Khosrau and Pharaoh

He felt as if his hand turned into the hands of fractions : it being on his hand , what happened at the hands of Alokasrp and mighty of injustice, corruption and dire consequences are . If he sees that his hand has turned as it was first, then he repents and returns to his Lord, the Most Glorious . And every Pharaoh that a man sees in his sleep is the enemy of Islam, and the goodness of his condition indicates the corruption of the people of Islam and their imam . This is a continuous basis in the vision, because whoever saw his enemy in a bad dream, the interpretation of his vision was the goodness of his condition . And whoever saw his enemy in good condition, its interpretation was corruption . If he sees the transformation of one of the pharaohs of the world, he will gain strength and his life is comparable to that of that mighty one, and he will die to evil . Likewise, if he saw that some of the dead of the mighty were alive in a country, his biography appeared in that country .