What are the characteristics of the student of expression or vision seekers?

What are the characteristics of the seeker of expression or vision seekers? First : If the vision was transmitted, then the speaker or the carrier of the vision must be faithful in the transmission, and be a controller of it, know its wording, and the time of seeing it, as if it was its owner completely, and to tell me starting from the condition of its owner, or be aware of the state of its owner when asked About . Second : If the vision belongs to its owner, then I prefer him to inform me starting at the time of the vision. From a day or week, summer or winter … etc, and to inform the names of those he saw in the dream, and to clarify his marital status; The time of vision, and its functional status, which are necessary tools for me, and God knows best . His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Saad Al-Shari, a member of the Council of Senior Scholars , confirmed to me in a conversation with me on my TV program in one of the episodes that I came out during the broadcast of my program on Al-Raya Channel , that I should ask those who ask about their visions that their intention is not to revile the defects of so-and-so. , if as seen in a dream , for example , said his virtue : he found to say I saw so and so , or so and so it works well, as well as , on the matter of revenge and expose Alamaaib , and this is something that may not be shown , but is required to cover the faults of Muslims and Muslim women , and this wonderful benefit declared them of eminence Personally Burke us in a sign .