
Dirt : denotes people, the earth, and has the consistency of the livelihood of creation, and the Arabs say : A man will be dusted if he is rich . And perhaps indicated by poverty, death and the grave, because it is the bed of the dead . And the Arabs say : A man is raised if he is poor . He says : ~ or needy The dusty ~ it is digging the ground and mined soil, it was sick or has a sick, that his grave, though he was traveling, he dug his travel, and soil earned him and his money and interest, because the beating in the ground travel, the verse : ~ and others They strike on the ground . ~ And if he is a woman seeking marriage, then the land is his wife, the digging is deforestation, the male pickaxe, and the dirt is the woman’s money or the blood of her excuse . And if he is a fisherman, then his digging is his betrayal for hunting, and his soil is his gain and what benefits him, otherwise his digging is required in his pursuit and gain, deceit or trick . The basic principle of digging is that which is dug for a seventh of the foam in order to fall into it, so deceitful digging is required for that . As for the one who has dirtied his hands from dirt, or his garment from dust, or with it on the ground, if he is rich, his money is lost and he is in need of humiliation and need, and if he has a debt or has a deposit, he returns that to his family and removes all of it from his hand, and needs after him, even if it is Sick, his hand diminished the benefits of this world, stripped of his money and caught up with dirt . And hitting the land with dirt, indicates speculation with profit, and hitting it with a belt or stick, indicates a fine travel, and some of them said : walking in the dirt, seeking money, and if he collects or eats it, he collects money and money gets on his hands, and if the land is for someone else, then the money is for someone else. If he carries something of dirt, he will be in a benefit as much as he carried, and if he sweeps his house and collects dirt from it, then he is cheating until he takes money from his wife, and if he collects it from his shop, he accumulates money from his livelihood . And whoever sees that dirt is drained, it is money that befalls him, because dirt is yours and money, and if he sees that he swept dust on the roof of his house and took it out, then it is the departure of his wife’s money, and if the sky rains dirt, then it is good that it is not often . And whoever collapses his house and struck him from its dirt and dust, he struck money from his inheritance, and if he put dirt on his head, he would hit money from disfigurement and weakness . And whoever sees as if a person is stirring dirt in his eye, then the Hittite spends money on the Hittite to wear something on him or obtain from him what is intended . If he sees as if the sky rained a lot of dirt, then he is torment, and whoever sweeps his shop and takes out the dirt with a cloth, he turns from place to place .