…Whoever sees in a dream that he has drowned is in Hell, because God Almighty says : ( From what their sins they drowned, so they entered fire ). Whoever sees that he is drowning, then he commits many sins, and if he dies in his drowning then there is fear for him disbelief, or he will drown in heresy . And if he goes out and does not drown, he leads to the matter of his worldly affairs of his righteousness of religion, and if he has green clothes on him, he will attain knowledge and piety . And if he sinks and sinks in the decision of the sea, the Sultan will be angry or torture him, and he dies in that torment . And if an unbeliever sees that he has drowned in a sea, then he believes that God Almighty says : ( Even if drowning catches him up . He said : I believed that there is no god but the one whom the children of Israel believed, and I am from the Muslims ). And whoever saw that he died drowning in the water, his enemy would like it . And drowning in pure water drowned in a lot of money ….

…The lake : denotes a woman on the left who loves direct, because the lake is standing and does not run, and it kills whoever falls into it and does not push it . And the waves are severity and torment, because God Almighty says : ~They are covered by waves like shadows .~ And the Almighty said : “And the waves halted between them .” And it was narrated that a merchant saw that he was walking in the sea, and he was terrified by the fear of the sea, so he recounted his visions on a crossing . He said : If you want to travel, you will be well . This is because his visions indicate the stability of his affairs . And a man saw as if the sea water was angry until its edge appeared . So he recounted it to Ibn Masada, and he said : An affliction descended on the earth by the caliph, or drought in countries, or the caliph’s money was stolen . It was only a small amount until the caliph was killed, his money plundered, and countries were oppressed . And whoever saw that he brought out a pearl from the sea, he would benefit from the king in money, slave or flag . And if he sees that the sea water or other water has increased until it exceeded the limit, which is the meaning of the flow until it entered homes, houses and homes, then its people oversee the drowning, then there will be a great trial . The principle is in the dominant water they are and sedition, because God Almighty called his victory and its abundance tyranny, and he said that drowning indicates the commission of a great calamity and the manifestation of heresy, and death in drowning is a death over disbelief . As for the unbeliever, if he sees that he has drowned in water, then he believes, because God Almighty says : “ Even if drowning catches him, he says, I believe . ” The verse . And whoever sees as if he has drowned and sinks into the sea, the Sultan will destroy him . If he sees as if he has drowned and made him dive once and float once and move his hands and feet, then he will gain wealth and state . If he sees it as if he left him and did not drown, then he reverts to the matter of religion, especially if he sees green clothes on himself . It was said that he who saw that he died drowning in the water that his enemy would like to drown in the pure water drowned in a lot of money . As for swimming : whoever sees that he is swimming in the sea and was a scientist who has reached his need in knowledge, if he swims on land, then he is locked up and gets tight in his confinement, and he stays there as much as swimming is difficult or easy, and as much as his strength . If he sees that he is swimming in a flat valley until he reaches a place he wants, then he enters into the work of an unjust and mighty sultan who demands from him a need that he fulfills for him and is able to him and God Almighty secures him as much as he runs in the valley . If he fears him, then he fears a ruler as well, and if he escapes, he escapes from him, and if he enters the sea and swimming in it better, then he enters into a great matter and a great mandate, and he is able to possess the king and obtain glory and power . If he swims on his back, he repents and returns from sin . And whoever prays while he is afraid, he will receive fear, sickness, or imprisonment, as much as his distance from righteousness . And if he thinks that he will not escape from him, then he will die in that worry, and if he is bold in his swimming, then he is spared from that work . And if a Sultan sees that he wants to swim in a sea and the sea is turbulent with a wave, then he is fighting a king among the kings, and if he breaks the sea by swimming he will kill that king . And every sea, river, or valley that has dried up, it is the go of the state of those attributed to it, and if the water returns, the state will return . And it was said that if a person sees that he has escaped from the water swimming before his awareness of his sleep, then it is better for him to notice while he is in the water swimming . And it was said that he who saw that he was swimming, contested an opponent and defeated his opponent and won over him . And walking over water in a sea or river indicates his good religion and the validity of his certainty, and it was said that he is certain of something that he is in doubt, and it was said that he travels on a journey in danger to his trust . And whoever sees as if the water is flowing on its surface, he will be struck by a calamity from the Sultan, which is indicative of the ruler’s leg, which he can only handle, for his flow and authority . And the one who has stagnated from him is easier and more gentle, and indicates a warrior who cuts the road, and if he is traveling, a thief or a lion crosses the road on him, or his mind about his journey is rain, a ruler, or a mecca . And if he was present, he would be afflicted with a sorrow and calamity, because God Almighty said : “You are cursed with a river .” As for Sultan, it is presented to him, especially if he entered it . Either he imprisons him, orders him to be beaten, or he attains grief if he has gotten him great, or prevents him from being saved from his stream, then either a disease falls in him from cold or dropsy, so how if that was in the winter and his water was bad, then it is more severe in all that indicates it? If it is cut, crossed or exited from it, he will be saved from all that is in it of grief and sickness, and all evidences of affliction and sorrows . And whoever draws from a river and drank, gets money from a man as dangerous as that river . And whoever enters a river and strikes it from the bottom of mud or mud, they will be struck by a man whose condition is like that of that river in rivers . And whoever cuts a river to the other side, he will cut off worry, horror, or fear, and he will be delivered from it if there is mud ….

…This drought is a sinister dream that indicates suspicious conflicts between nations and a lot of bloodshed . Disasters will happen, ships will drown, families will quarrel and separate . The dream will cause a disease harmful to you, and your deeds will be perverted ….

…As for the sea, it is the authority, and the river is a ruler without it. So whoever sees the sea or stands on it, then something will happen to him from the sultan that he did not want. And whoever sees that the sea is shortage and has become a gulf, then the authority weakens and goes away from those countries from which the sea has gone, and whoever sees that he entered the sea by swimming until he does not see, this is his perdition. And whoever saw that he drowned in a sea or a river and did not die in it, then he is drowning in the matter of this world, and perhaps he was a lot of sins and sins, and whoever saw that he entered into a sea or a river and hit him from its bottom and mud and mud, then he will be hit by them from the Sultan or an old man, and whoever sees that he is a diver in the sea is diving On pearls or something else, then he went out, because he sought knowledge or money, and it hit it according to the apparent amount of pearls and others, and whoever saw that he draws water from the sea or river and puts it in a bowl, then he hits money from a ruler, and if the water is dark, he gets fear and whoever sees that he bathed or ablution from the sea water Or the river, and if he was sick, God cured him or had a debt that God ruled, or was worried, God willing he was worried, or feared security, or in a prison, he went out from it to good, and if he saw that he walked on the water in a sea or a river, then it indicates his good religion and the validity of his certainty, and whoever saw a weak waterwheel as much A man should not drown in it, for it is a good life for humans if it is a commoner or for those who own that waterwheel A man in it, for it is a good life for humans if it is a general one or for one who owns that waterwheel in particular, and whoever sees that the sea has risen from the earth, then he is a ruler who fears that he is deceived or wronged, and whoever sees that he has entered a sea or a river, then he enters a ruler or a ruler, and if he is sick, his illness will become more severe and if he goes out From it, it strikes good from the Sultan and carries away from him. And whoever sees that he has cut a sea or a river to the other side, then he cuts them or a hill and is delivered from that. And whoever sees that he is drinking fresh water from a river or a waterwheel, then he will suffer the pleasure of living and a long life, and if it is bitter or dark, his life is In worry, fear or distress and it was said that he is sick as much as he drinks, and if he sees little water in a vessel or in a place where he is imprisoned, then he was born, and if he sees that he has been poured hot water on him from where he does not feel, then he is imprisoned or sick or afflicted by them or scared of the jinn to the extent of his heat and whoever saw If he fell into the water, then he would fall into severe distress or affliction, and whoever thinks that he carried water in a bowl, and if he is poor, then he befalls money or a single he is married or married, his wife or ummah bore his wife or his slave-girl, and if he sees that he carried water in a garment or in what he denies carrying water in it is vanity and whoever sees He drinks water from a mug or a cup or the like. If he is a celibate, he gets married, and if he sees that he is emptying water into a jar or a cache or a bag or something else, then he gets married A woman and whoever sees that he is driving water to his home, then all good is driven to her and whoever sees that water has flowed in his house or eyes burst in it, for it is weeping eyes on a sick person or to bid farewell to a traveler or otherwise, and whoever sees that the channel of his house or orchard is running, if he is concerned, he will be released And if he sees it blocked, his doctrines are blocked by him…

…And whoever sees that his boat sank, he will drown in the gain of this world ….

…And whoever saw that he had two ships and saw one of them had been breached, for the one that was breached is the one that he hoped to escape because God Almighty said, ~ I threw it to drown its people , ~ and perhaps the damage indicates safety if his visions are true to its trade ….

…What does it mean to see the sea and drown in it ?? For some people there is a terrifying symbol ; And that is : the sea ​​and drowning in it !!! So why does this symbol signify , and is it fired ???? In fact, I repeat here and confirm that there is no single sign of a symbol , and that the vision must be heard in full with all its symbols , but as long as we talk now about this symbol , I say : The significance of the sea or of drowning in it is not always bad , it may indicate for example : To the student , Ali Increase in depth knowledge and specialization in a discipline . And for the merchant , the sea may be the market in which he works . And for the sinner and the sinner , it may be a drowning of repentance and contemplation of the Almighty saying : “ Even when drowning overtook him , he said, I believed that there is no god but the one who believed in him ” ( Bani Yasir : 90). The significance of swimming, immersion and drowning in the sea is good when seeing the sea in summer, and as for seeing it in winter, it may be a bad sign, but I repeat that it is necessary to look at the rest of the symbols of the vision, and from what is said about some of the bad connotations of swimming, diving, or drowning in the sea : 1 / Committing sins and major sins, and contemplate what God Almighty said : [ From what their sins they drowned and brought in fire and did not find their supporters besides God. ] Noah : 25 2 / immersion in the world and its pleasures . But the crossing must beware of it if he sees a vision or a dream that may have a bad meaning from it , so that he may distract from the crossing with him , this bad meaning, God willing ….

…Water : denotes Islam and knowledge, and life, fertility, and prosperity, because it contains the life of everything, as God Almighty said : “ Let us give them water that is pouring out of it in order to entangle them in it .” And perhaps he indicated the sperm, because God Almighty called it water, and the Arabs call a lot of water a semen, and it indicates money because he earns with it, so whoever drank pure pure water from a well or a watering water and did not absorb the last of it, if he was sick, he would recover from his illness and his life did not precipitate his death. He was not sick and married if he was celibate, to have the pleasure of drinking and the flow of water from above to his mention, and if he was married and did not marry his family on a night he met with her and enjoyed her . And if none of that, then he embraced Islam if he was a disbeliever, and he obtained knowledge if he was good, and knowledge was a student, otherwise he obtained a permissible debt if he was a merchant, unless something spoiled the water, which indicates his forbidden and sin, such as drinking it from the role of the dhimmis. Either science is corrupt or bad or malicious money . If the water is brownish, bitter, or stinky, then it becomes sick, spoils his earnings, continues his livelihood, or changes his doctrine, for each person according to his destiny and what is appropriate for him and the place he drank from and the vessel in which he was . As for the one who carried water in a bowl, if he was poor, he would benefit from money, and if he was a single he married, and if he was married, his wife or mother carried him from him, if he was the one who emptied the water in the container or his wife or servant from his well or his minister or relative . As for the flow of water in homes and its entry into the dwelling, there is no good in it, and if that was a year in which people entered into temptation, fondness, captivity, sickness, or plagues, and if that was in a private house, I looked into its matter, and if there was a patient in it who died, then the people sought him in his obituary. Crying and tears . Likewise, if gutters flowed in the house or eyes exploded in it, they are weeping eyes at the death of the patient, or when the traveler farewell, or about evil and speculation among its inhabitants, afflictions that befall him from the disease of Sultan . Likewise, the flow of water or its stagnation heralds a gathering of people . Its flow in places of plants signals fertility, and its abundance and predominance over the dwellings and houses from the eyes of the earth or its flow is an affliction from God Almighty upon the people of that place, either a sweeping plague or an exterminating sword if the dwellings are destroyed and people drown in it, otherwise it will be a torment from the Sultan or a pandemic of pandemics . If he saw that he gave water in a mug, that indicates the boy, and if he drank pure water in a mug, he got good from his son or wife, because the glass is the essence of women and water is fetus . Some of them said : Whoever saw it as if he was drinking hot water, he became clouded, and if he saw that he was thrown into clear water, a surprise . And it was said that the spring of water for the people of righteousness is good and a blessing, because God Almighty says : ~ Two eyes flow from them .~ And for those who are not righteous calamity . And the explosion of water from a wall of grief from men, such as a brother, son-in-law, or friend, and if he sees that the water has burst and left the house, then it comes out of all worries, and if it does not come out of it, it is a permanent concern . If that place is pure, then it is sadness in the health of a body . And all of this is in Al-Ain as she was not a maid, and if she was a maid, then he is the best neighbor for his owner, alive and dead, until Judgment Day . And some of them said that if he saw that there was a running water in his house, he would buy a maid . And if he sees as if the eyes have exploded, he gets money in a reprimand . And pure water is cheap and fair, and whoever sees it as if he drank too much water than his habit of awake, his life will be long . It was said that drinking water is a safety from the enemy, and chewing it is a treatment for fatigue and distress in living . And spread the hand in the water stirring money and spend it . And stagnant water is weaker than running water in any case, and it was said that stagnant water is confinement, and whoever sees that he has fallen into stagnant water is in confinement and distress, and salty water is cloudy, and as for lions if he drains from the well, then she is a woman who marries her and there is no good in her . It was said that seeing black water ruined the role, and drinking it went away . And stale water is an agonizing life, and stinking water is forbidden money, and yellow water is a disease, and the depth of water is isolation, humiliation, and the disappearance of grace, for God Almighty says : “ Say : If your waters become depressed, then who brings you certain water ”. The hot, very hot water, if he saw that he used it at night or during the day, was severely struck by the Sultan, and if he saw as if he had used it at night, he would be frightened by the jinn . Water chagrin is hard and tired, and drinking it is disease . Water froth is no good money . And whoever drinks from the sea water when it is brownish, they will be struck by them from the king . And whoever sees it as if he looks in clear water and sees his face in it as he sees it in the mirror, he will obtain much good . If he sees his face in it well, then he is doing good to his household . And pouring water is to spend money in other than his conditions, such as a bundle or a robe of evidence of the valley, because he thinks that he has achieved it and not . And ablution from water is not disliked, whether it is clear or dark, hot or cold after it is clean, it is permissible to perform ablution, because ablution is stronger in interpretation than the outlets and differences of water . And hated from the eyes of water chagrin did not run . And walking over water is vanity and risk, and if he gets out of it, his needs are fulfilled . And whoever sees that he is in a lot of deep water and falls into it and does not reach its bottom, then he afflicts a great world and gets tired, and it is said that it falls into the matter of a great man . Washing with cold water is a repentance and a cure for sickness, a release from imprisonment, the elimination of debt and security from fear . And whoever sees it as if he drank plenty of fresh water, it was a long life and a good life. If he drank it from the sea, he obtained money from the king, and if he drank it from the river, he obtained it from a man, like that of a river in rivers, and if he drew it from a well, he hit money with trick and deceit . And whoever sees that he draws water and irrigates an orchard and cultivation with it, he will benefit from money from a woman, so if the orchard or seedlings bear fruit, he will give that woman money and a child, and water the orchard and the planting, intercourse with his wife . And the water is in a boy’s glass mug, if the mug is broken and the water remains, the mother will die and the child remains, and if the water is gone and the mug remains, the child will die and the mother remains . Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who had a vision that she was drinking water, so he said : Let this woman fear God and not seek lying among people . A man came to him and said : I saw as if I was drinking from the rags of my garment, delicious, cold water, and he said : Fear God and do not be alone with a woman who is not permissible for you, so he said : She is a woman whom I proposed to myself ….

…A torrent is in a dream an enemy attack, just as an enemy attack is a torrent . Whoever sees a torrent of rain, he will be hurt, sick, or traveling . If the torrent ascends the stores, it is a flood or injustice from the Sultan . And whoever sees that he prevents torrential flow from his home, he will treat an enemy that prevents him from harm to his family or his entourage . The torrent is indicative of the enemy if they demolish the monastery, destroy trees, kill animals, or drown people. If people benefit from it, it indicates successive good deeds . And the torrent indicates the talk and the lie in the article . And if the torrent ran with blood and carcass, it indicates the abhorrence of God Almighty . And seeing the torrent is evidence of rain . Perhaps the torrent indicated at a different time to heresy from the direction from which the torrent came from . And whoever sees that the torrent entered a people’s home and went with their money and livestock, then it is an enemy that jealous over them . And the torrent in the winter indicates a people who are disobedient and have no knowledge . And whoever sees that he has gone out of that water swimming to the land, then he will be saved from an oppressive ruler, and if he is unable to cross, let him beware of sitting in the hands of a ruler and not disobeying his ruler ….

…Al-Sawaqi : Al- Saqia indicates the course, location and cause of livelihood, such as Hanout, industry, travel, and so on . Perhaps it indicated the sores to extend them with water, as it is a course with the orchards preceded it, and it may indicate watering and watering, to carry water and bring it to it . Perhaps it indicated the pilgrimage to the road of travel, for travelers walking on it like water . Perhaps it indicated the creation, because it is the body’s waterwheel . Perhaps it indicated the life of creation if it was for the public, or the life of its head if it was private . Whoever sees a waterwheel running with water from outside the city and into it in a groove with clear water and people praise God for her or drink from its water and fill their vessels from it, look at what is in them, and if they are in an epidemic, He will be evacuated from her and God Almighty will provide them with life, and if they are in difficulty, God will give them prosperity. Either with constant rain or companionship with food, and if they are not in any of that, they are accused of having a great deal of money to buy goods and what they have stagnated from the belongings, and if its water is dark or salty or outside the waterwheel harmful to people, then it is bad for people and evil in them, either general sickness Such as a cold in the winter and fever in the summer, or hated news for travelers, or forbidden spoils and malicious money that are included in the amount and increase of the vision . As for whoever sees her as a slave girl to his home or store, her evidence is due to him in his own terms, according to the extent of its purity, goodness of water, and moderate flow . And whoever saw her as a maid to his orchard or acre, she looked at his condition, and if he was a single he married or bought a maid, he would marry her. Its water is blood, because his family marries it to someone else, either in his infallibility or after his separation according to his condition and what is in the increase of his sleep . Some of them said : The waterwheel that a single man blocks and does not drown in it is a good life for the one who owns it, especially if the water is lacking from its limited course in the ground, and if it overflows from its course to the right and the left, then it is they, grief and weeping for the people of that place, and likewise if the waterwheel is carried out during the quarters and houses, it is A good life for people . It was narrated that a man saw a waterwheel full of garbage and a sweeper, and he took a shovel and cleaned that waterwheel and washed it with a lot of water, so that the water jug ​​in it would be fast and clear, so he suggested to him that from tomorrow it became congested and the easiest of his nature . The Basin : A man of an honorable sultan, Nafaa. If he sees a basin full, he will gain dignity and honor from a generous man . If he does ablution from him, he will save those who are ….

…Adultery If you dream that you are committing adultery, this foretells that you will be summoned to court for an illegal act . And if a woman dreams this dream, she will fail to preserve her husband’s sentiments, letting her mood and hatred drown her at the slightest excitement . If the adultery is with her husband’s friend, he will unjustly ignore her and trample her rights cruelly . If she thinks she is seducing a young man into this work, she will be in danger of desertion and will be fired for her open attempt to arouse the interest of others . For a girl, this dream includes degeneration and lowly desires, in which she will find strange adventures that provide her with pleasure . It is always a good thing to dream that you have successfully resisted any temptation . Surrender is a bad thing . If a man chooses low targets, seductive influences will rally around him ready to assist him in his infamous plans . Dreams like this may just be the result of debauchery, primitive influences . And if a man chooses lofty goals, he will be enlightened by the principle of veneration inherent in him and he will be exempt from immoral dreams . The man who denies the existence and power of evil spirits has no secret knowledge or knowledge of matters of magic and astrology . Didn’t the black magicians of Pharaoh’s time compete with the wizard Simon Magnus the men of God? Whoever dreams of treats that denotes love, this warns him to beware of scandal ….

As for the shirt in the vision, the man’s woman is perhaps his concern in his press and his livelihood, and it may be his religion and his generosity. Whoever sees that he wore a new, cheeky and wide shirt, his wife agrees with him in his interests, or his righteous living, or his religion is correct. And whoever sees it as a deficiency or a breakthrough or something like that, the event is in One of the aforementioned faces and perhaps the broken shirt will drown out its owner’s affairs and his worries abound, or he leaves his wife. And if he sees that he wears a thin shirt, then he is gentle in the affairs of its owner. And if the garment of what is known by him of the righteous clothes, then he suffers from abstinence and is right in his religion, and if the celibate sees that he wears a new shirt, he is married A woman and it was said that whoever saw that he had given him a shirt is good tidings, and whoever sees that he has a new shirt on him, then he meets his affairs and fixes his affairs, and if he sees it worn out or it falls off his shirt then he is separated and if he sees his shirt without a pocket or a collar and he wears it, if he is sick then it is his death and shrouding him. His shirt is his death

…Oh Ahmed, take the first navigator 68 – Ibn al-Jawzi narrated on the authority of some of the servants of al-Mu’tadid who said : Al-Mu’tadid was asleep at the time of saying (2) As we turned his bed, he woke up in panic, then he shouted at us, so we came to him and said : And judge, go to the Tigris, and the first ship you find is empty and descending, so bring me its navigator and keep the ship . So we went quickly and found a navigator in Samaria (3) empty and sloping, so the Caliph brought him a great shout, and the spirit of the navigator almost went out, so the Caliph said to him : Woe to you, you cursed, believe me about your story with the woman you killed today, otherwise it struck your neck. He said : So sinned then he said : Yes, Commander of the Faithful, you were Today is magic in my so-and-so law, so I went to a woman like her, wearing luxurious clothes and many jewelry and essence, so I looked at her and occupied her and tightened her mouth and drowned and took all the jewelry and cloth that she had on her, and I was afraid that I would return him to my house so that her news would become known, so I wanted to go with him to Wasit, so they met me. The servants took me . He said : Where is her jewelery? He said : In the chest of the ship under the moorings . The caliph then ordered to bring jewelery, so he brought it, and if there is a lot of jewelery worth a lot of money, then the caliph ordered the navigator to drown in the place where the woman drowned, and he ordered that he call upon the woman’s family to come until they receive the woman’s money . So he called for that for three days in the markets of Baghdad and its alleys, and they came after three days, so he paid them what was from jewelry and other things that were for the woman, and nothing went from it . His servants said to him : O Commander of the Faithful, where did you know this? He said : I saw in my sleep that hour a white-headed, beard and dressed old man calling : Oh Ahmed, take the first navigator to descend the stalk and arrest him and decide on the news of the woman he killed today and robbed her, then set the limit on him and it was what you saw ….