Porridge some lions

If the tharedah was from broth that was cooked with meat of some of the lions, then its owner follows an unjust people out of fear and hatred, or between him and a people who are oppressors is a trade . And the fact that the fat in it is evidence of the prohibition of its benefit, and if it is without fat there is no benefit in it . If the thuridah was made from broth that was cooked with dog meat, it indicates a despicable guardianship over a foolish people . Or a vile trade or industry with foolish and mean people . If he sees as if he ate all the porridge, then he will die for that humiliation and poverty . And if the tureh is part of a bird’s seventh dish, then it is a cunning deal with a people of darkness with forbidden money . The sentence is that the porridge is basically the life of a man, his earnings and subsistence, and its benefits are as much as its fatness, and its permissibility and prohibited are as much as the essence of its meat .