
Al-Haddad : a majestic king in the measure of his strength and cleverness in his work, and indicates the people’s need for him because the anvil is under his hand . And the anvil is king . Iron is his head and his strength, and if he is seen as a blacksmith who takes iron whatever he wants, then he will gain a great king, according to the story of David, peace be upon him : “ And iron is for him .” Perhaps the mourning referred to the owner of the soldiers for war, because fire is war and its weapon is iron . Perhaps the bad man who does the work of the people of Hell is indicated by the bad man, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, likened the bad sitter to mourning if he did not burn you with his fire, then he hit you from his evil . And if it is said in a dream that someone pushed to a blacksmith or pushed his order to him, then he sits to a man with no good, so how about if something struck him from his smoke, fire, or spark, and that harms his eyesight, his clothes, or his garment . As for the one who returns in his sleep in mourning, he will obtain from the aspects of that what is appropriate for him, which is confirmed by his evidence .