for his drinker he has permissible money and wisdom . And it was said : Whoever sees that he is milking a camel and drank from her milk, then he will marry a righteous woman, and if he is married then a boy will be born to him . And whoever sees that he milks a cow and drank its milk and was a slave, then he is emancipated, even if he is poor, he becomes rich . The milk of sheep and goats is money to be paid from the Arabs and non-Arabs . And whoever saw that he drank sheep’s milk would have received good, comfort and pleasure . And the milk of the lioness had money for his mustache and triumph over his enemy . And the milk of the eagle is glory and victory over a strong and generous enemy . And the milk of the tiger to those who drink it show enmity . The milk of the wolf is a fine and severe fear, and harm to the livelihood of those who drink it, and it was said : It is money and power, and whoever sees that he drank it will attain the presidency . Pig milk will change the mind of its drinker and go . The milk of the dog is a great fear for his drinker, and what he receives from the hand of an oppressor, and it was said : He who drank it would gain power and leadership over the people of his country . And it was said : The Albanians of all monsters are doubt about religion . And the milk of the zebra is a disease after which there is a cure . Doe’s milk has a small livelihood . And the milking and stinging milk is a good thing between him and his enemies . Fox milk is a minor disease, after a short recovery and livelihood . The milk of a domestic donkey is a simple disease, as is the milk of a pussy . And whoever sees that milk comes out of the earth, it is the appearance of oppression and sedition, in which blood is shed . Sheep’s milk is honorable money, cow’s milk is rich, and mule’s milk is hard and terrible . Pig milk is a great money hit . And human milk for the sick if he drinks it is a cure for disease . The milk of the dog and the feline disease or fear . Milk indicates money, increasing life and pregnancy, the emergence of secrets, knowledge and monotheism, and indicates medicine for medicine, and livelihood . Cow’s milk, sheep, camel and buffalo are all summed up money . The milk of the beast and the bird, if found, is a little money, especially the milk of the rabbit and the milk of the mare . And milk fennel and fox adultery . Human milk is a trust that should not be spent on anyone but its Lord . The milk of the unknown from the beast is the glory and the activity of the sick, and salvation from prison, or money usurped .