
Whoever sees her in a dream in a beautiful handwriting, it indicates knowledge, guidance and sustenance with its blessing, and perhaps the basmalah refers to the child and grandson to attach to each other . And perhaps she indicated a realization of what was past to repeat her letters . It indicates the pursuit of marriage . And perhaps she indicated guidance after misguidance . If you write in a beautiful handwriting in a dream, the viewer will gain sustenance and luck in his manufacture or knowledge . And if it is written dead, it is a mercy from God Almighty . And perhaps its writing indicated profit in planting . If it erased after writing and hijacked a bird del ran out of the age of the seer and vacuum living, and this is measured from the books on his hands something from the Koran or other, it was said that Hassan bin Ali may Allah be pleased with him saw in a dream written on his forehead ( and morn, and the night when it darkens ). So he raised that to Saeed bin Al-Musayyib, and said : O son of the Messenger of God, advise and ask for forgiveness, so he left the world after a night . If he recites the Basmalah while praying, and his doctrine is to leave the Basmalah in prayer, then his basmalah in that is evidence of committing a religion that he did not need, and it may indicate a tendency to the father without the mother, and the mother to the father, or he prefers a Sunnah over a fard, or naafil over a Sunnah, or heresy. Desirable . And what was written with it in a dream is considered, if it was written in gold, it indicates livelihood and interest in obedience or the reform of good times, and it may indicate the beautiful remembrance and good deeds . And he considered what the pens were written with, so the line of the tumar is a flying money, the line of the investigator is an investigation of what he wants, the line of the lineage is proportional, the line of copying is isolated, and the line of the wild includes something long, and the line of poetry indicates negligence and adoration, and the line of al-Rayhani is hypocrisy, and the line of dust is a disease in the eye . And what was written on it other than that, writing it in the signature handwriting of Ezz and Nasr and writing it in the handwriting of al-Waraqa is considered trials, and if nothing is clear from its writing, then it is evidence of the coloration in the doctrine or belief . As for what strange pens were written with, such as Hebrew, Syriac, Hindi and the like, it is evidence of strange dinars, husbands, slaves or slaves, or familiarity with strangers . Written by an iron pen denoted strength, livelihood and steadfastness in matters . And if he wrote it with a silver pen, and if it was like the usual pen, it indicates the mediating situation, especially if it was written with a pen that was twisted or knotted, and if the pen was straight and fine, it indicated the honorable position or knowledge and work of those who did it in a dream. If it was written in Kagd, he may have done a good deed or followed It is obligatory, and if it was written in parchment, he sought to seek an inheritance, and if it was in red, yellow or white woven fabric, it attained joy and pleasure, and if it was in green woven fabric it would attain testimony with God Almighty . And writing it with light or gold is good news . Seeing the points and shape in the basmalah in a dream : If the Basmalah refers to the wife, then it points to her, the shape of her money, her apparatus, her children, and her infallibility, and if that indicates the money, this is his useful zakat, and if it indicates prayer, that is her Sunnah, and if it indicates the country, that was her family and notables from scholars, virtues and masters of trades. From the parish and the winning shops . And the signs of expression were considered and seen in a dream : the accusative sign is the position, the lowering sign is isolation, the raised sign is height, death or work space, the connection sign is a link, the assertive sign is assertive in matters, and the stress sign is tightness in matters and difficulty, so what entered the basmalah of these signs attributed it to The religion of the seer or his worldly life, and likewise, if it is deficient, then he saw the Basmalah in the opposite order, such as one who makes the Most Merciful the Almighty a place of Bismillah or gives the name of God to the name of Bismillah. Known among others . If someone else wrote it and erased it himself, this indicates a breach of the covenant, a renunciation of Islam, or that he is sparing with what he has of knowledge and money . And if the seeker did that in a dream while he was sick, then he would be cured, and if he was a sinner, then he would repent, and perhaps he got married and had good children or he gained from trade . And whoever sees that he recites in his sleep In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, then God Almighty casts the blessing on his money .