
Kisaa Dreams of clothing indicate that projects will lead to success or failure as the clothing appears to be safe and clean or dirty and inherited . If you see beautiful but outdated clothing this foretells that you will have wealth but that you will disdain progressive ideas . If you discard the old-fashioned clothing, you will dispense with the current environment and enter into new relationships, new projects and new love relationships, and these will transform you into a different person . If you see yourself or others in white clothing, this indicates intense changes, and you will almost always find the change bearing sadness . If you walk with a person who wears white, then this indicates someone’s illness or grief, unless the person you saw in the dream is a girl or a child, and then you will have a pleasant surroundings for a season of the year, at least . If you see yourself or others in black clothing, this foretells of quarrels, disappointments, and grim health . If the dream refers to work, then the work will come below expectations . If you see yellow clothing, this foretells of imminent pleasure, and financial progress . If yellow is seen as a spectrum waning in unnatural light, the opposite can be expected . You will be lucky if you dreamed of yellow cloth . If you dream of a blue garment, this predicts that your ambitions will be pushed towards victory through persistent and energetic efforts . Friends will sincerely support you . If you dream of a scarlet clothe, this predicts that your ambitions will be pushed towards victory through persistent and energetic efforts . Friends will sincerely support you . If you dream of a scarlet clothe, this foretells that you will escape from square enemies by changing your public intention in time . If you see green clothing, this is a symbol of good prosperity and happiness . If you see a multi-colored covering, this predicts rapid changes and an intertwining of bad and good influences in your future . If you dreamed of disproportionate clothing, this implies conflicts in your emotions and that you will likely make a mistake in a project . If you see adults or young men in appropriate clothing, then this indicates that you undertake a work that you do not have any inclination towards, and it will lead to the emergence of many worries . If a woman sees that she is upset about her cloak, this foretells that she will encounter competitions that arouse her anger in connection with her search for some social discrimination . The admiration for others’ clothes indicates that she will be vulnerable to fears of jealousy from her friends . Dreaming of losing any piece of clothing indicates disturbances in your work and in matters of love . If a girl dreams that she is clad in black, this foretells that she will suffer from purification sadness and disappointment . If a girl dreamed that she met another, wearing a scarlet dress with a mourning veil on her face made of crepe fabric, this foretells that one who hardly considers her equal will surpass her and will arouse her disappointment against women in general . The dreamer interpreting the dream about clothe should be careful in noticing whether things appear normal . If the faces are distorted and the light is not related to the globe even though the colors are bright, be careful, because mismanaging a worthwhile plan will cause you harm . There are few dreams from which the element of evil disappears, just as there are few projects in the waking world in which the element of luck is avoided .