
A lip in a dream is a man’s aid . And the lower is better than the upper . And the lips take the place of the woman, the boy and kinship . And whoever sees his lip cut off, he is a whimper . And whoever removes his upper lip, his grace will disappear, and if the lower lip is removed, his wife will die or divorce her . And the lips gathered by the lips, which indicates a cure for ailments . And perhaps the lips indicated the veil and the boys, guards, doors and locks . And perhaps the lips indicated knowledge, guidance, eating, joy, sadness and concealment of secrets . And perhaps the lips indicated the livelihood of the horns, the horns, the maker of bottles, and the like of the blow workers . The thinness of the lips and their redness are evidence of eloquence and guidance, and their hardness is a sign of dullness, and perhaps their blackness or blueness indicates the patient’s death because that is a sign of death . And perhaps the lips indicated that they applied to the eyelids, or the edges of the river and the well .