Can a non-Muslim? Like a Jew or Christian, to express the vision or explain it, or is this knowledge specific to Muslims only …. ?

Can a non-Muslim? Like a Jew or Christian, to express the vision or explain it, or is this knowledge specific to Muslims only …. ? Our answer to this question is that we must know something important, which is that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he said in al-Sahih : { There is nothing left of the prophethood except the heralds . They said, What is O Messenger of God? He said the righteous vision is seen by a Muslim or seen to him . } , The origin of the vision is laid, and it is primarily religious; Because whoever said these words has proven that he crosses the vision with the help of the Noble Qur’an, and the Qur’an is the miraculous word of God in every time and place, and therefore it is often in some visions some of the things that are absent, which if we seek the help of the Qur’an in deciphering them, we see the truthfulness and verify them . It was also proven that he crosses the vision through the second revelation. It is the purified Sunnah, which has become a reference for those who express what it contains of the prophetic proverbs, and its owner described it by God saying : [ It is nothing but a revelation revealed . His knowledge is very strong ]. And whoever refers in his expression to one of these two sources, then he excels in any skill, but there is an expression using other things or with the help of other things, such as the use of physiognomy, or knowing the situation of the seer closely, or seeking help from knowledge of the conditions of society, and this can be done by a non-Muslim, but I do not like to call it an expression of a vision, but rather an analysis of society or personality, or a study of it, and this is because the expression is a fatwa and its name has a Quranic or religious premise, and non-Muslims are free from it, just as it is not permissible for non-Muslims to dare to do so, even if only the name . It is also necessary to know the main tools of expression, namely the Qur’an and the Sunnah in the first place. These may not be available to non-Muslims, and non-Muslims will not refer to them . Some references have mentioned and proved the existence of some non-Muslim expressions and divided them into divisions, including : 1 / The expressions are philosophers, such as : Plato and Ptolemy . 2 / Expressions of doctors, such as : Galen and Hippocrates . 3 / Those who express from the Jews, such as : Hayy bin Akhtab and Kaab bin al-Ashraf . 4 / The expressions are Christians, such as : Hunayn ibn Ishaq and Abu Mukhaled . 5 / Those who pass by the Magi, such as : Khusra, Anu Shar, Wan, Kashmur, and Hormuz . 6 / The crossing are among the Arab polytheists, such as : Abu Jahl, Abu Talib, and Abdullah bin Abi . 7 / The crossing are among the priests, such as : Sateh, Abu Zara, and Awsajah . 8 / Those who express are among magicians, such as : Abdullah bin Hilal, and Qurt bin Zaid al-Abli . But those who follow these expressions notice their dependence on matters that have nothing to do with the Qur’an or the Sunnah in expression, but rather you see them depend on fortune-telling, jinn, or all kinds of magic, and other methods of trying to know the unseen forbidden . Do people of previous boredom care about dreams? Yes, evidence of this came. And from that : It came in the book of Genesis : Chapter 8: 40 , p . : 66 the following : Joseph said to the prison owners : [ Is not God expressions short of me? ]. In Joseph’s expression to the king, he said : [ The two dreams are one . And it was repeated because the matter was decided by God, and God hastened to make it. ] Genesis : Chapter 32: 41 , pg : 69. There are many other narrations, but these are examples, and God knows best .