…He said whoever saw that he was discussing one of the prophets, arguing with him, and raising his voice against him, because that is a heresy that he brought about in religion and Sunnah ….

…And whoever sees our Prophet Muhammad and was distressed, he will be released, or a prisoner is released from his prison, and if he is in high prices then he will be released, even if he was wronged, victory, or he is afraid of security . And his vision is a glad tidings for the seeker of the good outcome in his religion and world . If he sees him coming to him, or entrusting him with him in his prayer, feed him something good or dress him in a decent manner, and if he is a scholar who has done what he knows, and if he is a worshiper who has reached the homes of the people of dignity, and if he is a sinner he repents, and if he is an unbeliever, he is guided, because God Almighty says : ( So believe in God and His Messenger. The illiterate Prophet ). The vision of the Prophet indicates showing arguments, truthfulness of the article and fulfilling the promise, and perhaps enmity, envy and hatred occurred from his family and relatives, and perhaps his family parted and moved from his homeland to others, and perhaps the orphan from his parents caught him . His vision may indicate the display of dignities, because the fawn greeted him, and the camel kissed his feet, and he took him to the sky, and the arm spoke to him, and the trees walked to him . If the seer was one of the kohlins who treat the eyes, he reached a great amount in his making, because, upon him be peace, the response of Qatada’s eye . And if people are exhausted with thirst, this indicates the descent of rain because God bless him and grant him peace the spring of water between his fingers . And if a woman saw him who had attained great rank, good fame, chastity and honesty, and perhaps she was afflicted with calamities and gave birth to good offspring, even if she had money she spent in obeying God Almighty . To see him peace be upon him indicates patience to harm . Perhaps his vision indicated the victory of the believers and the destruction of the unbelievers, and if a debtor saw him, his debt was spent, and if he saw him a patient was cured by God Almighty. He tends to heresy, and if he visited his grave, he hit a great deal of money, and if he saw that he was the son of the Messenger, peace be upon him, he indicated that his faith was cleared and certainty . And whoever saw that he was transformed in his image, peace be upon him, and was a student of the king, he obtained him and the land was attached to him, and if he was in the humiliation of God Almighty, and if he sought knowledge, he obtained it, and if he was poor, or celibate, he married, or was in a place where he was beaten, then he lives with his blessing and whoever saw him, peace be upon him Call out in a place many fertile and his men . If she sees him pregnant or her husband sees him, the truth is words . And whoever sees him well is an increase in the religion of the seeker, and whoever sees his black beard will gain pleasure and fertility . And if he sees his neck thickened, then Imam Hafez is for the trust of the Muslims, and whoever sees him, peace be upon him, in a military camp with weapons on him while laughing, then the Muslim army shall be defeated . If he sees that he, peace be upon him, combing his head and beard, he indicates that they are gone . And whoever sees him make a brotherhood among the Companions, he will receive knowledge and jurisprudence . And whoever saw his grave, peace be upon him, and he was a merchant, who had profit in his trade . If he sees that he is the father of the Prophet on peace, then his religion is corrupted and his certainty weakened . If he sees one of the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him, who is his mother, his faith increases . If he sees that he is walking after the Prophet, peace be upon him, then he follows the Sunnah . And whoever sees that he eats alone, the seeker forbids the liquid and does not give alms . And if he sees the Prophet, peace be upon him, without a shoe, then he neglects the prayer with the congregation, and whoever sees him wearing his invisibility, he commands him to strive for the sake of God Almighty . And whoever sees his blood mixed with the blood of the Prophet, peace be upon him, he will intermarriage with honor . If the Prophet gave him something that is desirable, such as wet and honey, then he would memorize the Qur’an and gain knowledge as much as he gave it . And whoever sees the Prophet, peace be upon him, in the image of a tall young man, there will be strife and murder among people. If he sees him while he is an old sheikh, then the people are healthy, and if he sees him as white, then he repents to God Almighty and improves his deeds . And whoever sees him admonishing him or arguing with him, this is a heresy that he has brought about in religion ….

…And whoever saw that he was reciting Surat Al-Imran, he would clear his mind and make himself free, and he was arguing with the people of falsehood ….

…If he sees as if he is hostile to Gabriel and Michael or arguing with them, then he is in a matter that permits the curse of God Almighty from hour to hour, and his opinion agrees with the opinion of the Jews, we seek refuge with God . And whoever sees Mikael, peace be upon him, he will gain his blessings in both worlds if he is pious . If he is not pious, then he should beware . If a town or village sees it as a public rain in a rainy place, and the prices are cheaper in it, then if the person who dreams talks to him or gives him something, he will be blessed and pleased because he is the king of mercy ….

…A bear seeing in a dream indicates a person with impairments and strife . Perhaps his vision indicated cunning and deceit, or heavy-bodied women, or captivity and imprisonment . And the bear in a dream is a foolish enemy and a different thief who cheats in arguing . And whoever rides a bear attains a despicable guardianship if he is worthy of it, otherwise he will get it and fear it and then he will be saved, and it indicates a woman and a travel and it was said : The bear is an adulterous woman, so he who rides it should beware of fornication ….

…And whoever sees as if he is melting gold, then he is arguing about an unpleasant matter that has long been subject to people’s tongues ….

…If he sees as if he is hostile to Gabriel and Michael or arguing with them, then he is in a matter that permits the curse of God Almighty from hour to hour, and his opinion agrees with the opinion of the Jews, we seek refuge with God . And if he sees that he took food from Gabriel, then he will be from the people of Paradise, God willing, and if he sees him sad and distressed, he will suffer severity and punishment, because he is the king of punishment ….

…Surat Al-Imran: Whoever reads it or recites it to him, as Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, and Nafeh and Ibn Katheer, will be less fortunate among his family, and he will have a son when he is old, and he travels a lot . And it was said : He will be chosen among the people, absolved of all impurity, arguing against non-people of his religion in their religions . And it was said : He will gain sustenance and blessing, and his mind will be cleared and his self-purification ….

…Whoever recites Surat Al-Mujadala was arguing with the people of falsehood, compelling them with arguments ….

…The scepter is in a dream a bad boy, and it was said : He is a hypocritical man . And whoever sees that he is flogging the ball with a mace, he is arguing with a woman or a hypocritical man . And the scepter is derived from him the elves, and his vision may indicate war and damage . And whoever sees that he has a scepter with which he is being struck, he will obtain what he is asking for without integrity ….

…Reading the Holy Quran in a dream is an honor, pleasure and victory . And if he recites the Qur’an without a Qur’an, then he is a man who is arguing about a truth and his claim is truth, and he is a revered believer who enjoins good and forbids evil . If he sees that he is reciting the Qur’an and he knows what it contains, then he is sane . And if he sees that the Qur’an is being recited to him and he does not accept it, then he is a harm from authority or punishment from God Almighty . And if my mother saw that he was reading the Qur’an, he would die . And if he sees that he completes the Qur’an, then he has many rewards with God and gets what he wishes . And whoever sees that he writes the Qur’an in clay or seashell, then he interprets it with his own opinion, and if he sees that he is writing it on the ground then he is a heretic . It was said that reading the Qur’an fulfill the needs and clear the way . And whoever sees an impartial people who read the Qur’an, then these are people with passions that they have deviated from . And whoever saw that he memorized the Qur’an but did not memorize it, he will be given a possession . And whoever sees that he hears the Qur’an, his authority is strong and his conclusion is fine, and he is spared from the plots of the cruelers . And whoever saw that he was reciting something from the Qur’an and was sick, God Almighty would heal him, for the Almighty said : ( And we send down from the Qur’an what is a healing and mercy for the believers ). The recitation of the Qur’an indicates the abundance of good deeds and the high degrees ….