Does the expression of the vision differ according to the different countries of the seer?

Does the expression of the vision differ according to the different countries of the seer? A : Yes, the expression differs according to the different status and organization of the seer, as we mentioned, and this includes his industry, stature, religion, and age … The question here about the country and his knowledge is important in the expression, for a hot country differs from a cold country, and a petroleum country that depends on oil, It differs from the agricultural country, and the country that depends on sea water and its fishing differs from the country that is located in the desert and depends on land hunting, and a country with a mountainous nature differs from a flat country .. For example, seeing snow for them is through livelihood, fertility, or the arrival of rain . And the vision of green farms for the people of the agricultural country may indicate the abundant sale of crops and the safety of the crop from pests, and it is for non-residents of this country that may not be such an accurate expression with regard to agricultural crops . Thus, the customs of the country are important. If a person in a country sees that he is practicing the habit of his country and it is disapproved at the crossing, then the expresser should not hurry and ask the seeker about his customs in his country, for it may be benign at the time when the crossing finds it objectionable, and customs are referred to the prevailing custom, and it differs from one country to another .