…If a girl dreams that she is a bride, this foretells that she will come across an inheritance that will greatly please her, if she is pleased with making her wedding showy . If she feels constricted she will suffer disappointments in her expectations . If you dream that you are accepting a bride, then this means a happy agreement between friends . If the bride accepts others, this means for you many friends and joys . If a bride kisses you, this means that you will enjoy good health and that your kind heart will inherit an unexpected fortune . If you accept a bride and find her distressed and sick, this means that you will be upset with your success and the work of your friends . If the bride dreams that she is not in harmony with her husband, this means that several sad circumstances will spoil her pleasures ….

Bride If the bride is decorated in a dream, then it is a fertile world . And whoever sees that he is a bride and does not see his wife, does not know her, is named to him, or attributed to him, then he dies, or kills a person . And if he saw that he had married, he would attain authority in the measure of the woman, her virtue, the meaning of her name, and her beauty ….

…Exhuming graves : The scavenger is asking for a hidden wanted man, because the Arabs call him hiding, either in good or evil, so if exhumed is a scientist, then he is exhumed according to his doctrine and the revival of what he has learned of his knowledge, as well as the grave of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, unless he leads him to an outmoded heap And he breaks torn or broken bones, then he comes out in his knowledge to heresy and accident, and if he finds him alive, he extracts from his grave a good thing and reaches his goal of reviving his Sunnah and his laws according to his destiny and the like . If the exhumation of the grave of an unbeliever or a heresy or one of the people of the dhimmah requested the doctrine of the people of misguidance or treated forbidden money with deceit and deceit, and if the exhumation leads to it into a stinking corpse, sludge, or a lot of excuse, that is stronger in the evidence and indicates reaching the required corruption . As for whoever sees a dead person who has lived, his Sunnah lives for good or evil for its seeker, especially if he is from his household or he sees him in his home, or for all people if he is a ruler or a scholar . As for eating the deceased from a sick house, this is evidence of his destruction, otherwise money will go to her family . As for the one who called him the dead, if he was sick, he followed him, and if he was a jurist, then he exhorted him and reminded him of what is necessary for him to return from what he is in and fix what he is, and as for whoever struck him dead or met him with frowning and threatening and leaving the peace, then he should beware and fix what he left over him from the will if it is to him Or in the actions of himself and his sins between him and God Almighty . And if he received him with human beings, thanksgiving, greetings and embrace, then he would have tidied him against the condition of the first, and the mention of the door of the dead has been mentioned above what is rich in it . As for the lamb above the coffin : it supports what death indicated in the vision, and it may follow a state in which it conquers the necks . As for the burial, it is investigated as indicated by death, and it may be good for the one who has corrupted his debt, and it may indicate the long stay of the traveler, the marriage and the bride, and the entry into the house in the whole with the bride from washing, wearing white and touching perfume, then his brothers visit him during his week . And perhaps he indicated imprisonment for those who expected it, and if he expanded his sleep and a bride’s sleep, then what is evidenced is the best of his eating, good consequences and abundance of his world, and if otherwise his condition worsened and his life was distressing . Ibn Sirin used to say : ~ I like to take from the dead and I hate to give it .~ And he said : If the dead are taken from you, then something dies . And whoever dies and does not see the body of the dead there, then it is the demolition of his house or something of it, and if the neighborhood sees that he is digging a grave for himself, he builds a house in that country or that locality and resides in it, and whoever is buried in a grave while he is alive is imprisoned and tightened for it, and if he sees a dead person who embraces and mixes with him, that is a lengthy The life of the living, and if he saw the dead asleep, that was his rest ….

…Khimar If you see in a dream that you are wearing a khimar, this means that you are not completely loyal to the one you love and you will use trick and deception to keep it . Seeing others wearing a blindfold indicates that fake friends are doing you harm . As for seeing an old or torn veil in a dream, it means that you are living in the midst of a wave of intrigue, deception and intrigue . If a girl sees in a dream that she has lost a hangover, this means that her beloved realizes and understands her cunning methods and will take revenge on her . If you see the bride’s veil in a dream, then it means that you will make a successful leap in terms of work in the future and will experience many joys in your center . If a girl dreams that she is wearing a bride’s veil, she will be busy with matters that will be the reason for her permanent happiness and benefit . If the khimar is lost or an accident happened to it, then it means that it will be beset by sorrows and pains and surrounded by difficult circumstances . If you cast the khimar aside in a dream, this means a scandal or divorce . And if in a dream you see the mourning veil worn by women, this means retreat and losses in trade and business, and many problems, worries and grief ….

…The wedding If the wedding is with knowledge and know-how, then a person dies in that place where the wedding took place . And whoever sees that he is a wedding, and he does not see a bride and does not know her, then he dies, and if he sees her or is described to him, then it is a world that accepts it . See also Marriage ….

…It is in a dream asking for forgiveness and seeking forgiveness is the garden and whoever sees that he is watering his orchard, his family will come . If he sees his orchard with dry, then his wife is deserted . And whoever enters an unknown garden whose leaves are scattered, they will be struck . And the orchard indicates the woman because she is watered with water and she becomes pregnant and gives birth . The unknown orchard may refer to the Noble Qur’an, because it is like the garden in the eyes of the beholders, and in his hands the reader reaps from the fruits of his wisdom, and it remains with its origins with what people mention, which is the old and updated tree, and the promise and promise is like its sweet and sour fruits . Perhaps the unknown orchard indicated paradise and its bliss because the Arabs call it heaven . Perhaps he pointed the grove to the market and the bride’s house, so the trees were her tables, and the fruit was her food . And perhaps he indicated a place or an animal to be used from, and to be used in it, such as shops, khans, pigeons, goats, animals, livestock and other crops . If someone sees himself in a garden, I look at his condition, if he is in the House of Truth, then he is in Paradise and Bliss, and if he is sick, he died from his illness, if the orchard is unknown, and if he is a Mujahid, he attains martyrdom, especially if he sees a woman calling him to herself, or he drank milk or milk in it. Honey from his rivers, or if its fruits are not similar to what he has known, and if there is nothing of that, and if he is single or has had a marriage contract, he married or entered into a wife and obtained as he saw in the garden . And whoever enters a garden and sees an employee or a slave urinating in his legs, or watering him without his drivers or from a well other than his own, then he is a man who betrays him in his family . The well-known orchard is indicative of its owner, guarantor, or ruler, and indicates the mosque for the general public, including the people, the private, the ignorant, the scholars, the miserly, the generous, and it indicates the marketplace or the role of knowledge, such as the school and other places that combine worshipers and students of science . It indicates the university house for the rich and the poor, the good and the immoral . Whoever enters in a dream to the garden, as if entering it at the time when the fruits are coming in, indicates goodness, livelihood, and an increase in good deeds, husbands and children, and if it is at the time of its end and leaves fallen from it, it indicates revealing the situation and debts or divorce of husbands or loss of children, if the inside To the Bustan dead, then he is in Heaven, and if he was sound, he might have been unjust to himself and not reliable in his religion. If he rules over him or his possession, he attains glory and authority, otherwise he is wasteful on himself . Perhaps the orchard indicated the wife, the son, money, good living and the removal of worries . And perhaps the Bustan indicated the location of the feast in which there are different foods and colors, and the house of the Sultan that collects armies and soldiers ….

…The lock and the keys : As for whoever opens a lock, if he is celibate, then he will marry, and if it is an allowance for his bride, then he will divorce her, so the key is mentioned, and the lock is his wife . As the poet said : do it in a Sla … and received the lock switch only to be imprisoned Vinju him to pray, God Almighty said : ~ The conquest Tsfhawwa has come to ~ 0 any let it come to victory . And if there is a dispute in which there is victory and judgment for him, God Almighty said : “ We have opened for you a clear opening .” And if he is in poverty and is not able to open for him from the world what is used by a wife, or from a company or from travel, then stop . And if he was a ruler and he was unable to judge, or a mufti was unable to issue his fatwa, or a transient and a question was difficult for him, it appears to him that he has closed in on him and may differentiate between a married couple or partners, right or wrong, according to the extent of the vision . As for the key, it indicates progress with authority, money, wisdom and goodness . And if the key to Heaven attained great authority in religion, or many works of righteousness, or he found treasure or money that is permissible as an inheritance . The blocking of the key to the Kaaba withholds a great sultan or imam, and then in this manner in the keys . The keys are power, money and great danger, and they are the reins . God Almighty said : “He has the foundations of the heavens and the earth .” Means the authority of the heavens and the earth and their treasuries . Likewise, he said in Qarun : “ As long as his switches are so vehement or power .” He describes his money and safes . Whoever sees that he has hit a key or keys, he will strike power or money as much as that . And if he sees that he opens a door with a key until he opens it, then the key is then a supplication to be answered for him and his parents or others in it, and by this he befalls his request that he is asking for, or he seeks the help of someone else and gains it . Do you not see that the door is opened with the key when he wants, even if the key was not opened by itself, and he used to seek help in this matter by someone else ? Likewise, if he saw that he opened a tower with a key until he opened it and entered it, then it will become a great relief and great goodness with supplication and the help of others for him . And the lock : a guarantor, closing the door by giving a guarantor, and opening the lock is a release and exit from guarantee . And every closing they are, and every opening is Faraj . And it was said that the lock signifies marriage, and the opening of the lock is said to be the invocation, and the iron key is a man with great misfortune, and whoever sees that he has opened a door or a lock, will grant victory to the Almighty saying : “ Victory is from God and an opening is near .”…

…Pillow Seeing a pillow in a solution foretells relaxation and luxury . If a girl dreams that she is leaning on a pillow, this foretells that she will hear encouraging news that reassures her of her happy future . If you dream of leaning on a silk pillow, this foretells that your comfort will take place at the expense of others . But if you see a pillow, this foretells that you will thrive in business and in the pursuit of passion . If a girl dreams that she is making a silk pillow, then this means that she will become a bride many months before ….

…Marriage If a girl dreams that she has married an old man with wrinkled face with gray hair, then this predicts that problems and disease will beset her . If a girl dreamed that her lover passed by in front of her wearing a black dress and looked at her with reproachful looks during a wedding party, this means that she will feel sorry for the coldness of her friend’s emotions and change his attitude towards her . If you dream of seeing a wedding, this indicates that joy and happiness will overwhelm you if the audience is happy and wears brightly colored clothes . But if they wear black and dark clothes, that means that sadness and sorrow await you . If you dream that you sign a marriage contract, then this means bad news from an absent person . If you are present at a wedding, this means that you will be happy because of the interest of someone you love, and your business will also flourish greatly . If you dreamed of a bad accident in a wedding, that means a calamity, illness or death in the family . If a girl dreams that she is a bride, but she is unhappy, then this means disappointment in the ocean of passion, and this may mean her illness . She has to be careful in her behavior and steps if enemies lie in wait for her . If you dream that you are bound by an unrecognized marriage, then this indicates that you will engage in a reckless way in an unpleasant matter . If a girl dreams that I am not convinced of her marriage, this foretells that her tendencies will incite her to commit flagrant stupidity . If a married woman dreams of her wedding day, this foreshadows her to strengthen her strength and feelings against disappointment and sadness . You will also get involved in secret quarrels and jealousy situations . If a woman imagines that she is happy and safely cared for in a marriage, then this dream bodes well ….

…Marriage in a dream indicates the care of God Almighty . Perhaps marriage indicates families, religion, worry and distress . If a person marries an unknown woman, this indicates that the term is near, and the journey from home to home, and if he is fit for the emirate, he will assume or obtain a position befitting him . If it is a wedding according to custom, then it is a position or a good reputation . Marriage is defined as a craft, so whoever sees that he married a woman then she dies, then he works in a profession from which he only gets work, trouble and worry . And whoever thinks that he has married a Jewish woman, he is pursuing a trade in which he will gain a sin and commit sins . And whoever thinks that he has married a Christian woman, he is pursuing a trade in which it is false . If she is a Magian, then it is a craft without a religion . He who marries a prostitute is an adulterer . Whoever marries a healthy wife is bound by a heavy restriction . And whoever marries a dog, he has a low order . And whoever sees a person marries a woman and passes it on to him, he will receive money . And whoever sees his wife marries a man with the Sultan’s wife, he will be given a king if he is qualified for that, otherwise he will assume the mandate . And whoever marries a dead woman will gain access to a dead matter, he may give up . If the sick woman gets married, and whoever sees the husband and does not know him, then she dies. Likewise, if the sick man gets married in his sleep and does not see the woman and does not know her, then he dies . And from his mother’s husband, he sells his property : If a pregnant woman sees that she is married, then she gives birth to a slave-girl, and if she shows up like a bride, she gives birth to a boy . If a woman and she has a son sees that she is married, then she marries her son . If a single or married woman marries in a dream, she will obtain good . If the woman marries a dead man, she will be separated and poor . And whoever sees that he married a woman and has a wife or wives, he will have a choice and authority as much as the woman’s beauty and appearance if he inspects her and knows her. If he did not know her and she was preparing for him, this is evidence of his death, or the death of a person at his hands . And whoever sees that he marries the daughter of an unknown sheikh, he will suffer a lot of good . And if a woman sees that she has married an unknown sheikh, then she will do much good . And if she was sick she was cured of her illness . And whoever sees that he marries a dead woman from his wife, she should reach her womb, and if she is still alive, her womb will be cut off . And whoever saw that he married a mahram, his family prevails . And the wife in a dream is a partner, enemy, oppressive ruler, bitter opponent, or king, and everything that the earth has indicated to him in terms of comfort or fatigue, or good or evil, the wife like him is attributed to him for his indication of it ….

…Cemetery If you dream that you are in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will receive unexpected news of the healing of a person whom you mourned, considering him dead, and you will find your appropriate legal right in lands occupied by usurers and usurpers . If you see an abandoned cemetery and a blackberry plant has grown in it, you will live to witness all your friends who have left you, and you will be left in the custody of strangers . If young men dream of wandering among the paths of the silent dead, this foretells that they will encounter sympathy and an intimate response from friends . But they will have to meet sorrows because friends cannot avoid them . If a bride dreams about crossing a cemetery on her way to the wedding ceremony, she will be deprived of her husband due to violent events that take place during the travels . If a mother dreamed that she was carrying ripe flowers to a cemetery, this indicates an expectation of continuing good health in her family . If a young widow dreams that she is visiting a cemetery, this means that she will throw aside the mourning clothes for the sake of marriage ropes . If she feels sad and hopeless, she will encounter new worries and regret . If the elderly dream of a cemetery, this indicates that they will soon make other trips to where they will find complete rest . If you see young children gathering flowers and chasing butterflies between the graves, this indicates successful changes and you will not cry over any of your friends’ graves . The joyful masquerade parties will be healthy ….

…As for seeing the dead, mixing with them, taking from them and giving to them, whoever sees that a dead has lived, then joy and happiness will happen. And whoever sees that he has revived the dead, then he greets an unbeliever and whoever sees that a dead has lived and then asks him that you have died and he said no, but you were alive, it indicates his good condition in The Hereafter, and whoever sees that a dead person is angry, then it indicates that he gave a will and did not act upon his will. And whoever saw that a dead person laughed, is auspicious, indicates that charity has arrived to him and it is acceptable, and whoever sees that a dead person is in good shape while he wears his clothes, then he indicates that his death is good for monotheism. He lived while he was in a mosque, because he was safe from the punishment of God Almighty, and whoever saw that he was associating with the dead then he traveled far away, and whoever saw that a dead laughed and then cried, it indicates that he died outside the religion of Islam, and whoever sees that a dead person has blackened his face, it indicates that he died an unbeliever. He saw that a dead person told him about his matter, because as he said, because the dead in the House of Truth does not speak anything but a truth. And whoever sees that a dead person has a crown, jewelry, or rings, or what adorns him, or he sees him sitting on a bed, then he indicates the goodness of his turn, and whoever sees that a dead person wears green clothes, it indicates That his death was a kind of testimony, and whoever saw that a dead person would dispute it while he was reluctant to do it or he would preach it with the words of G. Laze, it indicates that he has committed a sin, so he should repent to God, and perhaps the dead person is in particular, and whoever sees that the dead is naked and his nakedness exposed, then it indicates his departure from this world naked from good deeds, and if he is from the people of righteousness, then he smells of it and whoever sees a dead with dirty clothes or is sick, he is responsible for his religion It is between him and God Almighty, especially without the people, and whoever sees that a dead person is busy doing a good job, then he is good in his right in the Hereafter, and if his work is blameworthy then against that, and whoever sees a dead man who has lived and assumed his place, then someone who follows him gets guardianship and whoever sees that a dead person complains of his head, then he He is responsible for neglecting his parents’ affairs, and if he complains about his neck, then he is responsible for wasting his money or the friendship of his wife, and if he complains about his hand, he is responsible for his brother or partner or for an oath he swore with a liar and if he complained about his stomach then he is responsible for the rights of the father and relatives, and if he complained about his leg then he is responsible On spending his money other than God willing, and if he complains about his thigh, then he is responsible for cutting his womb, and if he complains about his legs, then he is responsible for the death of his life in falsehood, and whoever sees that a dead person prays with the living, they fall short in what is imposed on them of obedience, and whoever sees that he entered behind the dead in an unknown house then he did not He gets out of it, he dies, and whoever sees that he is traveling with a dead person Because his matter is confused by him and whoever saw a dead person who knew him and greeted him and asked him, because he did not die that year and indicates his goodness and the goodness of the deceased’s condition, and whoever sees that a known dead has died again and his death is crying, he will marry some of his family and he will be a bride among them, otherwise a person will die if he does not have a reason. The death of his counterpart or his name, and whoever sees that a dead is groaning and his condition is not the same, it indicates his bad work and reward for his ugly deeds. And whoever sees that a group of the dead in a place eat something, that thing is expensive and whoever thinks that he embraces the dead while they are on a pillow, his life will be prolonged….

…Turnips If you see turnips in the field, your potential for success will constantly increase . You are so happy and lost about your success . If you eat turnips, this predicts disorders and health problems that afflict you . If you uproot turnips from the ground, this foretells that you will improve your chances of gaining wealth and success . If you ate green turnips, this predicts disappointment and sadness . Seeing rapeseed is a sign of success and prosperity in the future . If a girl sows rapeseed, this foretells that she will inherit vast property and hunt a beautiful bride ….

…In a dream, it is expressed by the imam, so what happened in terms of a decrease or increase in it attributed him to the imam or to the religion of the visionary . And whoever saw Makkah as his home and was a freed slave, even if he was a free man, he attained glory from the Sultan, and people resort to him for knowledge that teaches them, and whoever puts Mecca behind his back leaves his ruler or ruler . And whoever sees Makkah destroyed, he will pray little . And perhaps Mecca indicated to her inside a beautiful bride who had many suitors . Entering Mecca for the disobedient is repentance, the unbeliever has Islam, and the celibate has a wife, and if the seer is a quarrel, he indicates his oppression in his quarrel . Perhaps entering Mecca indicated security out of fear . And whoever sees that he goes out to Mecca to perform Hajj, then he will provide for Hajj, God Almighty wills, and if he is ill, then his illness will prolonged and he may die . And whoever sees that he is adjacent to Makkah, he will be returned to the lowly of life . And if he sees that he is in Makkah with the dead, then he will die a martyr . Whoever goes to Mecca only because of trade, he will be keen on this world . He who sees it fertilized is good ….

…If he saw the moon gone, then the matter that he sought from good or evil has passed and passed away . If he sees it, then the matter is at its beginning . And whoever sees the full moon shining in its place in the sky, the king’s minister will benefit the people of that place . And whoever looks at the moon and sees an example of his face in it, he will die . And whoever saw it as if he was clinging to the moon, he would receive the Sultan well . And whoever sees as if the moon is darker and the seeker is king, his flock will harm him and deny his command . And whoever sees the moon becomes the sun, for the seeker will be afflicted with good, honor and money on the part of his mother or his wife . He who sees the moon agrees with the moon, and he indicates the travelers, the navigator, and the astrologer because of its moisture and movement, and because the astrologer knows what the moon needs . It was narrated that Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, saw in a dream as if a moon had risen from the earth to the sky with two strands, so he told it to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he said : That is your cousin, he means himself to him the best of prayer and the best greetings . And it was narrated that a woman came to Ibn Sirin while he was fed, and said : I saw as if the moon had entered the chandeliers, and a caller was calling out to come Ibn Sirin, so tell him your vision . Then he grabbed his hand from the food and said to her : Woe to you, how did you see? Then she returned to him, and he turned his color, and he rose while he was taking his stomach, and his sister said Malik? Then he said, I claimed that I was dead to seven days, so he died on the seventh . And a man saw as if he had looked at the sky and looked at the moon, but he did not see it, and he looked at the earth and saw the moon had faded . He recounted his vision on a crossing and said : If the person who had this vision was a man, then he had chemistry and gold, so his money would be lost, and if he was poor, he would fall into ruin . And if a woman saw that, her husband would be killed . And Ibn Sirin came and said : I saw as if the moon was in our house . He said : The Sultan descends in your Egypt . And the occultation of the moon in the veil runs in the course of the sun . Crescent : also denotes the king, the captive, the leader, the presenter, and the newborn emerging from the womb that begins with the screaming and the urgent news, the next conquest from the side from which it emerged, and the rebel and the outside if it rises from outside his place, or there is darkness with him, and it rains with blood or gutters that flow without rain . And upon the advent of the absent, and upon the rise of the muezzin over the minaret, 262 of the writers have reduced their men, and if it is a bride then the stars are her wives . Whoever sees two moons fighting in the sky with each one of them stars, that is a difference or a war between two kings or two ministers or two great men, and the absent one of them is defeated, it is evidenced by his side in the horizon and his place in the sky, so it is added to the king of that king on earth . Likewise, if he sees two planets fighting with stars that follow each one of them . If there are no stars with them, and he sees that in his character or in his house, and he has two wives or partners, the difference between them is by tongue or hand . And if a woman or a slave sees that, or if he sees them fighting over his head or falls, the husband or the master also fights over them with his brother or with an honorable man of his kind . This may indicate in the servant a quarrel that takes place between his seller and his buyer, and it may indicate in a woman an evil that is going on between her two sons or between her two daughters or between her father and her husband, or between her husband and her son…

…The planet is in a dream from the nobleness of people . Whoever sees enlightening stars in his house, a number of rulers will gather with him, and if he sees them in his house and there is no light for them, a group of the noble ones will gather in calamity . And whoever saw a planet fell from the sky to a place, a calamity occurred in that place in a man of honor . The planets are common among the sultans, and their supervision is the strongest, among the scholars the most knowledgeable, and among the common people the richest . And whoever sees his status as having many planets, he will have many offspring . And whoever sees the seven planets, the car, it indicates the industries, trade, science and the Sultanate . And whoever sees a bright planet, he will receive pleasure and joy and people are led to him . And whoever sees that the planets have gone from heaven, then his money is gone if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . If he sees planets on his head, then he will be mentioned and surpass his counterparts . If he sees that he is riding a planet, then he will gain authority, mandate, power, goodness, benefit, and presidency . And whoever sees the stars under the roof indicates the destruction of his house so that their light will be inside the house, or it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the planets, he eats of people’s money . And whoever swallowed the stars might insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . Whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from scientists . And whoever sees the stars scattered is the death of kings, or it indicates war . And whoever saw the stars falling to the ground from the sky, this indicated the destruction of many people . And whoever saw that the stars of the sky had fallen, he became bald and his hair shed . And whoever sees the planets during the day is evidence of scandals and fame . The morning planet signifies the bride’s wedding . And the small planets with weak light indicate slaves, slaves and common people . Whoever becomes a planet gets rich . And the planets that denote winter are worry and sadness, and that indicate summer life and goodness ….

…Entering a house and other people who saw in a dream that he entered the house of a man, because he is overcome by his worldly life . And whoever sees that he has entered the Imam’s house, and settled in it and is reassured, he will enter him in the properties of his command . And the entry of Imam al-Adl to a place indicates the descent of blessing and justice in it . And if he is a unfair imam, then his entry is corruption and calamities, and if he used to enter that place, it does not harm him . And whoever sees that he has entered Heaven, then he will enter it, God Almighty willing, and that is a good tidings to him about what he did for himself or what he offers . And whoever sees that he has entered Hell and then left it, this is seen by the owners of sins and major sins, and it is a warning to him to repent and return . And it was said : Whoever enters Hell, whether he is an unbeliever or a believer, will be struck by a fever, poverty, and imprisonment, and if he is a vulgar, he comes large, or inside the infidels and the ungodly, and it was said : Entering Paradise for the pilgrim is evidence that he is performing his Hajj and reaches the Kaaba, and if he is an unbeliever, he is Muslim, and if he is A sick believer is cured of his illness, and if he is an unbeliever, he gets rid of his infidelity, and if he is celibate, he marries, and if he is poor, he becomes rich, and he may inherit an inheritance . And whoever enters a house whose construction, soil, location and family is unknown, and it is separate from the role, especially if he sees in it dead people who know them, and it is the afterlife, then he dies, and if he enters it and leaves it, he will oversee death and then be saved . And whoever sees himself in the hereafter and was sick, leads to it peacefully, free from the temptations and evils of this world, and if he is not sick, then it is a good tidings according to the extent of his work, such as pilgrimage, jihad, asceticism, worship, knowledge, charity, connection or patience for a calamity . And whoever sees that he enters the hereafter and sees what is in it, for the vision of one who was good and effective does it with knowledge and ability, and indicates unemployment and harm, and whoever was afraid, worried, or overwhelmed, his fear, delusion and distress are gone, and whoever sees that he has returned from the Hereafter after entering it, then he returns from alienation To his country . And if after time indicated that he would remain in estrangement . And entering Makkah in a dream the disobedient has repentance, the unbeliever has Islam, and the single has a wife, even if the seer is a quarrel, indicates his victory in his quarrel, and his entry into Mecca indicates security out of fear . And whoever enters the shrine of Abraham, may blessings and peace be upon him, and was afraid of security, and perhaps entering the shrine indicates the assumption of the honorable position as king, or confronting the benefit of knowledge, or inheriting from his father or mother . And entering the house and the Grand Mosque is evidence of entering the house with a bride . And entering the Grand Mosque indicates security from fear and sincerity of promise . And entering the market is diligence in seeking a livelihood . Entering the home indicates the intention of marriage . And entering the mosque resignation from sins . And entering the church corruption of religion ….