…Silk worm Seeing a silk worm in a dream denotes that you are preoccupied with businesses that will earn you abundant profits and will allow you to receive a center . If you see the silk worm dead or wrapped in its cocoon, this predicts deteriorating conditions and difficult times ….

…The worm is in a dream a girl . And worms in the stomach are the children of man who eat from his money . And whoever sees worms emerging from his anus, they are his descendants . And whoever sees as if a worm is coming out of his mouth, then his household wants to deceive him and deceive him, and he knows that and is saved from their deception . And whoever sees that worms come out of his stomach without his action, he will keep away from evil people, and he will have honor and purity in that . If the worms come out of the body they are gone, and the pus if they come out is their removal . And worms are the enemy of parents . The silkworms are the subjects of the Sultan, and it was said : The silkworms are the merchant’s customer, and whoever sees anything of that will get money . It was said : silkworms indicate forbidden money ….

Worm If you dreamed of worms, this indicates that mean machinations of disreputable people will cause you grief . If a girl dreams that worms are running on her, this indicates that her ambitions will always be inclined towards everything material . If a girl kills worms or shakes them off, she will get rid of material indifference and seek to live by the principles of virtue and attachment to spirituality . If you use worms in your dreams as bait for fish, then this foretells that, through your ingenuity, you will use your enemies in a way that shows their advantages ….

…And whoever sees a worm in his bag, it declines in two ways, either someone betrays him or his life is near ….

…And whoever sees a green worm, he shall interpret a good woman ….

…The wicker of the palm trees is like the hair of a sheep, and the ground of wood is like a worm in the body . And whoever hit him in his body, let him be a kinship to him…

…Leeches in a dream are like a worm that eats the human body, and they are his and his children . And whoever sees a leech emerging from his nose, anus, or his mouth, his wife will give birth to a child before the completion of his pregnancy . And leeches indicate the enemies ….

…The bird is in a dream glory, sultan and adornment, and the merchant has a profit . If the bird is unknown, it indicates the angel of death . And if the bird picks up a leaf, a worm, and the like and flies with it to the sky from a house where the sick person is, then it will die . And it may refer to the traveler who saw him has fallen on him . It may refer to the work of those who saw it on his head or shoulder . If it is white then it is clear, and if it is colored then it is a different action . Unless he has a pregnant woman, if the bird is a male then it is a boy, and if it is a female then she is a girl . The great birds denote the kings, presidents, scholars and the rich . And the waterfowl is the noblest who attained the rule in two aspects : the authority of the water and the authority of the air . And what birds do not sing or mourn for companions of singing and noah . And what a zero of birds and sparrows and beavers and nightingales are little boys . And the group of birds for those who eat them money, dinars and power, especially if he is caring for them . And whoever sees birds flying over his head, he will obtain the mandate and rulership . If he sees birds flying in his place, they are the angels . And whoever sees a bird that comes from heaven and falls between his hands, it is a constant good news for him to rejoice . Perhaps the unknown bird indicated the warning and exhortation . And whoever has a good plane in a dream is his good work, or a good messenger came to him . And whoever saw a bird with a full-fledged creation, perhaps it was bad, or a human messenger came to it . And the unknown bird sustains . And it was said : Black birds indicate bad deeds, white birds indicate good deeds, and colored birds are works of confusion ….

…Al-Hawi’s vision in a dream indicates the cohabitation of evil people and the courtesy of the enemies. If he had life with him in the dream, and the visionary was ill, this indicates the longevity of his life and his life, and if he did not have any of that but became a silk worm, that indicates his repentance if he was sinful He was rich if he was poor, and perhaps he moved from a poor craft to a good one . And perhaps Al-Hawi indicated that of the slave girls, Mamluks, and Ajam . Perhaps his vision indicated diseases . Eve is a man like ….

…The unknown bird is an indication of the angel of death, if it picks up a pebble, a leaf, a worm, or the like and flies with it to the sky from a house where a sick person and the like died . He may refer to the traveler who saw him fall on him, and he may refer to the work of the one who saw him on his head, on his shoulder, on his lap or on his neck, for the Almighty says : “ And every person has bound his bird in his neck, ” meaning his work, and if it is white then it is pure, and if it is colored darkness then it is work various non – net, only to have a pregnant woman, the bird was a male boy it, though female is a girl, the story has lived and stayed with him, and he flew was little to stay . As for the chick that does not feed itself, it spawns on the one who carries it, finds it, or takes it, unless it has a lamb, so it is a child, and so is every little animal of the animal . As for the largest bird and its sevenths . It is a sign of kings, presidents, people of wealth, scholars, people of wealth and wealth, and as for carrion eaters such as the crow, eagle, honeydew and marmot, then they are immoral, thieves or evil owners, and as for the water birds, they are supervised, they have attained the leadership in two ways, and they acted between two powers : the authority of water and the power of the air, and perhaps it indicated men Travel on land and sea . And if they sounded they were moaning and weeping, and as for what the birds sing or mourned, they were singing and noah, male or female . As for the smallest birds, such as sparrows, grouse, and nightingales, they are young boys : and the group of birds is the one who owns it or has money, dinars, and authority on it, especially if he cares for it, feeds it, or assigns it ….

…If he saw in his stomach a worm eating from his stomach, then they were his children eating from his money . The lice are children of a man, and if he sees that he is scattering lice or worms from his body or from some of his members, and he sees that they are very much on his body, clothes, or one of them, then the owner of that will strike money, modesty and children ….