The young lady

A young woman is in a dream an enemy of a woman in any situation she sees . The unknown, adorned young woman indicates good news . And the beautiful young maid is good, victory, pleasure and joy . And unknown women are better than known . If the woman is concealed, then she is the best hidden with religion . If she is exposed, then the good is well known, and if it is veiled then the good is ambiguous, and if she is exposed, then the good is common . And the young woman, the best hope . And if he saw a young woman with a frowning face, he would have heard lonely news . If he saw a gaunt young woman, he would be struck by them and poverty . And if a person saw a naked young man, he lost his trade and was exposed in it . If he saw that he struck a virgin, the king of a village, or a profitable business . If a young woman sees that she has turned old, her vision indicates the goodness of her religion . If an old woman sees that she has become a young woman and returns to her her strength, the pillars of her religion become stronger .