
Al-Fasad is in a dream a man who obeys the conversation . If he breaks a man by display, then he is stabbed, and he is enmity, and if he breaks in length, then he speaks the beauty and composes among people . And Almusdod evidence of comfort and cure from ailments . And whoever has been seized in a dream of an organ, he needs to be spotted in it while awake . And whoever sees that a young man turns his sweat long, then he hears an enemy speaking or stabbing that affects him . And if he sees that he has lost his sweat, and his sweat is cut off, then his relative will die . And if the phlebotomy is in his right hand, then his money doubles, and if it is in his left hand, then he is victorious over his partner . And if he sees that a person has turned him away, then he hears a word from a friend, and if blood comes out of his sweat, then he will be rewarded for it, and if no blood comes out of him, then it is said that it is right and the one who is committing sin comes out . If a scholar breaks him and the blood comes out of him in a basin or in a plate, then he will get sick . If he breaks him and does not see blood, then he hears words from his wife . And if he despises blood coming out of him, then he will get sick and he will suffer harm in his money . And if his wife bears a daughter if the upper arm is longitudinal, and if the upper arm is longitudinal, and if it is transverse, then what is between her and her relatives shall be cut off by death or life . And whoever sees that he wants to mourn, then he wants to repent of sin . And if he thinks that blood has defeated him, then he is in whim and sin overcomes . If the blood is black, then he persists in a grave sin and will repent from it . And the bloodletting is the outflow of money in writing an argument, and the scalpel is like the pen, and the blood is like the ink, and the virgin if she gives birth, then she gets married . A phlebotomy for a boy is circumcised . And the prisoner visited Bishara, because blood is imprisoned in the veins . And the pregnant woman visited her and her childbirth . If the phlebotomy was not in the month of delivery, it is aborted . And the rich man paid zakat on his money . And the unknown woman’s visitation in the world is coming to those who saw her .