The Feast Prayer

Eid prayer room Seeing the Eid prayer hall in a dream denotes joys and delights, the removal of worries and prosperity, the healing of the sick, and the release from prison . Perhaps the renewal of the prayer hall indicated the repentance of the evildoer and the conversion of the unbeliever, the descent of the rain, the victory over the enemies, the fulfillment of the vow, and the marriage of bachelors . Perhaps his vision indicated unemployment and recession, and the pandemic in camels, cows and sheep . It denotes the anxieties and afflictions, the sorrows and the divorce of spouses, and the distant travels . And perhaps indicated by the appointment and dismissal of the bosses, and the salvation from prison, and relief from fatigue, and the elimination of debt and that the dead has completed his life and livelihood . And if he is in debt, he will be asked for what he owes from the debt .