
The market : denotes the mosque, just as the mosque denotes the market, because both of them trade in it and profit . And it may indicate a battlefield in which a people win and a people lose in it. God Almighty called jihad a trade in his saying : “ Shall I guide you to a trade that will save you ”. The people of the markets are striving against each other with themselves and their money . And it may indicate a place in which there are rewards of reward and profit, such as the house of knowledge, bonds and the Hajj season . And from what is sold in the market inference to evidence . All of this was not the market was unknown, so the meat market is like a place of war with blood shed and iron . And the market of essence and fine linen is like something like the throat of dhikr, and the role of knowledge . And the exchange market, something like the ruler’s house, because of the variations in speech, weight and balance . Whoever sees himself in an unknown market has missed a deal or profit in a commodity, and if he was awake in a jihad, he missed the martyrdom and was a deliberate guardian, and if he was on Hajj, he missed or spoiled it, and if he was a student of knowledge, he stopped doing it or missed an appointment and asked for something other than God, and if there was nothing of that, then he missed the congregational prayer in the mosque . As for the one who steals in his market in his sale and purchase, if he is a mujahid, he is a pilgrim, and if he is a pilgrim who is forbidden to hunt, have intercourse or enjoyment, and if he was a scholar who was unjust in his debate or betrayed in his fatwas, or else he saw his prayer, or his imam preceded it with his bowing or prostration, or not completed This is in the prayer of himself, because that is the worst theft, as in the report . As for the well-known market : whoever sees it is full of people, or sees a fire that has fallen in it, or a pure waterwheel running in the middle of it, or the hay is stuffed in its shops, or a good wind blows through it, the livelihood of its people is brought about, and they are accustomed to profits, and hypocrisy will come to them . If the people of the market see sleepy, or the shops are closed, or the spider has spun on them or on what is being sold, then there is a depression, or a holiday has fallen to its people . And if he sees a market that has moved, the status of the migrant has moved to the essence of what it has moved to, such as the market of linen, where you see the butlers in it, for he increases the profits of the fabricators, as the goods are separated and left . And if the owners of pottery and scarcity see it, their profits will decrease and their earnings will be weak . And if the owners of pots and pans saw it, an ordeal would descend upon it, either from a fire, a river, or a demolition, or the like . Some of them said : the minimum market, the widening of the market, the breadth of the world . And it was said that the market indicates turmoil and riot because of the people who meet with it . As for the one who lives from the market, it is a good sign if he sees in it a great creation or work, but if the market is calm, then it indicates the unemployment of the marketers .