See coffins, bowls, and the like

As for coffins and vessels, whoever sees that he has bought a coffin, gifted it to him, or sent down to him from heaven, he will be blessed with possession, knowledge, dream, sustenance, and tranquility. The coffin may be the man’s wife or his shop. If he sees that an accident has occurred in them, or whoever sees a goula, a garment, a sack, or the like Of the vessels, it is a container for what is in it of something, and perhaps that was the human heart a vessel for what is in it of good or evil, and whoever sees that his bag has ripped through the bottom and gone from it, then the bag is his body and the money is his soul, then he is inevitably lost and whoever sees that he is carrying an empty bag has run out His age, and whoever sees that he has bought a defect or a mug or the like, then he marries a woman, and whoever sees that he is carrying something from broken glass, then he has money, and whoever sees that he has a mug of water in his hand and falls from his hand and breaks and the water remains in his hand, then his wife gives birth to a boy and her son remains and whoever sees pots in his house Herbs or pans or pots or pans and people are familiar with them. If there is a sick person who died, and if the patient eats from them, this is evidence of his death. The pots may be a sign of the value of the house and the number of her husband, and whoever sees that he wipes his lamp or fixes his filament, it is a good news to him of the safety of his eyesight, the health of his seeker, and whoever sees In Canon, power, or Masrjiah, good or bad corruption The value of this is in the values ​​of the house, and whoever sees anything from jugs, rituals, circumstances, and utensils, because they are all women and servants, what he saw in them of goodness or corruption, then this is interpreted in the servants and slaves and the ax is a servant and the anointing is a servant.