Nadra Sheikh bin Sheikh Al-Rahawi

A rare man also told me that Sheikh Muhammad bin Sheikh Issa al-Rahawi, famous for Mount Bani Alim from the country of Aleppo, saw in a dream as if Ibrahim al-Khalil, peace be upon him, gave him forty camels, so he came to Sheikh Shihab al-Din Ahmad bin al-Mohsen al-Maghribi, and he was at that time in a village from the corner of the bar, descending in it and telling him the vision Then he told him that the revelations will live forty years from that day, the narrator said, and he stayed until the end of forty. Then Sheikh Shihab al-Din mentioned to him to perform Hajj, because it is the end of the year that remained from the rest of the vision, so the aforementioned Hajj Sheikh Muhammad, when he returned to his village in its aforementioned exclusion, he stayed for three days and died and was buried in the honor of his father, Mister Isa mentioned Then Sheikh Shehab al-Din mentioned prayed for him and then died after him, the narrator said, and I heard that from the aforementioned Sheikh Shehab al-Din, and his story is well known in his country .