…If he saw that he sold or took away a garment in the winter, then that indicates his poverty and his need for people . He said Abu Said preacher clothing head of the man was probably his craft that he does and secure them from the poverty survey in which an error in the living and go wealth and expansion in free them and damage in winter favor ) and Almparty him if the inscription is indicated by a woman . Said Jafar Sadiq construed Paljarah or the boy whatever he saw it from Zain or Shin shall turn in them , and the subtraction of the clothes they devolve on aspects of it is felt that wearing something of which it is construed fine and benefit if they are from cotton , a clean and spacious and if Dd so Vtobeirh against him and if they are from Silk and nothing there is nothing wrong with it and the seller of it, for he chooses this world over his hereafter . Abu Sa’eed said the preacher ‘s vision coldness , whether detailed or not detailed , they show good narrated that Abu Bakr , may Allah be pleased with him said : O Messenger of Allah , I saw yesterday was on the papyrus petechia said : two sons Thabr them . And the ink is indicative of joy, happiness, and cold that is next to the course of snitching in expression, except that intimacy in the world is better than in religion, and it is in interpretation stronger than wool . It is felt that wearing Prada or mixed with cotton Bharir it without it even if it is haraam wealth silk and the decorations are clothed in the markets they are welcome and only in times of pleasure and omens as well as if they are in the role unless it kind of amusement . And whoever sees the sentence of the garment of the clothed person, it is interpreted in its entirety . And whoever sees that he wears summer clothes in the winter, it will increase the good and the benefit as much as the value of what he wears . He felt that he wears clothes women it increased money with them and fear, but its consequences are dire and survive if they saw a woman wearing clothes from the men it shows good and beneficial . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever saw that he wore clothes less than his own, then it indicates the corruption of his affairs, and if they are more elegant than his clothes, then he indicates the order of his affairs .~ And whoever sees that he has the garments of the elders on him, then it indicates the height of the matter and the amount of it to which those clothes are attributed to him if he is a family for that, otherwise it is good and beneficial . And whoever sees that he has garments from the garments of corrupt people, he will have many sins and abounding sins . And whoever sees that he wears kings, it is interpreted on three aspects, drawing closer to them, obtaining goodness, benefit, and regularity of his affairs, and attaining the dignity and honor . It is felt that wearing clothes of scientists was Welcome to Salah it for science and charity world and the Hereafter .) He felt that he wears clothes from the wool it is interpreted to ensuring the money . It is felt that wearing clothes dhimmis or Aharbeyen or so , or Alrvdh it would be inclined to what he said Jafar Sadiq ‘s vision clothes never devolve on nine aspects of religion and wealth and prestige and benefit and live and work in favor of the justice of this and redress if it is not what you deny the expression and if the woman saw that she She wore what was mentioned of the praiseworthy clothes, and her interpretation made her right with her husband and the integrity of her affairs . And Daniel said a vision of the man’s clothes: If you put on clothes, you will be interpreted by gain, and if you see black garments, then the king has good and the parish is in distress . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever sees that he wears black clothes, he will suffer from pain, distress and sorrows, unless he is one who wears them while awake and knows about them, and he will be troubled .~ Abu Sa’eed said the preacher black clothes for those who used to wear injury hated and was told is the patient proof of death because the people of calamities wear black clothes and clothes zero dieback disease only in Dibaj or twinge or silk , and these things are valid for women and men of the corruption of religion . Al-Karmani said: If the patient sees that he washes a yellow garment until its yellow is removed and its whiteness appears, then the garment is interpreted with a body and its yellowish is devolved by his sickness and its departure from him . It felt that disarming him a yellow dress it out Sagmh not happened hurt him what he hates in the yellow of tearing the dress or so unlike all worn in color and the clothes greens rejoiced and pleasure and Tawfiq Abu Sa’eed said the preacher clothes Greens neighborhood power of religion and an increase of worship and dead good case when God, who is the raiment of the people of Heaven, for His saying, Come, and wear green garments from Sundus and Abraq, and the wearing of greenness indicates to the living the injury of an inheritance, and to the dead that he came out of the world as a martyr . Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he wears green clothes, it is interpreted with honor and honor. As for the white clothes, they will be interpreted as the desired, especially if it is pure .” Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said that white garments are suitable for wearing them as a religion, and for those who are used to wearing them while awake, and as for the owners of crafts and crafts, they need to wear it for them . Al-Karmani said: “Whoever saw that he wears pure white clothes, it indicates the goodness of his religion and his good condition. ” And his worries went to his saying that he wears pure white clothes, and as for his blue clothes, he is clean . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Zarka it ‘s religion is good and the clothes Rouge , they hated men only Almlhvh and Plinth bedding the blushes of these things indicate pleasure and are valid for women in Dnaahn was said to be wearing reddish shows fighting very severe dispute and was told snappers joy with punk In the world, as evidenced by the story of Qarun, and it was said that it indicates an abundance of money while preventing the rights of God in it . And whoever saw that he wore it on a feast or a group, he did not harm him . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Hamra it cast fighting and dispute , although Welcome to the mandate he received perhaps the joy of the verse went out to his people in the finery and was clothed in garments Hamra and it was said the vision of blush , whether in clothes or other , they show goodness and perhaps the vision of erysipelas shown in the dress To pleasure . And whoever sees his clothes are burned, then he will receive him harmful effects as much as he was burned from that, and whoever sees that his clothes are torn, then he shall interpret the secret . It is felt that wearing clothes of wool or animal hair or hair or so The total that money if it was silk or so Fmal haram dress cobbled evidence of immorality and the clothes dirty , they devolve Bgham and sorrow , and the dresses Alkagd they devolve Baelchenaah not good in it , and the dresses skin accrue interest and benefit to the extent attributed to him that the skin dress you do not sew it in terms of wholesale of all varieties shows completely filled with religion and perhaps this was another old on the face and clothes of the treasury shall devolve Baezz and wealth . And whoever sees that he is wearing a lame dress, a woman will come in her anus . Jaber said the Moroccan expressing their attachment to things mundane Valbaad in clothes if it is clean as new , which attached to religion and the world and if the dirty vintage tight Vdd so perhaps Del dirt in the dress on the weakness in religion and was told if the woman saw that she wear a garment yellow it was her husband , it weakens though ) He was not for her, so he took a husband . And whoever sees that he opens a folded garment, it indicates travel, and whoever sees that he folds an open garment, it indicates the coming absent from his journey . Khaled al – Isfahani said the best clothes and what was cotton if it is not a thing of silkworm silk because it is pure it is a good religion and worldly dresses if the pattern , cotton or silk , they devolve money haram and the corruption of religion and carefree . He said Jafar Sadiq new dress white man a woman and a woman and the king of grace and the benefit of a pair , it saw that he took off his robe with him that he was in the king of the service it is from his service but not as well as it is called , and saw that he cut his clothes he interpreted obtaining good . And whoever sees that the thief strips his garment, it interferes with the occurrence of corruption among women . Abu Saeed, the preacher, said that the garment with two sides or two colors indicates politeness and guardianship for the people of religion and the world, and the new garment is good for the rich and the poor . It felt that magsuot clothes as new Vtmzkt is not able to repair like it fascinates even as much as on that it is alive and the child and the high value of the servants of the disease and the free grace increase dresses kind of renewed debt, the worn over his clothes showed the approval of his secret Alanath and perhaps the intention was good from the apparent and perhaps earned money Mdkhora and silk brocade is not fit to wear socks for the jurists for they Aaolan their request minimum and invite people to heresy and were probably valid for non – scholars , they interpret the work requires Paradise and infects with this principality also indicates marriages by a woman , honest or concubinage Bjarah Belle setting calls the crossing in the expression of all of that is from the case of the seer . The robe denotes its faces . Al-Kirmani said, “It is interpreted for the righteousness in religion, for the corrupt people with whips, and for others with smallpox infection in the body .” Abu Sa’eed said the preacher devolves penile state who was from her family , especially from the people of plowing and planting and the fertile year for those who have from her family , a women ‘s increasing pleasure and gave Xia received money from the point of the Persians and the people of disclosure and gambling , and may accrue whips . A permissible one who has a face with consequences, and no one is blamed for that, whether it is for men or women, unless something of the reprehensible type is mixed with him . As for the ink, it is interpreted with grace, and there is nothing in it except the best, especially for women, and it was said the vision of the garments of generosity is a grief . The saw that his two garments Khgayn Mottagtaan wearing one above the other is indicated by his death and torn clothes casually interpreted injury concerns and torn longer interpreted vulva and it serves as Alqaba and Duwaji if the woman saw her clothes habitus short lacked HTC concealed and eat the new dress eat money halal and eat the dress said Salmi saw that His clothes are wet on him while he puts them on. If he is on a journey, then he is not traveling, and if he intended something he would not have . And he who sees that he sells his clothes is good for him and there is no good for him who buys them, and if he sees them that he pushes them from himself, then this is the remission of his poverty . And whoever sees that he wears new clothes after he has taken a bath, then he declines with the loss of worry and distress, and he is spared from something wrongful . And whoever sees that he wears a forbidden garment or something attributed to women, he marries a woman who is forbidden, and as for the embroidered garments, they are worn by them, mines, and perhaps the fame of the women are broken . He felt that he wears women ‘s clothing, the had pregnant , they come to the female , although he did not have pregnant it affects harm or fear in the same money as much as Hnaatha was probably injured his time and the robe , which is placed on the shoulder , it interpreted the human religion who wears him in the neck and neck position of the Secretariat . It is felt that it robe Well he Salah Dinh and good faith , and if he saw the cloak that puts it on the Well shoulder it increased debt and the health of the religion is not good in thin .) The washing clothes he is to draw it felt that wash his clothes from dirt it shows his goodness and salvation of Gloom And sadness and his well-being and his debt will be repaid if he wears it, but if he does not wear it, it is without that . Al-Karmani said: “Washing clean clothes if dirt appears from it, then it is corruption in religion and committing sin .” Abu Saeed Al-Waseer said: Washing clothes from dirt is a repentance, washing it from semen is a repentance of fornication, and washing it from blood is a repentance from murder, and washing it from excuse as a repentance . Jaafar al-Sadiq said: Washing clothes with cold water means four aspects of repentance, wellness, salvation from Asir, and security from fear, and washing them with hot water, sorrow, grief and sickness . And it was said that whoever saw that he washes clean clothes, it is an increase in his piety and piety, and it was said that this was extravagant because it did not deserve to be washed, and others said, there is no harm in that and there is no harm in that ….

…And the young man : in interpretation the enemy of the man, if he is white, then he is a hidden enemy . If it is black, then it is a rich enemy, and if it is blond, then it is the enemy of an old man . If he was a Dilmun, then he is a faithful enemy . If he was a Rustaq, he is a rude enemy . If he is strong, then he is the intensity of his enmity, and if he is unknown, and if he is known, then he is his own . Whoever sees that a young man follows him, then he is an enemy that he will win . If he sees an elder who supervises him, he enables him to do good . And if he is a young man who supervises him, then he is an enemy capable of him, because he is above him . And if he saw an old man as if he had become a young man, then he differed in interpreting his vision, and some said that he had a renewed pleasure, and some said that he appears in his religion or his worldly deficiency, and some said that he was dying, and some said that his visions indicate his keenness, because the heart of the sheikh is young with concern and hope . If he sees an unknown young man and hates him, then he appears to him to have a hateful enemy to the people . If he loves him, he appears to him a beloved enemy ….

…In conclusion of this book and in response to the desire of many, these are examples of what I expressed from my visions : Many desires came asking me to mention some of the visions that I expressed, and then they were fulfilled, and I would like here not to disappoint those who hold these requests, but I also like to clarify something that I am keen on secrets Therefore, I will not mention the names of the visionaries, nor will I mention the visions in which there may be very special things, for example, and I apologize in advance to everyone who read this topic and objected to it among the visionaries themselves . 1 / A questioner said that her aunt sees that she has golden bracelets on her, and harassed her, so I told her : If you believe your vision, it may be a simple infection in the windpipe and it will heal with God’s help . And she said, Glory be to God, I really have a tracheitis, may God reward you . 2 / A caller said I see a man I know is knocking on the door . So I said, What is his name? Muhammad Al-Wahaibi said, I said that, God willing, he will have a son, so he said, I have had the grace of God. I said : I called him Muhammad? He said yes, then I thank God . 3 / One of the questioners told me I see that I am hunting goats, or ducks, so I said, God willing, she will propose to a good girl, and her father will be a muezzin. He tells me later, when I wanted to engage, I went and found a man giving the call to prayer in the neighborhood mosque in which the girl lives, so he is the daughter’s father . 4 / A questioner said to me I saw that I would pay a chair to King Fahd – may God bless his life – so I said you would be employed with a job with such-and-such salary, she says, and from the next day she was hired for a little less, and she did not believe that she would be employed . 5 / A doctor told me : My husband sees that he never gets out from under his car . I said, are you going to travel? She said yes . So I said, Praise be to God, for safety, but I hope to check the car from below, specifically the column that turns underneath the car, and I did not know its name, and she told me later, my husband went in the car and found a defect in the place that you indicated to us . 6 / A woman said, I see that I cut the hair of a young daughter of mine, and her hair reaches her hip, so I said: Are you one of those who circumcise girls? She said, ~Yes, so I said, do the Sunnah in circumcision, and do not reduce it more than the limit stated .~ 7 / A father called Ali and said that his son sees that his back molar hurts him, so I said that your son suffers from the cruelty of the science teacher, so could I ask him, and he answered yes, so I said : Praise be to God, see the teacher, and he did . 8 / A man told me : I see that I go up the roof in the house, and I see a ladder, and I go up . I told him that someone is investigating and asking about you, and perhaps you addressed his daughter, and when I saw him after a while, he told me that what I mentioned about him has happened . 9 / A woman said I saw that I was breastfeeding a boy, and the amount of milk came out from my breasts forcefully and hit the wall . So I said I think you have a problem with the hormone milk, and you will recover and get pregnant, God willing . She said is what you say, thank God . 10 / A man told me I see my sister, and I see the sun rising from sunset . I said, I promised her and I left her, so I will fulfill what I promised her . He said, I promised her to perform Umrah and I could not . 11 / A woman said I see that I am slaughtering a sheep . So I said it is a vow that you did not fulfill, so do it . And she said yes . 12 / A woman said I see that I look at the Kaaba and it is destroyed . I said, ‘You are in a western country and you are always thinking of leaving it, but you do not . She said is what you say by God . 13 / A man called and said that I see that I am hunting a free bird and I got a dear camel, and I went up a mountain and found people who offered to buy the bird, so I said it is not for sale, and he mentioned the rest of the vision . So I said you are pursuing and practicing hunting? And you are the brother of one of the princes, and you have submitted a land grant and the matter will come out to you, and then some will offer you to buy it, so think carefully before selling . He said, “I love hunting, and I go out to him and I follow the time of the migration of birds. I submitted to one of the princes a request for a land grant and did not go out until now .” So I said, Praise be to God . 14 / One of the callers saw a woman coming to her, and she mentioned her name . 15 / A man called me and said I saw Gabriel, may God bless him and grant him peace, flying . So I said, ~Do you work in a job related to aviation?~ He said, ~Yes, I study flying,~ so I said I finished 600 flying hours and you had half left, so he mentioned a number very soon, praise be to God . 16 / Continuous: She said I see that I take two white and black strings out of my mouth, so I said to her : Sometimes you come from Satan with some obsession, and doubt about religion, so fear God . And she said, By God, that sometimes I observe the supererogues in addition to the obligatory prayers, but sometimes I hope and leave everything until prayer …. so pray for her that God confirm them on the religion 17 / A man said : My deceased father came to me and said to me : Do not destroy the mosque beacons, so I said : Yes, I said : Do not do this, it is not permissible . 18 / A man said to me : I see that I circumambulate and not complete . I said : You intend to multiply and do not do it? He said : Yes . 19 / A questioner called and said : I see that I am moving around and my mind is not with me !! I said : You know a man who took your mind but is manipulating you , so beware , and she said : It is what you say , and may God reward you well , and here is the benefit of warning about the bad meaning in some visions , and its impact on the life of its owner . 20 / A man said : I see that I eat rice and there are those who steal !! So I said to him : This is your project, and you are telling the idea of ​​an dishonest man . He said : Yes , what you said happened . 21 / man contact the program and told me : I saw the sun and the moon in the earth , and this was before the holy month of Ramadan , in 1428 of , I said to him : This is a difference between the people of vision , and the people of the account in determining the entry of the month , was what I got some of the bickering between the two parties ! 22 / A man said to me : I saw that I took a fuselage out of my mouth without pain , so I said : This is a child that annoys you , and he said : Yes, that is . 23 / A woman said : I see a snake in the mouth of a rose , so I said : Your husband promises you and succeeds , and you pray for him? She said : Yes , which is what I said , so I warned her and feared God ….

…The flags on the clothes will travel to the Hajj . And whoever sees that he wears a thin garment under his clothes, then he will have money to save, and his bed will be better than his openness, and if he wears it over his clothes, then he is disliked and he has erred in his religion, is public in debauchery, and a cheeky dress is better than a thin dress . If a woman sees that she has put on a thin garment, it is her honor, and if she wears a thick garment, it is her hard work . And the clothes woven with gold and silver are good in religion and the world and the attainment of death . And whoever thinks that he wears soft clothes of great value, this is a good evidence for the rich and the poor . For the slaves, it indicates the sick . Wearing new clothes for the rich person will improve his livelihood, for the poor have wealth, and the debtor has the right to spend a debt . And whoever takes a bath and puts on new clothes, his grief is gone, and he will be well . And whoever does ablution and does not wear new clothes, what he gets from Faraj does not meet his affairs according to what he agrees with . If the new clothes were torn and torn, and like them cannot be repaired in wakefulness, then they indicate that no child is born to their owner, and if they can be repaired, the wearer is bewitched . And whoever wears two clothes, worn out and interrupted, it is his death . And whoever sees that he is wearing a worn garment, he will become sad and ill . And whoever sees that his garment is torn accidentally, its width shall be torn and struck by them on the side of a wicked man, and if it is torn for a length, his command shall be released from him . And if he sees that his garment is torn, then his religion will be torn apart or his livelihood will diminish . The ugly patchwork of clothes indicates loss and unemployment . And whoever sees wetness in his clothes, he is staying on a journey, and he is locked up for something he has been concerned about, and that is not done for him until after the garment has dried . And whoever sees it as if he was washing his clothes or the clothes of others, this indicates the burden and harm he was exposed to in his pension, and indicates the appearance of hidden things . And whoever sees that all his clothes have been taken away from his authority . Whoever sees that he is wasting clothes, this is a good sign, unless the person who dreams is poor, a slave, a prisoner or a debtor . And whoever sees that he wears women’s clothes, and he has in his conscience that he imitates them, he will suffer from severe and terrible authority . And if he sees that he wore women’s clothes, and thinks that he has a vagina, then his condition will change and be let down . And whoever sees that he has unknown clothing on him, then his heart turns it around as he wished . And whoever sees that he eats his garment, he eats of his money . If he sees in a dream a dog wearing a woolen garment, that indicates the fairness and justice of the Sultan . If he sees a lion wearing a garment of cotton or linen, then he is an unjust ruler who robs people of their money . And the blue clothes are a cloud and an illusion . And whoever saw that he wore a linen garment, he would receive honorable living and permissible money . And removing dirty clothes in a dream, the removal of worries, as well as burning them . Eating new clothes is eating halal money, and eating dirty clothes is eating forbidden money . And buying worn clothes is disliked in interpretation, and wear and tear is poverty . And green clothes are good because they are the clothes of the people of Paradise . If someone sees green clothes, this indicates religion, strength, and increased worship in the living, and the good condition of the dead with God Almighty . Wearing green for the living indicates an inheritance injury, and indicates to the deceased that he emerged from this world as a martyr . And the interpretation of greenness is Islam, and if he thinks that he attained that in his sleep, then he is a pious and religious person . Cold indicates the good of this world and the hereafter . The best black garments are blasphemous, and it is stronger in interpretation than wool . And coldness striped in religion is better than in this world, and coldness than clover is a forbidden money, and if it is of cotton, it is a worldly religious money ….

…Abu Saeed, the young preacher, said the enemy of a man, if he is white, then he is a hidden enemy, and if he is Adham, then he is a rich enemy, and if he is blond, then he is the enemy of an old man ….

…The Ram : He is the huge impregnable man, like the Sultan, the Imam, the Emir, the commander of the army, and the one who commanded the soldiers . And indicates the muezzin and the shepherd . And the bold ram is the servile or eunuch for not being horned, because his strength is as much as his horns, and the boldest also indicates the lonely one who is robbed of his authority, and the negligence of his arms and his supporters . Whoever slaughters a ram who does not know why he slaughtered it is a man who will be victorious over it, or he will bear witness to it with truth, if his slaughter is according to the Sunnah and to the qiblah, and God Almighty mentioned for slaughtering it, and if otherwise he killed a man or wronged or tortured him . If it was slaughtered for meat, then its interpretation is based on what was previously mentioned regarding camels and cows . And if he was slaughtered for asceticism, he will repent if he was guilty, and if he was in debt, he paid off his debt and fulfilled his vow and drew near to God in obedience, unless he was afraid of being killed, imprisoned, sick, or imprisoned, for he would be saved because God Almighty saved Isaac, peace be upon him, and the beautiful praise came to him and his father And he kept it as a year and a liturgy, and it is close to the Day of Judgment . And whoever slaughters a ram and was in a war, he will have great enemies . And rams slaughtered in a place, people killed . Whoever bought a ram, an honorable man would need it, and he would be saved from disease or destruction because of it . And whoever sees a ram that he repents, something he hates will strike him from his enemy, and if he guts, he will be hurt or insulted from among them . And the horn of the ram was taken forbidden, and its wool was the injury of money from an honorable man, and he took his guardianship over some of the nobles and inherited his money or married him to his daughter, because the goddess is after the ram . And taking it in the belly of a ram is taking it over the treasury of an honorable man, to whom that ram is attributed . And whoever carries a ram on his back, he will receive the supplies of an honest man . And whoever saw a ram butting a woman’s vagina, she would take the hair of her vagina with a snip . And the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “ I saw as if I was a ram of a ram, so I decided to kill a ram of a people . I saw as if my sword blew it broke, so I decided that it was killing a man from my clan .” He killed Hamza, may God be pleased with him . And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, killed Talha, the owner of the polytheists brigade . And whoever strips a ram, distinguishes between a great man . And whoever kneeth on it, he can . The fat of rams and ewes, their milk, their skins, and their wool is money and the best of those who have struck it . And whoever is given a sacrifice will befall a blessed son . And whoever sees that he is fighting a ram, he is quarreling with a huge man, so whoever defeats them will be the victor, because they are two different types . As for the two types that agree, such as the two men, if they quarrel in a dream, then the defeated is victorious . And whoever rides anything of lamb will become fertile, as does the one who eats cooked meat . And whoever sees in his house slaughtered of lamb, there is a person who dies, as well as the member of the beast, and eating raw meat is backbiting, and fattening meat is better than its slaughtered . And he saw a man as if he had become a ram rising in a tree with many peoples and leaves, so he cut it on a crossing, and said : You will gain leadership and memory in the shadow of an honorable man who has money and account, and perhaps you served a king of kings . So, the believer in God used it ….

…Type I : Revelation abhorred They have the devil to do , and reciting self , which is called Bodgat dreams, which is due to the cunning of Satan and his deception and his hostility to humans . (1) An example of this kind is narrated in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Jabir may Allah be pleased with him from the Messenger God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that he told a Bedouin who came to him and said : I dreamed that my head was cut off, so we are following him, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, rebuked him and said : “ Do not tell that Satan is playing with you in a dream .” (2) In other Raaah Jaber said : I heard the Prophet peace be upon him Tkd giving a speech , he said : to Aihdtn one of you Btalb the devil in his sleep . ~ Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saleh Al – Uthaymeen said God ‘s mercy : The pipe dreams , it confused disorganized , and often that Tartuffe hated Satan Almighty said : ~ to pack those who Ouamno not Bdharhm nothing but God willing ~ ( argument : 10). (3) and this kind of visions he Adab six : first : to seek refuge with Allah from its evil , and this accusation is clear , Valastaazh legitimate all it is hated . second : to seek refuge with Allah from Satan . to talk : ~ if you saw a vision of hate Fletholh and spit on his left three times and ask God of goodness and seek refuge with Allah from the evil ~ narrated by Ibn Majah from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah marfoo and Narrated by Muslim , too . ~ (4) According to the novel in a Muslim from Jabir also : ~ Olistaz Allah from Satan ‘s three ~ came in a novel Muslim also : ~ Afilipsq left three times ~ that I will outline in : Third : to spit while paying attention from his sleep left three times . Any spit his left three times Besqa light ~ and the secret of this God knows ~ abomination to what he saw and contempt for the demon that I see that vision on the right is real , ~ singled out the left because it is the dirt , and triangulation in the previous novel Muslim confirmation ~ has responded with three words : Altfet be without saliva ~ and bagasse be with him saliva gentle . spitting and be with him saliva and most of bagasse . fourth : to change the side on which he was when he saw it , to his side with the second? the reason for this : optimistic about converting it and move perhaps there is another reason which edgewise place the devil , and so that vision turns from abomination to the beloved and moving from harmful to the good . fifth : not to mention it to one already , it has stated that a number of conversations correct them what Bukhari God ‘s mercy via Abu Sa’eed al – Radhi Ath with him and he said , ~ and reminds her of a it does not harm him ~(5). as provided us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor him ~ or on the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna what is appointed by them and what benefits him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – for now updated by , perhaps explained by the apparent harmed its image . And be a potential ~ falls estimation of God Almighty ~ and indicates that the hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man of a bird that had not crossed ~ If crossed signed ~, and talk good . (6) meaning : that vision if possible two – sided ~ crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that such a man lifting leg he is waiting for Matthew puts it . Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and so Taught us the Messenger of Allah that is not the lack thereof , but a mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly , but no doubt that it is restricted to whether the expression which tolerate vision , even on the face , and not an error purely , otherwise it is not the effect of him then , and I know God ~, has pointed out that the meaning of Imam Bukhari in the book expression of his Saheeh by saying : ( door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt ). evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ a poured some and missed some , ~ The Prophet peace be upon him did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be upon him is the second and the first to be approved, but it turned out wrong this . so do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views by Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ do not Tqsoa vision only scientist or mentor ~ in the novel :~ not only on Iqsa Wade, tightening signifier of an actor name friendliness . Narrated by Tirmidhi said Sheikh Albani : S His call is authentic according to the conditions of the two sheikhs, and the meaning of the previous hadith ~The vision is upon a man who is flying ~ means that it does not settle unless it crosses , as if it was on a flying man . ~ So it fell and fell where it crossed, just as the thing that is on the foot of the bird falls with the slightest movement, and this is a representative analogy. The fast flying bird has an object that falls with the slightest movement on its leg . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps and also provides us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor to him , or the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna What helps him and what is useful to him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – because the updated them , perhaps interpreted harmed on the visible image – and this is a potential , falls estimation of God , and shows that this hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man bird is not crossed , If crossed Signed , ~the hadith is good . Meaning : that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that what came from Abdul Razak said : vision lies on what crosses like Zllk like a man lifted his leg when he is waiting for places . (7) said Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and that taught us the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him that is not the lack thereof , but the mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly ,, but which does not There is no doubt that this is restricted to whether the expression is something that the vision can endure even in a way , and is not a pure error , or it has no effect at that time and God knows best (8), and Imam Bukhari referred to this meaning in the book of expression from his Sahih by saying : ( Chapter of the one who did not see The vision of the first transient if not hurt ). Evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ A poured some and missed some ,~ and the Prophet peace be upon him , did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be His peace is the second and the first to be approved, but this turned out to be wrong . (9) Therefore, do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views : Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ Do not Tqsoa vision only to the world or mentor ~ (10) , in the novel : ~ Iqsa only on Wade and ~ tighten the signifier actor friendliness name , Tirmidhi narrated Shaykh al – Albaani : attributed correctly on the two sheikhs condition (11) , and the meaning of the former modern ~ vision of a man bird ~ it does not settle down unless express , It is as if it was on a flying leg, and it fell and fell where it crossed, as the thing that is on the man of the bird falls with the slightest movement. This is an analogy analogy, where the vision was likened to a fast-flying bird, and something was hung on its leg that fell with the slightest movement . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps in his Sunan in the book of Revelation bond Hassan Suleiman bin left Aisha , wife of the Prophet peace be upon him , said : A woman from the people of the city has a husband dealer, Tri was the vision of the more absent her husband, and rarely miss only left pregnant, comes the Messenger of All peace be upon him , says : My husband is a merchant came out Fterkny pregnant, and I saw as seen sleeping to force my house was broken and I was born a boy eyed , said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : ~ good , because your husband On you, God Almighty wills, a righteous one, and give birth to a boy with righteousness . You see were two or Tuesdays all that comes the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , says that her , goes back her husband and give birth to a boy . . Came a day as it was Tonah , and the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him absent , it has seen that vision , I said to her : uncle you will be questioned the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , O nation of God? And she said : a vision I saw it came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ask him about , he says : ~ good , shall be said, and I said : Tell me what? She said : Even the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him come and him, Voardha him as you introduce . Said Aisha : I swear that I left even told me, I said : God , that charity your vision to Imutn your husband , and bring forth a boy Vajra !! I stayed crying and said : Mali yen offered you my vision ?? entered the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, crying said to her : ( doomed O Aisha ? ) So I told him the news and what was interpreted to her, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : “ What, O Aisha, if you cross over to the Muslim a vision, then pass it on for good, then the vision will follow what its owner crosses . ” Aisha said : So by God, her husband died, and I do not see her but she gave birth to a child who is a loner (12) . Conclusion that come out of this , that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity . so Jacob ‘s son Joseph forbade Iqss his vision to his brothers for fear of guile and envy him , stone son said : the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him That a vision occurs except for one who loves because he may interpret it to him in a way that he does not like, either with hatred or envy , it may fall from that quality , or hasten to Himself from that grieved and bothered , so he ordered to leave an update for those who do not like because of that . (13) VI : which asks when bad dream will also : prayer , and is indicated by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him : ~ If he saw . SOLE what he hates , So let Vlaisal happen not by people .~ (14) and the wisdom of God and I know : that the prayer of every recourse is acting as slave fears that it is making about Almkarh . According to some scholars , it is a reading Seventh State of the chair but does not guide him, even if he read any of this chair in his prayers have achieved two things together, pray and read the state of the chair . And if he confines himself to doing some of what he mentioned, it will be sufficient to ward off its harm, God willing, as the hadiths stated . But it is better for him to do it all to combine the narrations . Ibn Qayyim said in Zaad : and when it did not harm him , but this vision Almkorhh drives evil . Al- Nawawi said : God made no mention of the reason for the safety impact of the Abomination vision also made charity and protection for money . . . And making supplication in it a response and payment of calamity and alms pay off the death of bad all this by the decree of God and ability . (15) _________________________________________________ (1 ) Mohamed Abdelaziz Halawi – a reference earlier – p . 5 . (2 ) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh , as explained in the nuclear (27 \ 15 ) • op .. (3 ) say useful book on monotheism – Explanation of Sheikh : Mohammed bin Saleh Almosaman c 2 (4 ) Narrated prizes in the book of Revelation expression 0 door saw a vision of hate – op – Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /17 ) – op •. (5 ) See the opening (12 /369 ) , the book of Revelation from the door of the expression of God – op . (6 ) Modern classed ruling and Sundh Hassan , was narrated by Abu Dawood in the book of literature , the door of what came in a vision – a previous reference – and Rawa Tirmidhi in the Book of Revelation the door of what came in the expression of vision – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of the expression of Revelation chapter of Revelation If passed and signed not Iqsa only on the valley – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the first datum civilians interview with Abu Razin Oqaili foundling Ben Amer Muntafiq – op ~ and narrated recaps in the book of Revelation chapter of Revelation does not fall unless they reflect 0 published Library scientific – Beirut . (7 ) see : Fath al – Bari Ibn Hajar – op – (12 /432 ). (8 ) series of conversations correct , c 1, p . 28, i 2 , the information Office 1399 of . (9 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt , as in Fath al – Bari (12 /431 ), and Muslim in the book of Revelation , as in the nuclear explanation (15 /29 ), – Reference former -, and will come talk by stating in p 101 . (10 ) Narrated by Tirmidhi in the book of Revelation chapter in the interpretation of Revelation what is recommended and hates them – op – and directed recaps in the book of Revelation that the door of hatred vision reflects only the world Or mentor – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of Revelation expression crossed the door of vision if not signed Iqsa only on the valley – a previous reference . (11 ) correct chatter series – op (1 /26 ) .. (12 ) , the narrators of the drama in his Sunan – op – (2 /131 ). (13 ) expansion See : awn Reni – op – (1 /176 ). And Ibn Hajar – previous reference (631/12). (14 ) Narrated by Imam Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /21 ) – Weighted ex – Abu Dawood in the book of literature at the door of what came in a vision – op -, and prizes in the book of Revelation expression of the door of Revelation three – a reference earlier . And Ahmad included it in his Musnad in the rest of the Musnad of the many – a previous reference – and the Darami in the Book of the Revelation Chapter of the Vision Three – a previous reference – and al – Tirmidhi in the Book of the Revelation chapter of what came in the vision of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the scale and the bucket – previous reference -. (15 ) expansion See : Explanation of triplets of Imam Ahmed Saffarini (1 /177 ) – op – and explain Muslim – Nawawi (15 /18 ) – op – and Zad al-Ma’ad Ibn Jawziyyah , achieving Shoaib Abdul Kader Aloriaaat , spread the message organization , Al – Manar Library Islamic , i 13, the date of 1406 of (2 /459 ). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi ….

…As for the lesions of the hand : The lesion on the hand indicates the distress of the brothers . On her fingers, she points to the children of the brotherhood . And whoever sees that he has no hands, he will ask for what he does not reach . And whoever sees it as if he shakes hands with a Muslim man and takes off his hand, he pays him a trust and does not pay it . And whoever sees as if his right is still cut off, then he is a man of swearing, and whoever sees as if his right is cut off and placed in front of him, he will hit money from his earnings . The lack of a hand is an indication of a lack of strength and aides, and perhaps cutting the hand indicates leaving a job that is in the pipeline . If he sees as if his hand was cut off from the palm, then it will not happen to him, and if it is cut from the joint, then it affects the injustice of a ruler, and if it was cut from the upper arm and gone, his brother died, if he had a brother . For God Almighty says : ~ We will strengthen your arm with your brother .~ If he does not have a brother or someone to take his place, then his money is reduced, and if he sees that a governor cut off the hands and feet of his flock, then he takes their money and spoils their earnings and pension . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw as if his hand had been cut off, and he said : This is a man who does a job and turns on him to someone else . As a carpenter, he switched to another job . Another man came to him and said : I saw a man had his hands and feet cut off, and another was crucified : He said : If you believe your vision, remove this prince and someone else’s guardian . So he isolated from his day smart bin Madrak, and the guardian of Jarrah bin Abdullah . If he saw as if a ruler cut off his oath, he forcibly took a false oath . If he sees as if he has cut off his left, then that is the death of a brother or sister, the interruption of the intimacy between him and them, or the cutting of a womb, the separation of a partner, or the divorce of a woman . If he saw that his hand had been cut off at the door of the Sultan, then the king left his hand . As for the shortening of the hand, it is an indication of missing what is meant and being unable to do what is meant, and the agents and brothers failing it . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw that his right is longer than his left, and he said : This is a man who does the favor and reaches the womb . And whoever saw that he was short forearms and forearms, his visions indicated that he was a thief, a traitor, or an oppressor . If he sees his arms and arms longer than they were, then he is a brave, generous crook . As for paralysis of the hands and their joints, whoever sees as if his hands have been paralyzed, he is guilty of a grave sin . If he sees his oath being paralyzed, he strikes an innocent and oppresses weak . If he saw that his left hand was crippled, his brother or sister died, and if his thumb dried out, his father died, and if his index finger dried, his sister died, and if his waist dried out, his brother died . And if the ring dried out, he hit his daughter . And if the pinky dried up, he was injured by his mother and his family . If he sees a warp behind his hand, he avoids sins . And it was said that he is gaining a great sin, for which God will punish him . And whoever sees his hands and feet cut off from disagreement, then he will increase corruption or get out of authority . For the Almighty said : “The reward for those who fight God and His Messenger is the reward ” verse . And it was said that whoever saw his oath was cut off, then he was stealing, because God Almighty said : ~ So cut off their hands .~ A man saw as if his hand was cut off, so he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : A brother, friend, or partner is cut off from him, so he told him that a friend of his had died . A man saw that his hand had been cut off by a well-known man, so he said : You will receive five thousand dirhams on his hand if you are concealed, otherwise you will end with something wrong on his hand ….

…And whoever sees that he is a substitute for a man known to a mare, then he shall seek the help of that man for what he requests or reach, and it was said that he is seen as a substitute for a man, then it is interpreted that that man be a dependency, a partner, or a successor from a distance, and if the man is unknown then he is an enemy ….

…A water well in a dream, a laughing and upright woman . If a woman sees a well, then he is a man of good manners . And the well is money or science, or a big man or prison, or restriction or deception . And whoever sees that he dug a well and has water in it, he marries a wealthy woman and deceives her, because drilling is deceitful, and if there is no water in it, then the woman has no money, and if he sees that he drank from her water, then he hits money from deceit . And if he sees an old well in a locality, house, or village from which the exporters and the arrivals draw with the rope and the bucket, then there is a woman, or a woman’s hubby, or her values, and people benefit from him in their livelihood, and he has a good remembrance in that . If he saw that water overflowed from that well, then he came out of it, and then they were sad and weeping in that place . And if he sees that he is digging a well to water an orchard, then he takes medicine with which he has intercourse with his family . If he sees his well overflowing until the water enters the houses, then if it strikes money it will be a disaster for him, and if he goes out of the house, he escapes from them and goes from his money as much as he left the house . If he sees that he has fallen into a well of water, then he is acting with a tyrannical man who is unjust, and he will be afflicted with his plot and wrongdoing, and his affairs will be difficult for him . If the water is clear, then he works for a righteous man who is content with him . If he sits on a well, he is treated as a cunning man, and he is saved from his plot . If he sees that he is falling or sent in a well, then he travels . And the well, if a man sees it in an unknown location, and there is fresh water in it, then it is the world of the man, and in it he will be blessed, well-lived, long-lived as much as water, and if there is no water in it then his life has run out . The collapse of the well is the death of the woman . If he sees that his feet are dangling in the well, then he is plotting with all or part of his money . If he goes down in a well and reaches half of it, then he calls it, then he travels . If he hears the call to prayer in the middle of the well, he is isolated, even if he is a ruler, and he loses even if he is a merchant . And it was said : Whoever sees a well in his home or his land, he will gain abundance in his livelihood, ease after hardship, and benefit in terms of which it is not counted, for he has seen that he fell into a well that his rank and in front of him fall . Perhaps the well indicates the father and the boy, the polite and the grave, the deceit and the fulfillment of the needs, the travel and the demand, the scarcity and generosity . And every well has an interpretation : the house’s well is indicative of the owner of the house or his store, his wife or servant, or his money, death, or life . The broken well will disrupt travel and movement . And the well in the streets indicates the mosque or the bathroom, and perhaps the well indicates the adulterous woman to whom every one comes . And the warm well is indicative of its guard . And the well of the way is indicative of the vulva after the distress . And the waterwheel well is indicative of the world in which some people are happy, and others are poor, and perhaps it indicates the home of knowledge and schools for students . And if a person saw the well of Zamzam in a lane or well-known country, he would bring to that location a man who would benefit the people with his supplication or favor . Perhaps this indicated the victory of the people of that country over their enemies and the abundance of their blessing, and perhaps the beneficial rain fell upon them when they needed it . If he saw that he stood on a well and drew from pure, good water, if he was a scholar he got from him as much as he drew, if he was poor he made money, and if he was single, he married, and if his wife is pregnant, she brings a child especially if he draws a bucket, otherwise there is a reason for him to dispense with About people, and groveling to them . And if he was seeking a need, he fulfilled his needs, and if he was hoping to travel, he would travel and he would have gained in his travel great benefits . If he was asking for a request that happened to him, and if he hoped for a hope, he realized it, and if the well was close to the bribe, he was a generous man, and if he was sprinkled far away, he was a stingy man, then the water of the well indicated polytheism and disbelief in God Almighty . The well may indicate doubt about religion, because it is the opposite of Bir Rib . And whoever sees that he looks in a well, then he thinks and looks about a woman . Whoever sees that his well is folded, and his wife is sick, or is in postpartum period, she shall be saved and be absolved of her sickness ….

…The names of horses are the horses, one of which is the horse, the mare, the horse and the foal, and among them are the kaddish, the berth, and the stone . Whoever sees a horse with him in a dream indicates the breadth of his livelihood, and his victory over his enemies . If he saw that he was riding on a horse, and he was suitable for riding a horse, he received honor and money, and perhaps he befriended a man as a horse, and perhaps he traveled and that travel is derived from the Persians . If a horse was shielded from its enemy, and if it was a dowry, a beautiful boy was given, and if he was a barzone he lived neither rich nor poor, and if he was a stone he married, if he was a single wife with money and offspring, and the original is honorable to the non-purebred . Perhaps the Persians indicated the abode of construction . And the meteors are glorified and triumph over the enemies because they are among the horses of the angels, and the most important are worries, and the blond, veiled is knowledge, piety and religion, and whoever rides a dead person may drink wine because it is one of their names . And whoever rides a boat to someone else who has reached his status or the work of his year, especially if he is a well-known boat and is suitable for his rider . And the stone is his wife. Or, apply to the size of the second compound . And if he passed away when he was coming down, he was alienating her, walking, or wilting in the event that he came down on the ground with blood, then he is engaged in adultery with her . The stone denotes the knot of money and yields, and the demolished stone is a religious woman who is rich in reputation and remembrance . And the meeting woman is famous for beauty and money . And the blonde with joy and activity . And the meteor has a debt, and whoever sees that he rode it without a saddle or a bridle, he marries a woman without infallibility, and the bald eagles of the paradise and the mare of authority . The blond is a war, and whoever sees a saddled horse without riders, they are women who gather for a funeral or a wedding . A Persian in a dream is a man or a child of a knight, a merchant, or a worker who has a knight in his work and trade . And the mare is a partner, so whoever sees that he has a horse who died in his home is the man’s destruction . If he sees that he is a rider on a mare that lures a mujahid, and walks on him slowly in clothes suitable for riding, then he strikes honor, power, authority and chivalry among people, and the enemies do not reach him badly, and if he is a merchant, then he is a trustworthy and he is in a comfortable life . If he is Adham, then he is the greatest of fate and honor, because he is money, authority and stewardship . If it is dead, then it is more in entertainment and rapture, and more in fighting and bloodshed . And whoever sees that he has sold his horse, then he will leave his job by his own choosing . And whoever sees that he slaughters his horse and does not want to eat his meat, then he spoils his livelihood from authority . And whoever sees that an unknown mare enters a land or a house that does not know his owner, then an honest man enters that place, who has danger in people as much as the danger of the mare . And whoever sees that the unknown mare is leaving his position, he is leaving an old man with death or travel . And whoever sees that cavalry run around in the round, and also enter a land or a camp, it will be rain and torrential rains that hit that place . And whoever sees that he is a companion to a well-known man, then he will reach that man to what is required of a religious or worldly matter, or that man will have a follower, partner, or successor after him . If he is an unknown man, then he is an enemy after all . And whoever sees that a horse has trampled or walked on it, then he is isolated from his authority or his work, or he gets something wrong and humiliated, and people bite him with their tongues . And whoever rides a wheelbarrow, or owned it, or bought it, and was a single woman, married an honorable, blessed woman, if she had a dowry, then a son would be hit from her . If the man is married, or someone who is not waiting to marry, then he strikes a village or an estate, which will benefit him in his livelihood . And whoever sees that his wheel is dead, stolen or lost, then that event is with his wife . And whoever sees that his blessing is a result, he will generate his livelihood and increase his money . And whoever sees that he is drinking the milk of the raccoon, the Sultan will bring it closer to himself and obtain good from him . And whoever sees his horse’s hair a lot, his wealth and his children will increase, and if he is a ruler, his army will increase . A eunuch denotes a servant . And the bear without a shackle is an adulterous woman, because she walked however she wanted . And the postal horse is close to those who rode it in a dream . Weakness of the mare may indicate weakness of prestige ….

…A young man is the enemy of a man in a dream, and if he is white then he is a hidden enemy, and if he is brown then he is a rich enemy, and if he is blond then he is the enemy of an old man . If he was a Dilman, then he is a faithful enemy, and if he was a Dilmah then he is a rude enemy . If he sees that he is following a young man, then he will conquer his enemy, and if a young man follows him, then his enemy will win him . And if he sees an unknown young man and hates him, he will show him a hateful enemy to the people . And if he sees a young man who supervises him, he is an enemy who has gained control of him . And whoever was an old man and saw that he had become a young man, he would receive a great deficiency . The adult young man is an enemy, and he is cunning and deceit, or a hated enemy, and his vision indicates movement, strength and the predominance of ignorance, and perhaps indicates grace and gratitude to God Almighty ….

…Whoever sees that he kills himself will do well and repent sincerely, for God Almighty says : “ Repent to your righteous, and kill yourselves . ” The verse . And whoever sees that he is killed, he will extend his life . And whoever sees it as if he has killed a person without being slaughtered, the slain will be blessed with good . The basic principle is that slaughtering when it is not permissible to slaughter it is unjust . If he sees that he has slaughtered a slaughter, then condemn the slaughterer to wrong the slaughtered in his religion, or committing a disobedience to him . As for whoever kills or names a murderer and knows his killer, he will receive good, singing, money and power . This may be affected by the killer or his partner, because God Almighty says : “ And whoever kills a wrongdoer has made us a ruler for his ruler .” Although not known murderer, it is a man Cavour being Hamlet on the ability, either Kafr El – Din or Kafr grace, the verse : ~ man killed Okfarh ~ and saw his throat cut does not know of slaughter, it is man who has invented a heresy or imitated his neck false testimony and the government and spend . As for the one who slaughters his father, mother, or son, he must prevent him and transgress against him . As for the one who slaughters a woman, he must interchange her . Likewise, if a female animal is slaughtered, and he has intercourse with a woman or spoiled a firstborn, and whoever slaughters a male animal behind it, he slaughters, and if he sees that he slaughtered a child and grilled a child and did not cook, then the injustice in that is to his father and mother . If the boy is a subject of darkness, then he is wronged in his right, and it is called ugly, just as the fire got from his flesh and it was not cooked, and if it was what is said about it, the barbecue would be done . If the boy is not in what is said about it and is wronged by it, then that is for his parents, for they are oppressed and they throw a lie, and people abound in them, and all of this is invalid as long as the fire does not cook . If he sees the boy slaughtered with barbecues, that is when the boy reaches the level of men . If his family ate from his flesh, he would gain them from his goodness and favor . If he sees that a sultan slaughters a man and puts him on the neck of the person of the vision without a head, then the sultan oppresses a person and asks him for what he is unable to do, and this bearer demands that demand, and asks him for his money that is heavy with the weight of the slaughtered, if he knows him, then he is himself, and if he does not know him and he was an old man, then he takes him with a friend And he is required to pay a fine based on his weight and lightness . And if he was a young man, he took an enemy and was in love . If the head of the slaughtered person is with him, then he is given the call to prayer, and he is not fined, and the fine is on the owner, but it will give him an illusory burden . If the king sees that his master killed him, then he will set him free . And a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw a woman slain in the middle of her house, disturbed on her bed . Ibn Sirin said to him : This woman should have had a marriage on her bed that night . The man was a brother and her husband was absent, so the man rose from Ibn Sirin while he was angry at his sister with a hidden evil, so he came to his house and found his sister’s slave-girl and she brought him a gift and said : My master came yesterday from the journey . So the man rejoiced, and he removed his anger . And a woman Ibn Sirin came and said : I saw as if I killed my husband with a people . He said to her : You carried your husband into sin, so fear God, may He be glorified and exalted . She believed . And another came to him and said : I saw as if I had killed a boy and brought him to life . He said that you would wrong this boy by calling him to something forbidden and that he would obey you ….

…And whoever sees that he has given nuts or almonds, he will strike money to the extent of that, and the pomegranate is a large, honorable man who has been fertilized, and the fig is a present money that does not lie, and nothing of the fruits can be amended, and the olive tree is a blessed man. If it is sweet, or a sum of money, or a boy that befalls him, or it is better for a son, perhaps it is a woman, whoever sees that he owned a pomegranate and ate from it, then he must be a slave girl. His possession, he receives from that vigor as much as he possessed of it, and it was said that whoever saw that he had hit a lot of apples, he hit money according to what he saw from its number, and who saw that he had struck an apple that he smelled, then he has a son who smells it, and bananas have money for the owner of this world and a debt for the owner of the debt and a lot of money and debt is the equivalent of bananas And if it is one, two or three trees, they are many children, and the vineyard is a generous man. If he sees that he is the king of a vineyard, then he is with a generous man, and it was said that he who saw that he planted a vineyard, then he would be afflicted with splendor and pleasure, and the white grapes in his time are the freshness and goodness of the world and in other than his time he will receive money before the time that he He was begging him in it and it might be what There is no forbidden, raisins at all times, money in any case, and eating a yellow fruit in a dream, such as quince, pears, peaches, wet, watermelon, and the like is a disease, and what was green thereof is not a disease, and every acid of the fruits is a concern and sadness except for lemon, apples, and buckthorn, and every sweet fruit other than what was mentioned above is sustenance And money and goodness, and whoever sees that a large tree has a lot to carry it with its abundance of teeth, he will suffer a power and a nail, and his life will be prolonged. Whoever sees that he is picking the fruits from the roots of the trees, he quarrels with an honorable man and is victorious in his quarrel, and whoever sees that he is on a tall tree, he clings to a huge man or escapes from what he fears and warns. If he is celibate, then he marries a woman and whoever sees that he fell from a tree or fell from it, nothing between him has been completed. And between those who intend to be attached to him and whoever sees that he fell from a tree and dies, then he perishes at the hand of an old man, and if it is broken by him, that man perishes. And whoever sees that he owned a number of trees, then he follows a group in a state of leadership, honor, leadership, or so on, and whoever sees an unknown tree, naked From paper, he will be afflicted with sorrows and sorrows, and whoever sees a large, withered tree Because there is no good in his house and whoever sees in his house a tree that grows and lengthens, then his memory rises and his reputation rises, and if he sees that he has a tree that has fruit and has no paper, then the owner of it has religion except for good manners, and if it has paper and has no fruit, then its owner is of good manners and has no religion. A tree is uprooted, cut down, or withered, then he becomes severely ill or dies and may indicate the death of some of his family in his place. If the tree is for someone else, then a man falls out of his livelihood or kills him, and whoever sees inside or outside his home or its lower or higher in which there are types of trees growing and in which the two winds are in That house is a misfortune where women gather to cry and grief, and whoever sees that he eats gum from trees, he eats a connection of a man’s money as much as gum…

Wearing socks, and it was said that it is traveling in the sea, and wearing them with weapons is Paradise . And the new slippers are a salvation from misfortune, and a protection from money . And if he does not have a weapon, then he is very anxious and strong in worry . And it was said that a narrow slipper is a debt, a confinement, and a restriction, and if it is extensive, then it is in terms of money, and if it is new it is attributed to protection, then it is better for its owner, and if it is of character then it is weaker for protection, and if it is attributed to worry, then what was the wisest is farther than relief. Slippers with clothes and clothes, it is an increase in the level and capacity of the pension . And slippers in the baskets of the winter are better, and in the summer they are . If he sees khuffa and does not wear it, then he will gain money from the non-Arab people, and the loss of the slippers attributed to the protection, the adornment will be gone . If it was attributed to worry and debts, it was relief from them, and wearing naive slippers indicates marriage to a virgin, if under his foot it was broken, he indicated a virgin marriage. If he is lost or cut off, he divorces his wife. If he sells the slippers, the woman will die. If he sees that he bounces with the lightness of a wolf or A fox, for he is an immoral man who kills him in his wife, and whoever wears a lonely slippers he is hit by a woman, and if there is a patch at the bottom of the slippers, then he marries a woman with a son . Wearing red slippers for those who wanted to travel is not recommended . It was said that he who saw that he had stolen the pumice from him was hit by Haman ….

…In a dream she is the stature of a man, and the two men are his strength in good and bad times . If he saw that his feet ascended to the sky and moved away from him, then his father dies . If he saw that they were brought, he would be let down in his money . If he sees that he commits adultery with his leg, then he walks behind the women . And if he sees that he is walking barefoot, then he will be tired and obsessed, and if he sees that he is eating a man, he will gain proximity and means to God Almighty, and his affairs will be successful, and all his needs are fulfilled from the matter of his religion and world . And whoever sees that his feet are burning, what he owns will change and change . And whoever sees that he has many legs, then it is good and a benefit for the traveler, and for those who endure leadership, and for the sailors a journey with much benefit, for the poor there are things for those who hope from good things, for the rich, sickness and disease, for the sick of the eye, his eyesight disappears, and for the wicked people imprisonment, grief and blame . And whoever sees one of his feet as a stone, it dries up and does not benefit from it . He felt that Das king , it affects two men two men, walking dinars a picture of the king . And whoever saw that his leg cut half his money gold . And the two men are fathers . And whoever has a straight leg or many toes in his leg, he will receive comfort, ruthlessness, and strength . And whoever saw that two men cut off his gold, perhaps this indicates his death . And whoever sees that his leg is broken, do not come close to the Sultan for days, let him leave his country, and ask God for health . It was said : If he is ill, that is his death . And whoever sees that one of his legs is longer than the other, he will travel and get help . And if he is rich, then he will get sick, because the rich need someone to walk in his affairs . And the king’s man denotes his men, and if a king sees that he has cut off another king’s man, he takes slaves of his men . And whoever sees that he has four legs, if he is poor, then he travels and gets help, and if he is rich then he gets sick, and it may indicate his longevity and old age, and it indicates to the patient that he is dying, and whoever sees that he is walking on one leg indicates that half of his money or half of his life has gone . And whoever sees that he walks on three legs, he does not die until he walks with the stick, either due to his old age, long life, or due to an illness that befalls him . And the judge and the governor if he sees that he has many legs to walk with, then he is isolated and does not walk except with agents . And whoever sees that his feet are made of iron indicates that his longevity, good money in his living and money, and if he sees them from glass indicates his lack of life and weakness of his ability . If he sees them of gold, then he will seek them in gold for him, with a fine . And if he sees them of silver, he will seek them in seeking women . And if he saw them of copper, he sought them in bankruptcy . If he sees them from lead indicating numbness or paralysis, unless there is evidence in the vision that indicates goodness, then he strives with them in the pleasure of God Almighty, or he stands with them for the sake of God Almighty . And if he sees the flesh of his feet gone, that indicates his righteousness . And the toes of his feet indicate the deeds of righteousness . And whoever sees that his legs are painful, he has pursued misfortunes, and punishment is inflicted on him . And it was said : He who suffers his leg is transformed from one state to another ….

…As for body hair : planting it for a man bore his wife . The abundance of body hair for the afflicted increases his distress, and his loss is the remission of his distress . And the abundance of body hair for the happy, the increase of pleasure and richness, and his loss the riches go . Increase the body hair for the rich is money, and the poor have a debt . And whoever is rich in an oven, his money is spent by stealing . And if he was poor, then he should spend his debt seriously, exhausted and demanding . If he sees his body hair white, then if he is rich, you lose his money, and he will oversee the death . And if he is poor, then it is a debt that he can pay off . As for the impossibility of his body hair, the hair of a beast or seven, this indicates his fall in adversity . Narrow chest delusion . If my dhimmi saw that his chest was tight, he would suffer a loss of his money . It was said that man’s chest is generosity, and his narrowness with his miserliness . The abundance of hair on the chest is a debt that he rides, and if he sees his chest turning into a stone, then he will be hard-hearted . Ibn Sirin came, a man said : I saw a lot of hair growing in my chest, and I was knotted . He said : I made a trust and I paid it . And the chest capacity also indicates the flag . As for the breasts, the man’s woman and his daughter, for his beauty is her beauty, and his corruption is her corruption . Whoever saw a woman hung by her breast, then she committed fornication and gave birth to a child of adultery, because the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “On the night of my captivity, I saw a woman hung by her breast, so I said, O Gabriel, who is this? He said that she was born from adultery . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I had a great breast that had reached the forest, that you are committing adultery with a prohibited one . This is because the breast is from it and from its skin, and that is forbidden . Rather, the righteousness of this vision is a forbidden marriage . And it was said that if a man saw milk in his breasts, if he was celibate, he would marry and give birth to him, and if he was righteous, he indicated to his left, and if he was a young man, he indicated his longevity . As for the young woman, if she sees this, it indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and as for the old woman, if she sees it, it indicates her poverty and the loss of her money, for a virgin if she sees it indicates her wedding, and the young woman if she sees it indicates her death . And the length of the man’s breast until they hit his chest, is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty, and it was said that it is evidence of a children’s voice . If he did not have a son, it indicates poverty and sadness . And the length of the woman’s breast is beyond the limit, evidence of the purpose of sadness . If women were afflicted with grief, they would pull and scratch their breasts . And whoever sees it as if he is nursing a woman, he will get sick, unless his wife is pregnant, then she will give birth to a son . If the visionary is a woman, then she will give birth to a girl . The belly : who is visible and from the inside of the man’s owner and his son, or a relative of his clan, or his closet and the shelter of his children . And the smallness of the few of these, and the large number of these . And his smallness without hunger is a lack of money, and if he sees that he is hungry, then he is careful, and he hits money equal to the amount of hunger from it . It was said that the belly bone ate usury, and walking on the stomach became accustomed to money . If he sees that his stomach has become small, then he will be a lot of baggage . Satiety is a wealth of money, and thirst is bad in his religion, and irrigation is good in his religion ….

…It was said that whoever saw a man who gave him dinars was a wronged man, and if he paid it to someone, then he is unjust, and if a man takes it when it is cut off, then it is a fierce quarrel and dispute between him and a man ….

…Camel : As for camels, if they enter a city without a device, or walk in a way other than a horse, it is clouds and rain . As for the one who owns a camel, he defeats men of predestination . A single camel is a man, and if it is from the Arabs then it is Arab, and if it is a fortune, then it is a non-Arab, and the answer to it is a traveler, a sheikh, a eunuch, or a famous man . Perhaps the camel indicated Satan, when it was reported that Satan is at its climax . Perhaps it indicated death because of his solemnity and the horror of his creation, and because he pleads with loved ones to faraway places . And perhaps he indicated the ignorant, hypocritical man, for saying to the Most High : ~ They are nothing but like sheep .~ And it indicates a patient man’s pregnancy . Perhaps he indicated the ship, because camels are ships of land . It indicates sadness when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: ~ Riding a camel is grief and fame .~ If the patient saw that he was riding a camel for travel, he died, and that was his coffin and his fame . And whoever rides a camel and is healthy, he travels, unless he rides it in the middle of the city, or sees him not walking with it, for he will experience grief while preventing him from getting up on the ground, such as confinement and disease due to the distance of the earth from him, and fame : if he sees that revolting against the authority or the creation will endure over the kings He is taken and perished, especially if there is something that adds to his well-known clothing, unless he puts it on a load-bearing or a stretcher, for he may seek the help of a huge man or be able to it . If his knee is a woman who does not have a husband, she is married, and if her husband is absent, he will take it before her, unless there is evidence in the vision that indicates evil and scandals, for she is famous for that among people . As for whoever saw a camel that entered his throat, watering, or utensil , then he is a jinn who enters it or whoever indicates that vessel from his family and servants enters . And whoever sees a camel mutilated in a house, then the lord of the house dies if he is sick, or his servant, servant, or superior dies, especially if his flesh is separated and his bones are separated, this is his inheritance . And if he was slaughtering him in order to eat it and there is no sick person, then that is a storehouse that he opens, or an amendment that permits him to obtain his bounty . But if the camel is in the middle of the city or among a group of people, then it is a man with a keel, who is killed or dies . If he was slaughtered, then he was wronged, and if he was slaughtered alive, his authority was gone or removed from him, or he took his money, and whoever saw a camel eating meat or seeking the role of people, then he eats of it from every house an unknown eater, then it is an epidemic that is in people, and if he is chasing them, then it is a ruler or an enemy Or a torrent that harms people, so whoever breaks it, breaks a member of it, or eats it, he will be damaged in that as much as he has received . As well as the elephant, giraffe and ostrich in this face . A train of camels in the winter is a towing guide . It was said that riding an Arabian camel is a pilgrimage, and whoever falls off a camel will become impoverished . And from his spear a sick camel . And whoever was caught on a camel, he was struck by money and grief, and a quarrel fell between him and a man . Eden saw as if he was hard on him, grieved by a strong enemy . If he takes the camel’s hook and leads it to a well-known location, then it denotes a spoiling man to goodness . And it was said that the camel is driven by its reins, evidence of the submission of some chiefs to it . And whoever tends a godfather camel will gain guardianship over the Arabs, and if it is Bakhatti over the non-Arabs, and whoever sees as though he has taken from its wells, he will have the money left, and if he sees two camels fighting, a war will take place between two great kings or two men . And whoever eats a raw camel’s head, he will backbite a great man . Riding a camel for those who see it will travel with it, and if he sees that he is milking camels, he will hit forbidden money . And whoever eats camel meat, he will get sick . And whoever gets struck from its meat without eating, gets money from the reason that camels are attributed to in the vision, and camel skins are heirlooms ….

…Can you learn the expression of dreams? Or is the gift of God gives it to whom He pleases of worship , as is common among a large sector of the border crossings of dreams , and people ? Is it a science that can be acquired and learned and then progressed in it – according to its talents – or it continues on one level in it as a result of its abilities , which cannot be surpassed? Is it a miraisah with which its owner is cut off , or is it speculation and assumption , and the assumption misses and befalls? That is clear to those who read this book , the author tends to be aware of the expression on a high, and singled out God by some of the prophets , peace be upon them Kyousef, Abraham, Jacob , and Mohammed, and excelled when many of the companions venerable Abu Bakr, Omar, and Aisha, and others, but this is not science Farasa is born with its owner, not just the marijuana, and if the crossing of the vision is one of the owners of these two types is better and his opinion is more correct, but this does not make us close the door to teaching the vision other than these two types ! Yes , it expresses the vision of the door physiognomy or the inspiration provided to jealousy, but I have a simple question here : Who is classified as of these two types of non – apostles of non Ancestors, companions and followers of the acclaimed? Who has to give others this right is the apostles – peace be upon them . ? Perhaps among them was Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he testified to some of his companions of their superiority in some sciences and knowledge. Therefore, he testified to Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, to excel in this aspect, to Omar in the aspect of inspiration, and to Ibn Abbas in the science of interpretation and so on, there are many questions, but the Messenger, peace be upon him And peace be upon him, may God be glorified and praised, said: “ What is uttered about whim (3) that it is nothing but a revelation suggests (4)”. From this point we analyze the question to find the answer through our understanding of the texts, and Bastaradhana stories received for senior crossings, what do we find? We find that this divine science grant in origin, but it can be learned and learning by studying how to express it when those lined up , of the apostles and righteous, or excelled in it who came after them , who saw him from the people of this science . It assigns this point of view, the emergence of a lot of companions in this side and teach him at the hands of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him . Let us look at the words of Abu Bakr , the Prophet peace be upon him on one occasion when cut by the Prophet ‘s vision which is : Ibn Shihab said : saw the Prophet peace be upon him a vision Vqsa to Abu Bakr said : ~ O Abu Bakr, I saw Kanye preempted you and I degree Vsbaktk Bmrqatin and a half ~ , he said : O Messenger of Allah, may Allah Iqdk to His mercy and forgiveness , and I live after you two years and a half, mentioned by Suyuti in large and attributed to Ibn Saad properties ‘1`). Here we find the Prophet peace be upon him Biskute the expression of Abu Bakr as if giving him health certificate for this expression . . We find in another position other vision says , which is : peace be upon him , said him : ~ I saw if I come mass pass Vagamtha in my mouth and I found the nucleus Aztna Vlfeztha , then took another Vagamtha where the nucleus Vlfeztha found, and then took a third Vagamtha and found the nucleus of Vlfeztha ~ , So Abu Bakr said : Let me cross it. He said : He said : “ Cross it .” He said : It is your army that you were sent to greet and gain, and they will cast a man, and he will seek them in your duty, and he will call upon them . He said, ~ Likewise said the king .~ Narrated by Ahmad in Musnadah, here he noticed that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when asked Menna Abu Bakr to cross it, did not flatter the truth, and had it not been for his knowledge of Abu Bakr’s ingenuity, he would not have agreed to a drum, and he noticed here that the noble Messenger said this . Time to Abu Bakr : ~ King also said ~ , give him a high testimony to the health of his words . Someone if you might say : that Abu Bakr , who inspired this science there is no room for error with him, and respond to this point of view that towards Abu Bakr and saw him, here, sinners in another subject , and this proves that this science learns, her may succeed to learn has He fails and may make mistakes . See this other position . Ibn Abbas , may Allah be pleased that it was happening that a man came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said : ~ I saw tonight in a dream sunshade ` 1` Tnnzv `2` ghee, honey, and I see people Atkvvon including ` 3` Valmcetkther and independent, and if Cause ( 4` ) He went from the earth to the sky, and I saw you took the money, then a man was actually taken after you, another man was actually taken by him, then another man was taken by him and he cut him off and then he actually reached him . Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of God , my father you and God let me Flaabrnha said to him , the Messenger of Allah : ~ Oabbarha ~ , and in the novel prizes : ~ through ~ Abu Bakr said : The canopy Islam is . As for the Antef of honey and ghee, the Quran Hlaute Tntef Valmcetkther from the Koran and the future . The reason connecting from heaven to earth, the right that you’re it takes him Vialik God, then takes by a man Viallo him, then take him another man Viallo him, then take him a man shall be cut off him, and then connects him Viallo him . he told me , O Messenger of Allah , my father you I was shot or I missed? and he said the Prophet peace be upon him : ~ I was some and missed some? Abu Bakr said : By God, O Messenger of God, did you tell me what I did wrong? He said : ~ Do not swear ,~ agreed upon . Crown with this modern long pause which is : that Abu Bakr here was not hurt in some of his words and thus responding to a man who says : that Abu Bakr , who expresses the vision or discernment and inspiration there is no room for the story of the martyrdom of expression , I have learned the vision . He who was with him before the prophethood did not mention the expression visions from them . Rather, in my view, they are graduates from the school of the nation’s teacher, who used to ask them when they saw them, and he often said to them as he passed by us : “ Whoever of you saw a vision .” As in Sahih Muslim `2` , and the people said science : that the benefits of this talk : induction aware of the vision , and the question about the interpretation, and the Prophet peace be upon him to teach them the interpretation of visions and virtues, and included it from the news of the unseen, this is as you see daily from the Prophet lessons peace be upon him on the ears of companions, in which not only teach, but teach and dialogue and explain to and develop , and Hola who excelled in the expression of visions of them are Kaltlamiv in the hands of their teacher, some of whom excelled in the science of interpretation, and some of them excelled in jurisprudence, Some of them excelled in the science of inheritance, and some of them excelled in modern science, it is no wonder that there are some of them excelled in the science of expression . And if we accept this . Theoretical learning theory, as well as can be proficient in our time some scientists in the science of expression and can these to study this art to others , and this view may be a stranger to some in this science particulary but perhaps Thrjhm of this science being more like inspiration and physiognomy as if it is an imitation of the apostles and found embarrassment From this side , and from the writer’s point of view that this opinion is minor and obliges others to do what is not necessary. This is said to those who violate those who try to ask about visions and learn the expression. Al-Nawawi said, commenting on the hadith of Samarah bin Jundub : If the Prophet prayed the morning, he came to them with his face and said, ~ Did anyone see Did you have a vision yesterday? ~ This includes the desirability of asking about the vision and taking the initiative to interpret it and expedite it at the beginning of the day, and it includes the permissibility of speaking about knowledge and interpretation of the vision and the like . Imam Ibn al- Saadi said (2 /442 ) , commenting on the verse that Allaah bestows upon Yusuf interpretation conversations : that where originally an expression of vision, the science of expression science mission that God gives it to whom He pleases of His slaves, and that human science will be rewarded On instruction and learning . And therefore it proved that Umar ibn al – Khattab was asking Umays girl names Ktamip for Taperalraaa as Tahdheeb Ibn Hajar (12 \ 399 ). According to Ibn Sa’d in classes (7 \ 124 ): Saeed bin Musayyib was to express people ‘s vision , and he took it from the girl Abu Bakr names and took the names of her father and took him Abu Bakran Waller Sol Karim peace be upon him . Ibn Abd al – Barr as in the boot (1 /313 ) Commenting on the interview Samra also : This hadeeth indicates that in honor of science vision and virtues ; Because he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, only asked about her to tell him and pass it on . And so that the companions know how to speak about its interpretation, and Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab said, as in the collection of his books ( 5/130 ), the science of expression is a true science that God blesses with whom he wills from worship . He also said (5 \ 143 ): Revelation is a true knowledge of God mentioned in the Koran , and for it was said : does not reflect the vision only is one of the scholars Ptooelha, because it is the revelation of the sections . Has warned Shatibi mercy of God in approvals (2 \ 415): that there is no advantage and veiled give it Alnaa peace be upon him only as exempted, but has been given his nation model, this teaches Extrapolation, and that it gave the revelation to him, and his nation was given a vision Good . Ibn Hajar said : urging the vision of science education and its expression on the left and the omission of the question and curse virtue of what graduate include access to some of the unseen and the secrets of the objects . E his words . So if the learner has the tools of this knowledge of knowledge of the Qur’an, the Sunnah, mastery in the Arabic language, the proverbs and the minutes of this knowledge, then what prevents him from learning the expression and then expressing it? I think that this is a legitimate right, and knowledge is broad and not surrounded by it, but my point of view must be a student who is good at this knowledge and is good at exporting it to others who are endowed by God to simplify the information and facilitate it to the recipients. We must not open the way to the public who do not have the tools of this art from those who solve for themselves and are deprived Based on a fleeting dream . Here ‘s images simple absurdity minds of some of them : Some Palestine have the courtyard of the Grand Mosque waiting Akhosv army , which will come the house of God and cleanse from Tdnashm and dropped planes and spent prescriptions based on dreams and so the list goes on Will I wonder our nation has become a nation of dreams? Even worship entered into dreams from the widest of its gates, look at the Night of Power, you find it defined through visions, and look at charity to find its biggest motive, the dead say to these people ! Many people see the door of charity does not open until Itsedk explains his dream as falling short in the door . Do you want more examples and greater pictures? By God, some of them throw a woman with fornication because of a dream in which he saw a woman, so a lesson for himself by reading some books that she is an adulterer, so he divorced her ! There are even those who claim that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him came to him in a dream and ordered him Nhah, and when he became aware of people and began working as in these visions ! The browser , for example , the Internet watching the quantum god Il analyzes and treatises that browsed and found based on a vision from here or there, and perhaps jokes what I read confirms that the Mahdi was pilgrims in such and such, and the incident of stabbing a pilgrim allegedly piercing that the Antichrist building the vision saw her the night of the incident ! The writer wonders important question : when to wake up the nation of her dreams take it and attached to science at the time of science? Science has its conditions, tools and methods, which can not be overcome, knowing expression of Ashraf science is not worth any human being to express visions must be knowledge of the Koran and its words . If he saw one , for example , something, he should consider the Koran first, the found a link between the vision and the state of verses linking them here and give examples : the ship , for example , may cross to escape the words of God Almighty : The Almighty said : ~ We saved him and the owners of the ship ~ ( Spider : 15). And wood may pass through the hypocrites for the saying of the Almighty : “ as if they were backed wood ” (Al- Munafiqun : 4). The infant may pass by the enemy for the saying of the Almighty : “ So the Pharaohs picked him up, so that they would have an enemy and of sorrow . And ashes may pass through the vain action of the Almighty saying : The parable of those who disbelieved by their Lord their deeds as ashes with which the wind strengthened ( Ibrahim : 18). Thus the Sunnah, the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, laid down the basic principles and rules for this art, and he used to tell the Companions about their literature and types and asked them about their visions and expressed them for them. Examples and aspects of it have been mentioned in the folds of the book, so there is no need for repetition, but he must know here that the prophets ’visions are true. From God, the duty of execution on the face of it, or it responds to the image of symbols, and these symbols are explained by the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to her companions, and then they watch them realized as tangible material facts . This is one of the experiences that these companions went through, so they benefited from it, and later on, may God be pleased with them . It is also necessary to know the origins of this art, that the time of spring is one of the best times for visions, based on the saying, peace and blessings of God be upon him : “ When time approaches, the vision of the believer hardly lies .” (1) Muslim narrators, and I have indicated to him and that its meaning is equal. Night and day and this spring time gets over jealous . . He must also know the values ​​of the people who tell their visions on him, so the vision of simple workers is not the vision of the people of positions and scholars, and he must know about their countries, doctrines, and the time of the vision . Likewise, he must know that lions and birds – except what is rare – are in the expression men and that wheat, barley, honey, wool and iron are often money, and so this art has rules and it is not easy to attain. Rather, it must be studied and apprenticed at the hand of Majid who is perfect for it for those who want to learn, and God I know ….

…Does the sincere vision fall ? And the righteous one is not a good man? Indeed it is an important question , and his answer is : that the righteous man may see Alodgat but a rare few managed to Satan from him , other than reversed, the truthfulness of his vision of a rare predominance shed the devil it was narrated from Anas ibn Malik that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said : ~ A for vision A good deed from a righteous man is part of forty-six parts of prophethood . Agreed upon (1). Muslim narrated God ‘s mercy from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ If the time has barely approached the vision of a Muslim lie , and Asedkkm recently, and the vision of the Muslim part of the forty – five is part of prophecy ~ (2). Al- Nawawi said : said to be a rhetorical time if a boat that moderating the days and nights this spring day . And it was said that what is meant is if the resurrection approaches , and the first is the most famous among the people of the vision , and it came in a hadith that supports the second, and God knows best . Of . Truthfulness is the greatest of the prophets’ descriptions, awake and dreaming, and whoever considers them in the truth will attain truthfulness from his visions . Al-Muhallab said : People have three degrees of this : A – The Prophets and their visions are all sincere, and what needs expression may fall into them . B – righteous , and mostly on their vision of honesty , it was located where what does not need to express their visions as Vtqa Raayaha completely in a dream . C – Who else . . In their vision there is truth and grievance, and they are of three types : 1 – They are covered , so most of the situation is equal to them . 2 evildoers , and mostly on their vision Alodgat and say where honesty , has been titled Bukhari in his Saheeh : the door of the vision of the people of prisons, corruption and shirk (3). 3 _ infidels , and tend to their visions Alodgat and very rare where honesty and refers to this interview : ~ The newly Osedkkm vision Osedkkm ~ which was narrated by Muslim . True dreams of some of the infidels have , as in the vision of the authors of the prison with Joseph upon him , Allah said : ~ entered with the prison boys , said one of them , I showed me Crush wine and the other said I showed me I bring over my head bread eat the bird from him Nbina Ptooelh Verily we see you from benefactors ( Yusuf : 36 ). as previously titled Bukhari in his Sahih door : the vision of the people of prisons, corruption and shirk , and occurred in the novel : a drink they people drink , and you want to drink forbidden , and reportedly sommelier said to Joseph : Wright as seen sleeping , I planted a grain Vneptt went where three clusters Fsrthn were Sagit king said : stay in prison three times and then go out Vtsagah on your habit . was as he came out (4) as well as the vision of Mllekema, the Almighty said : ~ the king said , I see seven fat cows he would eat seven lean Snblatt and seven vegetables and other Iabsat O Fill me in my visions, if you are to see the passage of vision ( Joseph 43) meaning : leanness is derived from leanness and the combination is lean and lean, and what is meant is the appearance of exhortations M of humor . Some vision scientists attributed to the part of the prophecy vision only good believer not reprobate has been . We have already with us the verse saying : ~ sincere good Muslim is the one who fits off if the prophets , Vokrm type , which Akram by the prophets , which see the unseen .. As for the infidel and reprobate and mixed not , if ratified visions are sometimes the same is also true Clip Islamic false , and not all of the event all have experience of the unseen parts of the prophecy , Kalkahen and mine ~(5) has been provided for us to track Imam Muhammad Safaareeni Hambali God ‘s mercy on saying : let him know . But Must be alert here that the vision of good that are the cause of initiated some of the provisions restricted whether signed in the era of the Messenger of the Apostles only approved » As for the other people are missionaries or Mndhirat , it may be in the expression Bishara to its owner from a charitable world or the Hereafter , it may be where warning him of a lack of or shorten his work or in his religion , came in the interpretation of the verse : ( and he preached that Ichaelmh God only alive or from behind a veil or sends a messenger Viouha with his permission what he wants he is wise ) ( Shura : 51). Some of the predecessor said : ~ From Ray Veil ~ which in his dream , what self – cleansed of vices , recedes woman heart , and met lawh sleep , and Antakec of the wonders of the unseen , and the oddity minimum . It is friendly to have him in a dream call conversation » and ordered him to God and tell him in a dream , The Prophet asked peace be upon him for the verse :~ them human in this life and in the Hereafter ~(6) And he said , ~ is the vision of good sees the man or see him ~ Narrated by Imam Ahmad (7). __________ (1 ) Agreed , see Ibn Hajar – op – (12 /361 ) and nuclear – op (23 \ 15) (2 ) nuclear – op – (15 \ 0 2 ) (3 ) Ibn Hajar – op – (381 \ 12) (4 ) Ibid (12 /382 ). (5 ) Ibn Hajar – op – (379 \ 12) (6) Yunus : 64. (7 ) Narrated by Imam Ahmad 173 \ 1 triples forward Safaareeni – a reference earlier ….

…Fadl Abdullah bin Salam . On the authority of Qais ibn Abbad, he said : I was in Medina with people including some of the companions of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and a man came in his face with a trace of reverence. Some of the people said : This is a man from the people of Paradise. This is a man from the people of Paradise. He prayed two rak’ahs in which it is permissible. Then he went out and followed him. When I became comfortable, I said to him : When you entered before, a man said such-and-such and he said : Glory be to God, what should one say to what he does not know, and I will talk to you Why did that see a vision during the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so she told him you saw me in a meadow – he mentioned its capacity, grass and greenness – and in the middle The kindergarten is a pillar of iron below it in the ground and above it in the sky, above it a loop, and it was told to me : I told him : I cannot. So Moncef came to me. Ibn Aoun said, and the fair-minded servant said : With my clothes behind me, he described that he lifted it from behind him with his hand, so I was separated until I was at the top of the pillar, so I took the handle, and it was told to me. : Ostmk woke up and she has to in my hands Vqsstha on the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ( the kindergarten column of Islam and that Islam column and that handhold the most trustworthy and you’re on Islam until you die ) said the man Abdullah bin Salam . And in a narration : I was in a circle in which Saad bin Malik and Ibn Umar passed by, and Abdullah Ibn Salam passed by and they said, This is a man from the people of Paradise, so I got up and said to him : They said such-and-such and he said : Glory to God they should not have said: I have no knowledge of it, but I saw as if a pillar was placed in A green kindergarten was installed in it, with a buttonhole on its head, and at the bottom of it was fair – and the fair was the Wasif – and it was told to me : I spoiled it, and I spoiled it until I took the handhold, so I told it to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : ( Abdullah dies while taking the most trustworthy arrow ) On the authority of Kharsha ibn al-Hur, he said : I was sitting in a circle in the Madinah mosque. He said : And there is a Sheikh of good standing , Abdullah bin Salam. He said : He made a good conversation with them. He said : When he got up, the people said : He who is pleased to look at a man from the people of Paradise let him look at this he said. : So I said : By God, I will follow him, so I know the location of his house . He said : I followed him, and he went until he almost left Medina, then entered his house. He said : So I asked him for permission, so he gave me permission, so he said : What do you need, son of my brother? He said : I said to him : I heard people tell you what you : is pleased to see a man of the people of Paradise , let him look to this Vojbna to be with you said : God knows the people of Paradise and I’ll tell you mm said that I while I’m asleep if you came to me a man said to me : then took With my hand, I set off with him. He said: So I was on a horse on my north. He said : I took to take it. He said to me : Do not take it, for it is the path of the owners of the North. He said : If a horse is a path to my right, then he said to me : Take here and bring me a mountain and he said to me : Go up He said : So I went if I wanted to go up I fell on Estée said : so I did it repeatedly said : then zap me so he brought me Amoad his head in the sky and below the ground in the above episode , he said to me : ascend above said this : I said : how to go up this head in the sky , said : he took my hand Vzgel me said : If I am related to loop said : then hit the column pride said : remained related to the episode until it became said : two deaths Prophet peace be upon him Allaah be upon said : ( The ways in which I saw on the left are ways north owners said : The ways in which I saw your right hand , they are The roads of the right-handers, and as for the mountain, it is the home of the martyrs, and you will not attain it. He still clings to it while you die ). His saying : If a horse is a method, Al-Nawawi said : The horse is a plural of avenue . And the approach is the straight path and the path of the method between clear and saying : Zajal me means throwing me ….

…And the man : the man’s strength, money and livelihood that he must depend on, and the leg may be the age of its owner . If he sees that his leg is made of iron, his life will be long and his money will remain . And if he sees that his leg is made of flasks, he will die soon and his money and strength are gone, because the bottles do not survive . The saw . His leg was cut off, half of his money was gone . If they all cut off his wealth and power, or all that was left out of it would die . It was said that the two men are parents, and walking barefoot indicates fatigue and hardship, and it was said that someone who saw him had many legs, and if he was traveling, it was easy for him to travel, and he obtained good . And if he is poor, he gets wealth, and if he is rich, he is sick . And seeing the two men Mkhadfin engraved, for the man the death of the family, and the woman the death of her husband . And whoever sees it as if he lifted a leg and extended one leg, then turned one of his legs to the other, it is near to him, and it is difficult to meet him . And it indicates that the person of the vision is a liar . Seeing a man’s leg from a woman is evidence of marriage . The woman exposed her leg of good faith, and her injury was better than it was ….

…The old woman is in a dream an impotence, and perhaps she indicates the world that is gone, and perhaps she refers to the Hereafter because it is against the world, and she refers to the wine because it is one of her names, and she refers to the cow because it is one of her names too . Perhaps the old woman in a dream indicated pregnancy after despair of it . Perhaps seeing the old woman indicated deception, deception, whispering and touching . The sick old woman is helpless, and the thirsty is drought. If a girl returns, the drought will be removed, and if the unknown old woman enters a patient who fears death, this is a good evidence for the pregnant woman . And the old woman indicates the land of his sabkha that does not grow . And whoever sees an old ugly look, it indicates sedition and war . The infidel old man is forbidden money, and the armed old woman is permissible money with pleasure for those who see it . And whoever turns old will attain reverence . And the unknown old woman indicates the infertile year . The ugly old man may be a harbinger of the end of war and drought, and the meager old man may be a year of drought, and if it gets fat, the year will come . And the dark-faced old man is in the world with them and goes to Jah, and if she is naked, then it is a scandal in his world . And whoever sees an old woman who enters his home, his world comes to him, and if he sees her she leaves him, his world is gone . And if a woman sees that she has become old, then it is the goodness of her world ….

…Homes : A man’s house is his hidden wife in the house to which he is staying, and from it it is said that so-and-so entered his house, if he gets married, so he takes it for her because she is in it, and his door is her vagina or her face, and the closet and closet are a virgin as his daughter or stepdaughter because she is veiled, and the man does not live with her . And perhaps he indicated his house to his body as well, the house of service his servant, the store of wheat his mother, who was the reason for him to live with milk for growth and education, and the cenef indicates the servant who made for sweeping and washing, and perhaps he indicated the wife who is alone with her to meet his needs, free of his son and the rest of his family . And looking at a person from the niches of his house indicates that his wife’s vagina was being watched or managed, and he returned to that in terms of deficiency, cultivation, demolition, or repair, he returned to what was attributed to him, such as saying : I saw as if I built a new house in my home, and if he was sick, he would wake up and his body was healthy. Likewise, if there is a patient in his home indicating his goodness, unless it is his habit, he burying the one who died for him in his home, then that will be the grave of the patient in the house, named if it was built in an impossible place, or it was nevertheless painted with white, or it was in The house at that blossom or two winds, or what is indicated by calamities, and if there is no patient, he married if he was single, or his daughter’s husband and brought her in with him if she was old, or he bought a secret according to the extent of the house and its danger . And whoever sees that he is demolishing a new house, he has been struck by them and evil, and whoever builds a house or buys it will suffer a great deal of good, and whoever sees that he is in a new stuccoed unknown house that is separate from the houses, and with that words indicating evil, it is his grave . And whoever saw that he was imprisoned in a house bound and closed with his door, and the house is in the middle of the houses, he will be well and well . And whoever saw that he had endured a house or a mast, he would take the provisions of a woman . If a house or a mast would bear it, a woman would bear his supplies . And the door of the house was a woman, as well as she shrouded it, and whoever saw that he was closing the door married a woman . And the doors open, the gates of livelihood . As for the vestibule, a servant on his hands performs the solution, the contract and the strong matter . And whoever sees that he enters a house and closes his door on himself, he will refrain from disobeying God Almighty, because God Almighty says : “And the doors are closed .” If he saw that he was bound by him, the doors were closed and the house was flat, he would be well and healthy . If he sees that his house is made of gold, a fire hits him in his house, and whoever sees that he is leaving a narrow house, he goes out of them . The house has no roof and the sun or moon has risen, a woman marries there . And whoever sees in his home a spacious house that is not in it, then she is a righteous woman who will add more to that house . If it is plastered or built with bricks, then it is a hypocritical and virulent woman . If there is a swarm under the house, then he is a cunning man . If it is of clay, then it is deceitful in religion . The dark house is a woman of bad character, of bad character, and if the woman sees it, then it is also a man . If he saw that he entered a sprinkled house, they would hit him from a woman as much as wetness and as much mud, then it would be removed and fixed . If he sees that his house is wider than it was, then the good and fertility will expand on him and he will be well received by a woman . And whoever sees that he is engraving a house or adorning it, there will be a dispute and commotion in the house . A bright house is a good guide and good morals for women . The Wall : A man, and perhaps the man’s state of his world is if he sees that he is standing on it, and if he falls from it, he will be removed from his state . If he saw that he had pushed a wall, then he threw it out, then he cast a man out of his rank and destroyed him . And the wall is an abstaining man who has debt, money and destiny, as much as the wall in its width, tightness, and height, and the architecture around it because of it . And whoever sees walls building a list in need of a pitcher, then he is a scholar or imam whose state has gone . If he sees people throwing them, then he has companions throwing his affairs . And whoever sees that he has fallen on a wall or something else, he has committed many sins and hastens his punishment . A crack in a wall, a tree, or a branch is the fate of one of his household, and two are like earrings and two nipples . And whoever sees walls of study, then he is a just imam, his companions and his family went . If he renewed it, they would renew and return to their first state in the country . If he sees that he is attached to a wall, then he is attached to a thin man, and his strength is as much as he can from the wall . And whoever looks at a wall and sees his example in it, he will die and be written on his grave ….

…A man is in a dream If the man is known, then he is that particular man, or his name or his counterpart from the people . And whoever sees a well-known man in his dream is asking for something from him or from his counterpart or from his name or from his likeness, and if he takes from him what is desirable in essence, he will obtain from him what he wants, and if he takes a new shirt from him and he is from the men of the state, then he takes from him a pledge of guardianship. A rope is a covenant because the Arabs call a covenant a covenant . Seeing Bani Adam in a dream indicates dignity . Seeing every sect has an interpretation, seeing kings as victory, seeing rulers as a trial, seeing rulers as fears, seeing soldiers as travels, seeing craftsmen as indicating their deeds and livelihood, seeing women is a trial, and seeing righteous people is worship . And perhaps the vision of the sons of Adam indicates what others have mentioned of what God Almighty has mentioned, the Almighty said : (There is no animal on the earth nor a bird that flies with its wings except for the nations like you ) , so seeing the good among the sons of Adam may indicate the good of the animals or birds, as indicated by the righteous animal or The beneficial bird is for the human being who is more than good, and when there is a person in the son of Adam that resembles a bird, a beast, and others . Perhaps the vision of the sons of Adam indicated the harvested crops. The Almighty said : ( And God made you grow plants from the earth ). The vision of the Bani Adam denotes the suspicions of gain due to the difference in their earnings, the wondrous building, or the pleasant workmanship ….

…Whoever sees that he is marrying an unknown man and the unknown is young, then the perpetrator conquers an enemy . Likewise, if the afflicted is known, or there is a dispute, quarrel, or enmity between them, then the perpetrator obtains the object . And if the affliction is known and there is no conflict or enmity between them, then the object of it afflicts the perpetrator good, or his name if there is no worthy of that, or its counterpart or one of the causes of these . If the subject is an unknown sheikh, then the sheikh is his grandfather and whatever good comes to his grandfather, he improves his thinking and tolerance for it . Likewise, if he sees that he kisses a man or has sex with him or is mixing with him after that is from their desire, then it is according to what is described in the marriage except that it is less than him in strength and amount . If he sees that he accepts a man other than the kiss of desire, then the one who does the object attains good and accepts it as his acceptance . The man that he saw himself a lamb : increased Dniah . And if he saw that he was born to a boy, he was seriously injured, and if a slave girl was born to him, he would be well off, and so is buying the boy and the maid ….

…It is rare that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said, I saw a man swallowing pearls as small and taking them out larger than he swallowed. Ibn Sirin said, This is a man who hears the hadith and speaks to it more than he heard ….

…The breast is in a dream the woman of a man or his daughter, so her beauty is her beauty, her corruption is her corruption . And whoever sees a woman hanging from her breast, she commits adultery, and gives birth to a child other than her husband . If a man sees milk in his breast, then if he is poor he is rich, and if he is not married, he indicates that he will have children . And if a young woman sees that, it indicates that she will become pregnant and that her pregnancy will take place, even if she is a rich garment that lacks and spoils her money . And if she was an aware virgin, that indicates her wedding . If she was young, far from the time of marriage, that indicated her death . And whoever sees that he is nursing a woman who knows him and does not know her, this indicates that he will become ill for a long time, unless he has a pregnant woman, then that indicates that he has a son . And if a woman saw this vision, she would give birth to a girl . If he sees that his breasts have grown in moderation and look good, then they are indicating to his children and things that he owns . And if he sees them fallen, then it is evidence of the death of his children . And whoever saw that and did not have children, this indicates his lack and his sadness, especially with regard to women . In breastfeeding women, it indicates the horizons of the person breastfeeding . A large breast indicates what is indicated by a breast that has been bone . And indicates in women immorality . And whoever saw that his breasts were striking his chest, this indicates that he is very old, that bad news is coming to him from someone who knows him . If men and women are young, that indicates love . And whoever sees as if he has one large breast and has reached the pubic area, he commits adultery with a forbidden marriage, or has a forbidden marriage, and the breasts in a dream are girls, so what happened in them is interpreted in girls . And whoever sees that a breast has grown for him along with his breasts, that is more than a girl . And whoever sees that he has a lack of a breast, that is the death of his daughter . And milk in the breast is an increase in money and it refers to the child, so whoever sees that there is milk in his breasts, he is honored to have a minimum increase that brings him or whoever owns it . Likewise, in women, if the milk produced by a person is breastfed, then he is locked up, and a door is closed over it, and there is no harm in it for the nursing infant, then it is humiliation and grief . And it was said : If a man saw that there was milk in his breast, then if he was celibate, he married and had a son . If he was poor, he indicated Bishara, and if he was a young man, that indicated his long life . And the young woman, if she sees that, indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and the length of a man’s breast until they hit his chest is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty . And before : It is evidence of the death of children, and if he did not have a child, it indicates poverty and sadness . The length of a woman’s breasts beyond the limit is evidence of the purpose of grief . A man’s breast indicates his quality, position, health and sickness . And a man’s breast may refer to brothers, companions, children and husbands who are of no use to them . A woman’s breast is evidence to the contrary, given the provision of God Almighty . If he sees that his breasts are like a woman’s breast, and milk is dripping from it, he indicates that he is standing on his children, and that he begins to do what the women need in their labor, and this may indicate religion, or he has a disease in which he is ashamed of people, then he saw him famous for that . And if . The breasts became copper or iron, indicating the loss of children and the failure of causes or pregnancy . The breast on the beast is a husband, and the breast on the infertile woman was born after despair from him . And perhaps the breast of the virgin referred to the jihad, clothing, or money adorned with . And the baby or girl has ailments, diseases and sores . A single breast for a single woman is a marriage, so if water or milk comes out of it, she loses her son or sister . And the breast is an adulterous woman . He crossed the breast with ostrich eggs or Altrj . They may be owned by breasts, and were told : they were father and mother . And the breast is indicative of a bottle of wine if it contains milk . It was said : The breast is a generous man ….

…And whoever thinks that a man should marry a man who knows him, then that man who is the wife’s husband will gain wealth from the side of his wife ….