The second type : what comes from the hadith of the soul

The second type of visions of what would be self – talk , and the work of vigilance , and may help them psychological concern, , and stress intellectual . An example of this many occurrence especially in this era abounded in which concerns and overwhelmed the article sometimes , and the pressures of life at other times , we find some before sleep thinks business Besvqath and some think about a new career , and some Bamthanh early in the morning , do not forget the women who frequently overnight with this type also Vtjd Some of them think about their problem with their husbands before sleeping , for example , and so each of them sleeps, and then these thoughts and worries or hopes and pains within each one of them turn into dreams or visions and this is very likely , and then this follows the question of many of them about these visions , which As I mentioned, it is nothing more than pipe dreams . And pressure in the language , the singular of it : compression, which is all that was gathered and seized by collecting the palm and the like, and in the revelation : “ Take a pressure in your hand, and I will strike with it and not perjury. ” It is said : He brought us with pressures of news , that is , with mixed strokes of it . Confused dreams : What was confusing them confused difficult interpretation , and called for mixing Odgatha Vhbht Bodgat plant which is : the package , which takes man from the ground where the small green and the ground and the big and so (1). It can be through the previous offer to note that these Alodgat are not disciplined , but are mixed equivocal , and this also sees some scientists come behind me for one of two reasons ( physical ) or ( myself ) One can either be in a healthy position physical oblique , or in the mood myself troubled , this is reflected on the man and his visions Vtakhtl sputtering and be Odgato divided into two sections : section I : pipe special dreams ; Any private owner only these abound in some categories at certain times Kalmrdy and Kaltalbh and students , such as exam or before a personal interview with one of the educational institutions such as universities , for example , and Kalmqublan to marry the next two employees to upgrade , and so on , and Hola by asking them before crossing Subtle facilitates the discovery of the type Their visions and they are nothing more than pipe dreams . Sayyid Qutb said in the shadows of the Qur’an : Dreams are a mixture of troubled dreams and not a complete vision that bears interpretation , as it does not refer to anything . A . A simple behavior , (2) and her example is the companion who saw his head cut off , and as if he saw the angels ordering him to do something forbidden . . . And other examples (3). Section II : pipe General dreams , and I mean the common folk here are significant for the whole nation as though where – in thought its owner – Bishara general , or public alarm or public event , CA NEWS policy , budget, salaries , vacations , and wars especially if these events or one of them has dominated and accounted for the atmosphere , you will find visions abound about this , see , for example visions after the events of September atheist , and plentiful during the US campaign in Afghanistan and noted the power of the media dominant and path for this campaign, ask yourself : Do you impact on the strong human Sharp or easy? These events have dominated the arena, so there is no voice louder than her voice, so her power becomes permeable to the minds , so if she succumbed to sleep she transformed into visions whose owner may think that they are good news or good news , specific to him or general to the nation , and it is not hidden today for everyone who has the predominance of passion, ignorance and intolerance for opinion Or group and lack of piety, religion, and piety among many people , then the example of someone who sees these visions is looking for someone who will express them to him , and he may anticipate the event and send them before asking about it via his e-mail or his mobile phone , so it becomes the talk of the hour , and the fruit of the councils in a short time ! Here I am not against a class or a particular group, but I am against ignorance, yes ignorance that may go a group or sect or Ani individuals claiming visions , and sedition campus and broadcast some of the interviews and confessions of some of those involved by , in favor of what I said and they were under the dominion of illusions and dreams , This applies to some of the Sufis who have always inferred visions in which the Messenger of God came to them, commanded them and forbade them , or favored a deed for them , and thus they put it in the degree of revelation that the Companions lost with the death of the Messenger of God , and they found him , Ibn Hajar said in (4): If the sleeper saw the Prophet, pray May God be upon him and grant him peace, commanding him to do something , is he obliged to comply with it and must : or must he present it to the apparent Sharia , for the second is the approved one . There is a difference between the rich and the chandeliers , yes . Visions of which have missionaries to an individual or group , or even a nation , but this is conditional on two conditions : First : there is a reference reliable exposure it this Alrai also presented a group of companions visions about much of the night on the Messenger of Allah , he said : ~ I see your vision connived in the seven nights , it was Mthariha Flethrha in the nights of the seven , ~ agreed (5), was Bukhari titled in his Saheeh ( door : collusion on the vision ), and Hafiz Ibn Hajar said commenting on the hadeeth : it follows from the talk that the consensus group on the vision of one D on sincerity And its health , as the power of news benefits from reporting on news from a group . Of . (6) The second : is the fairness of the seer and sincerity and not being a Hui , or a goal , or reckless , lived a case or convinced of the idea , Vsitrt his thinking , Vtmthelt his vision in a dream , and here distinguish between visions before the event , and the visions of case or after , And it is no secret that it is in the event of the event or after it, or weaker and weaker than it before it – just as it is not hidden for everyone interested in this art , so there is no lesson in the vision of a passionate , just as there is no lesson in the expression of Hui as well , so where is the reference that approves the visions as the Messenger of God? Wayne of similar companions honored the pure? _________________________________________ (1 ) ( glossary Intermediate 540 material : Dgt ( a group of authors published Dar Al Dawa 1980 – Cairo . (2 ) Sayyid Qutb – op – (4 /1993 ), and Muhammad Qutb – op – p . 6 . (3 ) Ibn Hajar opening 354 \ 12, op . cit . (4 ) see Fath al – op – (12 /389 ). (5 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (4 / 256 ) in the book Taraweeh prayers door petition for much of the night – op – – Muslim , as in the nuclear (8 /58 ) in the book of fasting door preferred night of treachery and urge their request – a reference earlier . (6) see Ibn stone – op – (12 /380 ) ** quoting Dr. Fahad Al – Osaimi