Prostration of recitation

Prostration of recitation If a person prostrates in a dream the prostration of customs, then he maintains the enjoining of good and forbidding evil, and his magnitude is sublime . And if the prostration of thunder implies honor, obedience is necessary . If the prostration of Mary’s prostration indicates grace, kindness, and raising the destiny in this world and the hereafter . If the prostration of the first prostration of the Hajj indicates exhortation and terror because of the negligence it is, and the second prostration of it indicates the urge to obey, enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong . If the prostration of the prostration of Al-Furqan indicates an aversion to obedience and a desire for sin, and if there is some error, it indicates good belief in God Almighty and good belief . The prostration of the ants indicates the exaggeration of remembrance, the good reputation among the people of innovation, the penetration of the word among the kings, and the truthfulness with them . If the prostration of pain is revealed, then that is evidence of faith in God and fear of what he has, and a desire for His bounty, repentance, and the necessity of prayer . And if he prostrates the prostration of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, this indicates that he is delegating, that he commits a good year, and that he renews a blessing that he does not thank . If the prostration of prostration is separated, this indicates compliance with the commands of God Almighty and the Guardian . The prostration of the star indicates repentance to the sinner, refraining from sins, avoiding what is forbidden, and worshiping God Almighty . And the prostration of the prostration of defection indicates intimidation and rebuke from committing sins and sins . If the prostration of prostration, read, it indicates repentance and giving up sins and acts of entertainment and what necessitates Hellfire .