Heat a fire to cook a pot

He saw that it fueled a fire to cook a bit : the food it raises something that affects him the benefit of the people of the house of values . If there is no food in the pot, then it irritates a man who is the values ​​of the household with words, and leads him to an unpleasant matter . If he sees that the fire burned some of his body parts, then he will suffer as much damage as the burning, if some of the organs are burned . If the garment is all or all of his body, then it will suffer a calamity in what is attributed to it in the interpretation, or in part of itself, or in the one who is dear to it . If the fire is a flame or a tongue, then the harm that befalls him is at the hands of a ruler or in war . If it did not have a flame, then that would be diseases, plague and painter . If he saw it hit a fire in the pot or achieved : it is haram money, as if he saw his hand flame, it affects the people of the Sultan . And if it had a flame or smoke, then it would have in its power that war and horror, and God Almighty is the successor to the right thing .