Blowing in pictures

Blowing in pictures : The first blow is indicative of the plague, or the call of the Sultan in the resurrection, or an existing resurrection, or a general travel in all . Likewise, whoever promises in a dream the Resurrection and its proximity, if he is sick, he will die . The promise of the resurrection indicates a great event from the Sultan . As for the second blow, if it was in the epidemic, then it rose because the people live with it . Perhaps it indicated the call of the Sultan among the people and gathered them to a great matter that he wanted and planned . And whoever passes on the Path is safe from adversity, tribulation and affliction, if he is in the Hijaz, he will cut it and escape from it, and the Paradise that follows it is the Kaaba . And the path may be an obstacle for him, so what happened to him descended with it, otherwise the path is his religion, then what hindered it he entered it like it in religion and in the straight path .