the toilet

The bathroom : denotes the woman to dissolve the mizarah with him, and the person is taken with him when his sweat comes out, as his sperm falls in the womb, and it is like a vulva . And perhaps he indicated the role of the people of Hell and the people of evil, strife and speech, such as the role of adulterers and prisons, and the role of rulers and collectors for his fire and oppression or the clamor of his family and the good gates of it and the abundance of water flowing in it . And perhaps indicated by the sea and sickness, and to hell . Whoever sees himself in a bathroom or someone else sees him in it, and if he sees him dead, then he is in the fire and the intimate, because Hell is perceptive and has different gates, and in it the intimate and the blushing, and if a patient sees that, I will look at his condition, and if he sees that he is outside the house of heat to the house of purity, and his illness is Awake free, I rose up . So whoever washes and got out of it, he came out intact . If his illness was a cold, it increased and feared for him . If he washes, however, and wears white clothes, contrary to his habit, and rides a boat that is not appropriate for him, then that is to wash him, shroud him and his coffin . And if that was in the winter, the cramp frightened him . If he sees that he is inside the house of heat, then he is against what was previously mentioned in the exit, then the consideration will be made, and the middle house will be for the sick who sat in it, indicating that he is mediating in his illness until he enters or leaves, then it is either setback or recovery . And if he was not sick, and he had a quarrel or need in the house of a ruler, a ruler, or a ruler, a judgment for him and him is based on the extent of the heat or coldness he received in the bathroom, or slippery or spray . If none of that, and the man was celibate, got married or attended a feast or funeral, and there was noise or noise, worries and grief in it, like the one in the bathroom, otherwise he would have a reason for him from the money of the world with a ruler because of the flow of water and sweat, which is money . Sweat may indicate worry, fatigue, and illness, especially in the cloudiness and temperature of the bathroom . If he was stripped of his clothes, then it is with his wife, and for her sake and for her family and for her family, what the bath calls for will be performed on him . If he is in his clothes, then the matter is from a foreign point of view or some forbidden matters such as the mother, daughter and sister so that his conditions are considered also, and his ranks and places of residence are transferred, and what he met or met by his disposal in the bathroom, and his transfer in it from place to place . And if he sees that he entered it through a channel or a small energy in his door, or there was a lion, lioness, beast, crows, or life in it, then he is a woman who enters her in a decoration, and he meets with her the people of evil and immorality among the people . Some of them said : The bathroom is a house of harm, and whoever enters it gets hurt by the women . Pigeons derive from their intimate name, for they are ham, and pigeons are a brother-in-law or relative . If hot water was used in it, the women would become distressed, and if it was overwhelmed and entered the bathroom, it came out of its cloud . If he takes a sitting in the bathroom, then he breaks the woman and announces his command, because the bathroom is the place where the ‘awrah is exposed . If he builds a bath, then he will commit indecency and abhor him with that . If the bathroom is hot and soft, then his family, son-in-law, and relatives of his women agree, help him and pity him . If it is cold, it does not mix with it and does not benefit from them . And if he was very hot, then they would be rugged, and he did not see them pleased with their severity . And it was said that he saw that he was in the hot house . For a man betrays him with his wife, and he is striving to stop him, so he does not prepare for him . If the basin is full and water flows from the hot house to the middle house, then it will make him angry with his wife, and if the bathroom is attributed to the wrath of the world, and if it is cold, then the person who has the vision is poor and with little income, and his hand does not reach what he wants . And if he is hot, soft and sympathetic, then his affairs are of love, and he will be a lover of a state, who sees in him a relief and joy . And if it is very hot, then it will be fertile, and it will not have a measure, and it will not be praised by the people . And it was said that he who saw that he entered a bathroom is evidence of a chilling fever . If he sees that he drank hot water from the hot house, or poured it or bathed with it in a manner other than washing, then it is worry, distress, sickness and dread, as much as the hot water, and if he drank it from the middle house, then it is a solid fever . If a drink from a cold house, then he is a painter, and if he sees that he washes himself in hot water and wants to travel, then he should not travel . If he is hired by a person seeking his benefit, then he does not have relief, because God Almighty says : ~ And if they seek help, they will be treated with water like a time of time .~ If the bath, the ablution, and the noura are combined, take the bath and the bath and leave the bath, for that is stronger in interpretation . If he sees an unknown pigeon in his place, then there is a woman that people will watch . And some of them said : Whoever saw it as if he was building a bathroom, he relieved himself . And he narrated that a man saw as if he had slipped in the bathroom, so he cut it at a crossing, and he said : You are so bad . He showed him that he had slipped in the bathroom, and his leg was broken .