…If one of the stars is bigger than the other . As for the fall of the stars to the earth or in the sea, or their burning with fire, or the catching of the birds, this is an indication of death that occurs among people, or was killed according to the number of people and the few, and this may happen in a gender without sex, if the sex of the fallen is known from the planets, and from the king of the stars In his lap, or he was shepherding it in the sky, or turning it in the air, if he was worthy of the Sultan he would obtain it, and he was a ruler over the people, a judge, or a mufti . And if it was lower than that, perhaps he would consider astrology . As for it to fall on him or on his head, if he was sick he died . And if he was lied to by debts of astrologers, or he was a slave of offices, his stars fell and he was asked for what he owed . Likewise, if he saw his body he would return to stars . Or his head, and if the stars were astrologers for him over the people, they reached him and gathered for him, and likewise if he was picking them from the ground or from the sky, they would approach them from him . And if the star falls on the one who has absent he will give it to him, and if he falls on a pregnant woman, she will give birth to a boy named honorable, unless it is from the temporary stars such as the daughters of a coffin, the poets and the flower, so the master is a slave according to the mention of the star, its beauty and essence . It may indicate the death of the pregnant woman, if confirmed by a witness with him testifying of the death . As for seeing the planets during the day, this is evidence of scandals and slander, major accidents, misfortunes and misfortunes . And according to the extent of the vision, its general and specificity, and the abundance of stars and their fading, Al-Nabigha Al- Dhubiani mentioned a day of war : Its stars and the sun are rising … neither the light is light nor the darkness is darkness. Al Sarr . If it does not have light, then it is a calamity that unites the noblest of the people . If he sees that he is following the stars, then he is in the religion of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his companions, and on the truth . If he sees that he is stealing a star from the sky, then he is stealing something dangerous from the king and seeking an honorable man . And whoever sees that he has become a star, he will be afflicted with honor and prestige . And whoever saw that he had taken a planet, he would have a great honorable son . If he saw that he extended his hand to the sky and took the stars, he would attain authority and honor ….

…And the moon is devolved by the minister of the Sultan or his handler, as well as the five stars of the car: Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Whoever sees her kindness and turnout, he will have glory and elevation. He greeted, and whoever saw that he imitated them was guided and interpreted also according to the supervision of the people, and whoever saw her gathered together in a state of sunshine, then he is good in the condition of the honorable people and the meeting of their affairs. He eats it, for that is backbiting and a fall from the people, and whoever saw that he took a star from the sky, and if his wife was pregnant, he had a son, and whoever saw stars swooped on his head or saw her in his house, he had a power and a lift, and whoever saw a star that fell on the ground indicated that a great man had fallen from his position, even if he had Absent, present on him or pregnant…

…The planet is in a dream from the nobleness of people . Whoever sees enlightening stars in his house, a number of rulers will gather with him, and if he sees them in his house and there is no light for them, a group of the noble ones will gather in calamity . And whoever saw a planet fell from the sky to a place, a calamity occurred in that place in a man of honor . The planets are common among the sultans, and their supervision is the strongest, among the scholars the most knowledgeable, and among the common people the richest . And whoever sees his status as having many planets, he will have many offspring . And whoever sees the seven planets, the car, it indicates the industries, trade, science and the Sultanate . And whoever sees a bright planet, he will receive pleasure and joy and people are led to him . And whoever sees that the planets have gone from heaven, then his money is gone if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . If he sees planets on his head, then he will be mentioned and surpass his counterparts . If he sees that he is riding a planet, then he will gain authority, mandate, power, goodness, benefit, and presidency . And whoever sees the stars under the roof indicates the destruction of his house so that their light will be inside the house, or it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the planets, he eats of people’s money . And whoever swallowed the stars might insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . Whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from scientists . And whoever sees the stars scattered is the death of kings, or it indicates war . And whoever saw the stars falling to the ground from the sky, this indicated the destruction of many people . And whoever saw that the stars of the sky had fallen, he became bald and his hair shed . And whoever sees the planets during the day is evidence of scandals and fame . The morning planet signifies the bride’s wedding . And the small planets with weak light indicate slaves, slaves and common people . Whoever becomes a planet gets rich . And the planets that denote winter are worry and sadness, and that indicate summer life and goodness ….

…And whoever saw a path upon it, he would be struck by the house until the end of his life . Whoever the flower appeared on, he received the favor and so did Jupiter . And whoever rides a planet, he will have authority, jurisdiction, benefit, and rule . Some of them said : Whoever sees that the planets have gone from the sky, his money is gone, if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . For whoever sees small stars in his hand, he will attain male or dominance among people . And whoever sees a planet on his bed, then he becomes mentioned, then he surpasses his peers, or he serves an honorable man . And whoever saw the stars gathered together and lit up, he indicates that he will gain good in terms of travel . If he is traveling, he will return to his family with pleasure . Some of them said : Whoever sees the planets under a roof, then it is a bad evidence, and it indicates the destruction of the house of its owner, and it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the stars, he eats people and takes their money . And whoever swallows it without eating, the noble people will interfere with his affairs and his secret, and perhaps insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . And whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from the scholars . As for the five-car, Saturn : the owner of the king’s torment . The buyer : the owner of the property’s money . And Mars : the king’s war owner . Venus : The King’s Woman . And Mercury : the king’s scribe, and Suhail : a publican, and so was a freak . Al-Shari : Worship without God, may He be glorified and exalted, and its interpretation is false . Banat Coffin : An honorable scholar, because she is one of the stars that he guides in the darkness of land and sea . And whoever sees the stars scattered from the sky, it is the death of kings or a war in which a group of soldiers perish . And whoever sees that the ark is rotating with it or moving, then he travels and moves from home to house and his condition changes . And whoever turns a star from the stars that he is guided by, then people need him in their affairs, his management and his opinion ….

…Grazing stars : It denotes a mandate ….

…Whoever sees that he sees well-known stars, this is rationalization, guidance, and correctness in my opinion ….

…Whoever sees the stars in a house or in the sky illuminating, he will be afflicted with power and honor, or his status will be elevated ….

…Whoever saw that he eats the stars, this is a backbiting and a strife in people ….

…Whoever sees that the stars are gathered together with him in his house, it indicates his destruction ….

…Whoever sees that he owns the stars, then he possesses the honor of people and contains their hearts ….

…Abu Sa`id the preacher said : Whoever saw Suhaila came up, it indicates the direction, and the vision of the flower indicates the turnout, and the vision of Jupiter indicates the purity of life until the end of life, and poetry is interpreted by something impossible because it was worshiped in Jahiliyyah and everything that is worshiped except God is impossible . And it was said that the vision of the stars is absolutely interpreted by travel because travelers are guided by them at sea ….

…Whoever sees in a dream that he is caring for the stars, then people will follow a state . And whoever sees that he is grazing a sheep of lamb, he is next to some of the Arabs ….

Whoever sees that he has hit something from it or from its light, then he will gain benefit as much as he has ….

Whoever sees that it has risen and it has gone, then its expression is against him ….

…A star If you dreamed that you carefully looked at bright, clear stars, this predicts good health and success . If the stars are red or cloudy then you will encounter problems and distress . If you see a star falling, you will witness events that carry with it sadness and grief . If you see stars appear and then mysteriously fade away, then there are mysterious shifts and events in your near future . If you see a star falling on you, there will be disagreement and distress at the level of the family . If you see the stars rolling on the earth, this foretells that you are threatened by dangers and difficult days ….

…If he saw the moon gone, then the matter that he sought from good or evil has passed and passed away . If he sees it, then the matter is at its beginning . And whoever sees the full moon shining in its place in the sky, the king’s minister will benefit the people of that place . And whoever looks at the moon and sees an example of his face in it, he will die . And whoever saw it as if he was clinging to the moon, he would receive the Sultan well . And whoever sees as if the moon is darker and the seeker is king, his flock will harm him and deny his command . And whoever sees the moon becomes the sun, for the seeker will be afflicted with good, honor and money on the part of his mother or his wife . He who sees the moon agrees with the moon, and he indicates the travelers, the navigator, and the astrologer because of its moisture and movement, and because the astrologer knows what the moon needs . It was narrated that Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, saw in a dream as if a moon had risen from the earth to the sky with two strands, so he told it to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he said : That is your cousin, he means himself to him the best of prayer and the best greetings . And it was narrated that a woman came to Ibn Sirin while he was fed, and said : I saw as if the moon had entered the chandeliers, and a caller was calling out to come Ibn Sirin, so tell him your vision . Then he grabbed his hand from the food and said to her : Woe to you, how did you see? Then she returned to him, and he turned his color, and he rose while he was taking his stomach, and his sister said Malik? Then he said, I claimed that I was dead to seven days, so he died on the seventh . And a man saw as if he had looked at the sky and looked at the moon, but he did not see it, and he looked at the earth and saw the moon had faded . He recounted his vision on a crossing and said : If the person who had this vision was a man, then he had chemistry and gold, so his money would be lost, and if he was poor, he would fall into ruin . And if a woman saw that, her husband would be killed . And Ibn Sirin came and said : I saw as if the moon was in our house . He said : The Sultan descends in your Egypt . And the occultation of the moon in the veil runs in the course of the sun . Crescent : also denotes the king, the captive, the leader, the presenter, and the newborn emerging from the womb that begins with the screaming and the urgent news, the next conquest from the side from which it emerged, and the rebel and the outside if it rises from outside his place, or there is darkness with him, and it rains with blood or gutters that flow without rain . And upon the advent of the absent, and upon the rise of the muezzin over the minaret, 262 of the writers have reduced their men, and if it is a bride then the stars are her wives . Whoever sees two moons fighting in the sky with each one of them stars, that is a difference or a war between two kings or two ministers or two great men, and the absent one of them is defeated, it is evidenced by his side in the horizon and his place in the sky, so it is added to the king of that king on earth . Likewise, if he sees two planets fighting with stars that follow each one of them . If there are no stars with them, and he sees that in his character or in his house, and he has two wives or partners, the difference between them is by tongue or hand . And if a woman or a slave sees that, or if he sees them fighting over his head or falls, the husband or the master also fights over them with his brother or with an honorable man of his kind . This may indicate in the servant a quarrel that takes place between his seller and his buyer, and it may indicate in a woman an evil that is going on between her two sons or between her two daughters or between her father and her husband, or between her husband and her son…

…The struggle of the sun goes out against the king, and the diminution of the sun’s rays will degrade the king’s prestige . If he sees the sun split in two halves, then half of it remains and the other is gone, then it comes out to the king outside, and if the remaining half follows the golden half and joins and returns to a healthy sun, then the outside takes the whole country, and if the going half returns to the remaining half and the sun returns as it used to be his king returned to him and he won the outside . If each of the two halves becomes the Sun on his own, then the outside possesses what is with the king from the king, and becomes his counterpart, and takes half of his kingdom . If he sees the sun fall, it is calamity for the values ​​of the earth or for the parents . If he saw as if the sun had risen in a house and lit up the whole house, the people of the house would have glory, dignity and sustenance . And whoever saw that he had swallowed the sun, he would live in a heavy life . If he saw that, the king would die . And whoever is hit by sunlight, God will give him great treasure and money . And whoever sees the sun descended on his bed, he will get sick and inflamed his body . If he sees as if he is doing good to him, he indicates fertility and left, and indicates in many people the health . And whoever the sun takes something from him or gives him something, it is not Mahmoud . One of the indications of good deeds is that a person sees the sun in its normal form and habit, and an increase or decrease in it may be harmful . And whoever finds the heat of the sun and takes refuge in the shade, he will be saved from grief . And whoever finds cold in the shade and sits in the sun, his poverty is gone, because the cold is poverty . And whoever is able to see the sun when it is black and muddled, the king is obliged to him in any matter . And it was narrated that the judge of Homs saw as if the sun and the moon were killed, and the planets separated, so it was split with the sun, and it was split with the moon . He recounted his visions on Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him . He said to him : Which one were you with? He said : With the moon . Umar read : “ So we erased the verse of the night and made us see the verse of the day .” And he diverted him from the work of Homs, so he ruled that he went with Muawiya to two rows, and he was killed . And whoever sees the sun, moon, and stars gathered in one place and their king, and they have light and rays, then the saying is acceptable to the king, the minister and the presidents . If it is not light, then there is no good in it for the visionary . If he sees the sun and moon looking down on him, his parents are satisfied with him . If they do not have a ray, they are angry with him . If he sees a sun and a moon on his right and left, in front of him or behind him, then he will be afflicted with fear or calamity and defeat, and he is forced to flee with it, because God Almighty says : “And the sun and the moon have gathered together, and the person shall say that which is the day of escape .” And the blackness of the sun, moon and stars and their rotation, change the blessings in this world . And a solar eclipse, happened with the king . And whoever sees clouds covering the sun until its light is gone, the king will get sick . If he sees it not moving in the clouds or coming out of it, then the king will die, and the sun may have been a scientist who knows how the clouds evacuated, then sadness will evacuate from him . Moon : Originally the minister of the greatest king, or a sultan without the greatest king, and the stars around him are soldiers . And his homes and dwellings, or his wives and maidservants . And perhaps he indicates the scholar and the jurist and all the evidence that he guides, because he is guided in the darkness and shines in the public . It indicates the boy, the husband and the master, and the wife and son, for his beauty and light, likening him to the beauty of women and men, so it is said as if the full moon was as if it were a lunar moon . Then his accidents are interpreted and practiced as similar to what was previously mentioned in the sun, and it may indicate an increase or decrease, because it increases and decreases, such as money, works and bodies, along with the previous pronouncement of traffic, such as a patient who sees at the beginning of the month has descended on him or brought him to him, then he will wake up from his problem He is spared from his illness . And if it is a month short, then its age is gone, and its deadline approaches the amount left of the month, it may be days, and it may be a collection, months, or years, with evidence added to that in a dream or in waking life . If he descends at the beginning of the month, or if he appears absent from his place, he has left his place and has come from his journey . And if that was at the end of the month, after traveling and leaving his homeland . And whoever sees him with him or in his lap or in his hand, he will marry a husband according to his light and light, whether he is a man or a woman . Aisha, may God be pleased with her, saw three moons that fell in her room. She recounted her vision to her father, may God be pleased with him, and said to her : If your vision is true, three are buried in your room, they are the best of the people of the earth ….

…The lamp is in a dream a child or a husband if it is confusion, and if it is a collective person without a gap in it, then it is a wife or husband with no children between them . The lamp indicates knowledge, repentance to the sinner, and guidance to the infidel . Perhaps the lamp was a sign of the vision or a guide to the caravan, because they are guided by them in the darkness . And the lantern gave birth to it with splendor and splendor, and mentioned its reputation and benefit . And it was said : The lamps in mosques are rich scholars, piety and readings . And whoever saw the mosque lamp has gone out, the mosque scientist died . And the lamp is a woman, and the wick is children . The jellyfish crosses the stars . And breaking and extinguishing the lamps, the death of the patient . And if a person took stars from the sky, he would take lamps from the mosque ….

…As for Al-Darari, it is seven, and the words were presented in the sun and moon, and the remaining five are Saturn, who is the owner of the king’s torment, and Jupiter is the owner of his treasury, and Mars is the owner of his war, and Venus is the king’s wife, and Mercury is his writer, and the well-known stars are his notables and the rest of the stars are his armies ….

…He saw that he ascended a mountain : it indicated sadness and travel . If he ascended in the sky until he reached its stars, then he strikes honor and leadership . If he saw that when he ascended in it, he turned one of the stars for his guidance, he would attain the imamate ….

…The sun is in a dream the greatest king, caliph, father, or prince . And whoever sees that he is transformed into the sun, he shall be cast as a king . And if he hits the sun hanging by a chain of guardian and justice in it . And if he sits in the sun and approaches it, then he will obtain from the king a blessing and money, and strength and support, and if he shines on its rays, he will be blessed with a flag that is mentioned in the two . If he saw her, Safia Munira and he was a governor who gained power in his mandate, and if she rose in his house he married, and if a woman saw her, she married, and if he saw her, a merchant would profit in his trade . And sunlight is the pride of the king and his justice . If he saw the sun hit the elevation of talk to him caliph, as well as the moon . And if he saw the sun rising on his head, then he would receive a serious matter, and if it rose on his feet he would have received a lot of cultivation, and if he saw that it had risen on his stomach, he would have leprosy, and if it appeared on his chest, he would be ill . And whoever sees that the sun has set while he is behind it, he will die . And if he sees the sun burning out of it, and the stars are burned around it, then the king will drive out his entourage . If he sees that the sun is red, then it is corruption in his kingdom, and if he sees that it is yellowing then he gets sick, and if it turns black, then he will prevail . If he sees that she is absent, the matter that he is asking for has passed . The treachery of the sun, it betray the king . And if the sun fell on the ground, his father would die . And if he sees that the sun has risen in the house, then he will attain honor, honor, and honor . And whoever sees that he swallowed the sun, he will die . If he sees the sun changed from its state, then sedition falls . If he sees that the sun is rising from sunset, that indicates the appearance of hidden things, and if he is sick then he is cured, and if he is on a journey then he will return . If a person sees that the sun is dark, then it is a bad sign for all people, indicating unemployment, illness, or distress . If he sees the sun descending in his bed and threatening him, then it indicates severe illness . And whoever sees that the sun has shed lights on him, he will accompany the Caliph . And if the sun became hot, it was hit by the Sultan . If he sees that he is fleeing the sun, then he is fleeing from his wife, from authority, or from harm . And if he saw clouds covering the sun, an accident happened to the king . If the sun rises on the ground, it is a sign of drought or burning . Perhaps the sun was a world to guide . And if he saw an eclipse in it, or the accumulation of dust or smoke on it, that would be evidence of an accident of sickness, worry, cloudiness, or distress . Perhaps her absence indicated that the prisoner was returned to prison after his release . And whoever sees a sun and moon in all directions, he will be struck by fear or defeat . And whoever sees that he has worshiped the sun or the moon, he is committing a grave sin . Perhaps the sun indicated sustenance, guidance, following the truth, and healing diseases, and perhaps it indicated travel . And perhaps the sun indicated its name like Shams al-Din, as the full moon indicates Badr al-Din . Seeing the sun, moon and stars is evidence of affliction, imprisonment, or envy from family . And seeing the sun indicates the lamp, because God Almighty said : ( And he made the sun a lamp ). The rising of the sun from its setting is a sign of fear and anxiety, and the authority of the Sultan over the parish, or the advent of the absent or apostasy from religion and the immorality of the penitents . And whoever saw that the sun burned agriculture or its heat harmed people, this indicates diseases, epidemics, and oppression from the elders . See also the moon ….

…Ascent from the height to an altitude, as high as it is descending . It may indicate self-injustice . And whoever saw that he ascended to the sky until he reached its stars, and then became one of its stars, he will obtain a great honorable mandate and leadership . And if he ascends a mountain, it is cloudiness and travel . The rise is a lift and the fall is a weak one, and if it rises as an obstacle, it is a rise and sultanate with fatigue . And every ascent that a person sees as a mountain, obstacle, hill, or anything else, he will obtain what he seeks . The rise is equal hardship and there is no good in it ….

…The moon is in a dream a just king, a big scientist, or a liar . He who sees the moon in his lap will get married . If a woman sees that the moon has fallen in her house, and she takes some of it and wraps it in a rag, she will give birth to a son and he dies . If he sees the moon walking in front of the sun, the minister goes out to the king . And if an unbeliever woman saw that the moon in her lap became Muslim . If he sees that the moon is on Earth, then it is the death of his mother . And the sun and the moon are Apuan . And whoever looks at the moon and sees the example of his face in it, then he will die, and if he has a pregnant woman, then he will give good news to a male child . And if the king sees that the moon has gone dark, his flock will harm him . If he sees that the moon has become the sun, then he will obtain honor or good and money from his father or wife . And the moon indicates the seer’s wife and his parents, daughter, sister, business, or work . And indicates the ship because the sailors pursue in the sea according to the course of the moon . It also indicates travel because it is always in motion . Seeing the moon for the patient indicates perishing, and whoever sees the moon with clouds, it indicates illness, or money has gone, and whoever sees that the moon talks to him will attain the presidency . And if the pregnant woman saw that the moon was in her lap, she put a boy . Because she saw the moon in a place that she cannot reach, for she desires the male boy but does not obtain it . And whoever sees that he prostrates to the sun or the moon, he commits a grave sin or obeys a king or a minister in vain . And whoever sees the sun and moon prostrate to him, then his parents are satisfied with him . And whoever saw the moon split, it may indicate the minister’s or king’s destruction . And whoever sees that the moon has turned into a vice, then the minister is isolated . Perhaps his vision indicated diseases by cold and humidity, just as the sun indicates heat . Perhaps the moon is indicated by Anees and Almnadm . Perhaps the moon indicates gambling, and indicates the right and the oath, because God Almighty says : ( No, and the moon ). Or perhaps his vision indicated a cure for the pain of the eye. If he saw the moon split, he indicated the emergence of a verse for the Almighty saying : ( The hour has come and the moon has split apart ). And seeing the moon in the nights of the crescent full moon is a valid guide . Perhaps the moon pointed to the world with the stars . And whoever sees him in a dream in the sign of Aries is a valid guide to meeting the elders, and perhaps he is a bad one . And if he saw him in Taurus and was hoping to travel on land, that would be bad . And if he saw it in Gemini, he was reprehensible for possessing the temple, valid for buying livestock . If he saw him in Cancer, he was fit for marriage . If he saw him in Leo, he was blamed for the company and the mixing of money . If he saw it in the spike, he would have been fit to empty the body . And if he saw it in the balance, it was so bad . If he saw it in a scorpion, he would be fit to enjoy the pigeons badly for travel . And if he saw it in the arch, it was inferior to plant trees . And if he saw it in Capricorn, he was poor for laying the foundation . If he saw it in the bucket, it was poor to carry out all other movements . If he saw it in the whale, it was good for holding brigades and allegiances . And whoever sees the sun, moon, and stars gathered together in the position of their orbit, then it is acceptable to say to the king, otherwise it is a misfortune for him . And if he sees a sun and a moon on his right, left, front and back, then it is a calamity, fear, or defeat, because God Almighty says : (And the sun and moon are gathered, then man says that day where is the escape ) See also the sky, and see the sun ….

…Jaber al-Maghribi said : The sun crosses the mother, and he evidenced that by saying the Almighty in the story of Joseph, peace be upon him, “ I saw eleven stars, the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrate to me .”…

…And whoever sees one of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, let him take the lead from deriving his name, such as Saad and Saeed, for he will be happy, happy and sound-minded, and perhaps his actions have improved. It was said that whoever saw one of them would be in the path of the religion of Islam, strong, sporting, sincere words and good deeds, and he may imitate the actions of those who saw him for saying against him. Peace : My companions are like stars. Whichever do you follow ?…

…The roof is in a dream a man of great might, and if he sees a roof that is almost descending on it, he will be afraid of a man of great power . If the stump is broken, it is the death of the owner of the house with a pest inflicted on it . And whoever sees that the roof of his house is dripping from it, it will hardly happen to the dead or sick . And whoever sees that it is above its roof, and wants to get off it and is not able, then it is imprisoned . And whoever sees a roof that falls on it will be tormented, and whoever sees the stars under his roof, his roof shall be destroyed ….

…Surat Al-Buruj, whoever reads it or recites it to him, as Jaafar Al-Sadiq, may God be pleased with him, said that God Almighty loves him in knowledge of issues and knowledge . And it was said : He blesses the flag of the stars . And it was said : he escapes from worries ….

…Coconut indicates the words of the priests, so whoever sees that he ate from it, some people will believe for him. Whoever sees that he has become a priest, he eats coconut . And it was said : Coconut is a man of mine, whoever sees that he ate it becomes a miner . Coconut is called coconut. Some of them said : It is money from the side of a non-Arab man . And whoever sees that he eats coconuts, he learns the science of stars, or he continues to astrologer in his opinion ….

…If a fire falls from the sky, people will suffer diseases, smallpox, and death, or high prices, or the plant will strike locusts . And the sky may indicate the Sultan or his palace . Whoever ascends to it by ladder or rope, he will receive a lift from the king, and if he ascends without a ladder or a rope, he will have fear of the authority and within him is vanity . And if he reached heaven he reached the goal of the matter, and if he was ill while awake and then did not return to earth, he would perish from his illness . As for the proximity to Heaven, it indicates closeness to God Almighty, for the people of obedience and righteous deeds, and perhaps this indicates closeness to the Imam, the Sultan, the world, the father, the husband, and the master . Perhaps the fall from heaven to earth indicated the destruction of the Sultan if he was ill . And the fall of the sky may indicate the arid land . And the Arabs call the rain sky because it came from the sky . And if the sky fell on a person, and he was ill in waking life, he died, and whoever ascended to heaven and entered it would receive martyrdom and won the honor of God . The lower sky is the location of the moon, and the moon is in the minister’s interpretation . If he saw that in the second sky he attained manners, intelligence and leadership, and that the second sky was for Mercury . And if he saw that in the third heaven he had received a blessing, my maid, a sweetness of joy, and that the third heaven was for Venus . If he saw that he was in the fourth sky, he attained a king, authority and prestige, and that the fourth sky was the sun . And if he sees that he is in the fifth sky, he attained the police mandate or a fight, and that the fifth sky is for Mars . And if he sees that he is in the sixth heaven, then he is blessed with jurisprudence, judgment, asceticism and worship, and he is firm, and the sixth heaven is for Jupiter . And whoever sees that he is in the seventh heaven, he will obtain property and farmers, and the seventh heaven is Saturn . If he sees that he is above the seventh heaven, then he will receive a great elevation, but he will perish . If the sky is green, the crops will increase, and if the sky is yellow, the disease will increase in it . If sheep come out from heaven, it is a spoil, and if seven go out, they will be cursed with the oppression of power . If the gates of the sky were opened, the rain would increase . If a person sees that he has stolen the sky and hid it, then he will steal a Qur’an and pay it to his wife . If he sees that he is turning in the sky and then descending from it, then he learns the science of the stars and becomes mentioned . And whoever sees that he is suspended by a rope from heaven, then he follows authority in religion, and if he sees that the rope is cut off, his authority will be removed from him . And whoever sees the heavens, he is adopted in his presence, then he testified falsehood, for the Almighty said : (You have not witnessed the creation of the heavens and the earth ). And whoever sees that he has fallen from heaven to earth, he commits a grave sin . And whoever saw that the sky had a light emanating from it indicated the guidance of the people of that place, and if darkness came out, it indicated their delusion . And the sky is a sign of the country, the fortress, the home and the wife, the son and the mother, the teacher, and places that are intended for benefit . And the sky indicates the oath to the one who looks at it in a dream, because God Almighty says : (And the sky is woven ). And the Almighty said : (And the sky is with the zodiac ) , and his saying : ( And the sky and the Tariq ) , and perhaps it indicated a wonderful building, and perhaps the sky indicated the sea with its sting, and because of the creation in it of God Almighty . In a dream, the sky indicates all that is above the head, such as a hood and a roof, and what enemies like the Sultan are keen on . Perhaps the rise to the sky indicated controversy and angry people with envy and enemies . Perhaps the sky indicated the prison, and the ascent to it is evidence of raising the mettle ….

…The vision of Joseph, peace be upon him . The vision of Joseph – peace be upon him – Allah has mentioned – the Almighty – in saying : ( as Joseph said to his father , O my father , I saw one of eleven stars and the sun and the moon saw them prostrating themselves before me , he said , my son , do not Tqss vision to your brothers , you Vicdwa Kida Satan is to man an avowed enemy , and like that Ijetbik your Lord and teach you the interpretation of conversations and is His grace on him and Jacob as the most complete on your parents by Abraham and Isaac that your Lord is Knowing , wise ) from Surat Yusuf verses 4-6. The interpretation of this vision occurred after forty years, and it was said : After eighty years, the first authentic one . It is the words of Salman the Persian – may Allah be pleased with him – and Abdullah bin Shaddad , told God – the Almighty – for an interpretation by saying : ( when they came to Joseph to go and his parents said Enter Egypt, God secure wills , and raise his parents on the show and fell prostrate and said, Didn’t this interpretation of my vision before had made it truly my Lord ). Surah Yusuf Al-Eitan 99-100….