Butcher – the butcher

Al – Kassab : the angel of death, he felt like a knife was taken from Katsav ‘s disease and injury healed, and affects the strength of his life, like he saw the slaughter of what does not solve the slaughter of the cattle , he wronged his guide and confusion between him and God . If he saw as if he had slaughtered his father, then he would honor him and pray him if he did not see blood, and if he saw blood his visions did not praise, and it was said that al-Qassab is a sign of distress in all cases, except in both cases, the state of debt, then he indicates his judgment, and in the case of restriction, he indicates his release . The Qasab attributed to the Angel of Death is the unknown, and the known is the division of funds between orphans and heirs . And it was said he was the slayer, and it was said he was the owner of the sword . And whoever sees that he divides meat, he walks among people gossiping . And whoever sees it as if he divides beef among his relatives, if he is one of the people of good and righteousness, then he reaches his mercy and divides his money among his heirs with justice in his life, and marries his children .