
The region of tension in the middle of the region, it is over half of his life . And the many areas will longevity for those who wear them . And the region is a boy or a huge head . And whoever sees that he has a region without jewelry, then he relies on an honorable, strong and dear man, who will obtain from him a good or a blessing, by which he will pull his back and fill his poverty with it . Whoever pulls his waist in an area and was poor, becomes rich or powerful . And if the area is adorned with gold, then the jewelery is for the ruler of his commanders, and if the ornament is of iron, then his leaders are of power and strength, and if it was of zero among them they enjoy the pleasures of the world, and if it was of lead, they were weak and weak, and if it was of silver, then it was of what is attributed to the master. He would be a ruler with prestige and wealth, and if he was to a son, then he would be a predominant child and he would be ignorant . And if he gives a region and takes it with his right hand and does not wear it, then he travels in Sultan, and if his left is a region and his right is a whip, then it is a state . If he pulls his back with it and it is cut off, then he is dismissed if he is a ruler, leaves his boss, or dies . And if his region was sporadic and he was hoping for a child, that would happen to him, and if he had fear or illness would pass, and if he was a ruler with strong authority . And the region is a service to heroes, or a woman, or many children .