The fence and the fortress

Fence : Fssor city D to suzerainty and Oalleha, and the unknown of it , Fidel on Islam and science and the Koran and the money and safety and piety and pray, and all that barricaded him from other enemies and all the walls of science , or a wife or a husband or a shield or a master or father or toward them . Whoever sees the city wall in ruins, the ruler of it will die or he is dismissed from his work, and if he sees it walking like an animal walks, then he is traveling in Sultanah to the area on which he walked in a dream . As for the one who built a wall on himself, his home, or his city, look at his situation, and if he was a ruler who protected from his enemy and warded off the worst of his subjects, and if he was a scholar who classified in his knowledge what he has infallibility for others, and if he was a hermit slave, he preserved the people with his supplication and escaped from sedition by him. And if he is poor, then he should be provided with nothing to do without him or marry a wife, if he was single, she would protect him and ward off the temptations of the Devil on his behalf . And if he sees an unknown wall and he has a furrow from it until a thief or a lion entered Medina, then the matter of Islam weakens or knowledge in that place, or a furrow from the pillars of religion is a pillar . If that was in what he saw as if it was his own, as if he was in him alone, that entered into him in his religion or knowledge or in his money or in his armor if it was in jihad, or in the disobedience of a father, mother, husband or master, then he will come to him from that sins . Al-Qalaa : The castles are from them to Faraj, and the castle is a king of kings who reach the kings from good to evil, so whoever sees as if he entered the castle of sustenance and asceticism in his religion, and whoever sees a castle from afar, he travels from place to place and his command is elevated . And whoever sees that he has built a fortress : He will protect his escape from forbidden things, his wealth and himself from affliction and humiliation . If he sees that he has ruined his fortress, his house, or his palace, then it is the corruption of his religion and his worldly life, or the death of his wife . And whoever sees that he is in a castle, city, or fortress, he will be blessed with goodness, remembrance and asceticism in his religion. If he sees a person sitting in good honor, then he prepares a brother, president, or parent to escape with him . And it was said : The fort is a fortified man that no one can handle . Whoever sees it from afar, it is an altitude that he mentioned, fortifying his vagina, and whoever sees that it is attached to a fortress from inside or outside it, so will his condition in his religion . And it was said who saw that he was fortified in Nasr Castle . With regard to the sign : whoever sees that it is on a tower or in it, then he will die and there is no good in it, because God Almighty says : “ Wherever you are death overtakes you, and if you are in constructed towers. ”