Interpretation of the vision of Hell

Interpretation of the vision of Hell we seek refuge with God from it Abu Amr Muhammad bin Jaafar bin Matar told us : Hamad bin Saeed bin Muhammad told us , he said : Muhammad bin Yaqoub al-Karabsi told us, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr al-Muqaddami told us al-Hakam bin Zuhair, Thabet bin Abdullah bin Abi told us On the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather, he said : Whoever sees that he is being burned, he is in Hell . If he sees it as if a king took his lead and threw him into the fire, then his visions necessitated his humiliation . If the owner of the keeper of fire saw a poisonous shot, he would let the policeman, the executioner, or the one who tormented the Sultan . If he sees fire from near, then he falls into distress and misfortune from which he cannot escape, because God Almighty says : “ And the criminals saw the fire, so they thought that they were taking it and did not find a way out of it .” And he suffered an immoral loss, for the Almighty said: “ Her torment was a burden .” His visions were a foretaste for him to repent of his sin .