
Dust is in a dream denotes people because they were created from it . And perhaps he indicated cattle and beasts or the world and their people, because dust is from the earth, and it contains the consistency of the livelihood of creation, and the Arabs say : A man is dusted if he is rich . Perhaps dirt indicates poverty, the dead, or the grave. So whoever digs a ground and extracts its dirt, if he is sick or sick, then this is his grave, and if he is traveling, his dust is his earnings, money and interest, and beating on the earth is his travel, and if he is seeking marriage, the earth is a wife, and the digging is a dissolution, And the pickaxe is a male, dirt is a woman’s money . And if he was a fisherman, then he dug it for hunting, and his soil is his gain and what he benefits, otherwise his digging is required in his pursuit and he earns it deceit or trick . As for the one who shed his hand from the dirt, or shed a garment of dust, if he was rich, his money was lost, and he was afflicted with humiliation and need, and if he had a debt, or he had a deposit, he would return that to his family, and he removed all of it from his hand and needed after him, and if he was sick, then he shed his hand From the gains of the world, and stripped of his money . Hitting the hand with dirt is evidence of speculation and gain, and hitting it with a belt or stick indicates a good travel . Some of them said : Walking through dirt is seeking money, and if one collects or eats it, he collects money, and the money flows on his hands, and if the land is for someone else, then the money is for someone else, and if he carries something from the dirt, he will benefit as much as he carried . If he sweeps his house and collects dirt from it, then he is tricked into taking money from his wife, and if he collected it from his store, he collected money from his livelihood . And whoever sees as if he is blowing dust, then it is money that befalls him, and that dirt is money and their dirhams, and if he sees it as sweeping dust in a house and taking it out, then his wife’s money is gone . If the sky rains with dust, then it is good if it is not often . And whoever collapses his house and is struck by some of its dirt and dust, then he will get money from his inheritance . If he puts dirt on his head, he struck a wealth of weakening and weakening . And whoever sees it as if a person is pushing dirt on his head and eyes, then the one who pushes dirt spends on the one who is urged to wear an order on him, and obtain something intended . If he sees as if the sky rained much dust, then he is torment . And whoever sweeps his shop, and takes out dirt with cloth, he is transformed from place to place . The man walked in the dirt, seeking money . Whenever the dust on his head strikes him, they do not refer to God Almighty in it . Dust is the age and life of man . And dirt indicates livelihood, agriculture, satiety and hunger . And whoever saw that he sat on clean, good dirt, indicates happiness and victory, and perhaps even a doubt about religion . And perhaps he indicated the soil of the man from which he was created, or the soil to which he returns . And dirt with a woman in a dream is a doubtful lamb . Perhaps dirt refers to water, fire or wind because it is one of the elements . And it indicates the arduous travel in which there is a need for ablution . If someone goes to a point of dust, he praises the people with his poetry and disappointed his intention . Perhaps the dirt indicates the bad fortune . Perhaps dirt indicates the debt that dishonors the debtor . Dirt indicates the speed of relieving the need and the fulfillment of the promise, because it is dusted with it . And whoever has goods, Barthes, especially if he sees dirt with it or on it, even if the dirt is reversed .