Then came the intoxication of death

The drunkenness of death came 69 – a slave girl who was for Moussa Al-Hadi, he loved her very much, while one day she was singing him as the idea of ​​his absence from her and his change of color, then some of the attendees asked him : What is this, O Commander of the Faithful? He said : I took the idea that I was dying, and my brother Aaron would take over the caliphate after me and marry this maid ( he left ), so the attendees ransomed him and prayed for him for a long life . Then summoned his brother Aaron and told him what happened Fozh Rashid, it Fasthfah Hadi faith that the severe divorce and manumission Hajj walking barefoot does not marry her, swore to him and ongoing adjure also Vhfatt him, it was not only less than two months until he died, then her speeches Rasheed said : How Baloamat that You and I swore it? He said : I am atoning for me and you, so he married her and I had a great fortune with him, so that she slept in his lap, so that he would not move for fear that he would disturb her . So while she was sleeping on a sleepy night, as she noticed in panic, crying, so he said to her : What is your business? She said : O Commander of the Faithful, I saw this Hadi in my dream when he says : I broke my covenant after you did not go close to the inhabitants of the cemeteries and forgot me and perverted in your faith. Before the morning, I became where I went to Sa’er, so Al-Rasheed said to her : Pipe dreams . She said : No, by God, Commander of the Faithful, as I wrote these verses in my heart . She was still shivering and beating until she died before morning .