As if his neck was struck and his head was removed from it

And the head is on a spear or a wood of a high-ranking chief, and whoever sees it as if one of the heads of people is in a vessel with blood on it, then he is a chief man lying to him . And whoever saw that his neck had been struck and his head turned away from him, if he was sick, he would be cured, or he was in debt, or he had settled his debt, or if Hajj was necessary . And if he was in distress or war, he would be relieved, and if he knew who had hurt him, then that would happen at the hands of the one who hit him, and if the one who struck him was a boy who had not yet reached puberty, then that was his relief and relief from what he is in from distress or illness, which is his death in that case . Likewise, if he sees while he is sick, his illness has prolonged, his sins have fallen from him, or he is known for his goodness, then he will meet God in his best condition and release him . The same applies to the woman who has given birth, and the patient who is discontinued, or whoever is in the sea of ​​the enemy, and what is evidenced by testimony . If he sees the neck being struck by someone who does not have distress or anything of what you have described, then what is in him of bliss is cut off, and he is separated from him by the division of his leader, and his authority is removed from him, and his condition changes in all his affairs .